A Divided Nation:: A Divided...

By LoveIsAnOption

277 8 11

[Silco X Reader] I strive for power. I always have. Especially since the city above treats us like shit. We... More

[2] Now Or Never
{3} Believer
[4] Me Against You

{1} Brand New Numb

120 1 3
By LoveIsAnOption

Y/n's Pov.

I sighed loudly. "Was there a misunderstanding? I've previously stated that I don't approve these behaviors." I turn to face the window. "We are adults, are we not?!" I turn to face the two males. "We have ABSOLUTELY NO TIME TO ACT RECKLESSLY. If you want to continue with making so many errors, then I'd highly suggest you test your loyalty once more or face the punishment for treason. These mistakes don't seem accidental if they happen this frequently. " I eyed them suspiciously. "Unless you're working for someone else. I will have no trouble in ending you here now."

"Our loyalty should not be questioned." Said the black haired one.

"We won't disappoint you." Said the one with blue hair.

"I'm TIRED OF HEARING THE SAME RESPONSE. These incidents are COSTLY." I pulled my knife out and threatened them. "Don't forget who you serve. If you have no intentions to serve the cause then I want you to speak now. You have disappointed me with this new problem. Don't you know that I have to deal with worse everyday? Your new problem has caused a delay from our next big stride. So this better be the last time I hear from both of you. Now, LEAVE."

They both nodded and left without another word.

I sat in my chair and clenched my head. "Hey, you're doing great." Said one of my loyal servants.

"It's called, having everything under control. I'm about to lose my shit, Gen. In all honesty, my mind is running wild. I don't see any progress being made."

"Oh! That's what you think." She stood closer to me and I glanced up at her.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I sat back in my chair and rested my arms on my desk.

"We're actually making quite the progress." She rummages through pages on a clipboard. "Your blueprints for the new weapons for our army has been produced. We have 3 models built, each serving the same purpose but each has a different power and stability. Our army has gained a 5%  increase which isn't much, but it's something!" She continued to inform me of statistics and I couldn't help but to admire her as she read off the words on the papers.

She had beautiful purple eyes, with long back length black hair tied up in a high pony tail. Her bangs gave her facial features more detail. She was slim yet so muscular. Her choice of clothing was amusing and interesting. I blinked my thoughts away. "That is incredible to hear. I will need to take that in, I will set foot later on to check progress." I glanced at the clock. "I should get going. I have a meeting with an old friend." I pat her back. I handed her a radio. "If anything comes up, inform me right away. I'll come back home."

She looked me in the eyes an nodded. "Yes ma'am." She said in almost a whisper. "I know nothing will turn out wrong when you're our leader. Grayson! Derk!" She called out and in came my two guards. "Y/n will need escorts."

They nodded. They were ready. "Thank you Gen. Don't blow anything up while I'm gone." I joked. "Let's go, men. I have matters to attend to." And with that, I made my way to a bar, where I knew someone would be.

There he was, behind the counter. He was serving alcohol to a man. I sat on a stool right across from them at the bar. I waited for him to turn around. While his back is turned to me he spoke, "I'll be right with you dear." My guards stood at the entrance of the bar. One on the inside and one on the outside. I kept receiving uneasy looks from the folks here. I turned back to look at Vander.

It seems like he hasn't changed as much as I thought he would've. He still had the same muscular body build and beautiful brown hair. Was I prepared to do this? Emotionally: no. But I'm already here so fuck it. It's something that needs to be done.

He turns around but doesn't look directly at me. He grabs a glass. "So, what can I get you-" he pauses as he makes eye contact with me. He takes a moment to examine my face. "Y-Y/n?!" He sets the glass down and exits his station. I stand up as he opens his arms. I embrace him in a hug. He was warm; he smelled like  alcohol, something sweet and and a tad bit of smoke. He tightened his grip on me slightly. I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, you and your hugs!" I laughed as we parted.

