Friend of Monsters

By PhiliCheeseCake

6.6K 102 39

(Soft canon in the Unseen Legion universe) An RP in which the human, Sam (played by Higurehige) encounters a... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 3

445 6 0
By PhiliCheeseCake

H- By the time they reach Lexies, they feel exhausted and drained. A nap would be great...

They pull themselves from the truck, almost falling flat on their face in the process.

By some miracle, they make it to the door. They think this is the most pathetic knock they ever attempted...

C- Lexie's mom was at work late, though she and her dad were having a movie night, re-marathoning the Harry Potter films just for fun. They were on the eighth film tonight. A nice climax that got Oa every time. Lexie just giggled senselessly whenever a character died. She seemed to find fictional characters' suffering either entertaining, or she just had an odd nervous laughter reaction to it, though which option it was, was hard to tell.

Oa turned towards the door as he heard the knock,  recognizing both Sam's scent, and the smell of blood. He paused the movie.

"Lexie can you get that?"

The redhead hopped out of her seat and went over to the door, at first showing a wide grin, before it quickly faded upon seeing the state that Sam was in. She quickly went forward to hold their side to help support them.
"Oh shit— Sam what the hell happened to you?"

She closed the door behind them, offering to lead them toward the living areas. Her dad, Oa was in his default giant form of 14' tall, crouched below the ceiling.

H- "Heeeey! Lexie! Oa!" They drawl, both excited to see them and a little out of it. "I got to steal a giants kneecaps and lock em in a barn" they say proudly, leaning into Lexie glady.

They reek of at least 2 giants, the woods, and old hay.

"I have such a story to tell. Once I nap a little." They finish, almossst giving in to sleep

C- Lexie blinked in interest. "Wait whatnow? You keep on getting to run into wild giants after I *look for them* and have no luck? I will never forgive you," she snorted jokingly, though she was still a little... well a little more than a little jealous.

"Lexie, give them a break," Oa admonished gently. He used his size and strength from his default form to assist Sam towards the couch. He noticed the nasty scratches and winced. He didn't have the best stomach for injuries.

"Dad, you don't have to look at it. I'll get the first aid stuff," Lexie disappeared quickly to grab a first aid kit and reappeared by Sam's side, opening the little box of supplies.

H- "I'm giant bait!" Sam snickers manic. "My one purpose in life...lure giants....To where? Why? Who knows!"

They marvel at Oa, always so fascinated by how big he was, but how careful he was.

"How do you not break your own house?" They ask out of nowhere.

C- "Aww, I wanna be giant bait," Lexie pouted jokingly. "Now hold still. It gives me absolutely no pleasure to take out my frustration on how much this is gonna hurt,"

She got out a cloth with cleaning alcohol to dab against Sam's wounds, though she was surprisingly careful despite her tone. She was simply joking around to lighten the mood.

Oa looked caught off-guard by the question, looking sheepish and self-conscious.

"Lots of self-control and training since I was young," He explained simply. "Also an abundance of ice,"

H- "Wanna switch?" They ask Lexie, "I can be the giant...and I eat you." They joke lightly.

"Oaaa" they whine. When will we find the opposite of ice?"

They hiss as she dabs the alcohol onto their wounds.

" that alcohol? He told had to dilute that. Or it'd heal bad..." they recall suddenly. "Not that it matters. It's fine"

C- Lexie snorted at the accusation of eating her,  and Oa grimaced in discomfort. "No eating anyone, okay."

Lexie rolled her eyes. "They're human. They can't eat anyone anyways. But if reverse ice could be discovered, I'll... keep you posted I guess. I'm a daredevil like that. Surviving being eaten sounds badass."

She looked confused once Sam opposed to the alcohol, not seeming the most adept for first aid. "Who said?"

H- "Cmon Oa, live a little. Nothin' wrong with a lil friendly cannibalism." A pause. "Is it cannibalism?" They're joking, obviously. Inwardly, they're greatful for Lexies comment. It made them feel better about their piss poor luck.

"The giant  i patched up earlier" they say tiredly, not thinking to elaborate as they pitch between exhausted and excited.

