Created Consciousness...

By vannabannanna

87 6 5

RT1200, also called (Y/N). It's designing started ever since the first occurrences of deviancy amongst androi... More

Punch in the guts


28 2 1
By vannabannanna

"Lately, Around the ending of October and beginning of November of 2038 many of Cyberlife's androids have been Turned to what we know as "deviants". Ever since the very first cases of Deviancy Cyberlife had already predicted this might spread out as a virus and immediately started working on prototypes with different programming and software, in the search of avoiding deviancy. Building all the programming an android needs from zero was a difficult task, reason why Cyberlife used this new software on prototypes only until one of the prototypes are fully functional.

I am the first fully functional Prototype, and I will be sent to the police department to prove my software efficient, and my new functions useful."

RT1200 said as it was programmed to do.
"Everything is working perfectly fine for what it seems, run an overall check up on your systems" the android did as Enzo asked. Enzo was one of the engineers and technicians working on RT1200, and just about now a final check up was being made before they send (Y/N) to the police department.

"All of my systems are working correctly" (Y/N) answered. "Well then, you're ready to go. You'll be sent Ti the police department in 5 minutes to join Lieutenant Anderson along with another Cyberlife android, RK800. Be ready"


NOV 6TH, 2038
AM 12:35

(Y/N) arrived at the Police department, walking towards where it was instructed encountering some few policeman along with Lieutenant Anderson which It was instructed to accompany and assist meanwhile certain tests and experiments were being made on software functioning and mechanic updates.

"Hey Hank!" A policeman that guided (Y/N) yo where the lieutenant was. "You got another plastic can delivered!"

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." With a groan (Y/N) identified as annoyed. "As if one wasn't enough" as (Y/N) turned to the other "plastic can". It can't feel anything, even if it's programming included more deepened imitation of human emotion, it would be fake emotions and usually directed to other humans. Even so it certainly stared at The other tin can for some seconds before breaking silence.

"Hello, my name is (Y/N). I'll be assisting you with the deviant case" as it turned to Lieutenant Anderson.

"I know- I know. I've heard that bullcrap already, why'd they even send me another one?!". "Each model is different form one another, perhaps there are just small differences but if Cyberlife sent another android there must be a reason". The other plastic can said.

"Oh yeah?" Lieutenant Anderson said turning to (Y/N) "lemme guess. YoUrE sO nOt LiKe OtHeR aNdRoIdS" with an incredibly annoyed face. "You are just- sOo QuIrKy and we need you in this case for that reason". Now we all know where Hank gets his humor but poor (Y/N) doesn't.

"Well I guess that's a way of putting words to it" as Lieutenant Anderson turns to it showing a face of "say sike right now".

"Ever since the start of deviancy case Cyberlife begun a new prototype for Android's software with the goal to make Androids immune to devia-" "in English" Hank interrupted.

(Y/N) froze for a second, loading the best answer for this situation.

"The way I am programmed is different from all androids. This is so I am immune towards Deviancy".

"Ok and how is that my problem?" Hank said.
"Well, having in mind that deviancy has been spreading as a virus, having a different-"
**hank annoyed stare**

"Because of my programming, the best way to test its efficiency is to work on the Deviant cases. That and the fact that this is a great opportunity to test that all systems work correctly with this new software".

"Alright alright! Too much- software and programming shit, just resume it to Cyberlife wants to take advantage of us and test out their latest toy." He then sighed as he turned around back to the other plastic can.

"We got someone to interrogate, I will do the questioning. You two just- stay outta my way do- robot-y things- I don't care" as he annoyingly stood up walking away mumbling something surely about androids.

The other plastic can And (Y/N) followed.

By 12:41 am Hank was with the Deviant attempting his questioning.

It was quite interesting, Androids aren't supposed to feel anything, they aren't even supposed to think by themselves, only by command. However (Y/N) seemed.. hypersensitive to the presence of "the other plastic can". It's part of its software to have a deeper immitation of human emotion. Instead of coding that (Y/N) shouldn't feel, they coded all feelings she can recreate, that way there's no space for irrational "feelings".

"Could you update me in the case?" As they communicated with telepathy. Connor was slightly surprised he was reached out that suddenly.