"Aww come on! It's been about a decade since I've last seen you! What have you been up to? Inform me of your life. I didn't know you were 'round these parts!" He smiled cheekily.

"Oh, nothing much really. I've been busy with my current movement: Freedom for Zaun! And I just wanted to see if you're still around. I've missed you man." We both took a seat. I already knew he's been here.

"I've been wondering where you've gone." He shook his head. "It's been a while. I've even got kids now!" He exclaimed.

"Woah! You have a wife?! Who's the lucky lady? I thought we were going to get married!" I joked as I playfully punch his arm.

He gets slightly flustered. "Ah, no, not that type!" He chuckled. "I raised them."

"Oh! Adopted! I've always seen you as the fatherly type. I've always admired you."

He stares into my eyes. We had a comfortable silence. "I think I've been the one admiring you." But How are you and V-"

"Oh you!" I rolled my eyes. "And, we haven't been together for a long time. He's busy being smart somewhere else." I laughed awkwardly. I brushed it off though.  It felt nice to let loose a little. "Now tell me, where are those kiddos! You opened your mouth now you have to introduce me."

"Oh, how rude of me." He stood and whistled, gaining a few of the people's attention. He did some sign movements with his hand and everyone went back to their normal activity. "This way." He led the way through the back of the bar. We walked down a set of stairs that led to a hallway. He knocked on a door to the right. There was rustling and it all came to a halt. "I'm coming in." He said as he opened the door. "Watch your step." He said as he walked in first. I followed behind him.

There was a total of 4 children: a slim boy with dazzling black hair, a chubby boy with goggles, and two girls, one with pink hair and one with blue. "Children, I want you all to meet Y/n. She's my-"

The one with blue hair ran up to me and grabbed my hand. "Oh my gosh!!! You're our new mom, right?! See!! I wasn't lying!! Vander has a girlfriend!" She hands me a photo of me, Vander and Silco when we were younger. Vander still had that picture?

The children began to talk amongst themselves. I smile. "Oh Vander! What have you been telling them?!" I chuckle. I hand him the photo.

"That's her in the picture! I'm sure of it!"

"It is." I told them.

"So it IS true?! Woah, I'll give it to you pow pow. I'm Vi." She held her hand out. I shook it.

"Lovely to meet you-"

"A mom? Wow, life really is precious." Said the chubby one.

"A mom?! That's interesting really. Say, how much did he pay you?" The thin one examined me up and down.

"Hey hey now." Vander cleared his throat. "She's not my girlfriend. Nor your mother. She's just a really good old friend of mine."

I clear my throat. "He meant young. I'm not old whatsoever." He playfully pats my back.

"Of course."

The blue haired girl looks at Vander with disappointment. "Awww..."

"Okay!!!! So, here we have Powder, Violet, Claggor and Mylo. These are my children." He said proudly.

"How adorable! I wish I had children of my own." I sighed.

"You can!! It can be us!" Powder offered.

"Aren't you the sweetest?" I ruffled her hair. "I'll be sure to start visiting often. And maybe... even get you all gifts when I come back!" I held out my hands and raised my eyebrows.

"Like a magic wizard woman!" Powder's eyes lit up.

"I could be." I winked. Violet smiled at me, as well with Claggor. Mylo, on the other hand seemed unsure.

"Magic? That's impossible." He huffed.

"Anything is possible if you put your mind into it." I tapped my head.

"Very inspirational." Claggor nodded.

"You're really sweet, and seem really smart." Vi commented.

"Why thank you." I smiled. "I don't know you well that yet, but I know you're very strong. Mentally and physically. So, stay strong Kiddo."

"I appreciate it." She nodded.

"So.... Are you guys going to get married? I can be the wedding planner!!" Powder insisted. "You two look cute together!"

"H-hey! Would you look at the time! Vander should get going. The bar does look really busy! And we're going to have an adult talk in private! How fun! I'll see each of you kiddos soon!" I smiled as Vander nodded in agreement. He led the way up. He stood at the door way and before I could make my way up the stairs, Powder held my hand and made me bend down to her level.

