Total Drama: Revenge of the I...

By hades_lucifer03

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After Hades Melvin gets sucked into his TV, he has to deal with the horrors that the cast of Total Drama: Rev... More

Info on Hades
Eps. 1 |Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!|
Esp. 2 |Truth or Laser Shark|
Eps. 3 |Ice Ice Baby|
Eps. 4 |Finders Creepers|
Eps. 5 |Backstabbers Ahoy!|
Eps. 6 |Runaway Model|
Esp. 7 |A Mine Is a Terrible Thing to Waste|
Esp. 8 |The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean|
Esp. 10 |Up, Up And Away In My Pitiful Balloon|
Esp. 11 |Eat, Puke and Be Wary|
Esp. 12 |The Enchanted Franken-Forest|
Esp. 13 |Brain vs Brawn The Ultimate Showdown|
|The Epilogue|

Eps. 9 |Grand Chef Auto|

55 2 0
By hades_lucifer03

Hades' POV

I walk outside after getting scared at a blare horn Chris was using. "Good morning, Campers! Today we have a very special treat." Chris states. "*gasp* Fantasy-Football?!" Lighting asks, throw an imaginary football. "Espressos?" Zoey asked. "Helicopter bear hunt?" Scott asks. "A day-off?" I asked. "Nope! It's merge day! No more Team Rat. No more Team Maggot. From now on, it's every man, women, and Cameron for themselves." Chris explains. 


"The Merge. Finally! All that 'Team-whoi' was really chafing my butt. Lightning's been pretty useful though. I may keep him around a while longer just to intimidate the others."

"CHEF! DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT!" Chris states in a walkie talkie as my eyes widened. I run over to Zoey and Cam and tackle them to the ground, as the block of concrete lands on the cabin. "You crashed our cabin with a block of solid concrete?!" Zoey exclaims. "I had a bunch left over from building a monument to myself." We look to see said monument in the distance. "I call it, 'Mount Chrismoure!'" We get up and walk over to the other cabin. "From now on, you'll all will share one cruddy little cabin." Chris explains. "But all our stuff was in there!" Zoey yells. "Yeah, Chris. WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled. "Yes, and because I am nice and not heartless, I'll help you get it out." He hands me a small pickaxe. "One McLain brand pickaxe, Children's sized. Enjoy."  He says and grabs on to the ladder. "LATER TATTERS!!!" He flies away. I stand there and clench my fist. I hand Zoey the pickaxe and walk away. 

Mike's POV

After the, crushing our cabin, fiasco, I went to find Hades. I walked through the forest to hear grunting and breaking of wood? I walk closer to see Hades, punching a tree, shirtless. I feel the blush run to my face and hide behind a tree. "Fucking hate Chris and his shitty show." Hades grunts and the punches get more aggressive. They suddenly stops and looks at their knuckles. They looked very bruised. "Damn...I should stop." It says and puts their fingerless gloves and cropped hoodie back on. It sighs and lifts its head. It turns its head quickly and sees me. I squeaked and hid behind the tree. I hear footsteps and suddenly get pinned to the tree. "Watching me let out my anger, huh?" I hear Hades ask and I look at him. They has their normal smug look on its face. "I was just trying to find you, Hades." I said. He smirks and chuckles. "Whatever." He says and walks away, towards the cabin. I follow.

Hades' POV

"Relax, Bubbles, I ain't a Squealer. That's your job." I hear Scott say to Cam. "Knock it off, Pit Sniffer." I said. Scott looks at me and rolls his eyes. 


"I am so bad at keeping secrets." 

Chris pulls up at TV and we stand next to it. "Challenge time. Today it's all about grabbing them and tagging them and to show you how it's done. I give you Total Drama's favorite juvenile delinquent Duncan." Chris says and Chef brings Duncan in on a cart. I smile brightly. He is my favorite from the first gen cast. I feel a glare on the back of my head. Duncan looked at me and smirked. I blushed a bit. "Duncan owes me camera time for skipping out on Total Drama World Tour. So I saved an extra painful challenge demo just for him." Chris explains. "Eat dirt, McLean." Duncan says. I was screaming in my head. 'Fucking hell. Why do I fall for bad boys so much?' I thought. I pulled my hood over my head. "No, that's your job. First up, The Smash and Grab. Hidden somewhere in the mess hall kitchen are six keys to chef's prize collection of vintage go-karts. Some drive well-oiled machine, others not so much." Chris explains. "Chris, don't let these clowns drive my cars. Their gonna smash them." Chef complains. "Yes, and car crashes equals ratings. Demo time, Duncan. Chef, let this purp out on a day pass." Chris says as Chef undoes Duncan's restrains. Duncan smirks, winks at me and runs away, taking off his mask. "Later, losers!" Duncan yells as he runs away. I blushes a bit. "Okay...Probably should have seen that coming." Chris said. I hear Scott pull over Mike and turned to see the talk. "Here's the deal. You help me win today's challenge and I won't tell Zoey the truth about all your funny characters." Scott said. "How do you know about that?" Mike asks. "Sorry." Cam said. I facepalm.