C- "Not technically, but some giants are cannibals," Oa frowned in distaste. "But I have never eaten a person in my life and never intend to. It's... I don't know, it's gross... and feels wrong just thinking about it,"

Lexie perked up in interest as the other giant was mentioned. "Oooo! What were they like? Why was he injured? How did you end up patching him up?"

H- "4 out of 5 giants disagree with ya, bud" Sam pokes with a chuckle. "Can't say I have an opinion. I'm doomed to never experience the JOYS of giant-hood" they sigh dramatically.

Not that they'd really want to eat people...They think. That'd be weird right? They don't really feel the urge to do so now - so why would they if they were bigger?

They drop that chain of thoughts. "Oh! Yea! I forgot to tell you! " They perk up, almost rolling over before remembering that's a very bad idae right now.

"A couple days ago I went hiking. I found all these downed trees, and a lot of blood, like BUCKETS of it. So, naturally, like the very smart horror movie protagonist I am - I followed it. To a cave." Despite how dog tired they felt, they carried on - excited to share the story, even if a nap sounded just as exciting.
"There was a big boy inside. A really messed up big boy...later found out the other giants had tried to kill him..."their tone gets sad, and they pause, remembering his words, and how heavy they felt at the time. The fact he was blamed for his sisters death when he seemed to care so much....

They blink away tears. "He didn't seem to like me much at times. But - he didn't eat me and he let me wrap a big blanket around his arm to help it...."

That does not explain the smell of decayed barn nor the second giants smell, however, wich lingered on them from the blood dried into their clothes

C- "Joys? I think it would be easier if I were human. Though I've learned not to focus on wishing for something I'm not," Oa replied. For a giant he was... very ordinary by human standards, kept a cleaner record than many humans, even.

Lexie's eyes lit up with interest at the story, eager to hear all about it. "Whoa, he let you do that? So he was nicer than Mega Karen, then? Damn... I wish I could've been there. Where is he now?"

H- The irony of the two genuinely wishing they could swap places was not lost on Sam. It was a little sad, really. They would have happily given him their human card if they could be big.

"I think he was too weak to not let me at the time, to be honest." They shrug. "But yes, he seemed nicer than M.K." sam noted lightly.

There's a very long pause before they answer Lexies final question. "Somewhere around the woods of the trailer park...." they say...almost guiltly.

"OH! but I didn't tell you the best parts!"

C- Oa's eyes widen. "You let him go *where?!* That's practically a feeding ground for wild giants. People will end up hurt... worse than hurt," he looked nauseous at the thought. The idea of giants eating people was probably the most disturbing thought for him to dwell on, and he had a great deal of empathy that let him dwell on things too much.

"Oh shit, he's right." Lexie chimed in. "But— what was the best part?"

H- "I didn't *let* him go" they try to defend themself, beginning to sit up.

They hadn't meant for him to wind up there, in truth, they were going to take him past that, to the camping grounds deeper in the woods. But what did it matter? He was there...

They sigh, unable to look at either of them now.

C- Oa noticed Sam's turmoil and held up a hand to try to reassure them. His empathy won through this time.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got on your back like that. What the giant does... isn't your fault. You can't be held accountable for it." The giant said, trying to calm them.

H- "But it is..." they mope. "I could have left him to die..." but they wouldn't have... "I could have let the other giants kill him..." they know they wouldn't have done that in any universe, especially since they probably would have just ate them as desert once they were done.

They slump back down into the couch, their back still leaking somehow. "But I don't see what much that would have changed...Giants eat people...if it's not him..." it goes unsaid that another would just take his place.

"I...couldn't leave him like that..." they confess with a sigh.

C- "You showed him kindness. Sometimes that's harder. Sometimes that's what this world needs. That's what my dads gave me, and that's what you gave him. And he didn't eat you, so I can see that as a sign that he understands the value of your help." Oa said sincerely.

H- Another sigh. Disappointed and defeated. Tired.
"I just ...want to do the opposite of what this world seems to fester in so much. Honestly..." a long pause, "I considered putting him down at one point. I didn't think he'd make it, and I was certain he would eat me...But...That's what the cycle would want." They mumble. "I feel...often stupid for believing kindness does anything."

And yet....they do it anyway.

"It feels nice though...when it pays off . Very nice."

