Winds of Destiny: Rising ~ {H...


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~ Part Two of the Winds of Destiny Series! ~ Perceptions and loyalties are put to the test as Misaki and Haw... More

Chapter One: Bittersweet Dreams
Chapter Two: Truth Hurts
Chapter Three: Best Laid Plans
Chapter Four: Taking Chances
Chapter Five: Torimodo Misaki: Origin
Chapter Six: Cat and Mouse
Chapter Seven: New Developments
Chapter Eight: Spy Games
Chapter Nine: Blue Christmas
Chapter Ten: Fate or Karma
Chapter Eleven: Hidden Message
Chapter Twelve: Going Home
Chapter Thirteen: Dinner Date
Chapter Fourteen: Counterespionage
Chapter Fifteen: Detour
Chapter Sixteen: Tailspin
Chapter Seventeen: Misdirection
Chapter Eighteen: Clarity
Chapter Nineteen: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 20: Hope and Faith
Chapter Twenty-One: Culmination - Part One
Chapter Twenty-Two: Culmination - Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Three: Aftermath
Chapter Twenty-Four: New Beginnings
Chapter Twenty-Five: Moving On
Chapter Twenty-Six: Setting the Record Straight
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Atonement
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Full Circle
Chapter Thirty: Rising Dawn

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Hands All Over

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Hawks slumped down onto the break room table, stretching his arms out in front of him and resting his chin on the surface as he let out an uncomfortable groan. "Oh man, I'm stuffed."

Misaki slid him a sidelong glance, lifting a couple of dirty dishes from the tabletop as she remarked, "You didn't have to finish everything."

He slid his eyes closed and breathed out a heavy sigh before whining, "You know I can't say no to good food, Misa-chan."

Turning away to hide her smile, Misaki closed her eyes and subtly shook her head as she thought to herself, 'Some things never change...'

Chuckling softly under her breath, she headed off to the kitchen to pass the dirty dishes off to the sidekicks who'd taken it upon themselves to handle the cleanup. Endeavor's Agency had employed over thirty or so sidekicks before the PLF battle; now, they were down to less than a handful of remaining heroes, including Endeavor himself. Most of Best Jeanist's sidekicks were still going strong, but they were being delegated to areas where many hero agencies had abandoned their posts. The ones who were left were already spread pretty thin as it was, and it only seemed like more and more heroes were dropping like flies with each passing day.

The Todoroki family had taken their leave shortly after they'd finished eating in order to get back home before it got dark. They had a lot of packing to do in preparation for their move into the shelter at UA the next morning. Shoto had called the school to work out an escort for them after everyone had finally agreed to the temporary relocation. They had offered to drop Misaki off at her apartment on the way, but she'd elected to remain behind instead. She hadn't had much of an opportunity to spend any time alone with Hawks, not while he was conscious at least, and she wanted to make the most of whatever time they did have while she could.

As she stepped out of the kitchen to make her way back toward the break room, her phone suddenly began to vibrate in her pocket. She fished it out and glanced down at the screen inquisitively before pressing the green answer button and bringing the device up to her ear.

"Mirio-kun?" She asked with a curious lilt to her voice.

"Hi there Misaki-san!" The exuberant are you teenager's cheerful voice replied.

"Is everything alright?" Misaki followed up, a little concerned as to the reason why the newly rewound hero would be calling her so late in the evening.

"As well as can be expected, I guess." She heard him let out a small, nervous-sounding chuckle before continuing, "I was actually calling to see if you'd moved into one of the shelters yet?"

"Oh, um, no, not yet," she stuttered in reply.

It wasn't like she hadn't considered it. After nearly being robbed and assaulted in her own home yesterday, the idea of moving to a shelter should have been pretty appealing to her. However, she also knew that she would be moving there by herself. Hawks had already told her that he was planning on getting back to work, with or without his wings. She wasn't sure what Shira had planned for her new job, but considering how the meeting with the Prime Minister had gone that morning, she had a feeling that she was going to end up being pretty involved in hero work again. Call it wishful thinking, but she was kind of hoping that she'd be able to work at the agency in a back-office capacity while Hawks and the others worked on tracking down the League.

"Well, I was hoping that you might consider moving in here," Mirio's hopeful-sounding voice asked after a brief pause.

Misaki cocked her head to the side and blinked. "To UA?"

"For Eri-chan, I mean!" Mirio immediately replied. "Things are a little overwhelming right now, with everything that's happened, and I'm a little worried about her."

Apprehension flashed through Misaki at the mention of the little girl's name and she anxiously inquired, "Is she okay?"

Mirio was silent for a short moment before answering her in an almost guilty-sounding tone of voice, "Yeah, she's just been really quiet lately. Ever since the raids ended. I actually haven't been able to spend very much time with her. All of the experienced hero students have been busy helping out with patrols, and Aizawa-sensei... Well, he's not exactly in the best shape. I just think it would help to have a familiar face around to keep her company. So she doesn't shut herself off again, you know?"