She whispered in my ear, "You two were meant to be. A mom is what we've dreamed of!!"

I examined her face as she pulled away. I placed my forehead against hers. "Vander... is nice. But he doesn't like me that way. In the past- that a story for another time. But whenever you need a motherly figure you can always come to me." I handed her a card with my information. "I'm always a messenger bird away. But shhhhh it's a secret." I winked as I walked up the stairs. "I'll see you all soon. And... Before I go... I want you all to know that I'll be here for each and every one of you. If you need anything, call Vander and I'll be over in a jiffy. I will be here. I promise." They all waved and said their goodbyes. I closed the door.

I was met with Vander in the small hallway. "I love your children." I smiled.

"They're the greatest. I live for them. I have to apologize for their-"

"Don't apologize. They're kids. If you ever need help with them, I'm here too now." I pat his back.

He placed his forehead against mine. Just like we did when we were kids. "Thank you."

"I also want to talk to you about something." I parted and looked him in the eyes.

"Are you doing okay?"

I nodded. "I want you to join me." I said in seriousness.

He looked my face up and down. "In marriage-"

"No." I shook my head. "Join me. In my forces. I need someone like you by my side. You're strong. Smart. Brave. And you have power I've heard. We can make Zaun our nation. Be free from Piltover. Maybe even show them what it's like-"

"No." He cut me off.

"E-excuse me?" I stared at him in shock.

"I can't." He looked down. I placed a hand on his cheek and gently made him face me.

"Yes you can. We can soon be living a life with no worries-"

"Y/n.... I just can't."

"You don't have to worry about the children. I can have them protected. We can join forces to create something new. Think of their future. They can't grow up like we did. This can't go on forever. If we want change we need it now." I said sternly. "I know of your Power. Of who you were-"

"Y/n, I said NO." He raised his voice at me.

I slowly stepped back. "......"

He realizes his mistake. "I'm so sorry-" he apologized. "But I can't do this anymore. I don't want to get involved with you. I love you, believe me. But I know how uncontrolable, how destructive you can get. I want freedom as much as you do-"

"Then you'd do this for me! For you! For everyone! You don't want freedom as much as I do. If you did, you'd join me. I'm actually making a change. What are you doing? Keeping everyone safe in your bar?! You can only go as far as you can. I'm going as far and beyond for everyone. I have new technology. I have an army. I have friends. I have a plan." I grit my teeth. "You always have to make everything about you. What are you so scared of?!"

"LOSING YOU, you IDIOT!" He raised his voice yet again. "History repeats itself! This has happened before! And I almost lost you. I can't bare to see that again. I just got you back. After what's been happening... after what happened all those years ago. I thought I lost you. You were the only friend I had. The only person I could trust. Set aside the fact that I want to be here. I can't sacrifice myself either. I don't want to. I can't bare it."

I stood in silence. "I have the information I need." I looked down at the ground as a droplet of water splattered. I couldn't believe it was one of MY tears. I felt weak. "I'll be on my way." I straightened myself up.

"Y/n...." He sighed out. Just as I made my way up the set of stairs, I heard the door downstairs creak open.

I heard a faint "are you okay?" I ignored it. Before I could take another step someone grabbed my hand.

I glanced down and it was Vander. He sat on the steps as he slightly forced me to sit on the top step. "I'm sorry." He began.

"I shouldn't be here any longer." I claimed.

"Y/n, listen, we need to talk. About the past and-"

"No. That can wait for another day. Did you think I came emotionally prepared to be here?! Do you really think I've gotten more insane?! I know you know what I've been through. You were there for me as I was for you. I wanted you to be my Ally."

"I know. But, I just don't feel so ready. You always seem to know what you're doing."

