Alphas Operators

Por JE_TheLion

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This takes after "Boboiboy: the Fallen Hero", as the remaining heroes still mourned over their loss. But the... Más

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 6

237 15 8
Por JE_TheLion

After the incident from the ninja attack, everyone is recovering from the battle.

The students and specialists are treated by the medics for their injuries.

The engineers are repairing all the damages from the buildings of HQ and the academy. Including the machinery.

While Jericho and Lumi are brought to the clinic where Mei treats their injuries. His wounded left arm is wrapped up by bandages.

They're having a discussion with commander Garu and lieutenant Angsa about the incident from the terrorist.

The mentors explained about the group that attack the Alphas operator's headquarters, is the violent terrorist organization known as "the League of Ninjas", being led by Hakai.

However, since they're masters of stealth, they're very impossible to track them down.

Then Jericho wants to know about the thunderbolt gem. As he's very familiar with it.

Garu: you're telling me that you're familiar with that gem that was stolen by Hakai?

Jericho: it's true! When I first looked at the gem, it was like I'd seen this before.

Angsa: really?

Jericho: well... Not only that. I feel like... I can sense its energy. It's like I have some connection with that thunderbolt.

Lumi: you do?

Jericho: I'm still a bit confused... I was wondering if this could be a part of my memories... But what's more important is that we have to track down those ninjas. They're probably plotting a scheme with that gem they had stolen. But still, where did you find it?

Garu explains about the gem they found, that was fallen from the sky like a meteorite from years ago.

One of his co-workers was examining that the thunderbolt. Based on its symbol, it possessed the power of the lightning element.

But proves to be very dangerous for someone to handle such extreme power. Even touching it can give electrocution.

This could be the possible reason for the ninjas to steal the gem because of its great power.

Jericho: then, we must track them down now!

Garu: unfortunately, we can't. Our tracking systems are completely damaged, as this could take weeks to repair them. Including the spaceships.

Angsa: they could have been traveled to another planet.

Garu: more importantly, we have to investigate how the league of ninjas would manage to enter this place. As the gate has been opened since this is where we keep any villains from trespassing this place with high tech security.

Angsa: then we must check from the security room to see the footage of the gate.

So they, including Jericho and Lumi, decided to head towards the security room.

Once they open, to their horror, they see all of the security guards lying down on the floor.

Lumi: *GASP!*... Are they alright...?

Jericho: what just happened to them?!

When Garu checks on them, only he sees that they're all completely lifeless. He confirmed that they're indeed dead as they're being murdered.

Then, the general noticed the ripped hole from one of the guard's shirts, which was exposed to have a burned skin of the latter's chest.

While wondering who could have done this, Garu then spots a fluid on the floor.

When the others take a closer look, Jericho recognizes what it looks like.

Jericho: that fluid... It looks exactly like Mercury's poison!

Lumi: Mercury?! Could it be that he was there, and did this to the security guards? Does that mean he was the one who let the ninjas come in?

Jericho: Well, he did prove himself to be not so trustworthy at all like he tried to kill me. He probably did this because he was so angry for being kicked out.

As Angsa tries to check on the security footage on the monitor where the screen locates on the entrance gate, it was cut off as the screen suddenly turned blank.

Only the white-haired boy claims that Mercury only brought a league of ninjas by opening the gate to allow them to enter while disabling the security cameras.

Lumi wonders if he would still be around since he's responsible for this mess. But Jericho wanted to focus on retrieving the thunderbolt back from the ninjas.

So he asks the General permission for a mission to retrieve the gem from the ninjas. Since he felt responsible for letting them get away with it.

Garu: hmmm... I'm not sure. This could be dangerous for such a human to handle this kind of situation. You know how strong Hakai is when you first faced him.

Lumi: In that case, I'll help you get it back. It's also my fault as well.

Angsa: We appreciate your help, but how would you find them as they're the master of stealth?

???: I think I know who.

They turn their attention to see someone who arrives in this room.

Lumi: Felisa?

Felisa: It took me a while to find you guys as I have something to tell you.

Jericho: Really? Do you have any solutions for finding the ninjas?

Felisa: Well... Not quite. But I figure that someone has known those League of Ninjas, & they're the key to finding them.

Garu: Alright, please tell us.

Felisa: During the attack, I noticed something on the grenades that the ninjas carried with them. There's a logo on it. Which I know where that came from. It is the club from Astropolis city.

Lumi: really?

Felisa: it may look like a place to throw a party, but they seem so suspicious. This might have some connection with the league of ninjas.

Jericho: then that means, they might know where the ninjas are. *looks at Garu* please general. Let us go to that place. They might lead us to find that gem since I couldn't stop them from taking it.