Misaki slid her eyes closed and leaned back against the wall behind her, taking a deep breath in through her nose before letting it out slowly from her mouth before replying, "I understand. I'll start making preparations first thing in the morning."

There was no decision to be made. If Eri needed her, that was where she would go. No matter what, she could not, would not put her own feelings ahead of Eri's. She loved that little girl like she was her own and turning her back on her now because she didn't want to be apart from Hawks was something that Misaki just wasn't capable of. Deep down, she knew that he would understand, and he would support her decision to help the little girl; not that it made the situation any easier for her to consider at the moment.

"Thanks, Misaki-san!" Mirio enthusiastically replied. "I'll let Principal Nezu know. I'm certain Eri-chan will be really happy to see you!"

They said their goodbyes and Misaki ended the call. She couldn't say that she wasn't looking forward to spending time with Eri, but a big part of her was dreading having to say goodbye to Hawks again so soon. The rational part of her knew that it wouldn't be like it was last time. They would still be able to talk on the phone and maybe even in person sometimes, even if they couldn't be together as often as they wanted to until things calmed down with the villains rampaging throughout the country. However, that didn't stop the emotional side of her from feeling like a toddler throwing a massive temper tantrum for not getting what she wanted. Heaving a deep sigh, she shook her head and pushed those thoughts away, quickly composing herself before pushing off from the wall and heading back into the break room.

Taking a seat next to Hawks who was still sprawled out across the dining table, she gently prodded his shoulder and said, "Hey. You can't really sleep here, ya know?"

"Five more minutes..." His grumbled reply sounded out a moment later.

Smiling to herself, she reached out to run her fingers through his hair in a comforting gesture. After a few gentle strokes, she heard his muffled, scratchy voice address her, "I thought you didn't want me to fall asleep here."

"Well I'd rub your back, but..." She trailed off with a playful lilt to her voice.

He sluggishly crossed his arms underneath his head, turning his face toward her and cracking his eyes open as he said, "It seemed like you and the elder Todoroki siblings hit it off pretty well."

She stared back at him with a tender expression while continuing to gently run her fingers through his short hair. "Yeah. It was kinda nice actually, getting to spend some time with people around my own age for a change."

"I guess you haven't really had many opportunities to do that lately, huh?" He remarked with a muted, almost remorseful sounding tone to his scratchy voice.

"Not since I was ten years old. I was always surrounded by people who were more or less twice my age until I got the job at the bank and befriended Ai." She shot him a softly playful grin as she said, "And then I met you."

He returned her grin before shifting his gaze to the side and commenting with a lightly reminiscent tone, "We've both always been a little mature for our ages, huh?"

Misaki braced her elbow atop the table and rested her chin on her open palm as she lightly mused, "Maybe someday when we're old and gray we'll be considered young for our ages."

They sat there in comfortable silence for a moment before Hawks turned his wonder-filled gaze back to her and said, "I'm constantly amazed by the way you look at things."

She grimaced slightly before admitting, "I think I actually heard that in a vitamin commercial once."

He huffed out a short chuckle in response and before long, they were both rolling with laughter. It was like the subtle tension that had been hanging around them since they'd left her apartment that morning had lifted, and they were able to get back some of their comfortable normalcy in that one brief moment.

Sitting back in his seat, Hawks reached up to wipe some of the mirth from the corner of his eye and sighed. "I really needed a laugh like that..."

"I'm going to move into the shelter at UA tomorrow," Misaki found herself admitting before she could think better of it.

Hawks's eyes widened in shock as he turned to look at her and all levity abruptly left his expression.

Unable to bring herself to hold his stare, she dropped her gaze into her lap and told him, "I got a call from one of Eri's caretakers a few minutes ago. He asked if I would consider moving there to help take care of her while they're all working, and I agreed."

There was a long beat of silence before she heard his soft voice say, "I think that's a good idea."

Misaki slowly slid her eyes closed and ducked her head to hide the tears that suddenly threatened to spill out of them. As she'd thought, she wasn't prepared. Six months of separation and they only had two days together before being forced apart again. It wasn't enough.

"Hey." Hawks tucked his finger under her chin and tilted her face up, capturing her eyes with his as he reached down to gingerly lift her necklace with his fingers. "Do you remember what I told you when I gave this to you?"

She thought back to the time when he'd presented her with the necklace on her birthday last year...


"I guess you could think of it as a kind of memento."

Misaki blinked, tilting her head to the side inquisitively. "A memento?"

Hawks stood up from his seat and walked around behind her, reaching out to take the necklace from her and securing it around her neck as he explained, "A physical symbol to remind you of my feelings for you. No matter how far apart we may be, or for how long, I hope this will help give you peace of mind that I will always come back to you."


