Across The PokeVerse

By Anonymous-Cow

75.9K 1.6K 1.2K

Transported across space and time, Ash's Kalos adventure comes to a halt when he wakes up... in the future? M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Finale I
Finale II

Chapter 2

3.8K 69 78
By Anonymous-Cow

Journeys Ash in Kalos POV:

Ash walked out into the hotel lobby and made eye contact with Serena, who blushed and looked away from Ash.

He sat down to a chair where he was implied to sit, considering there was a coffee cup with his name on it and a load of pastries. Ash smiled and started eating.

"So Ash, what's with the new clothes?" Bonnie asked curiously

"Yeah, it's super cold in this city. Why'd you bother wearing shorts in this weather?" Clemont asked with confusion

"But they look good on you! I like them!" Serena said with a smile.

Ash smiled back at Serena, "Thanks! But I won't stay in these forever." He quickly thought of an excuse, "I accidentally tore my normal clothes yesterday, so I'm gonna need new ones."

Serena practically sprang out of her seat, "Oh! I'd be happy to shop for a new outfit that you can wear for the rest of your journey!" Ash smiled at her, and she blushed again. How did he miss these signals when he was in Kalos all those years ago?

"Yeah, that'd be nice, Serena! I'm sure you'll find something that'll look great. I need to train today, so I'll be out in the forest."

Clemont spoke up, "Uhhh, I guess Bonnie and I will join you, Ash."

Ash shook his head. "No, no, no! That won't be needed. I can train alone!" Clemont and Bonnie looked at each other and then shrugged.

"At least train with Sawyer. I mean he traveled with us yesterday," Bonnie said

Clemont shrugged, "Sawyer just ran off earlier today. He said something about a Mega Stone. He says good luck in the gym battle Ash."

"Maybe you two can join me and see the sights of Snowbelle while I shop for Ash?" Serena said, trying to help. Clemont's interest looked peaked. "Well, I know there is a spare parts shop in the area. Maybe we could stop by and I could pick up some stuff for my inventions?"

Bonnie nodded, "And maybe we can find you a wife somewhere along the way!"

Clemont looked at Bonnie angrily, and they began bickering, and Serena and Ash started laughing at the two siblings.

Ash smiled at all the chaos, he had missed this group.


Later in the forest......

Ash called out his entire team out of their Poke Balls. One by one, Dragonite, Gengar, Dracovish, Sirfetch'd, and Lucario were all called out. Pikachu hurried over towards the group.

Ash's Pokemon looked around confused. Last time most of them were released, they were in Vermillion City, all warm and cozy. Now, they were in a frozen forest with their trainer who looked cold.

Ash cleared his throat and spoke to the group, "So, uhhh I think we need to address the Donphan in the room right now. To put it simply, I woke up 11 months in the past this morning. I don't know how or why. But I do know this, we can right the wrongs of the past. Something awful happens very soon in Kalos, and if we're smart we can stop it. And maybe win a Pokemon League along the way. So how does that sound?"

Ash's Pokemon all gave an enthusiastic cry of approval, and he gave a smile. "Alright then, let's do some training! This gym is an ice type one, so Lucario, Sirfetch'd and Pikachu are up."

Ash's Pokemon paired off and began sparring. He remembered his last battle against Wulfric, and he did NOT want to go and lose his first match again. Whatever the case, he had a stronger team, more experience, and wouldn't lose in such a dumb way again. Relying on Ash-Greninja was his bane last time, and this time he would only use Mega Lucario or a Z Move Pikachu as a last resort. But it probably wouldn't come to that. Would it?

Ash walked forward to instruct his Pokemon and left the negative thoughts behind. In the meantime, he'd need to find an excuse to justify the existence of his current team.

Sirfetch'd landed a massive hit on Dracovish, and Ash smiled at the force of the blow. Sirfetch'd was on the verge of a breakthrough, and all he needed was a good battle to push him over the edge.


Ash was at dinner in the Pokemon Center. After a long day of training, he was hungry and ready for tomorrow's battle.

Clemont sat down next to Ash, across from Bonnie and Serena. Bonnie looked at Ash and got excited, "Ash, Ash! Serena bought you some awesome new clothes!"

Ash smiled at Serena, "Well, I'm glad to hear that! I'll try them on after dinner, alright?" Ash said enthusiastically.

Clemont interrupted the conversation, "So Ash, what Pokemon are you planning on using tomorrow?" Ash smiled, ready to use the excuse he had spent all day planning.

"Well guys, I was gonna mention this. My current team is super tired and needs a break to be ready for the league, so I might bring some of my Pokemon from Professor Oak, and they're all strong enough."