They still havent discussed the other giants. They keep forgetting to.

C- "Kindness does pay off. Even if not at first. I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for it," Oa said.

"And you saved a giant's life and he was grateful, so I think you made a difference there," Lexie added encouragingly.

H- Along pause, a slight swelling in their heart at the reassurances given. They relax, letting Lexie continue with working on their back if she wanted to. "Yes. Yes I suppose your right." they sigh, content with that.

C- "Of course we're right. You wouldn't keep coming back here if I was a dummy friend and you got dummy advice here." Lexie chided playfully to try to lift Sam's spirits. She finished up treating their back and put away the first aid kit.

H- They snort out a chuckle, "No, the dumbass friend is *my* role." they joke.

"Oh! The best part!" they suddenly remember, easing themselves into a sitting position.  "So, earlier today, we got chased from the cave into a barn by two other giants that reallly wanted him dead. Not really much for us to do, right? He's still kinda half-dead...I'm just an insignificant human, right? Clearly we were screwed!"

They pause for dramatic effect and to gauge their reactions.

C- Lexie's eyes widened with suspense and interest, while Oa just looked nervous as he was chewing the tip of his claws.

"Then what happened?" Lexie asked eagerly.

H- "The giants barged into the barn, killing us both, unfortunately.." Sam said solemnly with feigned sadness.

C- Lexie blinked in shock.
"Wait *what?"* She and Oa remarked in sync.

H- They snigger, "Yea, real tragedy." they shrug.

"But" they take a breath. "They cornered us in there, they were going to kill him, called him an outcast -  blamed him for his sisters death..." they look away, fidgeting with their hands, feeling ...sad again for him. They remember the feelings they had around him, and realize a lot of them were likely his own.

"He stabbed one - and I managed to lose my knife in one of their knees," they say, puffing up proudly. "I wonder if they're still stuck in that barn?" they chuckle. Probably not. "And a long walk and talk later - here we are."

C- "Whoa... that's badass," Lexie breathed. Her eyes lit up with admiration.

"I'm glad you're still alive. That's crazy," Oa said, shaking his head anxiously.

H- Sam studies Oa, amused. He was an odd giant, for sure...But a loveable one.

"I'm...a little concerned though." they admit.

"He seems to think I may be a hunter...Though, despite this, he simply left instead of killing me."

C- "Well, I suppose that's a good sign. It shows your kindness paid off," Oa sighed.

"Do you think you'll see him again? I'm dying to meet him," Lexie piped up.

Oa looked concerned at this. "Lexie... that's probably not a good idea. You're mother is still human and I don't want to lead him here,"

Lexie groaned, downcast. "Ugh... you're right," she frowned.

H- "Maybe one day - on one of our walks, you won't scare the giants away and we'll meet him." Sam offers hopefully. "Though I have to agree, leading him here would be a bad idea...He's...not exactly 'vegan'" they chuckle grimly, joking about his human eating habits.

C- "Yeahh..." Lexie sighed.

"Well anyways, you should get some rest and heal. And I don't want that giant to be led here by chance." Oa said. He was uncomfortbale now with Sam here, worried about the wild giant showing up at any moment by tracking Sam down. Lexie looked discouraged by Oa's words, wanting to keep talking about giants, but she decided Oa was right, and Sam already looked in bad shape.

H- They grimace,"I....I'm sorry. I didn't think..."

"I don't think he followed me." they say with the tone of someone thinking 'I hope'.

"But it's ok, because if he did, I'll just stab him in the knees too!" they offer with a sort of hope.

C- "Don't be sorry. You were injured, and I'm happy you came here to get help instead of dealing with it on your own," Lexie said. "And hell yeah, go giant slayer," she grinned mischievously.

H- They snort, looking away a bit guilt-ridden despite the soft smile. "Giants knee cap stealer more like it."

" ok if I rest here? I want to stay nearby in case he...did..." THey want to reassure themselves he didn't follow them. They want to be there to make sure they're safe. THey don't think he would follow them - he'd have no reason to, nagged at them now.

C- "Of course. Stay as long as you need until you feel better." Oa said with a reassuring smile.

Lexie collected her first aid things and brought them back into the high kitchen cabinet to put them away.

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