Chapter Twenty-One: Culmination - Part One

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Misaki walked into the large conference room of a hotel a few blocks away from Jaku General Hospital where the Safety Commission's remote command center had been established. She had ridden in a few minutes ago via shuttlecraft with Detective Tsukauchi and Gran Torino, as well as a few dozen police officers who would be involved in the initial incursion. Her team of analysts was just finishing the setup process for the workstations, which had been transported from headquarters overnight by way of several independent couriers in order to avoid suspicion. They were all dressed in casual attire, having arrived the previous night under the guise of being travelers on a guided bus tour. Misaki was also incognito, dressed in faded skinny jeans and a burgundy and heather gray baseball tee covered by a hybrid denim hooded sweatshirt. Her hair was pulled back into a mid-height ponytail and a pair of comfortable black and white sneakers adorned her feet.

They all stopped what they were doing and looked up at her as she walked in.

Swallowing heavily, Misaki clutched the to-go cup of coffee in her right hand a little tighter and took a deep breath before smiling at all of them in greeting. "Good morning everyone. I hope all of you got a good night's rest."

She'd ordered them not to begin the setup process until the morning, urging them to take the night to relax and get some sleep. She had a feeling it was going to be a very long day, and she wanted them all as fresh-minded as possible.

They all affirmed her sentiment and she nodded, setting her coffee cup down on the table next to her before addressing the group in her best authoritative voice, "You all should have received a color card designation with your assignment. As you'll notice, each station has also been color-coded. Once I've called out your designation and explained your task, please head to one of the corresponding stations where you will find your individual assignments listed."

Glancing down at the tablet in her left hand, she continued, "Red team, you'll be monitoring and maintaining communication with the police and the hospital infiltration team. Green team, you'll be monitoring the situation with each branch location raid team. Blue team, you'll be responsible for coordinating medical support and optimal routing for evacuation teams. Yellow team, you'll be maintaining the team's comm signals and surveillance, as well as monitoring chatter through any media outlets and online information sharing sources."

A small, blue-haired young woman approached her as the others began reporting to their stations and hesitantly addressed her, "Ma'am, my card is black?"

Misaki sighed softly to herself before turning to respond to the woman. "Migi, you and your sister will be tag-teaming the relay of information to and from the villa raid team. Hidari will be fulfilling the same role within the command center at HOMEC. Keep me informed about anything important happening at the villa."

Migi immediately nodded and gave a short bow. "Yes, ma'am."

Migi and Hidari were identical twins. Their quirks allowed them to communicate telepathically over great distances, making them ideal for sensitive counterintelligence operations; there was no risk of a wire being discovered if they weren't wearing one. The Safety Commission had scooped them up from the boarding house they'd been living in after they'd gotten caught sneaking food from the kitchen and had been turned over to the police for theft. Migi was the more introverted of the two and was often charged with being the relay while Hidari handled the more active infiltration roles.

Shadou had suggested using the two of them to monitor the situation at each command center and report to each leader if there were any complications that occurred with either of the main raids. She'd wondered about the necessity of using the twins for that instead of the standard comms, but Shadou had insisted that their relay was more reliable than a hackable comm signal. Misaki had grudgingly agreed, knowing that it was more likely that he was using them to spy and report on her leadership abilities than any worries he had about their signal possibly being hacked. He'd been his usual curmudgeon self when she'd laid out her plan for everyone two days ago.

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