The Witcher Hero BNHA x The W...

By MrShades81

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What if another Conjunction of Spheres were to happen and one of the few remaining Witchers in the Continent... More

Pt .2 Arrival
Pt.3 New Friends, New Problems
4.Entrance Exam
U.A's Witcher
UA's Witcher pt. 2
Lone but not Forsaken
They would see you suffer...
Author Note
The Wolf's here..
After the Storm
A Date?
An Old Friend
Jackals of Reminiscence
The Monster Slayer Vs The Hero Killer
Another date?
Setting the Stage
Final Exam pt 1
Final Exam Pt 2
Final Exam Pt 3
Drying Blood and Tears
Training Camp
Wolven Storm Pt 1
Wolven Storm Pt 2
This Hell you found...
....Is Of Your Own Doing....
Karma Under Fire
A Life Well Spent
No Just Cause
Soul Gamble
Fear and Bravery
All My Atrocities
Pit Viper

......All Warfare......

95 3 2
By MrShades81

1 Night Before The Incident
2:11 AM
Musutafu's Graveyard

Y/N: Rivia......Vyzima......Loc Muine.........Velen.....Novigrad......Skellige.....Kaer Morhen.....Toussaint.....

???: Witcher?

Y/N raised his sword angled onto a fragile throat, the graveyard reunited the living in the remembrance of the dead

???: What are you doing here?

Y/N: Could ask you the same Stain

Stain: Your senses don't betray you

Y/N: Im not looking for a fight

Stain: Neither do I

Y/N: Then what brought you here?

Stain: Enlightenment

Y/N: Peculiar choice, even for a guy like you

Stain: I heard what you did with the League, to be all honest, coming from someone like you, striking a man such as All For One is not often found in the average witcher's work

Y/N: He wasn't there, besides I wasn't trying to kill All For One

Stain: Then?

Y/N: I was looking for people to save, 2 friends of mine

Stain: All that, just to save two souls?

Y/N: What would you know about me?

Stain: Vilgefortz had a hard time keeping his mouth shut, he does have an obsession for you though, he's still holding on that grudge for what happened in Stygga

Y/N: That holds no meaning

Stain: And yet, instead of killing you, he went for those who're close to you

Y/N: Convoluted as always

Stain: You could've just killed me back then at the alley, tell me, what stopped your blade?

Y/N: That isn't how I like to do things

Stain: Then why approach such problem to the likes of The League?

Y/N: I usually don't like killing, it's something I resort to only when I have no other choice

Stain: Name a few

Y/N: 1275, Toussaint, I was hired to slay a beast, that turned out to be a higher vampire, for which if you didn't know, they're practically un-killable, at least by conventional methods

Stain: Vampires....wouldn't be surprised if somehow related to them

Y/N: You didn't turn into fog the first time we met, though I wouldn't totally discard any form of weakened vampiric gene replicated onto humans

Stain: Back to your contract...

Y/N: I...well we, worked with another higher vampire at the time, tried to reason with him

Stain: Thought these specimens were just if not even as sapient as our kind

Y/N: Vilgefortz told you that?


Y/N: Well, what'd you know, guy was very emotional and had issues keeping his temper in check

Stain: A monster with a volatile character, reminds me a lot of our common acquaintances, what did he do?

Y/N: We found out, he'd been blackmailed to kill a certain amount of people, in return of his beloved's wellness, but surprise surprise, all this time, she was the one pulling the strings, when the vampire found out he sent an all out siege over the city, we managed to bring her to the vampire but, he would've killed her were not for a magic trinket she had been wearing
, guy went on a fit and tried to kill my friend, I held my ground against him, cutting off his wings and torso in half but.....

Stain: They're practically inmortal

Y/N:Exactly, it didn't matter into how much pieces did I cut him in, he would regenerate eventually,

Stain: Then I suppose your friend insisted on finishing him off?