Garu: hmmm... Alright. I'll allow it.

Jericho: really? Do you mean it?

Garu: since you're all part of last year's class. We can allow any students who volunteer to participate in a mission without any assistants from the superiors, as they already left for search. You're all mature enough to handle this kind of situation. But since You're still a new student while you'll be studying for one year, you need someone to accompany you who are more experienced fighters than you are.

Lumi: you can count me in.

Felisa: then I'll just be their guide.

Garu: alright that settles for the 3 of you.

Angsa: while the rest of us will be repairing all the damages from the headquarters, including the rest of the others that they needed to be treated for their injuries.

Garu: and we can allow access on using your armor. But only when time is needed as it's going to take hours to recharge after using it for 15 minutes.

Jericho: okay general.

Angsa: remember, if there's trouble, just call for backup immediately.

???: I don't think the three of you would be enough.

This caught everyone's attention from someone who came into this room, which is Sukar.

Jericho: Sukar? What are you doing here?

Sukar: I decided to join your party.

This shocks both Lumi and Felisa as they have never seen him wanting to associate with others.

But he proclaim about joining them because he doubt about letting a mere human handle such a dangerous trip, and thought that he needed more backup.

With the group are now ready, they all left the room. While the rest of the superiors will be searching for Mercury.




On the streets, where Felisa is guiding them (now wearing their battle outfits) on the location of the club.

Until she has found a place where they're standing in front of the club building.

Felisa: alright guys, this is it. 

Lumi: so do you have any plans to get information on the ninjas?

Felisa: before we would ask them, we have to take action. I don't trust that suspicious club for a long time.




Inside the club where there are party attendees are dancing with a blasting music

But the party is being crashed, as the entrance door is suddenly punched open.

Once it's completely wide open, the 4 specialists have made an entrance.

But then, eight guns are pointed in their faces with an equal number of angry members of this club that looks like mafia crooks behind them.

This causes all of the attendees to leave this building in panic.

Then someone approaches them, who looks like a mafia boss. Which turns out to be the owner and the leader of this club.

The owner of the club: alright. What's the big idea, crashing the party like that?! Also, aren't you a bit young to come to this club?!

Felisa: we are the specialists from Alphas operators. And we're not here to have a party. We just want answers from you!

The owner of the club: what does have to do with me? I have nothing to do with you!

But Felisa demands if they have a connection with the League of Ninjas since she has overseen the logo of their club from the grenades that the ninjas used during the attack on their headquarters.

Only he denies it and orders his crew to send them out.

Without showing mercy, they immediately take them down physically. Since they're both expert fighters.

After defeating them leaving the boss in disbelief,

Sukar: we're not going anywhere without an answer!

Jericho: yeah! Or you're next!

Felisa: now tell us. You must have known that league of ninjas, as you gave your grenades to them. More importantly, you might know their location.

Lumi: I agree with her!

As they continue to question the owner, the boss noticed that one of his men is over the top platform of this party area, where the latter is holding a rifle. Which aims to the specialists. Before the boss would return to focus on the group.

As they continue to demand answers, however, the boss gleefully refuses to answer. Claiming that they'll never get anything.

When he starts looking at one of his men, he gives a signal to fire at the 4 without them knowing about his stunt.

Once the bullet is fired directly at them, however, to their shock, Sukar has to grab the bullet with his bare hands as he intervened it.

"You were trying to assassinate us, huh? So you won't give any of information?"

Which they turn attention to the boss.

Now realized that he's being caught by his act, this forces to call out the rest of the crew.

They all show up while holding their weapons such as guns, swords, including grenades.

With the 4 being surrounded, while Felisa secretly grabs her Alpha License to switch it on, the Owner of the club admits about the connection from the league of ninjas as they know each other since they both share criminality.

As they cooperate by providing each other with their experts of creating dangerous weapons that Hakai wanted from them.

Right now, he orders his henchmen to kill the group so they'll never expose their secret.

Which are the ones who are holding guns as they start to fire at them.

But then, Sukar has intervened by catching the bullets at a rapid speed, even deflecting at the same time, as he punches and kicks them off.

Once the bullets are dropped to the floor, the rest of the henchmen start charging at them. Which form a battle in the club.

The group of henchmen charges towards the young woman with cat traits in an attempt to attack her.

Only she easily clobbered them physically.

But when one of them uses guns in an attempt to shoot her, Felisa charges towards one of the henchmen, while evading the bullets that he tries to shoot her. Before she strikes him down with her razor claw.

As one of the henchmen charge towards Sukar in an attempt to strike him down with a sword, he managed to grab the blade by his fingertips. Before giving him a blow.

