Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus...

By BeckySmolder

507K 9.7K 4K

Allison Lockwood, the older sister of Tyler Lockwood, returns to Mystic Falls after spending four years in Ca... More

Obtaining the Sword
Dinner Date with Klaus
A Day in New Orleans
The Winter Wonderland
Kol's Death
Making Things Official
Klaus is Free
Saving Hayley
Expression Triangles
Back in New Orleans
Rebekah Visits
Meeting Marcel
Plan B is War
Carol and Tyler Visit
Bayou Bar Distraction
Unlinking Spell
The Baby's Blood
Klaus in Combat
To New Orleans
The Bar Attack
Casket Girls Parade
Four Elements, Four Stages
Mystic Falls Reunion
Saving Rebekah
Werewolf House Party
Magic Dreams
The Opera House
Rebekah's Trial
A Party for Peace
Feast of Blessings
The Bayou Attack
Dreaming of Mikael
Moonlight Rings
Esther's Decree
Home Town Comfort
Fighting for Family
Mystic Falls Return
The Wedding
10 Years Later
More Stories By Me

Brotherhood of The Five

64.3K 768 594
By BeckySmolder

Chapter One

I walked behind my mom and brother into our large mansion of a house. The same house I haven't lived in since I left for college. And the same house my brother, Tyler didn't stay in last night since he was in the hospital after being shot by a vampire hunter at the funeral for a pastor and vampire hating council members who died in an explosion. "Who the hell are you two?" Tyler asked angrily.

"Tyler, it's okay. They're here for your protection," my mother, Carol, said. I looked to see two guys standing around.

"More deputies?" Tyler sighed while I shut the front door. I was still trying to come to terms with what has happened the last few days before I returned, which was this morning when my mother picked me up from the airport before rushing to the hospital to pick up Tyler. I knew about everything else supernatural that has happened the last few years.

"Not exactly," someone answered. Someone with a british accent that made my heart skip a beat. What a sexy voice. I looked to see a blonde guy come out from the living room with a few guys following after him.

"They're hybrids," Tyler figured out. Tyler was a hybrid too. And he hated a hybrid named Klaus. I'm gonna assume this is Klaus since Tyler has stated that Klaus was british, hence the accent this hot guy had. He was a bit blonde but his hair was darkening into brown. He had pretty blue eyes and a voice to die for.

"I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls," Klaus said.

"It's nice to know you care."

"I don't," Klaus replied. "I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot."

"Yeah, well, you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my girlfriend. Maybe we're even," Tyler replied.

"Not even close," Klaus said, his voice a mere whisper it seemed but I could hear him loud and clear. "But you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left. Consider them your new body guards."

Then Klaus left. I turned to Tyler with a pure look of confusion. What the hell was going to happen? I didn't want to know. Things have been crazy the last few years and I didn't think I wanted to get involved with any of this but he's my brother and I will always be there for him no matter what.


I stood in my room, looking around at it. I had just spent all morning unpacking some stuff. It was good to be back home, but I knew that things were going to get messy and soon. And I was okay with being involved if it helped my brother stay safe.

I walked downstairs into the study to find Tyler. He was in the study earlier with this girl, Hayley, who helped my brother break his sire bond to Klaus. I met her about twenty minutes ago when she first arrived. "Where's Tyler?" I asked her.

"He went to answer the door," she answered and I nodded. I sat down while Hayley looked around.

"You're a new face?" Someone said. That voice! Klaus.

"And I take it from your accent you're an old one. Klaus," Hayley replied, turning around to face the hybrid. Klaus stepped into the study to spot me sitting on the couch. I knew he was talking to Hayley since he could see her from the doorway. I have yet to meet him though so I might as well get it done now.

"My reputation precedes me. Hopefully not all bad," Klaus said.

"A little bad," Hayley responded while I observed. I wasn't one for confrontation. I was a good girl. I tended to be shy too. But I would do anything for my family or people I cared about in general.

"Mostly repulsive," Hayley added.

"So your a friend of Tyler's. That's strange. He's never mentioned you," Klaus said slowly. He seemed to tune out and turned his head. Then a smile graced his red lips. "And I think I know why." Then a door closing could be heard.

"And who are you, love?" Klaus asked, finally addressing me.

"Allison, Tyler's older sister," I answered quietly.

"Pleasure to meet you," he said and I smiled softly.

"Pleasure is all mine. I've been waiting to meet the guy who has been ruining my brother's life," I replied with a small shrug.

"I take it, I'm already on your bad side."