Not trusting herself to speak at the moment, Misaki simply nodded in reply.

"It's just as true now as it was then." He released her necklace, dropping his gaze as he whispered regretfully, "I wish more than anything that we could be together right now, but—"

She lifted her hand and softly pressed her fingers against his lips, cutting him off as she said, "I know."

She didn't want to make him say it any more than she wanted to hear it. They both knew where they were needed at the moment, and it wasn't with each other. Their time would come. It wasn't like they were putting their relationship on the backburner the way they had while he'd been spying on the League. Both of them had grown and matured in their time apart. They had become mentally and emotionally strong enough now to handle whatever life had in store for them. This was just a temporary speed bump in their path, and she believed in their ability to get over it. Together.

She forced a smile onto her face as she lifted her gaze to his and said, "We better make tonight count then, huh?"

He stared into her eyes for a long moment before dropping his gaze to her lips. She parted them to draw in a breath as he leaned toward her, but before their lips could touch, they were interrupted by the sudden sound of Best Jeanist's throat conspicuously clearing from behind them.

They both lifted their eyes toward the lanky hero before awkwardly sitting back away from one another.

"Perhaps the two of you should find a more private place to engage in such activities," he drawled reprovingly.

"Sorry..." Hawks trailed off, shifting uncomfortably as Jeanist turned and walked away.

Taking note of his suddenly awkward behavior, Misaki curiously asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, my back is just a little itchy," he admitted, grimacing slightly while shrugging his shoulders in an attempt to alleviate some of his discomfort.

Misaki reached out to gently run her fingernails over the area that appeared to be causing him the most distress, being careful to apply just enough pressure to relieve his pain without causing any damage to his healing tissue. He immediately hunched forward in relief, and she casually suggested, "You should probably take a shower. We'll need to clean your wounds before redressing them anyway."

He distractedly nodded in presumed agreement with her suggestion and they both made their way out of the break room and down the hall to the section of the building where the showers were located.

After she'd followed him into the locker room, she began to tug the zipper on the side of her dress down when she heard Hawks ask in blatant shock, "What are you doing?"

Halting in her actions, she glanced up at him and asked, "What do you mean? You didn't think you were gonna wash your back by yourself, did you?"

Turning her attention back to her task, Misaki finished unfastening her dress and pulled it up over her head before hanging it up on the hook inside one of the lockers. Realizing that she was the only one undressing at the moment, she stopped in the process of removing her undergarments and glanced over at Hawks, only to find him standing there staring at her like a deer in the headlights.

"What is wrong with you?" She asked, feeling more than a little bit concerned with his overly conspicuous staring.

He took a deep breath and leaned back, looking her up and down with wide eyes as he told her, "If you go in there with me looking like that... I'm not confident that I'm gonna be able to keep my hands to myself."

Misaki almost laughed at his honest admission, coupled with the expression of dubious anticipation etched across his face as he stared at her mostly uncovered body. Regaining a bit of her feminine confidence, she stepped into his personal space and reached out to unbutton his shirt, replying in a slightly husky sounding voice, "Then don't. Once we get you cleaned up," she raised her eyes to his as she flipped the claps on his pants open. "You can touch me as much as you want."

She felt his left palm slide over the bare skin of her waist as his right hand cupped her neck and he tilted her chin up with his thumb as he eyed her mouth with an almost predatory gleam in his golden irises. He leaned in with clear intent to kiss her and she opened her mouth slightly while calmly lifting her index finger to press against his lips as she crooned, "Shower first."

A hint of frustration flashed through his eyes before he slid them closed and softly sighed. Cracking them open again, he gazed down at her in acquiescence and grudgingly replied, "Okay."

She smiled up at him, biting the corner of her lip and giggling softly as he stepped away from her and shot her a playful, narrowed glare before proceeding to remove the rest of his clothing on his own. Misaki finished undressing and wrapped a white terrycloth robe that she had found in one of the lockers around herself before following Hawks into the showers. Turning on the overhead spray, she let the water soak through his bandages before attempting to remove them. It was less painful to pull off the burnt tissue that had sluffed off throughout the day while they were wet instead of dry. The treatment that he had undergone at Central Hospital was triggering his tissue to undergo the healing process in a fraction of the time it would have taken for his body to heal itself normally, which was attributing greatly to his fatigue at the moment. She had to consciously force herself not to gasp once she'd finally removed all of his dressings.

The scarring was quite extensive.

