With and Without You (Aetherx...

By Bryanbythecreek

71.8K 1.3K 703

Basically a story where I put my own spin on what takes place in Inazuma. still the same story, but told in a... More

Chapter One: Departure
Chapter 2: The Crux Fleet
Chapter 3: Ritou Locked
Chapter 4: Meeting Miss Kamisato
Chapter 5: Visionless
Chapter 6: The Vision Hunt Decree
Chapter 7: Face to Face
Chapter 8: Ask Me Anything
Chapter 9: Abysses and Wells
Chapter 10: Withering Sakuras
Chapter 11: Steel and Serenitea
Chapter 12: Haunted Thinking, Wishful Teasing
Chapter 13: Spirits and Maidens
Chapter 14: The Second Shrine
Chapter 15: Raise Your Sword
Chapter 16: Horrifiying Revelations
Chapter 17: Unexpected Reunion ⚠️ 🔞🍋
Chapter 18: The Kindness in Desires
Chapter 19: The Fatui's Meddling
Chapter 20: The Araumi Ruins
Chapter 21: The Perpetual Machine
Chapter 22: Recovery
Chapter 23: The Passionate Firework Lady
Chapter 24: Jail Break!
Chapter 25: The Hot Pot Game
Chapter 26: The Past Torments No Longer...
Chapter 27: Wither Not My Friend
Chapter 28: The Passionate Firework Lady Returns!
Chapter 29: Errand Boy
Chapter 30: Lucidly Realistic
Story Update!
Chapter 31: Woven Wishes
Chapter 32: Unofficial Buisnesses
Chapter 34 : The Calm Before... (No Comic!)
Chapter 34: The Calm Before... (With Comic!)
Chapter 34.2: The Calm Before (With Comic)
Chapter 35: The Storm
Chapter 36: The Plane of Euthymia
Chapter 37: The Thin Line Between Life and Death
Chapter 38: Struggle
Chapter 39: Adapt

Chapter 33: The White Heron.

1.2K 16 18
By Bryanbythecreek

Aether had always done his best to understand Ayaka. Everything that she spoke he interpreted clearly, he had been the same wavelength as her, if not that, then a similar one.

However he hadn't anticipated her to continue elaborating in her personal matters. Specifically her mother and Tsubaki.

"I think that Tsubaki... might be a fox enjoy!" Ayaka said with a someone determined, yet also uncertain tone.

She could say for sure, but she felt it was plausible.

Aether was rather stunned, by the possibility of Tsubaki being a...

"Fox Envoy?" Paimon repeated in a rather confused tone

"Yes. That's what I think." Ayaka said, cheerfully reinforcing her belief.

"You don't know anyone who can contact Tsubaki... do you?" Aether asked

"Even I, my mother's own daughter, had never even heard of this friend before. That is until recently... It seems so mysterious. So I think it must be someone with transcendent abilities who doesn't show themselves very often. And fox envoys are nothing new. Stories have been told about them in Inazuma since ancient times. You've most certainly must have met Guuji Yar before?"

"I wouldn't say that Pamimon and I have officially met Lady Yae, but we have conversed very briefly."

"Well, she's a fox envoy!" Ayaka exclaimed "That got me thinking, maybe there are fox envoys out there in Inazuma that people just don't know about... and maybe Tsubaki is one of them."

"Whoa!" Paimon chanted in amazement "... So Inazuma also has supernatural beings?"

"Uh, when you say 'also'..." Ayaka began to speculate

"Well, before Inazuma we spent time in Liyue. They have lots of supernatural beings there, like the adepti. All kinds of them, too... Up in the sky, down below the ground, in the water..." Paimon's memories  came like second nature, it was memories she had now grown quite fond of.

"Really?... I have come across such things being asserted in books, but to hear someone talk about it firsthand experience is extremely surprising... not to mention interesting." Ayaka said while attempting to contain the curiosity within.

Aether nodded his head "Take Ganyu for example. She is an adepti... well, sort of. She's half human and half adeptus, which is why she looks so different from most of the adepti. Anyways my point still stands... she can still do some pretty cool adeptus stuff, like creating powerful adeptul sigils."

Ayaka briefly looked up in the air, almost imagining the magic of Liyue itself.

"So, Liyue lives up to its reputation... its culture has a long history and gives rise to the most beautiful legend. Quite captivating."

Paimon smiled "You should come visit Liyue with us some time. The best part is... they have loads and loads of delicious  delicacies!"

Aether rolled his eyes at the once more, predictable statement.

Despite expecting Paimon to mention food, Aether didn't disagree with her at all. Nor would he mind sharing time with Ayaka in Liyue.

"Paimon is bias, but she isn't wrong. The food is really something else. They even hold a festival full of cooking competitions. It would be a great first time experience if you hadn't been to Liyue before." Aether said

"Really?" Ayaka's voice went up in a happy tune, almost in disbelief about the offer that laid before her.

