My Sister's Fiance

jhayrose द्वारा

78K 1.2K 105

After her parents accident Cassandra and Emily was left orphaned. At a tender age of 14 Cassandra had taken t... अधिक

Chapter one - - The memories.
Chapter two - - The beginning.
Chapter three - - women's intuition
Chapter Four - - Dinner Date.
Chapter Five - - Ruined.
Chapter Six - - Truth be told
Chapter Seven - - The break up
Chapter Eight - - Accepting the Engagement
Chapter Nine - - Enduring the party
Chapter Ten - - temporary peace
Chapter Eleven -- off side
Chapter twelve-- the consultant
Chapter thirteen-- the lunch
Chapter fourteen --- the Family
Chapter Fifteen--- Casting Shadow
Chapter Sixteen --- let's talk
Chapter Seventeen - - Deceivingly heartless
Chapter Eighteen -- The sad zombie movie
Chapter Nineteen - - The Silence
Chapter twenty - - The Grocery date
Chapter Twenty one - - Dinner, Again
Chapter twenty three - - the talk
Chapter twenty four - - Freedom atlast?
Chapter twenty five -- second day
Chapter twenty six - - at peace
Chapter twenty seven --- stolen times over
Chapter twenty eight -- busy.
Chapter twenty Nine -- another silly day
Chapter thirty -- settled
Chapter thirty one -- breaking the engagement
Chapter thirty two -- the truth
Chapter thirty three -- detachment
Chapter thirty four -- growing apart.
Chapter Thirty five -- Worries
Chapter thirty six -- Her history
Chapter thirty seven -- Moments
Chapter thirty eight-- her sickness
Chapter thirty nine--- propasal and prisons
Chapter forty --- encamped
Chapter forty one --- stepping up
Chapter Forty two--- The Dawn wedding
Chapter Forty Three -- The Reception
Chapter forty four-- The Honeymoon
Chapter Forty Five -- The in between
Chapter Forty Six -- The sleeping beauty
My Sister's Husband --- Prologue
01 -- Years Away

Chapter twenty two - - unexpected

1.2K 18 0
jhayrose द्वारा

Ha! Wrong update! My phone did not save thats why theres a (---*) part that is published earlier. Sorry.


. . . . . . .


Flipping my laptop I check my mails just to be disappointed with nothing. Well, Im too eager that I nearly count time since I send my resumes last night hoping for my sooner freedom.

But it didn't come ofcourse, I need to wait for days, or weeks or even worst even months before I gain employment abroad. Sure do Im competitive but I wasn't the only one around the world.

Grabbing my coffee I took a sip and lean, resting my back to my comfortable office chair. I slowly close my eyes while still holding my cup with both hands. Far too distressed on my surrounding and its fuss.

Yeah, so what about tomorrow? Its just another saturday. So Why do people keep on busying themselves for that? Fudge. They should have atleast thought that today is friday the thirteenth, that 14th is payday and a loveless day, 15th is restday and But just as I make myself a lot bittier with tomorrows anticipated event a knock came in followed by a familiar footsteps. I lazily open my eyes and give my confusion to Ariel whose bringing some beautiful boquet of roses.

Ooh. Common. Don't tell me even him is up to that!

"Presumtions were always deadly." He said warning me with his playful smile. "pictures are more Persuasive rather than conclusive sometime. ." He said while putting the flowers in my desk.

I look at him, studying while forming a challenging a smile as if expecting him to explain further.

"They are for you." I grew more puzzled and inclined. Ariel and I were good friends and were very close, so close I might think of him as my brother and though he'd always been there for me he never really show any interest on me and had hardly asked me out, just those BFF moments like his birthdays or mine and some other special occassions but with exceptions to Valentines day.ofcourse.

More puzzled I tried to open my mouth to say something just to be shut with his hand then out of no where he produce a card. "From the president." He said with a teasing smile.

I blinked. Did I hear him right?

"Yeah. Speechless? Me too. I just actually met the delivery boy and take it from him. I really wanted to see your expression."

Wow. Seriously. Ive been working for the company for almost five years now. Well, I started from an auditing firm actually then after two years move to a private accounting then a job was offered here as head accountant since then after five years a promotion was offered. Thats why Im pretty dazed with the sudden interest. I mean, Alec had just been our president for nearly three years now and his been nice and easy on me. But a date? An interest? Surely there must be some mistake?

"You serious?" I asked as I put my coffee then grabbed the card from Ariel's hand.


Reading and flipping back and again and reading again making sure Im not delusional, the card really says,

'I hope you have not yet picked a date for tomorrow. I really like to spend it with you. .'

Yours truly,

Mouth wide open I stare at the card and back at Ariel.

"Good thing we don't have flies. Or else you'll be eating them already.'

I shut my mouth. His sometimes annoying, almost ruining the mood.