Just thinking about the pain he must have endured during his battle with Dabi brought a fresh round of tears to her eyes. She'd gotten a pretty up-close look at the mostly unhealed damage while she'd been following the doctor's instructions for cleaning his burns after he'd passed out on her in her living room last night. How she'd made it through all of that without breaking down into a sobbing mess was beyond her. His back seemed to have almost completely scarred over at this point, which was probably why he'd been so itchy. The amount of dead tissue that had come off while she'd been removing his bandages was slightly grotesque. On the bright side, she could almost make out a few regular-sized feathers beginning to grow back into the stumps of his wings. There was no telling how long it was going to take for them to fill back in completely, but it appeared at least that they were starting to make a slight recovery.

She dispensed a bit of shower gel into her palms and began carefully running her soapy hands over his back, being as gentle as she could so as not to hurt him or aggravate his wounds. As she ran her hands up over his shoulders, she heard him say, "Tell me about Eri."

Smiling softly to herself as she thought of the little crimson-eyed girl, Misaki explained, "Eri is a seven-year-old orphan who was recovered from the raid on the Shie Hassaikai compound last fall. They'd been using her blood and tissue to synthesize enhancement drugs."

Hawks glanced back at her in surprise. "Those quirk erasing bullets? That's the girl you've been looking after?"

Misaki nodded, continuing to wash his back while he took care of his front. "She was pretty traumatized from the years of abuse she endured at the hands of Overhaul. Her quirk is incredibly unique, and dangerously powerful. After she was recovered during the raid, she was remanded into the custody of one of the teachers at UA until she learned how to properly control it. Since the nature of my quirk is pretty similar to hers, I volunteered to help her."

"What happened to her parents?" He asked in a genuinely curious tone of voice.

Having finally finished with his back, Misaki moved forward and dispensed some shampoo into her hands before adjusting the spray to the handheld showerhead and stepping around in front of him to wash his hair. "Pretty much the same thing that happened to mine, except she Rewound her father back before he was conceived."

"Wow..." Hawks's voice trailed off, sounding somewhat distracted all of a sudden.

Paying his tone little heed, she continued to gently run her sudsy fingers through his hair as she explained, "Her mother abandoned her with her grandfather and disappeared after that. He was actually the boss of the Shie Hassaikai at the time, but he's been in a coma for the last three years."

She began to feel a bit of a draft as the front of her bathrobe was nudged open, just before she felt his lips begin placing soft kisses atop her bare breasts. Swallowing thickly, she shifted her gaze downward and calmly called his name to get his attention, "Keigo."

He glanced up at her innocently and hummed, "Hm?"

She narrowed her eyes at him and said, "Stop distracting me."

Sitting back a bit, he readjusted her robe to cover her chest and murmured abashedly, "Sorry."

Grinning softly as she shook her head, she reached out to pick up the handheld showerhead and told him, "Tilt your head back."

He obediently did as he was told, and while she was rinsing the soap from his hair, he asked, "How's she doing?"

"Great, actually," Misaki sincerely replied. "Just a few days ago, she was able to completely restore the quirk of one of the heroes who was shot with an eraser bullet while he was attempting to rescue her."

"No kidding?" He mused as he tilted his head back up once she'd finished rinsing his hair before reaching out to slip his hands inside the edges of her loosened robe and work it the rest of the way open.

She moaned softly at the feeling of his large palms slipping up her waist from her hips and she replaced the showerhead, turning off the water while continuing to speak. "Mhm. Her power has its limits though. Since her quirk is an accumulation type, once she uses all of her stored energy, it takes her a while to build it back up again, and—" She cut off sharply when she felt him start kissing his way down her taught stomach. "Hey, are you listening to me?"

He smirked up at her before continuing to trail his lips down her abdomen, holding her stare as he placed a gentle kiss atop her right pelvic bone before sarcastically telling her, "I'm multitasking."

"You know this is a communal shower, right?" She responded dryly.

His cheeky grin widened. "Misa-chan... I warned you that I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you if you came in here with me dressed like this."

A startled gasp left her lungs the moment she felt his tongue slip between her folds, and she bucked backward out of his hold, pressing herself back against the tile wall of the shower with a soft shriek. "Keigo—!"

He shot her a playfully incredulous look before hitting his knees in front of her and pressing another soft kiss just below her belly button, staring up into her eyes as he exasperatedly asked, "Will you please relax and just let me love you?"

Not waiting for a response, he ducked his head and drew her bud back into his mouth, flicking the tip of his tongue all the way up from her entrance to her clit, gently but firmly gripping her hips so she couldn't pull away from him again. Misaki rolled her eyes up into her head and followed his suggestion, relaxing back against the shower wall and pulling the edge of her bottom lip between her teeth.

A guttural moan erupted from deep inside her chest at the sensation and she sighed in pleasure, "You have no idea how much I missed this..."