"I do know what I'm doing. Am I scared? Fuck yeah I am. I know I shouldn't, but I'm leading so many people in a war. I'm a leader, so many people look up to me. Dedicate themselves to me, for the cause. I made a promise. Piltover did the unimaginable to me. And you know that. I want them to know what it's like. You were never the one for violence but I was. That's how we're going to make them learn: to see. Vander, I love you, I really do, but I am now beginning to realize."

"Realize what?"

"You're not fit for a high position of power. Your emotions make you vulnerable. You're just a distraction. I can't have someone like you. Just like when we were kids. Don't you remember when I had a crush on you?"

"As clear as day." He nodded.

"That's the worst outcome to have ever been played. I'm leaving. I'm not going to be dependent on someone, nor dream of it. I am my own person. I now have power of my own. I'm moving up the ranks. You're really nice, but I've reconsidered my decisions "

"You're becoming someone we used to know." He stared deeply in my eyes.

I averted his gaze. I realized who he meant. "Don't bring him up. Let his name Rest In Peace. And don't make the mistake of comparing us again." I growled releasing my hand from his grip.

"I regret deeply what happened between us all. But, you two are more alike than different. I know I don't have your entire trust, but please don't go looking for him. He calls for trouble-"

"Don't tell me what to do. I don't need your help." I scoffed.

"He's not the same boy we used to know. I know you've been hearing the stories about him. I want to prevent you from creating a conflict."

"Do you really think his ruling of the under city is fine? Do you think our living conditions are acceptable? Do you think there is no reason for conflict?"

"We can't fight amongst ourselves-"

"It turns out you really are the same boy from all those years. When will it take you to learn I've changed?" I left him speechless and walked out the bar. My two guards followed. My trip there was basically useless. A waste of time.

"Any luck?" Derk asked.

"No. But it's okay. We didn't need him, we can easily find a replacement." I shook my head.

"We will always be by your side." Grayson added.

"I know you will." I sighed. "I always have respected Vander. His power, his achievements, he himself." We walked the streets of our precious under city. Our city that needed help. As we walked, people moved out of the way and stopped to stare and talk. "At least now I know why he is who he is. I know his weakness."

We had taken our normal route to our home base. On the outside, it looked like a semi decent two story brick house that was built into the walls of the under city. The black bricks and rusty exterior gave it it's natural look that fit in.

(A/N: Think of something like this, but with an all black brick and dark colors. The house with rust, but it will look like it's somewhat abandoned. It's on the same level of the surface.)

I scanned the area and every of my guards were in their rightful position. To my surprise, I saw Sevika, my loyal soldier, approach me. She bowed. "Ma'am." She nodded.

"Sevika, how lovely to see you." I nodded so she could walk and talk with me. She walked beside me as we approached the front door. I raised my hand to the scanner and it scanned a chip implanted into my hand. It beeped and turned blue in confirmation. "What updates do you have for me?" we walked down a hallway on the first floor where guards were guarding a painting. They saluted and opened the rather large double door sized painting. Behind the painting was an elevator. I stepped in, then Sevika, then my two guards. They pressed the button to the main floor of our underground lair.

"I have urgent news for you." She hands me a rolled up letter. It had the most neatest and beautiful handwriting I've ever seen. I began to read it. Oh how the fine print can be deceiving. "It is a letter from... Silco. He is not pleased with recent information. I was given this letter by one of his minions, with unforgettable threats." Silco? Why now? I haven't heard from him in ages.

"Do you have his minion under your custody?" I ask.

"Of course. They're in your prison, heavily guarded. It was a mistake for him to come alone. I took care of him."

"Good. Because I want him to be the messenger back. No one threatens me like that. If he wants to fight for power, then that's an incredibly dumb move." I shook my head. Sevika then began to lead the way towards the prison. I sent one of my guards to retrieve a few items. I caught up to her and walked beside her. I couldn't help but admire her. I saw her take a quick glance at me then back straight ahead. A small pink hue spread across her face, but so did a small look of disappointment.

