Laugh At Life

By kaitlinx3

136 0 0

Alé and Rauridh live completely seperatle lives but after they met on holiday when they were younger they dec... More

Laugh At Life
Laugh At Life. 3.

Laugh At Life. 2.

29 0 0
By kaitlinx3

chapteer twoo :)





Hey Alé, things are good with me. Mum's recovering but she's not quite back to normal yet, She came home from hospital last week and the doctors say that she should just take it easy and all that crap. ha anyway, How are things going at your aunts? Rich eh? lucky for some.

I need to go, bedtime. haha.

speak soon,



I clicked send before logging off of the computer and leaving the family room. I met Alé on holiday almost 4 years ago and ever since we have kept in touch via e-mail. Even though we live miles apart, I have grown really close to the little girl with glasses that I met all that time ago.

I checked on my mother on my way up to my room, her chest rose and fell steadily. Content, I walked the short distance to my room and prepared for bed. I had a long day ahead of me so I needed as much sleep as possible.

My alarm sounded at exactly 9;30 am. I showered and changed into my uniform of grey joggy bottoms and a grey material jacket before grabbing a quick breakfast and heading out. The studio wasn't too far from where I lived so I would usually walk to rehearsals, my dance troop rehearsed 3 times a week. More if competitions were coming up. I know what you are thinking, a guy dancer? But the dance style that we do is called 'modern hip-hop' or street dancing. We currently have seven members including myself, the others are like a second family to me.

I arrived at the large wooden doors of the studio, just as Mikey was getting out of his car. Mikey is one of my closest friends, we basically grew up together and he is also a member of 'A.B.C.Dance'. We walked in together and began to warm up, the others arrived soon after and our teacher started to drill us on our most recent routine. Nothing unusual.

After an hour of practice we stopped for a break, the whole troop collapsed onto the brown leather sofas absolutely exhausted. My eyes caught those of Izzy and my mouth automatically turned up into a smile. She returned my smile with her own. I pulled myself together, explaining mentally to myself that there is no way that a girl as beautiful and funny as her would ever like me. I couldn't help but hope though.

  I was cut off from my thoughts as Miss Allen -our teacher- called us back to continue our vigorous rehearsals. Battle of the streets were coming up, and this year we were desperate to win. Our lease on the studio was running up and we simply did not have the money to keep it going, however if we were to win, the prize money would be enough for us to keep going for at least another year.

Once we were finished we decided to go out for something to eat at the mall that isn't far from the studio. I walked alongside Izzy our arms brushing each other as we walked, the slight contact caused my whole body to heat up. I bent my dark hair slightly to mask the slight blush that was begining to appear on my cheeks, I don't think Izzy noticed as she was telling me about her plans for the summer and how exited she was for battle of the streets..

We soon arrived at the food court of the mall, we found a table big enough for all seven of us and then ordered our food. After eating we all went our seperate ways. My mood saddened as I was no longer in the company of Izzy but I knew that I would see her again tomorrow so I will survive, just.

[a.n//  hi guys. I know this part is really short but I really wanted to do alternating chapters between Alé and Rauridh -which is pronounced like roary.

anywhoo what do you think of the whole Alé/Rauridh thing?

the next part should be up tonight too :)

thanks for reading<3 ]

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