"Scott, out of all people to find out. Maybe I should tell Zoey the truth. I mean, she's chill. She can handle multiple personalities, right? She won't just think I'm some freakish werido, right? Right?!" *gasp* "Sure, and my saggy old ass would be crowned Miss Canada? ~Here I am, Miss Canada.~"

"Players, commence smashing and/or grabbing...NOW!" Chris said as we all ran into the mess hall kitchen. I start opening cabinets and opening jars. "Mike, open that broom closet for me!" I hear Scott say. "Do it yourself." Mike says back. "Oh Zoey~" Scott starts to say. I rush over Scott and cover his mouth. "Shhhh!" I hushed Scott. "Just do it, Mikey." I told Mike. He sighs and opens the broom closet. "Whooo. Brooms. I'm scared." Mike mocked. Then a giant cockroach jumped on his face and he freaked out. I snickered a bit. "Nope. No keys in here." Scott said, looking in the broom closet. I grab the cockroach off Mike's face and threw it on Lightning. "Thanks." "No problem." I help Mike up and smile. "MIKE!" Me and Mike hear Zoey. We turn to her and she is being pulled down into the bucket. "Zoey!" Me and Mike yelp and rush over to her. "A little help?" Zoey asks us. "Oh Mike~" Scott teased. "Route though this garbage. NOW!" Scott ordered. I look at Mike. "You deal with Scott. I'll help Zoey." I said. Mike nods and walks over to Scott. I kneel down next to Zoey and pull her head out of the bucket. "There you go." I said. "Thanks, Hades. Why is Mike following Scott's orders?" Zoey asks me. I sigh. "Scott is blackmailing Mike." I whispered to her. "No." Zoey gasped. I nod. "What is he blackmailing Mike with?" She asked. "I can't tell you. Mike want to tell you himself. I'm sorry." I said. She sighs and nods. "Okay." She states. "He will tell you when to the time is right." I told her. She nods and we look for keys together. 

After a while, me and Zoey found two silver keys. I take one and she takes the other. We rush outside and see a chain fence area with a Chef neon light on the top. "Say hello to challenge part duo. Extreme Chef Auto. You've each been given a can of spray paint and a GPS map of the island. Your mission, race your go-karts around the island and be the first to graffiti tag three landmarks, The Rock Wall of Mount Looming Disaster, The Spooky Tree in the Haunted Forest, and The Tippy Top of a Giant Totem Pole. Oh, and the go-karts, you'll have to steal them...from Chef." Chris explains as we look to see an angry ass Chef. Cam gulps and I shiver. "The first player to completely tag  all three landmarks wins immunity and they get to choose who will be eliminated." Chris says and chuckles. I bite my lip and glare at Scott. "Alright...aaaaannnnddd GGGGooo!" Chris says and look at Chef. He is glaring at all of us. "Oooo. Chef's gonna stare us to death. Big deal." Jo says and high-fives Lightning. "Nobody touches my stuff. NOBODY." Chef states and snaps his fingers. A bunch of naked squirrels pop their heads out of the karts. Everyone gasps but me. "Aww." I said. "LASER SQUIRRELS!!" Cam yelps. They start to shoot lasers at us. I dodge the lasers and smirk. "Cheep Cheep Cheep Cheep Cheep." I called the squirrels. They look at me and smile. I point at the others and they nod. They start to shoot lasers at the others and move from one of the karts. I look at see Chef, glaring at me. I smirk and run over to the kart. He stands in front of the kart and cracks his knuckles. I jump up and kick Chef in the chest. He fall back and I jump into a kart. I put the key in and turn the key. I push the gas and drive to the first landmark.

I turn the corner and see the first landmark. I pull out my spray paint, which is dark green, and made Loki Horns.

After that, I slipped into my kart and drove off, hearing Zoey behind me. As I zoom through the forest, I look around, seeing the landscape. I smile and look at the GPS. "Okay, turn right and...there!" I said and got out of the kart. I make my tag and see Zoey pull up next to me. "Hey Zoey." "Hey Hades!" She replies and make a heart tag. "Cute tag." "Thanks. Yours too." She said and we run to are karts. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" I cheered and we zoomed off, hearing Mike and Scott coming by. "Listen up. Three landmarks wasn't enough so I added a fourth. It's a doozy. A mountain side right near the center of the island. Now GET TAGGING and don't spare the paint. McLean out." I saw the GPS relay a message. I smirk. 'Good one, Chef.' I thought and drove to the third landmark. I see Zoey is already climbing the totem. "shit." I muttered. I grab onto the totem and put the paint can in my mouth. I climb up the totem pretty easily. "Mike, give me a boost." I hear Scott say to Mike. "Stop helping him and help yourself!" Zoey yells at Mike. "I am honest!" Mike calls back as Scott pushes down on his face. "Scott, you are such a BITCH!!!" I yelled. "HAHA! In your face!" Zoey exclaims. "In yours!" Scott yelled and threw his spray can at her. She fell and his can laid on top. "Help!" Zoey yelled. "Zoey!" I yelled and growled at Scott. "Whoopsie!" Scott said. "Zoey, hold on!" Mike yelled up at Zoey. Scott tagged the totem and slid down the totem, hitting Mike. I felt pissed and jumped down. "SCOTT!" I yelled and grabbed his tank top, slamming him into the totem. "What did I say about targeting Mike?" I growled, seeing the red glow on Scott. He looked so scared. "Mike, help Zoey. I'll deal with Scott." I said. Mike climbed up the totem to help Zoey. I drag Scott to the edge of the cliff and smirked. "Wanna go down?" I asked as he flailed around, trying to stay on my arm and not fall. "Please! Please don't hurt me!" Scott plead. I smirked and heard Mike and Zoey land on the ground. I assumed they marked their tag and put Scott down on the ground. I marked my tag and walked over to my kart, driving to the last landmark. 