"Here he is." She stated. I turned to face the cell.

"Oh my, why aren't you rather young?" I taunted. It was a man badly beat up in his 20's. His muscular body couldn't take the beatings Sevika gave him. His dark purple hair was slightly covering his bruised face. He refused to look up. "And rather dumb, might I say. Following Silco's orders. Look at where that got you. You're on your deathbed, son. Especially since you decided to be so bold." I kneeled down and got closer to the cell. I placed a hand on the bar. "Silco is a big bad guy, wouldn't you agree? You're a waste of a big strong man. Now, to me, you will be incredibly useful. I just don't like being threatened, that's all. You and your team will soon come to learn to not mess with true great power."

He became angered and looked me dead in the eye with a slight head tilt. "It wasn't me..." He mumbled.

"What was that?" I replied.

"I WAS ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS! I DIDN'T WANT TO DO ANY OF THIS!!" He yelled as he grabbed my hand through the bar. Sevika was the first to react. She aimed a spear at his hand. His grip got tighter.

"You're an unloyal follower? Do you know what happens to those?" I waved to Sevika to step back.

"Y-Yes." He dug his nails into my skin.

"Do you know what I'd do to unloyal followers? Not only do they die, but they get to sit back and watch as their friends, their family, die. Everyone close to them. Power is not something to get in the way of... So I'd suggest you enjoy these last moments of life." And right on time my soldier retrieved my items. I bit the man's hand and he let go. I wrote a quick letter and opened the cell. My guard followed behind. "Now now, don't be afraid child. May God have mercy on your soul." I was handed a syringe and I prepared it.

"W-what's that?!" He panicked.

"Just a bit of sleepy juice. When you wake up, tell Silco I said hi. And that we should meet soon. Spread the word  why don't you, while you're at it?" I injected him and his eyes began to flutter. "Nighty nite." I waved my hand as I strapped the letter to his left hand. He will be my messenger boy for the day. "Now, please make sure he is unconscious for a bit. Prepare the serum to wake him soon. And make sure he is escorted to Silco. I want the message to be delivered." I ordered my guards.

I began to walk away and Sevika followed. "I have a task for you. I need you to gather more information on a few people. Top two targets are Silco and Vander."

"Yes ma'am." She nodded. 

We walked to my office. I was greeted by Gen. "Alright," I paced over to my desk and I opened a drawer. "Here are the files of what I have so far and what more I need. This is incredibly discreet. Don't let anyone find out what you're doing." I said sternly.

She nodded. "Will do." And with that she walked off.

I sat in my chair. "Zaun will become its own nation soon. If it's a war Piltover wants, then it's a war they'll get." 

"Ma'am, there's something I want to inform you of." Gen speaks up.

"About what?" I ask.

"A few soldiers went on their normal scouting route and they've been told and been hearing things. Those things have brought up a few things to our attention: We might have undercover agents in our army, our plans have been being released to Silco, and our weapons and technology are in danger. Not only that, but words are spreading that you are being targeted. You are in danger."

"So Silco thinks he has more power, now does he?" I laughed. "Men just like to play silly games. I have money. And with money comes power. I rule these parts, and if he wants to come this way, then so be it. We will start preparing. Retrieve me my head engineer."

"Yes ma'am, right away." She excused herself. I held my head.

"It's exactly how we were. When we were young." I opened my top left drawer on my black wooden desk. I pulled out a photo. It was of Vander, Silco and I. The same one Vander had. I was in the middle of the two, pulling them in for a hug by wrapping my arm around their necks. Our smiles were bright. And covered in paint. I remember that exact moment as clear as day.

"Hey!!! Well, I'm going to make a cannon blaster!" I laughed. I pieced many parts together that I took apart from guns and other cool gadgets I found on the streets. I quickly tightened bolts and loaded the small rocket launcher with paint balls. The paint balls was just paint wrapped in plastic bags in the shape of a ball.