As more of them are charging at the guy with cross-eyed pupils with their swords, he immediately jumps over them and lands behind their back. Where he swing kick on their legs to make them fall on the floor.

Jericho is dodging the attacks from the henchman who carries a sword to give a slash. Where he steps back to avoid it.

Then he strikes back with his sword, before kicking to push him off.

As the white-haired boy is still standing, one of the henchman is behind him where he tosses a grenade at the boy.

Only Lumi steps in and uses Golden Defence to shield him from the blast. After that, she blast star powers directly at the henchman.

When more henchmen brought out the grenades, they started to toss them at Felisa while she dodges them. Which only causes an explosion in this area.

As they continue to toss the grenades, Sukar then steps in to intercept by kicking them off. Which gives them a strike back of the henchmen as the grenades are thrown back at them.

Receiving them a big blow after being hit, which they only ended up being covered in ashes.

Then he continues to kick off every grenade that was tossed, to aim at all of the henchmen while causing a lot of explosions. Until all of the henchmen are left defeated.

Sukar: see. You wouldn't make it out alive without my help.

Jericho: Your skills were so incredible, how did you do it?

Sukar: it's one of my abilities to sense something whenever there's danger lurking.

Felisa: that's not all, he can fight at incredible speed due to his enhanced quickness and reaction time.

Jericho: I see.

Then, they see the boss who arrives and is the last one standing as the group attempt to interrogate him.

Only he brought out a bazooka and starts firing rockets at them, while they evade it.

Which creates a mist of smoke and caused damage to this area after that.

Then Felisa jumps in where she uses her claws to slice the bazooka in half.

She attempts to give a strike on him, but the owner of the club avoids it by jumping off away from her.

When he looks at the white-haired boy, he attempts to attack him by using his sword after bringing it out.

But Sukar grabs the blade which he holds in full strength.

As the boss struggles, Lumi blasts star powers directly at him, which sends him flying after being hit, then falls to the ground.

After that, they tie up the boss and prepare to interrogate him.

Jericho: alright tell us where they are, or we'll send you to the jail!

The owner of the club: heh... Go ahead and try. There's no way you could show any proof.

Felisa: oh yes we will! *brings out her alpha license which shows a recording of all the boss's confessions.* I had recorded a while ago so we will not let you get away with it. But... Let's make a deal. We'll let you go, if you tell us where the league of ninjas are. If not, we'll report this to the authorities. Even if you try to trick us, we'll report immediately.

Defeated, the owner of the club begins to reveal their whereabouts. He explains the location that they went to another planet.

Felisa: then, they must go there.

Lumi: but none of the ships from the headquarters are repaired yet.

Sukar: I have a ship of my own that would take us there.

Jericho: but we need more solutions on finding their hiding place.

So they return Their focus on the boss and ask about the location of their hideout.





After getting information, the 4 have arrived on the planet like they were informed, where they have traveled across the galaxy with the ride on Sukar's ship.

Once they landed on this planet which they're in the middle of the city, they went to the abandoned warehouse as they were told that this is where the hideout of the league of ninjas, as it was hidden in there.

Since they got information on where to look, they know where to find the entrance by finding a large tile that covers the entrance door as their hideout is from underground.

So they open up and start entering inside.




Once the 4 got inside, they found themselves in a hall that is a dark place.

But they spotted a person in a ninja outfit, which is one of the members of the league, they quickly hid themselves to avoid being caught.

Realizing that there are more ninjas in the hall but also filled with security cameras everywhere, they must stay cautious of their surroundings to infiltrate this place.

However, they realized that they have no clue where to find the thunderbolt gem.

While they try to think, Jericho has Sensed something in his head.

Lumi: Jericho? Are you feeling Okay? Do you have a headache?

Jericho: Actually... I had sensed something... Like... I can feel its energy... I think... it's calling me... And I think It's this way *Points in the direction of north*. Come on, Let's go over there.

As the human boy is taking a lead,

Felisa: Do you also sense something, Sukar?

Sukar: Nope. It only happens Whenever something dangerous would happen.

They're confused at first before they would follow his lead.




As the 4 specialists sneak through while avoiding being caught by the ninjas or the security cameras, Jericho has found a laboratory.

Jericho: I think this is it.

Sukar: you sure about it? I thought we were here to retrieve the gem?

Jericho: well... I just felt that there was energy nearby. Can you guys feel it? *which none of them don't.*

Lumi: but how can you feel that kind of energy?

Jericho: beats me... But the truth is... I think I can feel the energy that came from the element of... Lightning...

Felisa: element of lightning?

Sukar: you think that gem must be in there? I don't see or feel any of it?

Jericho: not only that. What I felt is that... I think there's another one.

Lumi: you do?

