My Star | Reddie (unfinished)

By swimfloatiesreggie

120 0 0

When 7 parents send their 15/14 year old kids to boarding school in England and unbreakable friendship and lo... More

My OCs For This
I. Four Teenage Boys
II. First Day

III. The Losers Club

13 0 0
By swimfloatiesreggie

Richie was drawing as Stan sat next to him on his bed. "What are you even drawing dude?" Stan asked. "You have been working on it all week."

Bill physically cringed from his bunk. "Please never say dude again. I hate how you bloody Americans say dude or bro instead of mate. It's weird."

The two boys stifled a small laugh. "Mate is weird too." Stan sassed. Bill shook his head before turning back to his homework. Richie answered Stans question.

"Well Stan what does it look like I am. I'm drawing Eddie reading in the library because he asked me if I could dipshit."

Stan put his hands in the air. "Sorry. I didn't recognize him."

"You've been living with him for the past week!" Richie exclaimed.

Stan started laughing for no reason and Richie quickly  joined him. They were apparently very loud and it was only 7 on a weekend.

"Will you two shut the fuck up." Eddie complained from above them. "I'm trying to at least rest for 3 more hours unlike you two."

"Shocked you aren't going to the library to see your new boyfriend." Stan teased.

"Haha very funny." Eddie stated, his voice full of sarcasm. "He likes that Marsh girl."

"WHAT?!" Richie exclaimed.

"Got a problem Rich or are you just jealous." Stan smirked. He could tease to two all day.

Richie fake gagged. "First of all, Beverly is like my sister and the Ben kid isn't my type because i'm not gay."

Stan raised an unconvinced eyebrow at him before continuing. "You should invite Marsh to come with us. I'm sure Ben will look like a tomato when he sees her."

Richie stifled a laugh. "Oh trust me, I will. She is only friends with one of her roommates and would love to hang out with us all at the mall today."

... ... ...

When it was time the four road the schools bikes to the local mall. Ben and a black boy were standing in the middle of the mall waiting. When Ben saw Eddie and the three others. "Hey guys!" Ben exclaimed.

"Hey." The four greeted with a smile.

"This is Mike Hanlon." Ben stated as he pointed to the boy next to him. "He's awesome." Mike waved at them. "Mike this is Eddie."  He stated as he pointed to the small boy in-front of him.

Eddie smiled at him. "Hey Mike."

"And I don't know the rest of you."

"Oh yeah!" Eddie exclaimed before pointing to Bill. "This is Bill. His grandparents are the headmaster and headmistress."

Bill waved and Eddie moved onto the next boy. "This is Richie. He has quite the mouth sometimes. He loves to jokingly make fun of you and make your mom jokes, you'll get used to it."

Richie winked at him before smiling a cheesy smile at Ben and Mike. Eddie rolled his eyes before continuing. "This is Stan. He is very sarcastic and doesn't care half of the time, but he's a book nerd like us."

Stan gave them a smile. "That's me."

About 5 minutes later two red heads came walking towards them. Richie quickly stood up and pulled the taller one of the girls into a hug. "BEVY!" He exclaimed. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN A WEEK BITCH."

Beverly let out a sigh. "You act like you can't survive without me."

"Cause I can't. Who else am I going to get high with." 

This statement caused Beverly and everyone else to stifle a small laugh. Eddie rolled his eyes at his Richie and hit him on the arm. "Seriously Rich?"

"What it's true. Would you get high with me?" Richie stated and he raised an eyebrow at the short boy.



"Because I have asthma dumbass. My lungs are already bad enough." 

"Fair point." Richie shrugged.

"Well Rich this Marlene. Marlene this is Richie." Beverly introduced, pointing to the girl new to her.

"Hey." The girl said quietly as her face flushed a shade of red at the sight of Richie.

Richie didn't seem to notice, but Stan did and he also saw how Eddies expression had changed, but he assumed Eddie didn't even know he probably liked Richie. They both were painfully unaware of their gayness. This should we fun to watch.

No one had even picked up that Stan was gay which slightly shocked him because he was used to being called a faggot even before he was aware of the fact that he was gay.

"Welp, let's start shopping!" Bill exclaimed and they all ran to ice cream parlor next to them without even saying they were going their first.