"This IS. WAR!!" Silco laughed. He began to throw water balloons at me. I grabbed my gun and ran towards the end of the board walk.

"Hey, I think she's over there!" Vander yelled.

I heard balloons splattering. "Hey! You traitor!" Silco yelled. I peeked over the box I hid behind. Vander attacked Silco with balloons.

"Every man for himself!" He laughed.

"It's a shame I'm not a man!" I laughed like a maniac. I raised one foot onto a small box as I began to launch paint balls at them. Of course, my aim was terrible and I ended up making a mess. I did get both boys eventually though. "Haha! I win!!" I rested the gun on my shoulder as I stood proud.

"Okay okay. You won fair and square. But you have to teach us how you built that!!" Silco smiled with pure curiosity. "We could rule the city!"

"Well," I heard a small 'pop' and I was then covered in paint. From a few splatters to the face, then covered from my shoulders down to my knees. "Maybe I can show you guys how to build it and you guys help me modify it." I laughed. I wrapped my arms around either boy's necks and pulled them close. I was hoping to cover them with more paint.

"You're really smart." Vander commented. "You might have to teach us to modify it too!"

That's when three flashes were heard. "That's just adorable!" Vander's guardian. They handed us each a picture. "It's getting late. Let's get you all cleaned up and home." They ruffled my hair and I lightly smacked their hand.

"Okay okay!" I laughed.

"We have a trio of Trouble makers. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." They walked and stepped on a fallen piece of reflective glass. Everyone else walked forth but I stood back slightly to pick up a few pieces. I cut myself on a piece and shoved them in a small belly bag I made myself. I continued to walk behind the three. That was one of the best and worst days of my life.

I shoved the photo back into the drawer in anger. "I'll show them. I'll show them all. I'm not the weak Y/n everyone still thinks I am."

3rd POV.

Sevika held the gun aimed at the dark purple haired male. They both walked a path familiar to them both.
"Please don't make me do this." He pleaded. "Sevika! Come on!" He began to laugh hysterically.

"I don't know you." She scoffed. "Get my name out of your mouth."

"How can you say that?! Silco-"

"I can deliver the message myself and set the explosive off now, if you don't keep quiet." Sevika had to be strong. She was doing this for a reason. They ended up in Silco's lair. She was met with his goons. "Bring me Silco." She ordered. They glanced at each other and nodded. They stood in a protective manner preventing the two from passing.

They waited until Silco came to face the two. Sevika bowed. The purple haired man began to tear up.

"What is it?" Silco grunted. He then looked at the male with amusement.

"T-This-" the man composed himself. "Is a message from Leader Y/n. She has written to you and desires to meet with you." He hands Silco an envelope with neatly written 'To my good friend, SILCO. From, your beloved Y/n.' On the seal was a blood splatter, most likely from the messenger man.

"Fascinating." He further examined the envelope. "This is who I'm competing with."

"Stand back sir." Sevika stood in front of the alpha male in a protective manner. The Messanger man began to tear up as he began to walk back. He held out a hand held button that was wired to him. He clicked it and shut his eyes tightly.

"Oh thank God. Lady Y/n has mercy." He cried out as he dropped to his knees.

"That's not typical. There must be a countdown." A loud explosion went off. Sevika shielded herself and Silco. Splatters of the man's internal contents were now everywhere. "There it is." She wiped her face and regained her composure. It did traumatize her slightly, but then again what in Zaun didn't? She handed Silco a folder. "And this is all the information she has on you and that hound. What information would you like me to tamper with?"

"You seem to know Y/n quite well then, more than I have." Silco thought out loud.


"Oh, nothing to worry about. We can talk about the documents inside. For now, we'll carry on with our plans. Follow me." He ordered as he slowly walked towards his base. He glanced at the words on the paper, specifically the small heart next to Y/n.

'Y/n <3'

He neatly folded the letter and placed it back into the envelope. "A reunion is due. This time, we will be face to face once more."

5070 words.


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