You saved me (Male Reader x N...

By Isabelsav

26 2 2

The newest member of the Avengers thought his life couldn't get any better until a certain woman helped him s... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

10 1 2
By Isabelsav

Y/N's POV:

I was laying down in my bed. I was awake though. I only had a wink of sleep last night due to the fact that I beat the crap out of some dude who pulled a gun on a group of women leaving a pub. I don't know what he was thinking to be honest.
Some men can be horrible. There goes the sound of my alarm waking me from my thoughts. I grunted as I got out of bed to switch it off. I walked over to the mirror and looked into it. I surprisingly didn't look that bad given the fact that I probably only got 30 minutes of sleep last night. I had bed hair. I liked my look with bed hair because it made it look rather cool.

I walked into the bathroom and splashed my face with water and then I used my flannel to get rid of the gunge in the corner of my eyes. I decided to hop in the shower before going out. The warm water was soothing and relaxing until it turned into literal ice.


I decided to turn of my crappy shower and cleaned my teeth. I was staring at myself in the mirror. I was going to have a big fight tonight and I was really excited. From the information I've gathered this man is a semi-muscular man with a tad bit of self respect. If this is true, I'm going to win. I suddenly remembered one of the girls from last night. I never got her name, but somehow I said to come and watch me at The Plaza. Oh god I'm going to screw up and she's not going to talk to me afterwards.

I entered my bedroom and put on some boxers, some loose gym shorts, a cool band T-shirt, some trainer socks and a pair ok Nike shoes. I stuffed a towel, my gym card and a water bottle into a duffel bag. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked out of the house ready to train.


Nat's POV:


As soon as we got back we told Tony, Steve, Clint and Bucky what happened.

Wanda: So yeah, that Black Wrangler dude saved our lives.

Tony: The what dude?

Me: The Black Wrangler.

Tony: Oh god, we've been trying to track him down for months...

Me: What did he do wrong?

Tony: Nothing, we have little information about him. We have wanted to recruit him for a long time now. But he is too secretive. We have little to no data of him on the S.H.I.E.L.D data base. It's almost as if his character doesn't even exist.

Me: Well I might be able to help. I hung back to thank him and asked him what his name was, he told me to meet at The Plaza tomorrow at 7 pm.

Tony: I think some of us should go, he could be a good asset to the team.

Pepper: Tony, don't forget to thank him...

Tony: We won't...

Me: I'd like to go, he might not talk if he doesn't know I'm with you.

Tony: Okay, I'll take Nat, Steve and Clint with me. I think that might be enough to do what we need to do.



Nat's POV:

I wake up with a smile on my face, I couldn't believe how quick Tony was to suggest to find him. I won't lie, I was thinking about the masked hero last night. A lot. I mean A LOT. He was really nice and I was looking forward to seeing him again. Okay okay I'm just slightly excited.

I got out of bed and hopped in the shower. It was warm and soothing. I got out and blow dried my hair. I put on my leggings, a T-shirt, some socks and some trainers. I walked downstairs and grabbed some breakfast before heading over to the gym for training.


Y/N's POV:

It was 10 minutes until the fight was due to start and I was stood in the corner watching the doorway. I was hoping that she would turn up. Time was ticking and just as I was about to leave to get ready, she walked in. Her red hair was neatly straightened and she was wearing a pair of leggings with a black band T-shirt. She was followed by 3 other guys, one quite older than her. I walked down the hallway where we do our final preparations.



Natasha's POV:

We waited as the loudspeaker announced the first name.

Tony: Is that him?

Nat: No, definitely not, he was more muscular

Steve: Hopefully it's him next.

Nat: Yeah.

I think he will be in the same outfit he was in last night because it looked like a signature one.

Y/N's POV:

I heard an applause erupt from the audience outside. I opened the door and stood behind the curtain, praying that I would win.


There was an even louder applause as I walked out and shook hands with the other guy before getting in the ring. I grabbed my T-shirt and pulled it above my head throwing it into the crowd. I was left in my loose shorts and trainers. I didn't want to wear my outfit today because it's quite hot and I didn't want to screw up. I turned and saw the girl from the pub holding the shirt smiling at me. I smiled back and I promised myself I would win this for her.

As the ref signalled that the game was about to start, I zoned out and focused on my opponent.

Ref: 3...2...1 ding ding

I felt a surge of energy race through my body as I thrusted myself at Ray hitting him in the jaw and then punching him in the stomach. I grabbed his arm and kicked him in the knee as he fell to the ground. I helped him up to the shock of the crowd and then punched him in the face before knocking him to the edge of the ring. He came at me with a fist which I caught. I twisted his wrist, lifting him over me and then slamming him into the floor hard. I knelt over him for real this time and the ref tapped out and I clearly won.