Hawks responded in kind, upping the speed and pressure of his mouth's attentions on her core. He wasn't messing around, going straight in for the kill with every swipe of his tongue and suckling, open-mouthed kiss he laved upon her swollen bud. She had to sink her teeth into the knuckle of her index finger to keep from crying out as he continued to relentlessly push her closer and closer to the edge of reason. Unable to hold herself back any longer, Misaki let out a gasping cry and hunched forward, bracing her hands against his shoulders to keep herself upright as her release harshly crashed through her. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she let out a deep moan as she rocked her hips against his mouth to ride out the waves of pleasure, panting and shuddering softly with every gentle swipe of his tongue against her folds.

When she'd finally come down from her high enough to crack her eyes open, the first thing she noticed was the splotch of red against the pale skin of his shoulder and she immediately extracted her fingernails from his skin before gasping in alarm. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay," he tried to assure her, but she cut him off, grabbing a washcloth from the bench behind him and pressing it against the wounds.

"Keigo, you're bleeding!"

"Oh," he nonchalantly commented, glancing down at his shoulder with an almost curious expression and lifting the edge of the washcloth to inspect the damage.

"I'll go get the first aid kit," Misaki hastily said before turning to move toward the locker area, but her progress was halted by a hand gripping her wrist.

She glanced back at Hawks who casually told her, "I got it."

A moment later, the midsize first aid kit she'd prepared to use to re-dress his burns after his shower came shakily floating in from the locker area atop a few of his feathers to land in her waiting hands.

She stared at it for a second before glancing back at Hawks and saying, "Thanks."

He shot her a toothy grin and quipped, "No problem."

Moving to set the case down on the bench, she readjusted her robe to cover her bare necessities before sitting down next to it and flipping the lid open, selecting the disinfectant and a few rolls of bandages. Turning toward Hawks who had taken a seat next to her, she removed the washcloth and began cleaning his wounds before asking offhandedly, "How are they? Your wings?"

He lifted his shoulders in a small shrug, glancing over his shoulder as he nonchalantly replied, "They're healing a lot slower than usual. Considering the amount of damage they took, I guess that's to be expected."

Her worry must have clearly shown on her face because he followed up a moment later in a slightly gentler tone, "You don't have to look so concerned, Misa-chan. I'm gonna be okay." His voice took on a more playful cadence as he continued, "I mean, as long as you don't keep digging your fingernails into my back when I make you come—"

He cut off with a sharp yelp when she reached out to pinch a small patch of unburnt skin on his chest.

"I didn't do it on purpose," she groused, glaring at him dryly as she finished dressing the wounds she'd unintentionally inflicted upon him before proceeding to wrap his burns.

Reaching up to grasp one of her hands, he brought the backs of her knuckles to his lips and placed a soft kiss on top of them, staring up into her eyes contritely as he said, "I know. I'm sorry for teasing you."

Her irritation melted away in an instant and she leaned over to tell him, "I'm sorry for hurting you." She pressed a soft kiss upon his lips before saying, "Both times."

It didn't take her very long to finish wrapping his burns. As soon as she was done, her hand was captured once again, and she found herself being spun around to face the shower wall. She felt Hawks press himself up against her from behind and wrap his arms around her before guiding her hands up to rest against the tiles in front of them. His warm breath fanned over her neck, and she shuddered slightly at the feeling, along with the sound of his husky voice speaking into her ear a second later, "We won't have to worry about you accidentally injuring me again in this position."

Swallowing heavily, she turned her head slightly to glance at him over her shoulder and said, "You should really be resting."

Holding her hooded gaze with his own, he placed a soft kiss on her neck and playfully asked, "Is that a no?"

The edge of her mouth tilted up in a suggestive smirk and she ran her tongue over the outside of her molars before replying in a low tone, "It's not a no..."

Reaching back, Misaki slipped her fingers through the shorter hair at the base of his skull and craned her neck back, pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss. She felt his hands start to caress her sides, one slipping down to stroke her clit with his middle finger while the other drifted upward to massage her breast, gently but firmly rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Breaking the kiss, she ducked her head and sighed in pleasure as she reached around to palm the hard length of his straining erection. She kept her other hand braced against the wall to hold her steady as she started rocking her hips against his hand, moaning wantonly when she felt his mouth begin to attack the back of her neck with gentle nips and deep, suckling kisses.

All of a sudden she felt his hands and mouth leave her a second before she was spun back around and pressed up against the tile wall. So much for doing it from behind; not that she was complaining, she would much rather have the pleasure of kissing him and looking into his eyes when they finally came together again for the first time in six months anyway. She wrapped her arms around his neck as gently as possible as he leaned in to kiss her while reaching down to lift her leg and hold it up over his hip. Feeling him start to rub the tip of his manhood through her damp folds in preparation to enter her, Misaki suddenly remembered where they were, and a sharp feeling of panic assailed her.

She reached out to press her hand against Hawks's chest and pushed him back slightly before gasping, "Keigo, wait. Not here."