Clemont nodded, "Are you sure that's wise? Or does this have to deal with your recent issues with Greninja?"

Ash cursed to himself under his breath, he had forgotten about this. Ash tried a fast save, "Well, guys, Greninja has Pokerus at the moment so he's not fit to battle. This is just to make sure I qualify in time for the league."

"Pika Pika Pi Pi Pi!" Pikachu seemed livid

"Oh, but don't worry about Pikachu, he's not sick at all."

Bonnie interrupted Ash and spoke excitedly. "Oh, that sounds cool! Do you have any cute Pokemon I could see? Or maybe a Pokemon as strong as Greninja! That'd be cool!"

Serena cut her off, "Well, I think Ash would want it to be a surprise for his battle. So we just gotta wait."

Ash gave her a thankful look and she smiled back at him. Clemont adjusted his glasses and looked away. Something about this didn't feel right to him, first how he disappeared during the day and now this. It was probably nothing, but a little bit of digging would never hurt anyone. The worst that could happen would be Clemont learning more about Ash and that was a good thing.

The next day....

Ash walked in the Snowbelle Gym wearing some new clothes, a black jacket with gold stripes down the sleeves, black pants and a new gold hat. Ash felt as sharp as he looked. Serena was a blushing mess when he walked out, so he figured he must have done something right.

Wulfric accepted Ash's challenge and the battle was on.

Ash vs Wulfric for the final Kalos badge.

Ash called out his loyal starter for the lead, "Pikachu, I choose you! Let's do this!"

Wulfric pointed at his frozen arena. "Bergmite, let's go!"

A small Iceberg stared down Pikachu, neither wanting to make the first move.

Ash lost his patience and ordered first, "Pikachu use Iron Tail and Quick Attack, you know the combo!" Pikachu inserted his Iron Tail in the ice and started pulsating with Quick Attack, breaking the ice in the area and sending Bergmite towards the wall.

Wulfric looked impressed "Not bad, but try and deal with this! Bergmite, slow Pikachu down with Icy Wind!" the gym leader practically shouted out.

Ash pointed at Bergmite, "Dodge and use Thunderbolt! Pikachu struck Bergmite and the tiny Iceberg Pokemon went flying. Bergmite landed and spun around on the ice. It was clear that the small Pokemon was relying on its speed to outmaneuver Pikachu. Bergmite began sliding around on the ice, dodging any advances Pikachu tried to make.

Ash thought for a moment had a solution up his sleeve, but it'd reveal a bit too much. It was either using his strategy or tiring out Pikachu too much. So Ash had no choice really. He took a deep breath and commanded his starter.

"Pikachu, use Electrowe- I mean Electro Ball." Ash gave a small nudge in his gesture so Pikachu got the memo. Pikachu launched an electro web, trapping Bergmite in his electric net.

Clemont looked at Ash and scratched his head, "And now it seems Pikachu has learned a new move. Interesting, very interesting."

Serena was just impressed, "Wow! What a versatile move, I bet he'll use it creatively in battles."

Ash pointed at Bergmite and yelled out his final command, "Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Pikachu's glowing tail slammed into Bergmite and Ash smiled. That was almost certainly a knockout.

His hunch was correct, as Wulfric recalled Bergmite and nodded, impressed with Ash's strategy.

Wulfric yelled out, "Prepare for my next Pokemon! Avalugg, wreck him!"

Avalugg appeared and gave a roar, and Pikachu didn't even flinch. Wulfric gave a hearty laugh, amazed by the bravery of Pikachu.

"I've seen mighty Charizards flinch in fear before my Avalugg, the fact that a mere Pikachu showed no fear is a testament to your strength as a trainer. Pikachu must trust you completely, so show me that trust!" Wulfric yelled out to Ash

Ash smiled, "Alright Pikachu, use Electro web on the ground!" Pikachu made an Electroweb on the ground and waited for Ash's second command, despite already having a very good idea on what his command would be."

Wulfric raised his hand and pointed at Pikachu, "Avalugg, use Gyro Ball! Slam into Pikachu!"

Ash gave his order, "Pikachu, use Quick Attack into the web and launch yourself with an Iron Tail at Avalugg!" Pikachu sprang into the Electroweb, and the force of the web sent him flying towards a spinning Avalugg. Pikachu's Iron Tail slammed into Avalugg and stopped the massive Iceberg Pokemon dead in its tracks. Avalugg flipped on its side and Pikachu flew over its head with another Quick Attack.