"Har-har. ."I give him a fake laugh then as the thoughts came in so as realization. "How can I tell him no?" I sounded almost desperate. I don't care about promotion anymore nor do I care for anything currently all I wanted is to get out of the company's grip not long enough and Alec's sudden interest is just another part I so wanted to escape.

"well. .tell him you already have a date."

Right. Easier said than done. I snort. "and who will that be?"

"doesn't mean you said it means you'll do it. Meaning ---"

"I'll lie." I finish his sentence which he just confirmed with a smile.



"unless you really need to go with a date. .in that case. Ahem. ." he stood erect and make a straight face. He suddenly looks so formal and handsome himself.  "I'll be that gentleman." He poses like he was someone in the medieval man posing like a real gent.

I laughed. "Seriously???"

"What? You think Im not serious? Or not good enough?" He said mocking hurt and annoyance. It makes me giggle inside but surpressing it.

"Hmmmm. ."

"Hmmm what?" He asked amused and almost annoyed. If he wasn't helping me and if I really don't know him I could really assume he wants to be my date for tomorrow but then again Ariel is too playful and mercurial sometimes. You'll never know when is he serious or not. I smile with his decisiveness about the offer and the date and which reminds me.

"Fudge!" that was a replacement for f*ck. Cursing in different tone. Ha-ha.

"What? What's wrong?"

I stood up and paced the room, how could I forgot? Jem and Emme was talking about their plans last night and though I thought I was excluded, I wasn't.

"the 'F'!" I started remembering Emme pushing plans on me being on their date. She was really innocent, bet she was just doing that so I wouldn't think or feel being alone. Emme and I usually celebrates Valentines together. We usually went out with a movie, shopping and girl time then eat dinner in a fine resto, then take some walk in the park with ice creams in hand. We would always head home late, tired but happy that were still together but now, things drastically changed. She had a fiance and its their first Valentine date, how could I ruin that?


Realising now, I know I just don't need a date to run away with my boss but to run away with Emme and Jem too.

Ha! For once Odds must be in my favor. I smile with the thought and look at Ariel. Well he offered himself, not me asking him.

Reading me he raise his brow and shook his head. "Oh-oh. .I think your thinking something."

"Well, its your idea. ." I tease and tested him. I hate to use my charms on my bestfriend, he always ended up saying yes. He just can't say no to me whenever I plead.

Almost or playing panicking and hard to get he turn into a frantic employee forgetting something. He really like me chasing him and him playing hard to get whenever he knows I deadly needed him. "I guess I have some errands. .yeah right Im late. .gott--"

I look at him with a pout and a frown while crossing my arms over my chest. Using my acting skills pack with pa-cute effect and charms he stop mid track and stare at me.

"I really hate it whenever you use tha tactic to me." He hissed.

Holding my act I still look at him pleading. Well I can't plead if he started running, that would end up in a chase, while if I use my charms at him right now, chances are always high.

"Your not fighting fair!" He said while Im holding myself not to smile or laugh. This is getting amusing so far."Argh! Your such a brat. ."

I pouted more.

He smile while shaking his head thinking he had no escape and that I am impossible. Haha. Im winning this. Aha. Aha! "Fine." He finally said which makes me burst in joy making me run and hugged him tight.

"Your such an angel!"

"And your such a brat. .I was just parading myself for our president so that he would not force you to date him but looking at your expression, deliberately I know that's not whats just going to happen."

I pull myself away from him but still so close that I could smell his cool and manly perfume. I smile at him. "Yeah sort of." He raised his hand and mess my hair like he usually do.

"Your so easy to read." He said with a smile.

"Well, your easily bait." I teased which makes him mock an angry expression.

"Really??" He asked me full of warning and I just answer him with a head on nod. He smile and started tickling me. Ugh! Its so unfair. He has longer limbs than I am and he knows my soft spots.

I gigled and laugh outburstly. Running ang trying to dodge his hands but ended up cornered I tried to fight him thus we were in a very tough giggle  fight when the door suddenly drops open.

Laughing we stop mid track and dropped our hands instantly as the unwanted visitors came in.

I frown. Its Alec and worst his with Jeremy.

Awkwardly, we straighten ourself and stood erect as possible, blushing.

Why does Jem just appear almost everywhere?

"Miss Gonzales." Alec was the first one to recover and composed himself more, then he walk closer to us or rather to me. Then in close distance he look at me and Ariel with a puzzled dark look, in his side is Jem who look stoic and dark with his creased brow. Obviously the two men found our act inappropriate , and they disapprove it.

Well, I just hope that that looks be in my favor rather than my problem.

Was it just the look? Or was it Jeremy finding you in another man's arm? I cringed with the question and give her a huge 'shut up!' as a reply.

She just give me a shrug.

"I um. .I mean We came here to invite you to lunch if you were not busy." Alec said a little uncomfortable while glancing at me expectantly.

A decisive smile tugged in my lips. Friday the 13th seems to have some mix of good and bad luck for me.