Aether nodded his head "Yeah, We'd love to. Some much culture resides in just Liyue's food alone. It would be a shame to miss out... afterall, I haven't experienced it quite yet either."

"I would love that!" The idea of sharing that first experience between the both of them had sold Ayaka nearly immediately.

Of course dreaming about sharing that experience and actually doing it are to entirely different things. Given her role in Inazuma and the country's current situation, she knew the chances of that ever happening were non-existent.

But that would stop herself from yearning those thoughts she wanted so badly, yet couldn't obtain.

Not to the point to where she festered her own reality, but enough for Ayaka to understand the pain she had subject herself to for falling for Aether so hard...

No, she mustn't ruin such a good moment.

"Speaking of delicacies- Traveler, Paimon have you eaten your fill?"

"Oh Paimon has!" The fairy dreamily admited as she gently patted her stomach

"I must admit, Inazuma has delicacies of its own. I've had more than my fair share of food" Aether agreed.

"Excellent, then let's collect the Kimono. Then we can pay a visit to my mother's mysterious and transcendent friend..." 





The grand doors creaked ominously as her loyal subject passed the armed gaurds. They of course, elected to not question the women's intentions in meeting with the Shogun, for this women was the most respected of all her, generals.

Kojou Sara was a support beam in the Raiden Shogun's eternity. She was loyal and fearless, committing herself to Baal's vision without question.

The women had become a direct symbol to the Shogun's vision. She represents the Shoguns rule. The fear and absoluteness of control. Not to mention Sara is chalk full of militaristic ingenious. Her methods and tactics has had unexpected success in both the Vision Hunt Decree and the smoldering of the Watatisumi Rebellion.

Kojou believed in her leader, even during these trying times, she still thinks Inazuma will persever through with the Shogun.

After All, the Shogun's decisions and thoughts are absolute.

Sara walked into the center of the Shogun's domain (as in home), stopping before the grand stair case. She knew that if she gazed upwards she would find the Shogun atop it, either meditating or sat comfortably. But she would look, instead, Kojou Sara would bow and remain in that position until the Shogun decides to choose to acknowledge her existence.

"State your purpose." Her electric voice called from above.

"To serve and uphold the legacy of our almighty Shogun-"

"No Kojou..." The Shogun waited until Sara's eyes met hers "I ask of what is it that brought you here?"

"Your majesty, as a general, it is my duty to inform you on the current events. As of today I have important news."

"Go on...."

"We're on schedule and rapidly approaching the goal set in the Vision Hunt Decree. In addition to this, the troublesome Oni, Arrataki Itto, shouldn't be much a problem anymore."

"Do you have him in solitary confinement?"

"I- no. Unfortunately, the oni had manage to escape our grasps; but not before losing his vision." Kojou Sara lifted the orange colored ornament to the Shogun

"While, this is in improvement; might I make a suggestion? Don't think that vision is the only source of his strength. Have you forgotten the nature in strength of Oni blood?"

"No, of course not your majesty!" Sara quickly denied

She cursed herself for forgetting such an important detail. Especially infront of the Shogun.

Kojou Sara was meant to be the most cunning and elite general... but she forgot something so simple. She chastised such futile efforts.

"He may be down for some time, but the oni isn't out. He still processes inhuman strength and excellent swordsmanship." Ei scoffed at Arrataki's combat "Despite his lack of form, his brute strength is enough to decommission a whole regiment with ease. It's best to find him now, while his pride is low."

Sara saluted with a stern agreement "As you wish..."

"And what of the war efforts?"

"Excellent progess milady, the resistance is faltering. They lack the numbers, training, and resources to go on for long. Not to mention the harsh conditions they are living in. Eventually they will have to fold if we pressure them long enough. I'd assume within a few months, as winter hits and decimates their crops."

Ei hummed in response "And of the Yashiro Commission?"

"They still remain neutral in this whole affair, from a legal standpoint. However they have requested and appeal of Hunt Decree amany times now; even after our Commission and the Kanjou Commission's iron will. I suspect they will not or have not respected the Hunt Decree; though I have not the evidence to prove it."

"Very well. Do as you see fit, as long as your methods do not over step your Commission's boundaries. If there are unloyal subjects within the Yashiro Commission or even the Kamisato clan... find them and handle them. They threaten the path to Eternity." 

"Thank you... and Raiden Shogun?"


"Have you any idea for the Vision Hunt Ceremony? Perhaps a potential candidate for the 100th vision. Someone you wish for me to collect?" 

The ceremony is a milestone in the Vision Hunt Decree. The Shogun intends to celebrate it, in order to increase soldiers morale. But additionally it could be used as a way to strike fear into the hearts of those who are thinking about refusing her idea of Eternity.

Her candidate of selection should therefore, be one that creates a clear message.

"Hmm..." The Shogun thought for sometime before coming to a conclusion "As a matter of fact... I do."