Y/N: Mhmmm...Wasn't something that he and I had considered forehand but it was our only choice to save the city and stop the ongoing massacre

Stain: And where is he now? Your friend, I mean

Y/N: Long gone, for vampires killing their own kind is practically considered as treason, like an unwritten rule among their kind, he ran away somewhere they wouldn't find him

Stain: I see....

Y/N: Satisfied?

Stain: I've heard enough....I won't kill you......

Y/N: Don't worry.....someone else'll do it for you.....

Stain: Pardon?

Y/N: Nothing

Stain: Still, I wonder what are YOU, doing here?

Y/N: Do you believe in curses Stain?

Stain: Only one, and here on us I did believe it was real for a lot of time

Y/N: Name it

Stain: When I was in middle school, my parents told me about this old mythical curse, that could be passed down to anyone, my dad called it the Jigoku no Okami, The Wolf of Hell, the curse says a vengeful spirit possessed someone deprived of compassion and judgement, only guided by an uncanny fury, in doing so, the spirit turn its victim capable of not feeling pain at the cost of his humanity, the more the spirit was summoned, the more of a demon did the host turn

Y/N: Mmmmm, reminds me to a lot of curses,
(Sounds like an enraged Hym) anyway to lift it?

Stain: No, unfortunately, the cursed could only be mitigated and locked via priest's seal, but even then, it could be broken

Y/N: And what happens after that? What if the host turns to a demon in all aspects?

Stain: The Wolf consumes it's victim and burns it alive, only thing remaining is the weapon it used to carry his revenge

Y/N: Sounds like you took a lot of interest in this particular story

Stain: Don't blame me, I was very gullible back then, and what about you? Someone's cursed now?

Y/N Yeah, Vilgefortz placed one on a very dear person to me, tomorrow I'll come back to lift it though I still need to tie up loose ends

Stain: Very well....Good luck....

Y/N: That's it? You're leaving? No lecture or cynic monologue?

Stain: No, I'll leave you to your own matters, you're a hero for whoever you're trying to save, I've got nothing to prove with you

Y/N: last thing.....if you tell Shigaraki about our conversation......I'll find you

Stain: You ever heard the old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend witcher?Tomura is nothing more than a little cockroach and I'm just waiting for the right time to crush it with my foot

Y/N: Good saying, Farewell in your hunt

Present Day

Vesemir: Anybody here?? Hello!!

???: Nice of you to drop in...and just in time...

Vesemir: I do try to live up to my word, here I am, what do you want?

???: Please Vesemir, don't be such a bitter hag, try to cheer up for once, after all Y/N was a good friend to both of us

Vesemir: What's your name?

???: I've been called by many names in my life but you can call me Gaunter O'Dimm, at your service

Vesemir: You sound like we've met before

O'Dimm: But we have old timer, you can thank me for breathing once more

Vesemir: So you were....

O'Dimm: That presence you encountered right after Imlerith killed you? Indeed I am

Vesemir: I'll be damned

O'Dimm: As long as you don't do anything off the hook, you're nothing to be afraid of, now what we came for, first of all, were you followed?

Vesemir: No

O'Dimm: Are you sure? I know how obnoxious that mutt on the police station can get at times

Vesemir: Yes, I'm certain of it

O'Dimm: Very well, about Y/N, I know that he's cold as an ice cube as of now, literally because the forensics put him in a morgue either way I-

Vesemir: Cut to the chase

O'Dimm: Right, Vilgefortz knew this would happen, and per se Y/N was the closest thing you heroes stood a chance of beating him since well, you know, he and the League stomped All Might and his guys back to Emergency Treatment

Vesemir: He's just a mage

O'Dimm: Yeahh but kind of a big deal considering he's a prodigy and has unlimited energy to teleport monsters from the Conjunction to this world

Vesemir: What!?

O'Dimm: How else would you explain what that one eyed bum has done? The inicident of the USJ? That was the tip of the iceberg, with the help of his associates, Vilgefortz wants to bring enough monsters to this world, as a way to hold heroes by the throat, you see, with quirks, The Elder Blood, Magic, Mutagens, all those things are nothing compared to them, especially if many are held by one hand

Vesemir: All For One...

