Naruto One-Shots

De urahahara

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Just the drabble I write of my favorite guys and gals from the shinobi world! Feel free to comment/message a... Mais

Author's Note
Darui ─ "Fool, ya fool."
Gaara ─ "It's so... white."
Hashirama Senju ─ "Congratulations."
Hashirama Senju ─ "It's... you." ("Congratulations." pt 2)
Itachi Uchiha ─ "Even with our sins, huh..."
Kabuto Yakushi ─ "Stay here. With me. Please."
Kakashi Hatake ─ "Whatcha reading?"
Minato Namikaze ─ "Loving you is the real pleasure."
Neji Hyuga ─ "After the war?"
Tobirama Senju ─ "Damn woman."
Tobirama Senju ─ "Edo Tensei."
Yamato/Tenzō ─ "Are you... not excited?"

Madara Uchiha - "You're mine."

2.3K 85 22
De urahahara

You woke before the sun rose and as you quietly made your way downstairs, you heard a noise from the kitchen. It seemed that someone had woken early, just as you. You peeked around the corner and saw that it was your twin brother.

"You're up early," you spoke.

Tobirama looked up from the cup of coffee he was pouring and replied shortly, "Couldn't sleep."

You sat at the table and he quietly handed his cup of coffee to you before getting another mug for himself. He said, mostly under his breath, "I know you'll want one, so take that one."

"Appreciate it," you responded, sipping the bitter liquid.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked, sitting in front of you.

"Same as you, couldn't sleep."

He hummed and took a long sip of his drink before saying, "Hashirama and I have a meeting with Madara Uchiha today. I guess I can't sleep because I'm dreading it."

"Oh yeah," you said. "You really don't like that guy, huh?"

"I can't fucking stand him."

"Any reason?"

Tobirama sighed, "He's nothing but trouble. Keep away from him."

You rolled your eyes. This was just like your twin brother to be so overprotective. You spoke, "I've never even met him, Tobi, and I doubt I'll ever have a reason to."

"Good. We don't need another sibling falling in love with him. Hashirama is bad enough to deal with."

You two sat in silence for a while before he pardoned himself to go get ready. You were left at the table wondering if Madara Uchiha was really that bad. Surely not, but then again, you knew the Uchiha were a merciless clan and for him to be their leader signified he sat at the top of the food chain.

The day passed uneventfully and later that night you were taking a walk through the village. You decided to stop by the Hokage office to see your older brother. As you entered the building and went up the stairs, you heard your brother's laugh ringing through the hallway. Unsure of who would be visiting so late, you paused outside the door and considered going home, but then again, you had already come all this way. You shrugged and knocked, hoping it was no one important.

Hashirama's voice bid you to come in and as you entered, you noticed a stranger sitting in the windowsill. Your first thought was how unbelievably handsome he was. His long dark hair fell to his waist and covered part of his face. His eyes were dark, just as his hair, and his features were very stoic. He looked over at you, eyeing you carefully before Hashirama jumped up and shouted, "(Y/N)! Didn't expect to see you here!"

You smiled, gave a little wave, and said, "Just thought I'd stop by for a minute. Is that okay?"

"You know you're welcome here anytime," Hashirama beamed. He then said, "Oh yeah! I don't think you two have met before!" He gestured to the man in the windowsill before finishing, "This is my friend, Madara Uchiha!"

So this is Madara Uchiha? You thought to yourself before giving him a small wave and saying hi. He nodded to you and replied "hello" in a monotone.

"Madara, this is my little sister, (Y/N)," Hashirama introduced you.

The Uchiha man gave a forced smile and said, "It's nice to meet you."

"You as well," you replied. He seemed nice enough. You wondered why your twin held such a grudge against the man.

The three of you sat and talked for a while, and for the life of you, you couldn't understand what was so bad about Madara. He was quiet for the most part, but when he did speak, it was nothing rude or unbecoming. He seemed so normal that you figured Tobirama was just being paranoid considering he was an Uchiha. Your brother had never quite gotten over Itama's savage death at the hands of Madara's clan.