"Your garment is ready, Miss Kamisato. I've folded and packaged it for you." Ogura Mio said in an excited tone. She then moved closer and raised her hand to whisper "Oh, and the other items we discussed- those are ready too!"

Aether couldn't hear Ogura when she whispered, but he couldn't help that she was speaking of him. She glanced at him numerous times during her questionablly secretive speech.

Ayaka smiled and noded "Thank you very much" 

Which only left Aether even more confused

"No, thank you! It is a beautiful peice of clothing, and it was a pleasure to work on. See you again next time!" 

She waved good-bye to the trio as they waved back, before they had moved away from the shop. Just as they had stepped out of the shadow of the shop and into the light stone path, Ayaka had stopped.

Aether at first didn't notice, but eventually came to the realization that he had no longer heard he sandles. He stopped to turn around to find Ayaka being somewhat shy.

He couldn't see or thought it has a hallucination; but Ayaka's face had began to grow red as she avoided eye contact with the Traveler.

"Ayaka?" He asked confused, now slowly approaching her

Realizing that she could no longer stall the silence, she attempted to speak her mind

"Traveler... I-I have a gift for you." She stuttered quickly.

He was originally shocked by the statement "Hmm? Really?"

She nodded her head slightly, before revealing what she had been fiddling with in her hands.

Paimon being the first to create a verbal reaction

"Whoa... Looks super fancy! Is that for wearing in your hair?"

The fairy had known it would be wise to speak. Ayaka, otherwise, would have a harder time trying to convey the gifts in its manor to Aether given that it was blatantly obvious she crushed on him.

"I-It's a hairpin in the style of a white heron. As well as a hair accessory you can also use it as an ornament."

She held her hand out further, now forcing herself to make eye contact with Aether, though it proved extremely difficult.

"I couldn't ask for your help and offer nothing at all in return, so this is my gift to you." She managed to use as an excuse.

While that was true, it was also because her heart felt the need to give him the hair pin. She felt it as if she was giving Aether a peice of herself.

So even if she can't be with him in wholeness, at least he would have something to remember her by.

The White Heron.

Aether held the hair ornament delicately, inspecting it with all of his endearment. The design was similar to that of Ayaka's armored skirt. The ocean blue as a base color, signifying her noble elegance and dignified strength. But there was also small flowers in white petals with gold in their centers; enticing her youth and ever blossoming beauty. Her natural state of caring and kindness. Then there was the white small streaks that where painted acrossed like the flowing water of a river.

The symbol of life. The symbol that things change and time moves on. A current that will flow one way regardless, no matter one's strength.

He looked up at Ayaka and smiled

"It's beautiful, Ayaka. It's a very good gift and I will take very good care of it." He said

Aether already knew exactly where he wanted it. Not in his hair, that would let the hair pin get dirty and risk its destruction.

No, he had a much better place in mind.

His nightstand by his bed would suit perfectly. There, it could live safely for eternity. Ever night it could be a solemn reminder to him.

So even that if he did leave this world, no matter how many years would go by... that hair pin would always mean the same to him. What it resembles was enough to grasp his heart for as long as he would live.

Ayaka's anxiety was put to rest at his response, suggesting he truly appreciated her gift.

"I'm glad you like it!" She said nearly euphorically 

The two had silently and awkwardly gazed at each other for a moment, making it impossible for Paimon to not tease.

The fairy cleared her throat "Speaking of white herons, that's what your title means, doesn't it? Shirasagi Himegimi. So this gift is like a little peice of yourself. It's elegant and beautiful as you are. Isn't that right Aether~"

After realizing Paimon had curved the statement his direction and that all the attention was on him, his face went red.

"Uh yeah, of course!"

Ayaka giggled as her heart fluttered "You flatter me... If this gift reminds you of me, that is all I could ask for."

"Hee-hee, oh it definitely will..." Paimon said elusively

However Paimon's fun came to an abrupt end as she saw the glare Aether had given her.

It was clear now, that he had noticed Paimon's intentions and that she should change subjects if she wishes to remain his traveling companion.

"Alright, well, now we've got what we came for, we can set off. Time to go meet Tsubaki!" 

(Apologies for the short chapter. Due to sentiment of the following events and how long they are I figured that it would be best to end this chapter here and finish off all of Ayaka's story quest next chapter. It would have felt weird to split the festival into two separate chapters so I ended this one early instead. I decided this and pushed some of the written content within in this chapter into the next chapter.

Originally this was meant to go up sooner than now, but some ass hat decided to Ddoss [Direct Denial of Service] my internet because I beat his team in platinum game of Rainbow Six Siege Ranked. The guy basically hacked my internet offline for a length of time.

But hey, if he wants to risk going to prison for 10 years over a video game... not my problem.

But, assuming I don't get Ddossed again, my writing schedule of 7 to 10 days for a chapter should be back. But I might be speaking to soon.)

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