Leaning his forehead against hers, he let out a low, deep groan of frustration before cursing softly under his breath and grumbling, "I'm gonna need a minute."

Glancing down between them, Misaki slowly ran her tongue over her bottom lip and provocatively suggested, "I could—"

"Uh uh," Hawks cut her off, shaking his head and cupping her face in his hand before running his thumb over her bottom lip. He stared intently into her eyes as he told her, "I don't want your mouth to be the first place I come inside you after all this time."

Misaki widened her eyes, gasping in a sharp breath before letting it out in a shuddering sigh. She melted back against the wall as she groaned out, "Now I'm gonna need a minute..."

He shot her a crooked, toothy grin as he leaned in to capture her lips in a deep, languid kiss. She moaned into his mouth and responded in kind, moving her lips and tongue over his with an almost lazy sort of passion. Just as they started kicking things back up a notch, the sound of footsteps and voices approaching the locker room reached their ears.

They both immediately tensed, staring into each other's eyes in panic for half a second before they quickly broke apart and began scrambling to cover themselves. Luckily, the robe that Misaki had been wearing was still draped over her shoulders and she hastily tied it closed around her before racing back into the locker room to grab their clothes. Hawks, who had somehow found his own robe, quickly walked up behind her and grasped her by the arm, guiding her around the corner of one of the rows of lockers just as the bustling group of sidekicks walked around the other side and proceeded to make their way toward the set of lockers that she had just been standing in front of.

Misaki breathed out a soft sigh of relief. It wasn't like she wasn't allowed to use the facilities, but it would have been a little awkward to have them find her in the men's showers, especially considering Hawks's current state of obvious arousal. She glanced up at him with an apologetic grimace, but he just smirked back at her, gesturing with a nod toward the door to indicate that it was safe for them to make their escape. By some stroke of good fortune, they managed to safely make it all the way down the hall to the room that Hawks had been assigned to without running into any other heroes.

Misaki leaned back against the bed, spreading her legs to accommodate Hawks's knee as he loomed over her and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. She let herself fall the rest of the way back, feeling her head hit the edge of the mattress that she was currently laying sideways against. Lifting her arms, she carefully ran her hands over his shoulders underneath his robe and guided the white terrycloth material down over his bandaged back. He pulled the offending material the rest of the way off and tossed it behind him onto the floor, leaving him clad in nothing but the bandages wrapped around his torso. Breaking off their heated kiss, Hawks pulled back a bit to stare down at her while tracing his palm over her collar bone to slip beneath the edge of her own robe. Her breath was stolen from her lungs at the blazing desire burning in his golden gaze, the flush of arousal that colored his cheeks, the way he was staring down at her with such reverence, as though she was the most incredible thing he'd ever laid eyes on—all of which she was sure was reflected on her face as well.

He gently trailed his hand down her midsection, working her robe open centimeter by agonizing centimeter until it fell completely open, exposing all of her bare assets to his hungry gaze. She drew in a shuddering gasp when he turned his palm to slide his finger down through her dampened folds, still moist from her earlier release in the showers. Heat suffused her and she let out a broken cry as his finger slipped inside her suddenly and hooked to tap against her g-spot, at the same moment that he dipped his head to suck her taut nipple into his warm mouth. Too much sensation assailed her all at once and she tossed her head back against the edge of the mattress, trembling and writhing in almost overwhelming pleasure. Soft, keening cries and moaning sighs spilled unhindered from her lips as he worked her arousal into a frenzy with his mouth and fingers, clouding her mind in a delicious haze of pleasure that drowned out any other thoughts from her mind but for the burning ache Hawks had kindled within her.

She wished she could tell him that such a thing wasn't necessary. Her body was already primed and willing to accept all of him, from the moment she'd caught him staring at her with such open desire in the changing room earlier. No, long before that. From the moment he'd kissed her with such reckless abandon in the rain outside the karaoke bar—she'd been holding back her clawing need to feel him inside her, driving her past the edge of reason with his hands and mouth on her skin, bringing her the release she so desperately craved that only he could give her. She had no more reason to hold back now; she wanted—no she needed him to fill the aching chasm of pent-up lust he'd wound up inside her with all of his flirting and teasing over the past three months. His attentions in the shower earlier had just barely popped her cork, bringing all of her bubbling desire to the surface; a tidal wave that only he could ride to completion.

"Keigo," she heard her voice entreat, raw and heady with arousal. "Take me."

He shuddered against her, his hot breath fanning over her neck as he pulled his fingers away from her dripping core to curl around her hip. She reached down between them to wrap her own fingers around his pulsing manhood, letting the precum leaking from his tip coat her palm and slicken her firm caress. His hand abruptly left her hip to grip her wrist, swiftly pulling her hand away from his hardness and bringing it up to lay against the bed next to her head.