I smiled as the crowd cheered and hooted. I drifted my gaze over to where the woman was standing but she was gone, so we're her companions. I went back into the room and I saw her with the 3 men. The oldest man came up to me and shook my hand.

Him: I'm. Tony, Tony Stark.

My eyes widened.

Y/N: As in the Tony Stark?

Tony: Yes, pleasure to meet you. And thank you for saving some of our team members last night. This is Steve Rogers, who you might know as Captain America and Clint Barton who you may also know as Hawkeye.

Y/N: Holy crap.

Tony: And this, is Natasha Romanoff. I believe you two have already met.

Y/N: Yeah, we have.

Natasha comes closer to you and shakes your hand.

Natasha: I prefer Nat.

Y/N: Okay Nat, I'll bear that in mind.

Tony: Also, you may know Miss Romanoff as Black Widow.

Y/N: Holy crap, this is a lot to take in at once.

Steve: Well, it's about to get a lot harder.

Tony: Okay, Y/N... We would like to ask you to be a part of our team. We think you could bring a lot to the Avengers.


Steve: Language.

Y/N: Sorry Steve.

Tony: So what do you say kid?

Y/N: This is great...but I have other things to do.

I walked out. I was furious with myself because I just got an offer to join the Avengers and I turned it down. I walked to the corner shop to grab some food and then walk around the city.

Nat's POV:

Tony: Well that...didn't go as planned.

Me: I think we should go after him.

Steve: I'll take the back alleys with Tony. Nat and Clint follow him.

Clint: Okay... got it.

Clint and I walked in the direction that the English man went.

Me: We need to find out his name. We know what he looks like but he could throw that outfit back on and we could loose him forever.

Clint: Yeah, I think Tony should have done this. I really don't know what we're supposed to say.

Me: Our job is to bring him back to Tony, that's all we need to do.

We followed a side alley and saw the man walk into a small shop. We waited outside for him to come back. He came out holding a sandwich and a can of coke.

English Man: Did you enjoy the show?

Clint: Very much sir.

Me: We just came here to talk to you.

The man takes his bag off his shoulder and places it on the ground and then he proceeded to sit on it.

English Man: Fire away...

Me: Okay S.H.I.E.L.D has been trying to get information on you for a while now. When we went back to the tower that night Tony seemed very interested in you. Even if you don't want to join the Avengers, please answer some of Tony's questions...

English man: What does S.H.I.E.L.D stand for?

Clint: Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division.

Me: Yeah, so are you coming with us or not.

English Man: Can I at least finish my sandwich?

Clint: Sure.

We stood there awkwardly for 2 minutes while the man ate his sandwich and opened his coke. He got up and walked with us.

*I turned on my earpiece*

Me: Tony we've got him.

Tony: Great we will meet you back at the Plaza.

*I switched off my earpiece*

We walked to the plaza and saw Tony and Steve standing in the alley.

Tony: Okay...will you please come back to the tower so we can talk.

English Man: Yeah, can I just grab a few things. I'll meet you at the back door in 2 minutes tops.

Steve: Yeah.

Y/N's POV:

I walked back into the plaza grabbing my water and towel from the back room where I was met by Ray.

Ray: Why'd you have to humiliate me like that kid.

Me: Well, you weren't that hard to punch and kick. And besides don't call me kid... I'm 23. I've been fighting here since I was 18 and you only just got here. So if you want a go, you and me in the ring now.

Ray: Nah I don't feel like it kid.

Me: Pussy.



Ray: Heh

He wipes his face and looks like he could murder somebody.

Me: Chill out old man.

Ray: Right that's it.

He opens the drawer and pulls out a knife. He comes at me lunging for my chest but I ducked. He slashed the knife into my shoulder and draped it down slicing more of my shoulder. It was like millions of little shards of glass were being thrown at me.

Ray: Who's the pussy now?

Me: Still you mate.

He walked away and started running out of the plaza. I picked up my water bottle and towel and struggled out to the back entrance.

Me: Hey guys.




Clint: Nat, take my bike and take him back to the tower. We will get back as quickly as possible in the car.

I walked with Nat as she looked tentatively at me. I know I'd just been stabbed but I felt so calm with her looking at me. We ruched to her bike and I hopped on behind her.

Nat: Grab my waist!

Me: What?

Nat: Grab my waist!

I put my hands around her waist as she drove us back to the tower. I was groaning in pain by the time we got back. She looked at me and smiled assuring me that I was in safe hands with her. We walked through the entrance and a group of people stopped and looked at us. Some of them were from last night.

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