"You haven't done anything to me," I muttered.

"Oh," he smirked and I smiled awkwardly. I didn't have a problem with Klaus. What was between him and my brother was between them. As long as my brother wasn't hurt then it was none of my business. Plus Klaus is currently supposed to be keeping Tyler safe from some vampire hunter.

"Yup," I whispered awkwardly, standing up and leaving the room, feeling Klaus' gorgeous blue eyes on my back. I smiled softly to myself and headed back to my room. I was spending the rest of my day inside, relaxing and keeping to myself just how I liked it.


I followed my mother into the hospital to meet up with Damon Salvatore. I met him two years ago when I visited my family. He was a cool guy and we got along surprisingly. I knew all of Tyler's friends-Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan, Matt, and Damon. Now I know Hayley and Klaus.

Anyways I was here in the hospital since there was an explosion in the hospital storage room. Apparently Damon and Klaus set up a trap for the vampire hunter, who set up the explosion. Now I was here to help my mom with a cover story on the whole thing. "Nice to have you home, Allie," Damon greeted when we met up with him.

He pulled me in a tight hug and I grinned happily. You could consider me one of his only friends. Especially since Alaric...died. It's been a tough year for these guys. "So the sniper was inside?" My mother asked. The sniper was the vampire hunter, she's calling him that since he used a sniper rifle to shoot my brother at the memorial thing.

"Yup. Still is. In tiny little pieces," Damon smirked. I let out a small chuckle. Someone took too much pride in killing him. But I was thankful. That guy needed to die and stop targeting all my friends.

"Good," my mother replied. "I'll cancel the curfew and call off the extra patrols. I can't say I approve of your methods."

"I'll make a donation. You can name a wing after me, mayor," Damon said before walking away and giving me a small nod to follow.

"I'm just gonna catch up with Damon," I told mom, following after Damon.

"See, I told you I could be badass," Jeremy said as he saw Damon.

"Shh... Badasses don't say that," Damon replied.

"Allie?" Jeremy gasped, running over to me and picking me up for a hug. I giggled as he spun me around. "Put me down," I laughed.

"You're as light as a feather, Al," he teased.

"Yeah, right," I scoffed, hitting him gently on the arm. He smiled and sighed softly.

"So you're back home? For good right, done with college?"

"Yes, I am," I answered and he nodded.

"That's so awesome. Sorry that the timing wasn't right. There's a lot going on," Jeremy mumbled and I nodded.

"Well, I'm here to join the team of supernaturals in Mystic Falls," I joked and he chuckled.

"Awesome. Matt and I were starting to feel left out being the only humans in the group," he replied and I smiled.

"Well, now you have me. It's us three and what? A hybrid, a witch, and four vampires," I shrugged. "We make a good team. And now that Connor is gone, things should calm down."

"Yeah, hopefully," he shrugged. I nodded and we hugged again before my mom called for me. I said goodbye and told him we'd catch up later.

I ran over to Damon who was watching some doctor walk away. "Hey, we need to hang out. I want to be part of the team," I told him.

"I'm not on a team."

"Like it or not, you are. And we're friends. Let me in all the crazy things happening," I said and he smiled.

"Fine. I'll give you a call. I need a partner in crime since...Ric. And now the doc just told me she can't be it. So I'll hire you. Anything to keep me from having to go ask Stefan for help," he said rolling his eyes and I laughed.

"He's your brother," I reminded him.

"I know," he said sacrastically and I laughed.

"Well, I have to go. My mother is ready to leave and she's kind of my ride. I'll see you around?" I asked and he nodded.


I walked into the Grill the next morning with nothing to do. Last night when I got home I had dinner, a shower, and went to bed. Kind of boring but I was jet lagged. A flight from California would do that to you though.

As I walked over to a random booth, I ran into Matt. We happily hugged and caught up a bit. I forgot he worked here now and so did Jeremy. We both sat in a booth talking for a bit before he decided he needed to get back to work. He took my order for some cheese fries though before he walked off.

"Hello, love," someone greeted. British voice. Klaus. Yeah, that's how I'll identify him. I put my book down on the table and looked up at the blue eyed original.

"Hi," I greeted.

"What are you doing here all alone?" He asked, sliding in next to me in the booth.

"I'm not alone now," I muttered with a shrug, putting my book in my light pink purse.

"No, now you aren't," he smiled softly and I blushed, biting my lip and looking away from him. Some waiter came by with my soda and my fries. I happily began eating while Klaus watched me. He placed an order for something to drink. I wasn't paying much attention at that but the same waiter came back and handed him a nice fancy glass full of red liquid. Red wine, I believe.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked timidly, grabbing a napkin and wiping my mouth.