He stared down into her eyes, his golden iris's glowing with a lustful glare as he leaned his forehead against hers and groaned, "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"

Misaki's response died on her tongue as it was swiftly captured by his own. She wrapped her arms around his neck, cradling his head and shoulders as gently as she could manage while lifting her legs to wrap loosely around his waist. His full weight finally settled over her and she moaned deeply into his mouth in contentment. After three months of separation, then another three months of pseudo-dating while maintaining a safe level of distance, unable to act on the simmering feelings they'd awakened within each other; to finally have him in her arms like this again, sent a wave of startling emotion welling up from deep within her chest that made her sob softly into their kiss.

Hawks pulled back to glance down at her in concern, bringing his fingers up to gently brush away the tears collecting at the edge of her eye as he asked, "Are you alright?"

She sniffled softly and nodded, smiling up at him with all of the joy and relief that filled her heart at the moment. Lifting her hand to rest against his injured cheek, she held his gaze with unwavering promise and softly murmured, "I am now."

He returned her smile, turning his face into her hand to place a soft kiss against her palm before ducking his head and gently pressing his lips to hers once more. She reached up to wrap her arms back around his neck as she shifted her legs up slightly to accommodate his hips more snuggly. His slickened hardness slid over her damp core, sending a shock of sensation rocketing through her that made her gasp. A guttural moan erupted from deep within her chest when Hawks suddenly closed his teeth around her bottom lip and pulled, sending her back arching up off of the bed to press her ample bosom into his unyielding torso.

Slipping her leg around the back of his thigh, she levered her hips up to roll against his and she felt his hand begin to drift down her side in response before coming to rest against her pelvis. He curled his long fingers around her hip and gently kneaded her skin for a moment before she felt his palm slowly drift down to grip her behind. Drawing his hand back up the underside of her thigh, he dipped his head to sensually trail his lips and tongue over the sensitive skin of her neck when she suddenly felt him reach down to position himself at her entrance.

He licked his way up the column of her neck, flicking his tongue against the underside of her chin as he braced his hand on the edge of the mattress next to her head, pushing himself up to hover over her. Misaki swallowed heavily, staring deep into his eyes as he carefully began to press inside. There were no words to describe the wholesome feeling of contentedness that enveloped her when he finally slid all the way home. Every lonely night, all of her pent-up grief and resentment, the pain, the anger, the loss—shattered into a million pieces. She felt as though her very soul had splintered, leaving her unable to distinguish where he ended and she began. Like the fractured pieces of two broken hearts coming together to make the other whole again. The overwhelming sensation brought a sharp round of fresh tears to her eyes, and she didn't even realize that she had closed them until she felt the gentle brush of soft lips against her lids.

Misaki carefully slid her eyes open and stared up into Hawks's tender golden gaze, feeling the backs of his fingers lightly brush away the moisture on her cheeks as he softly told her, "If you keep crying like this you're gonna give me a complex."

She smiled back up at him and chuckled lightly in response. "That's just what you do to me, my love."

His eyes widened slightly at her admission, slipped so naturally from her lips as easily as if she was calling his name. And yet strangely, she felt no shock or regret for letting loose the utterance. There was no reason that she could substantiate to shield her heart from him any longer. It had become his as much as it was hers now—as much as she could feel that his heart belonged to her now as well. Heavy emotion blanketed his expression, reflecting all of the same feelings that she was certain were shining from her own, and she found herself suddenly pulled up into his embrace. Strong, warm arms wrapped around her body, clutching her to him in an almost bruising grip as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. She could feel him trembling, struggling to hold back his own tears as he was overcome with the same realization she'd made only moments ago.

They were finally one. One in heart. One in body.


Misaki pulled back from Hawks's desperate embrace, cupping his face in her hands and tilting it upward to brush her own lips over the moisture coating his under-eyes. He let out a shuddering sigh, gripping her hips tightly in his hands as he whispered in a haggard voice, "Misa-chan—"

"Shh," she crooned, brushing his hair back and placing a soft kiss atop his forehead. "It's okay. I know."

There would be time for them to talk about their newfound feelings for one another later. There was a clear and pressing need that required fulfilling before they delved into any sort of conversation of the mind. For now, they would let their bodies do the talking.

In response to her gentle refrain, Hawks slowly leaned forward and carefully laid Misaki back down on the bed beneath him. She held his eyes, gazing up at him with an open heart as he braced his hand above her shoulder to hold himself up above her. Wrapping her fingers around his wrist, she turned her head and pressed her lips to his skin, never breaking her gaze away from his as she spread her legs in an open invitation for him to have his way with her. He gripped the back of her thigh in his free hand and pressed it up even higher, leaning into her for more leverage while staring with heated promise into her hooded, cherry blossom colored eyes.