The night grew late and you figured it was time you head home. As you were about to get up to leave, it seemed that Madara had the same idea. He spoke up before you and bid goodnight to the two of you. You then said you were about to leave as well. Hashirama was still sitting behind a mountain of paperwork and gave a pout and said, "I don't want you walking home on your own so late, (Y/N)."

You knit your brows together and argued, "I'm a grown ass woman; I can walk home alone."

"(Y/N)! What if something happens?!" He whined. "Madara, will you please walk her home?"

Your eyes widened at this prospect. Tobirama would fucking kill you if he sensed you walking home with Madara Uchiha. You opened your mouth to protest, but Madara shrugged and said, "Yeah, I guess. It's on my way anyhow."

You gulped and shot daggers at your brother, who was oblivious to the look. Hashirama grinned and as the two of you left the office, he called out, "Goodnight!"

Neither Madara nor you said anything for a few minutes. Finally, you spoke up, breaking the silence, "So you know my brother Tobirama as well?"

"Mhmm," he grunted in reply, his eyes straight ahead. He added, "Are you two twins?"

You chuckled, "How could you have ever guessed that?"

A small smirk played on his face as he responded, "There aren't many white haired, red eyed Senjus running around Konoha."

"Tobirama and I might be shadow clones, but our similarities stop there."

"That's a relief," Madara replied sarcastically. "Your twin isn't my biggest fan."

You laughed again. "Tobi doesn't like anyone who isn't me. Half of the time he doesn't like Hashirama."

"Well, it's nice to know I'm not the only object of his disdain."

You two were quiet again until you reached the Senju compound. As you neared the gates, you stopped and smiled kindly up to Madara, thanking him for accompanying you.

"Of course, (Y/N). Take care," he replied, giving you a small nod and disappearing into the night.

You smiled broadly as you entered the compound. For all of Tobirama's warnings, Madara wasn't half bad. Plus, he was damn good to look at.

Whenever you entered the house, Tobirama was standing on the front porch. His eyes were narrowed and he asked, "Where have you been?"

"I went to see Hashirama. What are you doing out here?"

"Hmm," he hummed, looking out into the darkness towards the gates. "I sensed Madara's chakra close by and was wondering what he was doing around here."

"Probably just walking around. It's not a crime to exist in your own village."

"Were you with him?" He asked you, holding a steady eye on you.

"Why would I be with Madara Uchiha?" You asked, rolling your eyes.

Tobirama nodded and opened the door, accepting your answer as satisfactory. The two of you bid one another goodnight and you went to bed with a smile on your face, not only for getting around Tobirama's inquisition, but also for meeting someone who had piqued your interest.

A few days later at breakfast, you, Hashirama, and Tobirama sat around the table and ate. Your brothers talked of village happenings and you mostly sat and listened, uninterested. You were then pulled into the conversation when Hashirama asked, "So, (Y/N), what'd you think of Madara?"

You froze and looked up to your brother while Tobirama's eyes locked onto you. You gulped your food and simply replied, "He was nice."

"Madara?" Tobirama inquired, eyes narrowing.

Hashirama continued, ignoring his brother, "I was so grateful that he walked you home. I really didn't want—"

You snapped quickly, "Hashirama, would you shut the fuck up?"

Your oldest brother's eyes widened and he asked in a hurt voice, "What did I do?"

Ignoring Hashirama, Tobirama asked in a cutting tone, "Walked you home?"

"Yes, he walked me home from the Hokage's office because Hashirama asked him to."

"So you lied to me?" Tobirama turned to you, his expression angry.

"Mind your business."

"You are my business," he snapped. "You're my twin sister."

"I'm not your fucking property," you replied harshly. "Whoever I spend time with is up to me, got it?"

Tobirama pushed himself away from the table and angrily sighed, "Whatever, (Y/N)."

"You're making nothing into a big deal like always, Tobirama!" You shouted as he left the room.

Hashirama sat with his head down before saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't know Tobirama didn't know..."