Jericho: I'm still confused... Let's just search if the gem might be in there.

So the group enters inside of the lab and splits up to find the gem.

While searching, they see a variety of machines, chemicals, and laboratory tools.

Then, Jericho noticed something from the table. Which is the thunderbolt gem that they were looking for. But, he noticed that there was something else on the table.

"Hey, guys! Come over here."

He calls his classmates as he has something to show them.

Jericho: I found the gem.

Lumi: great! You found it.

Jericho: but that's not all. Look at this. I found it that's besides that gem.

He shows something to them, which he's holding a small case that has a badge-shaped gem inside like the other one. But is a shape of a tornado and its color is blue.

The white-haired boy admits that he felt the energy would come from those two gems, it's like he has some kind of a connection with them. But he's still confused.

As they are still wondering, Jericho's hand gets whipped which makes him let go of the tornado-shaped gem & drop it on the floor.

this causes them to turn around to see where that came from. which they see someone who comes in the lab.

A young teenage girl is wearing a hijab, eyeglasses, & a lab coat. while she's holding a long violet scarf.

???: Who are you?! How did you get in here?!

Jericho: ... Are you a member of this league?

???: Yeah! You all must leave, or you'll all wind up dead!

Jericho: we're not going anywhere without a gem!

???: Then you lead me no other choice!

So the girl with a hijab uses her scarf that can stretch to grab the tornado gem. Then lashes it again to snatch the thunderbolt from his hand, and places both gems in her pocket.

And the girl wearing a lab coat uses her scarf to frequently attempt to whip them. Only for them to dodge several lashes.

???: you all must leave Right now!

Jericho: I don't think so!

???: Fine! Then I'll make you leave!

The girl begins to make a move against them, and her powers are revealed.

She begins to raise her arm and most of the metallic objects in the lab get pulled out like a magnet.

As the girl wearing a lab coat starts to toss all the metal objects to aim at the 4. Causing them to split up to dodge them.

Realizing that she's being serious, they'll have to fight her just to retrieve the gems from her.

Jericho runs towards in attempt to reach her, but the girl with a hijab uses her scarf to grab on his leg to trip him.

The girl with a hijab then uses her powers to magnetically grab and launch the metal objects at them. But Lumi uses her star powers to destroy them.

Felisa begins to jump in to tackle her, only when the girl wearing a lab coat uses her scarf to swing over to the other side just to be away from her.

Then the girl wearing a hijab grabs a launcher from the table that shoots a rope net in an attempt to trap them. But Jericho intervenes where he uses his sword to slice it off.

Now feeling wary of facing them, she then grabs another device which is a tranquilizer gun to shoot for few times at them, Only Sukar steps in & easily grabs a few of the tranquilizer darts.

The girl wearing a hijab tries to shoot more of the darts, but he managed to grab most of it with an immense speed of his body. Much to the girl's surprise.

"💦 No Way... How is it possible?"

"😒 Hmph...!"

As Sukar gives an unamused look at her, his sense begins to react which came from his back.

When he starts turning around to look back, his neck is suddenly grabbed and gets pinned on the floor. Catching attention from his group.

When the latter begins to look at someone who holds him down, Which is Hakai who arrives in the lab.

Hakai: you specialists dare to come here?

The girl with a hijab: specialists?

Jericho: Sukar!

Jericho, Lumi, & Felisa tries to save him, but the girl wearing a lab coat immediately shoots a tranquilizer dart from their back to make them faint.

Sukar struggles to free himself, only the girl wearing a lab coat uses a taser to electrocute him until he passed out.

With the 4 being defeated then giving the gems to him, Hakai attempt to kill them. But the girl with a hijab Stops her boss.

As he's annoyed by her interference, she convinces her boss to spare them as she claims that they could be an asset on accessing on using their licenses to obtain the power of their armor. Since she learned that the 4 are specialists.

Hakai becomes interested as he never had a chance to obtain it during their assault, because he has no time for that as he's more focused on his goals on targeting the gems because of their great powers.

But now they have the 4 specialists defeated, Hakai calls his followers to come in and picked up the 4. And ordering them to collect all the Alpha License from their pockets to confiscate them.

Once they're all taken away to send them in the slammers, Hakai asked the girl wearing glasses if she's done with her work as he ordered. She replied that she finished making a device.

So she handed over a device to him which is a mechanical-like hilt that doesn't have a blade.

Before he would leave the lab, Hakai inform the girl to stay in the hideout as she needs to work on something on the 4's devices To gain access to it.

While he and his crew will start the assault in the gala that was hosted in the yacht. With the use of his device that the girl with a hijab created as a weapon By attaching a power with it from the 2 gems.

Once he left, the girl with a hijab looks down and sighs.

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