"No, not at all. I just can't help but stare."

"Oh," I whispered, blushing fiercely. This blush no doubt deeper than the last.

"How old are you, Allison?"

"Allie," I corrected. I wasn't too fond of my full name. I liked it but the only people who had ever called me that were my parents.

"My pardon?" He asked, leaning over.

"Call me, Allie."

"But Allison is so elegant," he smirked.

"Okay," I shrugged. "Oh, I'm twenty two."


"Yeah. I just graduated college this summer. I was meant to come home then but I took a small vacation with some college friends so here I am a few montha later," I chuckled softly at myself.

"Where was that vacation to? If you don't mind me asking."

"Not at all. It was to a few places. I went to the Bahamas for two weeks. Then traveled a bit on the West coast, staying in Nevada for a long while. Then back to California to stay with a friend for the rest of the summer," I answered honestly, eating another fry and moaning. They were so good.

"I take it, you like those," Klaus smiled, leaning over and bringing a napkin to the side of my mouth, wiping off excess cheese. I blushed for the millionth time and nodded.

"They're my favorite. Well, second favorite food. I love pizza," I grinned and he nodded.

"Cheesy foods, then?"

"Yes. I love cheese," I smiled, nodding my head. We fell into silence and his gaze wandered to a pretty blonde that was talking to Matt for a few seconds before he walked away. "You're trying too hard," Klaus spoke. I looked up but saw he was talking to the blonde.

"Last I heard you were leaving town. Forever," she replied.

"Well, I was, but then I thought to myself, 'How can I when my sister clearly so desperate for love and affection is left here bribing the help'," he retorted, excusing himself from as he walked over to the blonde, his sister apparently, that was by the bar across from our table.

"What did you want, Nik? Thought I was dead to you."

"Things change, Rebekah," he replied. "I've stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you." So her name was Rebekah. I've heard that name before. Oh! She was the one who ran Matt's truck off the bridge and that resulted in Elena dying cause Stefan could only save one of them. Luckily Elena had Damon's blood in her system, therefore she died and came back as a vampire. It's funny. Klaus and Rebekah, siblings. Both evil from the stories I'm told.

"Doubt that," Rebekah said, pulling my attention back to their conversation.

"No?" Klaus asked. "Well, what if I told you the Brotherhood of The Five still existed?"

"What?" She whispered.

"You see?" Klaus asked, looking at me with a cute smile. "And like that, bygones." I let a small giggle slip past my lips, causing Rebekah to glare at me. I looked away from her, feeling nervous and went back to sipping on my soda.

"Come on, love, work to do," Klaus said.

"We don't have anything to do. There is no 'we.' I don't care about The Five and I don't care about you," she snapped. She then met my eye and I bit my lip.

I sighed to myself and stood up, walking over to them. "I'm Allison," I introduced, sticking out my hand to Rebekah. I could use some friends around here that weren't teenagers in high school. I was twenty two years old. Granted I was a shy girl, but I still acted my own age. Well, sometimes.

"What are you? His new girlfriend?" She scoffed, staring at my hand. I slowly dropped it and sighed.

"No. I met him yesterday. I'm Tyler Lockwood's older sister," I answered.

"Rebekah Mikaelson. Niklaus' younger sister," she replied, shaking my hand finally. I smiled kindly and nodded.

"Nice to meet you. I look forward to being friends?" I asked hopefully and she smiled.

"I'd like that," she muttered and I grinned.


"Now I have to go. I'll see you around though, Allison," she said with a smile and walked off.

"What was that?" Klaus asked after she left.

"I'm trying to make friends that aren't my brothers," I shrugged and he chuckled.

"Love, being her friend isn't gonna be fun."

"And being yours is," I smirked playfully.

"Oh, so we're friends now?" He smirked back, his arms caging me in against the bar as his hands rested on the countertop on either side of me.

"I'd say so. We practically had lunch together. I just met your sister who I'm hoping to befriend that way I can keep the peace in Mystic Falls now that there's no drama with some crazy vampire hunter on the loose," I said.

"About that," he muttered, backing away from me.

"What? He's dead, isn't he?"

"No," he answered.

"Huh?" I uttered, running a hand through my dark brown hair as I stared at the original, hoping he'd give me some answers.

"He's alive. And I think he might be use to me. Don't tell anyone though."