"It's fine, Hashi. He'll get over it," you responded, going back to your breakfast.

Tobirama and you avoided one another for the next couple of days, both of you too stubborn to apologize. However, he cracked before you did. It was late at night whenever he knocked on your bedroom door and opened it before you responded.

"May I come in?" He asked.

"I guess."

He sat on the floor with you and sighed, "I'm sorry for how I acted the other day. I guess it just caught me off guard."

"You acted like a jerk."

"I know."

You ran a hand through your long white hair and asked, "Why do you hate him? He didn't seem that bad."

Tobirama looked at the ground and was silent for a few moments before he said, "I guess I just know what he's capable of."

"In battle?"

Tobirama nodded.

"That could be said for anyone, Tobi. You, Hashirama..." you started, unsure of where you were going. "But off the battlefield you two aren't bad people."

"He's just an asshole."

You laughed, "And you aren't?"

Tobirama cut his eyes at you. "This isn't about me."

"Seriously, you of all people don't get to judge someone for being an asshole."

"I came to apologize, not be bullied by my little sister."

You smirked, "Little sister by eighteen minutes."

"That just means I have eighteen more minutes of wisdom than you," he grinned and laughed.

"What about that time you were in a coma for three days? Hmm?" You countered.

He pushed you on the shoulder and said, "Doesn't count."

The two of you sat silently before Tobirama gave you a somber look and begged, "Please, (Y/N), promise me you'll stay away from Madara."

You twisted your mouth into a frown and replied, "We live in the same village as him. I can't promise you that. I'm bound to run into him. What do I do then, act like a bitch?"

"Yes, you do that exactly."

You gave him a flat look. "Tobi."


You rolled your eyes. "You don't have to worry about me so much, you know that right? It's gonna make your hair fall out," you joked.

"I can't help but worry about you," he responded in a soft voice. "You're my twin."

"Well just try not to," you said. "I can take care of myself. I've had two incredibly strong brothers to look up to all these years."

Tobirama wrapped you in a big hug before leaving your room.

You lay in bed and wondered if meeting Madara had been a one time ordeal. You hoped you would see him again eventually, if only to become his acquaintance. It never hurt to have another friend, right?


You were standing outside of Hashirama's office waiting on a meeting to be let out whenever you saw a familiar face walking down the hall. You smiled at Madara and he returned the gesture before saying hello.

"Long time no see," you spoke, looking up to the man.


You asked what he was doing here, to which he knitted his brows and replied, "I work in this building?"

"Oh," you mumbled, feeling stupid.

"What are you doing here?" He turned your question on you.

"Waiting on Hashirama's meeting to end."

Madara clicked his tongue, "You'll be waiting for a while. If I'm not mistaken, this meeting lasts another hour."

Your mouth fell open and you sighed. Madara laughed and said, "You're welcome to come sit in my office with me. It beats standing outside in the hallway."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and began walking, with you following behind. He unlocked the door to his office and let you in, the smell of coffee hanging in the air. The office was immaculately organized, which was a stark contrast to Hashirama's.

Madara sat at his desk and offered you the chair in front of it. You sat down and looked at the Uchiha clan's crest that adorned one of the walls. If Tobirama knew where you were, he would have a heart attack. But what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"Hashirama told me your brother was upset that I walked you home," Madara chuckled.

"Fucking hell, Hashirama has such a big mouth," you griped. Your face was red from embarrassment and you sunk down in the chair.

Madara noticed your shame and leaned on his elbows on the desk. She's cute, he thought with a smile. He laughed and said, "So, Tobirama doesn't want you in my company?"

"It doesn't matter what he wants. He doesn't make my decisions for me."

Madara's brows raised and a little smirk played on his face. What a feisty little thing this one is. He spoke with a laugh, "You're interesting, (Y/N)."

Your eyes widened a bit and you bit down on your tongue. Madara's dark stare was burning into you and you felt helpless under his gaze. All you could do was return the look, unsure of how to respond to his words.

This man did something unexplainable to you. You sucked in a deep breath before asking, "Why do you say that?"