Serena spoke to Clemont, her eyes fixated on the battle. "Is it just me, or is Ash's battling suddenly really different. He seems a lot more confident than the other day with Sawyer, he's tearing apart Wulfric with ease."

Clemont looked at Serena, so it seems like she noticed something was off also. He didn't want to share his hunch with the group unless he was certain.

He spoke quietly, "I think he's just having a good day with Pikachu. Maybe he had a good training session yesterday or something."

Serena nodded, "Hmmm yeah, I guess maybe that's the case."

Back on the battlefield, Pikachu was darting around and slamming into Avalugg from different angles with his Iron Tail, zapping him from distance with his Thunderbolt. It was clear that Wulfric was outmatched here. Pikachu landed an Iron Tail straight into Avalugg's head and the Iceberg Pokemon toppled over. Pikachu chirped happily, he hadn't had two knockouts in a gym battle in ages.

Wulfric stroked his beard, "Seems like I'm going to need my trump card. Abomasnow, let's go all out!"

Abomasnow stared down Pikachu and rushed Ash's loyal starter. Pikachu dodged Abomasnow's arms, before being struck with an ice shard to the face. Pikachu used Quick Attack and hit Abomasnow with an Iron Tail. Wulfric growled in frustration and grabbed his Ice Crystal pendant, revealing a keystone. He pointed it in the air, and a glow surrounded Abomasnow before exploding and revealing a Mega Abomasnow.

Bonnie looked at her brother, "Why don't you fight with Mega Evolution? Is it normal for leaders to do that?"

Clemont shook his head, "Ummm, it's discouraged but not banned."

Bonnie looked at the battle, "Wow, then he must really want to win!"

Back on the battlefield, the tides had turned and Abomasnow was launching hundreds of Ice Shards at Pikachu. Pikachu dodged most, but he was cut by a few.

Ash pointed at Abomasnow, "Pikachu, hit him with Iron Tail!"

Wulfric countered his order, "Abomasnow, Wood Hammer now!"

The mighty Wood Hammer struck Pikachu before he could dodge, and he went flying. Pikachu crashed into the walls of the gym, clearly having fainted.

Ash picked up his partner, "You did great buddy, nice work out there." Ash laid Pikachu down behind him and grabbed a Poke Ball. Ash threw it once, caught it and threw it again. "Sirfetch'd I choose you!"

Serena pulled out her Pokedex and scanned Sirfetch'd

No data found in Kalos Dex. Switch to National? Serena tapped on yes and the Pokedex scanned Sirfetch'd

Sirfetch'd the Wild Duck Pokemon. Only Farfetch'd that have survived many battles can attain this evolution. When this Pokémon's leek withers, it will retire from combat.

"Sounds strong, and looks strong. Sounds like a Pokemon Ash would use." Serena said.

"It's so cool! I wonder if his stick is sharp?" Bonnie asked

"It's called a Leek Bonnie, and the answer is yes." Clemont said while rolling his eyes.

However, internally he was freaking out. Ash had never been to Galar, and he didn't have a Sirfetch'd on his record. He'd need to confront him now. Something was seriously off.

Ash gave his first order to Sirfetch'd "Alright, let's do this. I want you to hit Abomasnow as hard as you possibly can, smash your Leek with all your might. You can do this!"

Sirfetch'd gave a growl and began glowing, he raised his Leek in an attack position and rushed Abomasnow. Before Wulfric could even give an order, Sirfetch'd slammed into Abomasnow and an explosion enveloped the arena.

As the dust cleared, Sirfetch'd stod above the fainted figure of Abomasnow. Ash smiled. He had won

Serena scanned the move with her Pokedex.

Meteor Assault: The user attacks wildly with its thick leek. The user can't move on the next turn, because the force of this move makes it stagger.

Wulfric handed Ash his badge

"Now that was a battle to remember. Thanks Ash, I'll remember that one for ages! Good luck in the league!" Wulfric handed Ash his badge and he jumped in the air.

"Alright, I just won an Iceberg Badge!"


Later that day......

It was almost time for bed, and after a long conversation with Serena and Bonnie about how cool Sirfetch'd is and how awesome he battled, he walked into his hotel room.

Only to find Clemont waiting for him, holding his Mega Ring and Dynamax Band.

"Ash. Please explain why you have these valuable battle items and own a Pokemon that's not registered to you. I checked your past league teams, and there's no Sirfetch'd. I'm worried about you Ash."

Ash's heart started pounding. This was all wrong. How could he know! But, Ash realized. Telling more lies would only hurt him. And so, Ash decided to tell Clemont the truth.

Ash took a deep breath in and he told the truth.

"Clemont, I'm from the future," Ash said nervously



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