The resounding moan that erupted out of her when he finally began to move would have made any porn star proud and she heard Hawks harshly groan out her name above her in response. She couldn't actually see his face anymore to tell what kind of expression he wore, as she had tilted her head back and rolled her eyes up into their sockets at the rush of sensation that washed over her with the motion. He wasn't even hitting her good spots—just feeling him moving inside her was sending her neglected libido into overdrive. Her skin felt like it was on fire as every nerve ending in her body came alive with each persistent push and pull of her feminine muscles against his pulsing shaft. All conscious thought swiftly flew from her mind on a kaleidoscope of butterfly wings, leaving her to drown in the tumultuous sea of pleasure washing over her with every thrust he made in and out of her melting core.

Wet echoes of skin meeting skin—panting sighs and pleasure-filled moans—creaking wood and grating metal from overused bedsprings.

The sounds of sex saturated the steamy air of Hawks's borrowed room, joined every once in a while by a sharp cry and a hiccupping sob from the woman being so relentlessly ravaged atop the twisted bedsheets. Sweat trickled from the tip of the injured hero's nose, dripping down onto Misaki's breasts which were glistening with her own perspiration. It streamed down over her shoulders to soak into the sheets beneath her. She could barely keep up with the grueling pace he was setting, her hand desperately clutching at his wrist to keep herself from being pounded over the edge of the bed. Her head was already craned back over the lip of the mattress, practically dangling from her shoulders and swaying with every deep thrust he made into her core—thrusts that were frustratingly aimed everywhere but her pleasure centers. It almost seemed as though he was trying to avoid them; like he didn't want them to achieve climax—to reach the end.

Expending great effort, Misaki managed to find the strength to push herself up and wrap her arms around his neck, holding him to her as she compassionately whispered into his ear, "Keigo, what's wrong?"

He continued to move, shuddering and panting while driving himself deep into her creamy sheath. He clutched his arms around her as he practically whined into her neck, "I don't wanna s."

As she thought—he was afraid to let go.

She guided his head back away from her neck to rest her forehead against his, gazing down into his eyes as she sincerely told him, "Don't worry. I'm right here with you. Let's come together."

His adam's apple bobbed and he slowly nodded in response, lowering his hands to grip her hips as he spread his knees a bit for more leverage. The slight change in position sent his next thrust jabbing directly into the sweet spot just next to her cervix and she clamped down on him hard as she cried out in ecstasy to the bedroom walls. Thrust after pounding thrust against the tight bundle of nerves inside her, coupled with the buildup they'd been working on from the moment they'd stepped into the agency showers, had her keening and ready to burst within seconds. Although it seemed as though she wasn't the only one.

While it had been several months since they'd been intimate, Misaki had been in this situation with Hawks enough times to be able to recognize the warning signs indicating his imminent release. The short, staccato moans that left his lips with every other breath, the slight tensing of his waist, and the sharp thrusting of his hips; had his feathers been filled into his wings, she was sure they would have been fully ruffled as his orgasm began to crest. She could do little else at this point but surrender herself to her rising pleasure, calling out his name to the walls of the borrowed room as she arched her back and threw herself with wild abandon over the edge of her own release. The harsh groan and sharp snap of his hips slamming into hers before he suddenly stilled told her that he'd finally joined her and she relaxed into his arms with a contented sigh, panting and trembling in the afterglow with a wide satisfied smile stretched across her face.

Hawks nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, kissing and nipping at her skin and causing her to tense and giggle at the ticklish sensation. She pulled back and gazed down into his hooded, satisfied stare, smiling at him somewhat amusedly as she teased, "That wasn't so bad now, was it?"

He smirked back up at her before leaning up to place a soft peck on her slightly swollen lips. "For round one."

Misaki's smile dropped off of her face like an anvil and her eyes widened. "Round one?"

She suddenly found herself flopped back down onto her back with a very cheeky-looking bird man hovering over her a moment later. He shot her a sexy-looking smirk as he brazenly replied, "I've been waiting over six months to hold you like this again. That? Was barely a dent in the tank. If I only have this one night with you, you'd better believe I am going to take advantage of every—" He placed a soft kiss against her neck. "Single—" And another just beneath her ear. "Second of it."

Any protests about the lunch meeting she had scheduled for the following day, or the packing she would need to do to prepare to move to UA in the morning, vanished on her lips as they were once again captured by Hawks's. Putting aside the issue of his own need for rest while he recovered from his grievous injuries, she couldn't deny that she shared his sentiment. Consequences be damned for a few hours. Right now, they had a lot of catching up to do.



A month? Has it already been a month since my last posting...? More than a month? No way! Where has the time gone!? Seriously! The holidays really got the better of me this year and I unfortunately had to set this fic aside until now, but I am FINALLY back with the heart-thumping conclusion to the wild roller coaster ride! I am so SO sorry for the wait and very appreciative of all the support! I hope you have enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. One more chapter to go...




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