"Hashirama always told me you were a handful, but I never really believed him, I guess. My mistake," his voice was rich and velvety, dripping from his mouth like honey as you hung onto every word.

"I'm only a handful to those who can't bear to carry me."

"I see."

Madara's eyes took in every inch of your face. He cursed that you looked so much like Tobirama, a man he despised. But even he couldn't deny your charm. And it seemed you were charming as second nature, not that you had to put on airs to entice him, but that you simply had to be yourself. He found it refreshing.

"If your twin wouldn't object, I would ask to take you out for dinner," Madara spoke, feigning a sarcastic sigh.

You rolled your eyes. "I didn't know you were scared of my brother, Madara."

Madara chuckled lowly and replied, "Then I shall see you Friday night?"

A smile broke onto your face. "Friday night it is."

Friday night came impossibly fast and you were overwhelmingly nervous about your date with Madara. Honestly, you were more nervous about Tobirama finding out than you were the actual date.

You bid your brothers goodbye before heading to the restaurant where you were to meet Madara. He was standing outside the building, waiting for you, and as you approached, he gave a small smile.

The two of you were tucked away in the corner of the restaurant, hoping to avoid much attention. To your pleasure, Madara was enjoyable to be around and as you sat in front of him, a small part of you began to think this could become something more than just friendship. You knew being with Madara would be an uphill battle, but eventually your twin would get over it. Either that or he would spend his days resenting you.

As dinner ended, Madara asked if you would like to take a walk along the river. You agreed and fell in step with him, heading in that direction. You two continued getting to know one another, laughing together, and enjoying one another's company.

After getting out of the village a bit, you and Madara were the only people around, so he placed his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. The dark water soon came into view and you stood along the banks, looking at the moonlight as it reflected into the water. You spoke, "Thank you for tonight. I've had a great time."

"Of course," he replied, looking down to you. "I'm glad you gave me a chance."

You let your head fall onto his shoulder before sighing, "You're not half bad, you know?"

"I'll take it," he laughed.

You glanced up at him and met his dark eyes. Quietly, he lifted your face with his fingers and pressed his lips to yours. His kiss felt natural, like you two had done this a thousand times before, and you found yourself longing for this moment to last just a while longer. Your hands ran through his hair gently before his lips raised to your nose and then your forehead. He smiled as he enveloped you in a hug and buried his face in your snowy hair.

Everything felt okay, just for now. Tobirama be damned, Madara thought. He liked you. He wanted to know all about you—your hopes, your dreams, your fears. He didn't care that your twin would loathe him, as long as you never did, that was all that mattered.

Weeks passed, and you and Madara kept a low profile. You couldn't deny you had feelings for him, but you wouldn't quite say you loved him, not yet anyway. The two of you snuck around the village together, avoiding Tobirama and Hashirama. It was terribly exciting, you thought, to hold a secret from the two people who had always known everything about you.

You knew Hashirama would be overjoyed that his best friend and sister were together; however, Tobirama would be royally pissed. Especially considering he had asked you to stay away from the Uchiha man. Eventually you would tell your brothers, but you wanted to wait things out for a while and see what happened. It was still kinda early in you and Madara's relationship and anything could occur.

Another secret date with Madara was ending and as he walked you home that night and dropped you off at the Senju compound's gates, he gave you a final quick kiss and said goodnight. You whispered the farewell back before slipping into the gates and making your way to your house.

Although it was late, the lights were still on in the house. You hoped it was just Hashirama, but with your luck it would be Tobirama. You quietly entered and saw both of your brothers sitting at the kitchen table, playing shogi.

Hashirama greeted you and asked you to join them, but you declined, saying you were tired. You went into your room and started getting ready for bed, whenever you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in."

Tobirama stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He didn't say anything, instead just stood there quietly.

"What's up?" you asked, putting your hair in a braid.

He looked at you contemplatively before opening his mouth. He said nothing and instead closed it, then looked at the ground.

Your stomach began to sink. You had a bad feeling about whatever was going to happen next.