"Wait, what?" I frowned.

"Come with me, I'll explain everything," he said and I raised an eyebrow. I didn't know this guy and what I did know about him was all bad. I didn't know if I should trust him. I mean so far he hasn't bothered lying or hiding anything and I need answers. If the hunter was stil alive Tyler and everyone else were still in danger.

"Um, okay," I agreed, going back to the booth to grab my purse. Before I could leave money on the table Klaus did. "Lunch is on me, love," he smirked. He then put out a hand to me and I took it, leaving the Grill with him and heading out to a large mansion that was his home.


Klaus had just filled me in on what really happened last night. Klaus had managed to save Connor from the explosion at the hospital. He took Connor somewhere safe and tried to get some answers out of him but got none. Connor knew nothing about himself or his hunter history. I didn't either since Klaus didn't fill me in on that.

"Where is he now?" I asked Klaus.

"Right here," Klaus said, leading me into a room where some guy, Connor obviously, was tied up to some board thing. "Look like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail," Klaus said, holding my hand and keeping me behind him as he stood infront of Connor.

"I was gonna take him but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain," someone said. I turned around to see Stefan lurking in the shadows.

"Stefan!" I squealed, waving.

"Allie. I'm so glad to see you. What are you doing here?" He asked as I hugged him tightly.

"Um...getting answers from Klaus," I admitted, biting my lip nervously.

"Answers on what, exactly?" He asked, looking at Klaus.

"On our hunter," Klaus said.

"What is this?" I asked Klaus, pointing to the board thing.

"It's from the Inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch," Klaus said and I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide my amused smile.

"What'd you get out of him?" Stefan asked Klaus.

"Not enough," Klaus answered. "He's mum about the Council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?"

"Well, I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you figure out, our friend here can't be compelled," Stefan said.

"You're full of mysteries, aren't you?" Klaus smiled cutely. He had the cutest smile that showed little dimples. I just wanted to poke them, but that's be weird and he might chop my hand off so that's not anything I should do, ever.

"I told you, I don't know anything," Connor finally spoke.

"Thankfully, I know plenty," Klaus said and I smiled. He was a cocky little thing, wasn't he? He began walking away and gestruing to the main room again, "Shall we?"

"We shall," I said, linking my arm with Stefan as we followed after Klaus.

"So, what's with the home invasion?" Klaus asked Stefan after shutting the doors to Connor's room so we had some privacy.

"Damon said you knew something about this guy. I should've figured you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything."

"I was feeling benevolent."

"You're never benevolent," Stefan replied. "Who is this guy? What's The Five?"

"So many questions."

"It's a good thing I have nothing to do today except get answers out of you," Stefan said, taking a seat in an armchair.

"Fine," Klaus agreed. "You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate. The Brotherhood of The Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the 12th Century, Italy."

"How old are you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and Stefan smirked, shushing me playfully while Klaus merely smiled at me. "Sorry, continue. Tell us a story," I grinned, sitting down on the couch.

"My siblings and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the south feeding, turning people as we went," he began. "But with the bloodshead came exposure."

Klaus then told us the story of how he saw on of 'The Five' on a stage as he began to expose vampires to the public. Klaus' brother named Elijah had told Klaus he and their brother, Kol, should take the warning since they're killing people without being discreet. He also said that Elijah mentioned that stories about The Original vampires were spreading. And Klaus finished the story, mentioning the same hunter on the stage who exposed some guy into the sunlight had met Rebekah and charmed her basically.

"So these hunters have been around for 900 years?" Stefan asked.

"Apparently," Klaus said, sitting on the opposite side of the couch I was on. "Though our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years."

"And Rebekah had a thing with one of them?" I asked Klaus, getting back to the story.

"Oh, she didn't just have a thing," Klaus said almost scoffing. "She fell in love with him. He told her all his secrets which I will gladly share with you provided you do one thing for me."

"And what's that?" Stefan asked, knowing he was now being addressed.

"Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn and hateful. I need to make peace with her," he said before standing up. "I want her to give me some very important information about the hunter which she won't do unless she believes we've made up."

"And what's in it for me?" Stefan questioned, also standing.

"Just get her here and I'll tell you," Klaus replied. "Oh, and Stefan trust me when I say this: That hunter in there holds the answer to all your prayers."

Stefan then left, reluctant to leave me with Klaus so I decided to let him take me home. Of course not before Klaus invited me to dinner with him, Stefan, and Rebekah tonight. I agreed of course and then left with Stefan without another word to the British hybrid.

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