The Coworker

By username031317

27.8K 646 101

The last time Alexa's life was normal was when she kissed her coworker after her shift. After being ripped fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

855 21 4
By username031317

It's been about a month since Chase yanked me away from my dying parents. He has allowed me to tend to the garden and grow my own plants as a way to keep busy. It is really starting to come along. Well, I would hope it would be since it is all I do nowadays. 

Tomorrow is Chase's birthday, and he has requested, no, told me that I will make a cake for him. I have been trying to build his trust with little things, moving a bit slower this time. I started cuddling up to him when "I'm asleep",  as well as making him coffee and breakfast in the morning. 

While Chase was at work today, I put on some gloves and picked some castor beans from my garden. I put the beans in boiling water to cook them before mashing them through a filter. I save the excess for later and put it near the back of the fridge. I throw the gloves away and thoroughly wash my hands. I don't want to take a chance getting this stuff anywhere on my body.

I then retreat back to the garden to pick some daffodils to use as a centerpiece at the table. They bloom so beautifully this time of year. The ones I have grown are no exception. With a nice mix of bright yellows and whites, the arrangement came out beautifully. 

Chase comes back, and we eat some take-out he picked up. Chinese food. A classic, but always a good choice. 

"I'm excited for tomorrow," Chase says in between bites of broccoli beef.

"How old are you turning?" 


My eyes widened at this. I had no idea he was that much older than me. I'm still in my early twenties. I gulp my down the food that almost got stuck in my throat.

"I like the flowers. Your garden is really coming along."

"Thank you. I think it has become a new passion of mine." I return a slight smile. 

"Well, I am glad you are finally enjoying your time here. I knew you would eventually."

I nod. If only he knew how much I don't. 


I woke up early to make Chase's cake for him. I'm making a dark chocolate cake with matching dark chocolate frosting. Dark chocolate creates a powerful flavor that covers other things. And it just happens to be one of my favorites. Hopefully Chase likes it too, but he did not really give me very much direction. I go into the fridge, get the castor bean excess, and add it to the cake batter. After it is thoroughly mixed, I pour it into a heart-shaped pan. Cute. 

I'm pulling the cake out of the oven when Chase walks in and the heavenly chocolate scent wafts through the air. 

"It smells great, babe."

"Thank you."

We eat breakfast while it cools. Chase is working from home today, so he leaves shortly after to answer some emails. I put the cake on a platter I find before covering it in frosting. I add some lovely swirls and sprinkles before writing 'Happy Birthday' on it in yellow. 


I light some candles and sing happy birthday to Chase. It was a bit awkward since it was only me, but I can carry a tune. Chase stared at me the whole time, but what else is new? We both take a piece, and I have to admit that it is delicious. Chase enjoys it too, as he should since it's one of his last meals. Once we finish our pieces, Chase takes the dishes into the kitchen. Once I hear them clatter in the sink, I take one of the daffodils out of the vase and eat it quickly.

We sit down to watch a movie, and I feel my stomach grumble. Here we go. I run to the bathroom as I feel the contents of my stomach rise up my esophagus.  I barely make it before throwing up into the toilet. Chase comes and holds my hair while rubbing my back. I get it all out before I swish some water around mouth and spit it out in the sink. 

"I must have eaten too much sugar," I say, forcing a slight blush. I need to look embarrassed. 

Chase kisses me on the cheek and picks me up. I lean in close to him, and he places me on the bed. He turns the light off before taking one last glance at me and leaving the room. 


It's been two days since Chase's birthday, and I can tell Chase is starting to feel the effects. He's been a bit dizzy and just threw up blood. He called a doctor, but since Chase has to get a private one that won't tell anyone that I am kidnapped, he won't be here till tomorrow, but it will be too late. 

The next morning, Chase is so weak he can barely sit up. Perfect. I start packing a bag right in front of him while explaining what I have done. I want to make sure he knows that he is like this because of me. 

"What are you doing? Where do you think you are going?!"

I'm not intimidated by him anymore, he could be knocked over with a gust of wind. 

"Well, you see, Chase, I knew that there was only one way to get away from you from the start, and that was to kill you."

He tries to stand up, but I push him back down and tie his wrist to the bed frame just in case he gets a boost of energy.

"So I started planning and remembered that before you kidnapped me, I almost poisoned myself. I grew castor beans to get castor oil for a face and hair mask but found that when the beans are processed, and the ricin is not extracted from them, it can kill people in about two days if not treated. So, I put some in that amazing birthday cake of yours."

The look of confusion that comes across his face is priceless. 

"But, you ate the cake too?" 

He looks so puzzled and concerned, and I'm not upset about it.

"Those daffodils you loved so much, when ingested cause vomiting, so when I ate one, I threw all of the poison up. So, right now, your intestines have been bleeding for the past day, so you should be dead by the time that I leave." 

I zip up my suitcase before walking over to Chase's wallet on the nightstand. I take all of the cash he has stored in it. This will be enough for me to get back into the states and collect my parent's inheritance that I can use to start a new life. 

Chase starts to close his eyes, and I know he is almost gone.

I untie his wrist before leaning in and whispering,

"I win." 

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