Tobirama sighed deeply and said, "I'm not fucking stupid, (Y/N)."


"I know you've been seeing Madara. I notice his chakra around here every time right before you come home. The first couple times I figured it was a coincidence, but... Like I said, I'm not stupid."

You nodded. You were unsure of what to say, so you stayed quiet. You could feel the anger in his voice as he stood there, arms crossed.

"Why him?" He asked, a flat look on his face.

"I—" you started before stopping yourself. You sighed before admitting, "I don't know."

"There are so many more men out there, (Y/N)," he snapped. 

"But they aren't him," you answered. You smiled sadly before continuing, "Madara is good to me. Just give him a chance, please. For me."

Tobirama rubbed his temples and said, "You're fucking stubborn. Nothing I say will dissuade you, so I'll leave with this: you are making a mistake. Madara Uchiha will break your heart, (Y/N)."

You sighed, "If it's him breaking it, then that's fine with me."

"Goddammit, (Y/N). Since when were you so naive? I swear you do things just to stress me out," he muttered as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Why does this matter so much to you? You hate Madara because he's an Uchiha, but you don't know him like I do."

"Because he's no good for you!" Tobirama raised his voice a bit, irritated. "You've known him for a few months and suddenly you're ready to throw your life away for him?"

"I'm not throwing my life away!" you growled back, putting your hands on your hips. You paused and gulped before saying in a weak voice, "I just... I love him."

Tobirama looked completely floored as you said this. The color drained from his face and he set his jaw in a hard grimace before saying, "If you don't listen to anything else I say, listen to this... Madara Uchiha will never truly love you. He's self-serving and only cares about power. He will choose himself over you every time, (Y/N), even if it kills you."

"Please leave, Tobirama," you replied, closing your eyes and turning away.

He did as you said, slamming the door as he exited the room. You felt tears welling in your eyes and you wanted nothing more than for Madara to prove Tobirama wrong.

You knew Madara was an insomniac so you snuck out the window and headed toward the Uchiha compound. As you reached his house, you felt nervous about showing up unannounced. Nevertheless, you saw the lights on and knocked on the door.

Whenever he answered, he gave you a puzzled look and said, "It's late. Why are you out?"

"I'm sorry, I just needed to talk to you."

"Hn," he grunted as he stepped aside and welcomed you in.

You sat on his sofa and pulled your knees into your chest, unsure of what to say. You hadn't thought this through at all, you just needed to get away from your house. Madara was the only person you could think of going to.

"So, what's troubling you?" he asked, sitting beside you.

"Tobirama and I got into a big fight."


In a weak voice you responded, "You."

"Ah," he whispered. "What did he say?"

"He thinks you're going to break my heart."

Madara forced a smile and you could see the sadness behind it. He replied in a calm voice, "Of course he does... But what do you think, (Y/N)?"

"Even if you did, it's yours to break," you spoke as you looked him in the eye.

"Is that so?" he asked.

You nodded and felt his hands as they reached for your face. He pulled you closer to him and gently pressed his lips to yours. All of the anger you felt earlier washed away as this man held you. His dark eyes melted into yours and you knew in this moment you were in love with him, although you would never say it.

He kissed your cheek and whispered in your ear, his breath hot against your skin, "I don't care what your brother thinks. I know how I feel about you."

Your eyes were screwed shut and you felt the heat rising on your cheeks. His words were so sultry and you felt like you could melt under his touch. You murmured, "And how do you feel, Madara?"

A low chuckle came from his throat and he cupped your chin before holding intense eye contact with you and saying in a husky tone, "You're mine."

You couldn't deny his words. You didn't care how this story ended; you were just happy to have a chapter or two of it. To have a piece of Madara's heart was all you longed for, even though he had all of yours. Maybe Tobirama would be right, perhaps Madara would break your heart. But in this moment, you couldn't care less.

For as long or as little as he would have you, you were his.


Love the idea of Tobirama's sister making his life hard and falling in love with Madara. I thought about making this a short story, and I still might. Idk. We'll see.

Definitely will have a part two, so keep an eye out!

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