O'Dimm: Exactly, now, as you may have already guessed, without that amulet a certain sorceress gave him the time Y/N came out victorious, you and rest of the heroes are what I'd call doomed, if you catch my drift

Vesemir: But there's has to be a way to stop him right?

O'Dimm: That's where I'm getting, as I said, Y/N one on one against Vilgefortz would lose, well All Might did too but you get my point

Vesemir: Then I guess are chances are pretty much blown

O'Dimm: Allow me to finish will you? Vilgefortz wants to open a portal of prolonged flux, meaning he will do one eventually that can transport monsters by the dozen every couple of hours, that part however can still be stopped

Vesemir: Dimeritium bombs

O'Dimm: But-

Vesemir: I'll require a very large amount of dimeritium

O'Dimm: And we both know you don't you don't have the resources for such a weapon, still, there's someone who could provide them....and you have that very person in front of you....

Vesemir: What's your price?

O'Dimm: Right to the matter, aren't we? Unfortunately my friend, I don't want coin, neither gold or any personal heirloom

Vesemir: Everyone has a price

O'Dimm: And I'm no exception to that rule, c'mon, what else I'd want from you old man?

Vesemir:........You gotta be kidding......

O'Dimm: No I'm not

Vesemir: I'm not giving you that!

O'Dimm: -Sigh- I won't allow you to bargain your way of out of this, witcher

Vesemir: Aside from well, you know-

O'Dimm: Souls, old timer!! Yes I'm looking for souls in return of my favors, and in this case, I want yours

Vesemir: Absolutely not

O'Dimm: Then I'll excuse myself, good day witcher

Vesemir: Wait!!

O'Dimm: Yes?

Vesemir: What would you say if I passed that debt unto someone else? Would that be more difficult?

O'Dimm: Keep talking

Vesemir: Maybe I don't have to give you my soul, I could kill someone for it and give it as a form of payment

O'Dimm: On my terms Vesemir, I don't want any soul, I want one so rotten with evil and vileness to it's very core, that it's fate inevitably sealed for damnation

Vesemir: You do not like to skip details do you?

O'Dimm: All contracts must have it -smirks-

Vesemir: What about...Vilgefortz's soul...

O'Dimm: Vilgefortz!? HA!! You don't even believe your own lie, we know you're not capable of doing such feat, still I'd like to see you try

Vesemir: Then how about we raise the stakes a bit?

O'Dimm: My, My, we woke up daringly today didn't we?

Vesemir: I'll also kill All For One, If I don't do so in 3 days, you'll take my soul as well

O'Dimm: Mmmmm....since you're offering thrice my usual fee, I'll match your offer with a bonus on the side

Vesemir: We have a deal?

O'Dimm: Indeed we have, for your bargain I'll bring back Midnight, alive and conscious of course, no detail spared, and I'll tell you how to bring back Y/N, sounds good?

Vesemir: Deal

O'Dimm: Deal, here, take this hourglass, when the sand falls, I'll come back to recollect my loan, until then, you have 72 hours to kill Vilgefortz and All For One

Vesemir: About bringing Y/N back...

O'Dimm: Ah yes, Y/N's soul detached from his corporeal body, all that there is to be depends whether you can attach it back, how? You'll need to find 3 things 1. The tools of a murder 2. the forgotten memory, and 3. the Grave-Mind

Vesemir: Cut the riddles, what those phrases even mean anyway?

O'Dimm: My deal, my rules, once you've found all those 3, bring them to Y/N's body and burn it all in front of him, that should lure his spirit back to this realm and he'll help you defeat Vilgefortz. If you make it in time of course, hehe

Vesemir: Any idea where I could start looking?

O'Dimm: Ask his friends, so long Old Timer

The Master of Mirrors burned like a pyre consumed to ash and so his presence was no longer in this world

Vesemir: -Sigh- God Fucking Dammit

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