Bill and Beverly were the ones to go up and get everyone's ice cream as the others sat at two tables. Eddie, Marlene, Richie, and Beverly sat at one table and the others sat at the second.

Richie had ordered chocolate, Eddie a cookie dough, Bill a chocolate, Stan a vanilla, Beverly a cookies and cream, Ben a mint, Mike a cookie dough, and Marlene a strawberry. "So Richie are you dating anyone." Marlene asked.

"Yeah your mom." Richie joked, but Beverly just shot him a glare. "Um no. I'm not."

She smiled at him. "Okay nice to know for the future. Your pretty cute you know."

Beverly choked on her ice cream and Eddie looked away awkwardly as Richies eyes went wide and he flushed a shade of red. "Yeah, you too." Richie flushed.

The two stared into each others eyes before Beverly cleared her throat loudly which gained all their friends attention. "Well let's go somewhere else now."

"Good idea. Anyone have any ideas?" Mike asked.

Bill raised his hand slowly and Mike nodded for him to state his suggestion. "This might sounds really weird, but the wig shop... It's just fun to go in a try on a bunch of really ugly wigs."

They all nodded. "I'm down. Let's go." Marlene shrugged.

They all made their way to the shop which was all the way on the other side of the mall. Beverly, Marlene, and Bill were leading the crowd, a few feet ahead of the rest.

Eddies pace began to slow and he fell behind the rest. When Richie realized this he stopped and turned around, placing a hand on the smaller ones shoulder as the boy panicked for something in his bag. "Hey Eds, what's wrong?" Richie asked as his eyes brows furrowed in concern.

Eddie let out a shaky breath before speaking. "Inhaler. I need my inhaler."

Richie nodded and handed Eddie his ice cream as he quickly unzipped the boys bag and pulled out the white inhaler. Eddie took it gratefully and put it between his lips before pulling the trigger. He sighed before turning to Richie. "Thanks Rich, that usually doesn't happen. I guess it was just the bike riding and all the walking.

"Its completely fine. You don't have to apologize."

... ... ...

The friends made it to the wig shop a couple minutes later. Richie saw a hot pink, short haired wig with bangs and immediately put it on. He turned to Eddie with a smile on his face. "How do I look, Eds?"

"Beautiful Richie." Eddie replied, heavy sarcasm in his voice.

"Come on put one on Eddie." Stan smirked as he appeared with a neon yellow wig on, Bill next to him with a blue one on.

Eddie rolled his eyes and grabbed the green one that was in front of him. Stan laughed and Eddie shot him a glare. "Happy now?"

"Ecstatic." Stan smirked.

After trying on a million different wings they went to a bunch of different shops. When they were in the record shop Marlene left to go back the boarding school to read.

The remaining seven went to a few more shops before heading back to the exit of the mall. They walked over to their bikes and got them off the racks. "Well this was fun." Mike stated.

Eddie nodded and gave them all a small smile. "Yeah it was Losers."

Bill, Richie, and Stan all shared a excited look. "Eddie you fucking genius!" Bill exclaimed. Eddie raised a confused eyebrow. "We can call each other the losers club!"

They all shared looks with each other and nodded. "Yes! And how about nicknames?" Beverly asked.

"Richie you can be trashmouth." Stan stated.

"Sounds about right." Beverly smirked as she elbowed Richies side.

"Yeah okay. I have one for you Bevvy." Richie smirked.

"And what is that trashmouth?"

"Molly Ringwald." He teased. "And Ben you can be Haystack, Mike you can be Hamilton because that's what your last name reminds me of, Eds you can be Wheeze because your asthma."

"Seriously?" Eddie stated, shooting him a glare.

"Yes. Stan you can be sassy or Stan the man. And Bill you can be Billiam or big Bill."

"Great." Stan replied sarcastically. "Now let's go. I'm tired."

They all mounted their bikes and started paddling back to the boarding school, most feeling friendship for the first time.

Word count:

... ... ...

A/N: I hate this chapter 😀 Also it makes Marlene kind of seem like a pick me girl or y/n type character, but just know she isn't and what i'm trying to make her as a character is far off from that.

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