"is it important?"

"Ow. We would just like to have some lunch."

I almost raise a brow with his reply. "Was it the same as the last time?"

Alec paused for a while and nodded. Well, if its same as the last time I wouldn't be so needed and it wouldn't be that important. The lunch would only be lunch and sitting and staring and awkward. Uh-uh, No thanks.

"Uhm. .Can I excuse myself? Ariel and I have plans for lunch. ." I trailed of and look at Ariel who remain manly as possible despite the two superior men sizing and measuring him. He look so confident and unwavering that I almost forgot how jolly and silly this man could be.

The air became awkward as the two men look at Ariel trying to figure him out, Ariel was somehow protective but as ease as possible, he even snake his hands around my waist and pull me closer to his side. Definetely protective.

"If you'll excuse us gentleman. .Cassandra and I are heading for our lunch date. Were still planning for our night time together for tomorrow."

I don't know if I'll be thankful or I should feel dread for Ariel's word. He never like Jem and he usually tensed up around him or avoid him as possible but now he stood up for me and protect me that makes me even question if Ariel had somehow some feelings for me?

Looking from him and the two man I saw Alec turn and notice the boquet and the card he'd sent earlier, he went blushing and feel a sudden failure and competition while Jem just keep on looking at me as if trying to read me. He even cringed when Ariel said 'our night time together for tomorrow', I believe the word has two edge and meaning for him making him question me with his stare as if asking me about my traditional belief on marriage and relationship. We share the same values and belief before, marriage before sex and other intimacy. It was incalcated to our minds as we grow but seeing him now questioning my morals I almost feel like fuming.

How dare he!

"Gentleman. .excuses." Ariel finally said as we shove our way past them. I feel myself clinging to him for strenght while Ariel didn't even let go even if we were already out of the building.

We stayed glued to each other until we reach the resto and we keep our own silence as if each one of us is thinking about the confrontation earlier.

"Im sorry." Ariel said while reaching for my hand.

"Sorry for what?" I look confused. If its for earlier, apologies are no longer needed.

He forced a smile and just look at me for a while. "I'll be resigning."

I gulped. Astound and wounded. I want to burst. "Why?"

I feel him tensed and then he look away and when he return his gaze I saw the conflicting emotions in his eyes.

"I- - I have this offer long time ago. ."

I know his smart, I even wonder why he keeps on working under the same department when he could rise up and be much more but resigning now? Why?

"you were right. I should chase something and do something great. And that perfect timing is now."

Hurt and abandonment came splurring in my system, I so need him close right now that I don't know how would my day be the same if his away. Who would be there for me whenever Jem just keep on sprouting like mushrooms? Who would tease me and lower down any bad air around me? Who would lighten up my day? Who would?

Really? You care about that? But you have thought of  abandoning him. Your going away remember? A stab of hurt come crushing in. How dare me question him when I was supposed to flew and never return? When I was supposed to get out of sight all of a sudden leaving them all behind? You have no right to let him stay for your own benefit, people around you would need their life when your gone. Isn't it better that way?

But can't he stay until I leave?

He can't. You knew it.

I press to close my eyes and suppress my tears. Thinking if I should tell him about my plans, maybe then he'll stay and I don't really need to stay away with him too. But he won't allow it, he would think Im just crazy. He would stop me. He would surely stop me.

I open my eyes and cleared my thoat. "I understand."

"I'll wait till the end of our project though. So I have a month  or so unless. ."


"Unless Alec fire me. " He said smugly while I gigled. Right, men and their competition.

"Your crazy. ."

"Crazy? Did you notice the way he stare at me in your office? Man. It feels like he wanted to kick me out of the building windows!"

I laughed. "And yet you still pull a great act not to mention that your the person who voluntered to be my date!"

"Ha! Yes. Maybe but see, Alec almost kicked my beautiful Arse while Jeremy seems planning to rip me alive! Two men almost killed me by mere stares!" I can't stop laughing at him and his remarks, I know his just making the air merry despite the news, the awkwardness and the confrontation earlier. Haist. I'll definetely miss him.

Looking at him and realising how the world would not be the same if his gone or if I'll be gone.

A sad smile paints his face as he reach his hands to my face wiping my tears away.

"You know I'll always be there for you. No matter what."

I forced a smile. "I know."

He suddenly changed expression and look playfully then he messes my hair. Deliberately its a mess.

"You look ugly when you cry."

"No one's pretty when crying that was supposed to be sad and solemn. And messing my hair makes me more uglier. Your not helping! " I nag at him.

"Really? I think I know someone crying being so handsome and adorable still.."

I roll my eyeballs at him. "Ha! I already know who's that! Tsss!" I shook my head at him. His really a confident smug.

He just chuckle at my response and look at me amused.

"haha. .you look cute when your angry. ."

"Tsss. ." I hissed but smile. I like this day. Sad but still happy. Ariel is such a treasure a definete for keeps.

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