As I was around a mile till the last landmark, Scott and Mike, or Vito, zoomed past me. 'shit! how though?!' I thought and stepped on the gas. As soon as I parked, Scott hit Vito over the head with a club. "Mike!" I yelled and rushed over to him. I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his head. I was so focused on Mike, I didn't realized Cam and Zoey are already here. Mike starts to attack himself. "Mike. Mike! MIKE!!" I yelled and held him down. He was fidgeting around while underneath me. After a bit, Mike opens his eyes and looked at me. "Hades...?" He said. "Mike!" I exclaimed and hugged him. He hugged me back and smiled. I turned towards Zoey and Cam and got up, helping Mike up. "Mike, Mike, are you okay?" Zoey asked. Mike looked at Zoey. "Better than okay! I won!" Mike cheered.


"I don't know what happened but somewhere in my brain, I heard Hades yelling and the idea of losing my one shot with the coolest guy ever just made me kind of lose it." 

Mike looked at Zoey and held her hands. "Zoey, listen, my characters. They're not just for show. I...I have multiple personalities." Mike confessed. "Yeah, I know. Cameron just told me." Zoey said. "Sorry!" Cam yelled. "I should have told you first. I just didn't want you to think I was a total freak because the real me wants to be your friend." Mike says. Zoey giggles. "Are you kidding? I love oddballs and you're officially the coolest ones ever! Multiples just means there's more Mike to be friends with." Zoey says. They smile and I look up at Scott. He was about to mark his tag. Suddenly we hear a horn and see Lightning and Fang, driving up a ramp towards Scott. "Lightning for the win!" Lightning cheers. Lightning marks his tag and Fang attacks Scott. "My face!" Chris yells and he pulls up. My beautiful fifty foot concrete face!  Did you have to stop at the drive-thru?!" Chris yells and Chef slurps his drink. "Chris, I'd like to make my vote. Joe is out of here!" Lightning states. "No, no vote for you." "WHAT?!" "You fell for an obvious prank by Duncan." Chris says. "Sorry, bro. That wasn't me." Duncan says and hits a button, blowing up Mount Chrismore. "Now that....that was me." Duncan states and laughs. Chef laughs with him as Chris looked dazed. Fang walks over to us with Scott in his mouth and spits him out, spray paint in his mouth. I pet Fang and stuck my tongue out at Scott. 

"The real final landmark was the Totem Pole so immunity and today's sole vote goes to the first person who completely tagged it....Scott." Chris states. "Yes!" He cheered. "Scott, eliminate the player of your choice...chose Lightning." Chris whispers. "No, eliminate Jo. He's a rat!" Lightning yells at Chris. I look around at Mike. I sigh softly. Scott stands up and looks around. "eenie, meenie, miney, moe, who's the biggest losseo?" Scott says. I look at ground. "It's Mike." Scott says. Zoey gasps and I sigh. "Thanks for towing me to victory." Scott says to Mike. "Mike, the toxic marshmallow of loserdom is yours." Chris says. Chef brings it close to Mike as Mike looks down. 

Mike is in the catapult. I see and tear up, running to the catapult. "Mike!" I yelled. "Hades." Mike said. "I am so sorry. I didn't try hard enough..." I said. "It's okay, Hades. You tried your best." Mike says and wipes my tears. I smile softly and kiss his palm. "I have something for you to remember me by." Mike says and pulls out the necklace. "Aw...Thanks, Mikey." I said as he placed it around my neck. I kissed him and smiled. "Goodbye." I said. "This isn't goodbye, Hades. It's see you later." Mike says and the catapult launched him into the sea. A tear went down my cheek and I held the necklace close to my chest. I walk away from the catapult and to the cabin. 

I took a deep breath and walked inside my new shared cabin. I see Cam and Lightning, waiting for me I guess. "Cam. Take top bunk please..." I said and laid on the bottom bunk in the right of the room. Cam nods and takes the top bunk. Lightning  wanted to say something but he just lays on the top bunk in the left of the room. I covered myself up and closed my eyes. 'See you later, Mikey...' I though before falling asleep. 

2648 Words.

This chapter was so hard to make. The reason was who was going to get the win in the challenge. If Hades won the challenge, Scott would have been eliminated. But I wanted drama so Mike had to go. Sorry about the long wait for the chapter. Had to take a hiatus for my metal health. Anyway...I will see all you guys, galls and people of all ages....


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