"Well, the Deviant attacked its owner. 28 stab wounds. It also seems like it started as self defense. Lieutenant Anderson is trying to get a confession out of him".

Well he's got an interesting voice, (Y/N) thought.

"Understood" is all it was programmed to say.
As the interrogation came along.

Lieutenant Anderson was unsuccessful with the questioning and Connor took his place.



**SLAM** "28 stab wounds!!" Connor raised his voice intimidating the Deviant.
"You didn't want to give him a chance huh?!"
As the poor Deviant shook in his boots.
"Did you feel hate? Anger?" Connor continued.
"You knew he was injured yet you stabbed him again, and again and again".

It was very amusing to (Y/N) to watch Connor.
Certainly it would bring a bit of content to work in a new ambient with him near.

Connor, even though did use a bit of roughness, got the deviant to speak with tranquillity as well.
The android explained that he was abused by his owner.
"Until one day I realized it wasn't... fair."
We're his exact words. At that moment (Y/N) felt a slight uncomfortableness that wasn't easy to explain, however any expression of that wasn't shown as it just stayed in place.
And before anyone knew it, Connor turned to the one sided mirror and said "I'm done." Before standing up and walking towards the door.

Gavin and a pair of policeman entered first, with Hank and (Y/N) following. The deviant didn't move as Gavin ordered "get the deviant! We are taking him to his cell" as policeman did as he said.

"Don't touch me.. please don't touch me" as a policeman took a hold of his arm. "Well what are you waiting for?? Get it!!" Gavin raised his voice.

"I'm trying-" "please leave me alone... stop-" things were starting to get messy.

"Please leave me alone.. stop..!" "Common, get it already!!" As the Deviant just kept leaning away, shaking tremendously.

"You shouldn't touch it." Connor raised his voice speaking up for the deviant. "It'll self destruct if it feels threatened" quite surprised at Connor's sudden behavior. It isn't a part of his program to defend deviants is it?

"Stay out of it! I'm not gonna listen to some piece of plastic!" Gavin answered as it turned to the policeman again. "Go ahead, move it!"

The deviant shook even more as the policeman took a tighter hold on it.

"You don't understand, if it self-destructs we won't get anything out of it!" Connor speaking up again.

(Y/N)'a confusion was too much, analyzing The policeman, the deviant, Gavin and Connor's behavior during the tense moment. Browsing through possible reasons why this is going on and out comes. Is this the right moment to intervene?

(Y/N)'s POV:

"I told you to shut your fucking mouth!" Gavin answered to Connor. "Chris! Move this asshole already!" "I'm trying-" the poor policeman Chris said almost embarrassed.
"We'll try harder!"

Chris seemed tog te tired of this bullshit cause he suddenly took the Deviant by not only one but both arms and started shaking him, the deviant almost pushing the chair with his own body as he did so.

"Stop!" As connor rushed towards the deviant, pushing my arm away as I had tried to stop him with a miserable "Connor!"

"I can't let you do that!" As Chris was pushed away from the deviant, Connor standing between them. Shock and adrenaline rushing through the air.

"I warned you motherfucker!" Gavin quickly pulling out his gun.

"Watch it!" "That's enough." Hank and I said at the same time, both of us taking our guns out. I stepped closer to Gavin however.

Gavin, without noticing both of us had our guns out said "can't you mind your own business?" As he turned to realize the situation he was in. Two guns against one. Gavin shook in frustration before he made a truly weird sound I believe was meant to be the curse word "fuck".... Without the u or c.

As Gavin lowered his gun, so did I. Before Gavin aggressively pointed at Hank "you're not gonna get away with it this time" making me momentarily raise my gun again.

Gavin stayed quiet for a while before saying the curse word "Fuck!" Again.

.... Without the u or the c making it sound like an alien DJ rapper..

As he then walked away and out of the room, both Hank and I lowered our guns.

Connor turned to the deviant, "Everything is alright, it's over now" as he squatted down to the Deviants level who had been thrown to the floor by Chris earlier.

"Nobody's gonna hurt you" as through my analysis system I noticed the android calmed down by hearing this, now having only a 50% of stress.

"Please, don't touch it" Connor said to Chris the policeman. "Let it follow you, and it won't cause any trouble" and just as Connor said, the deviant stood up and started walking.

Just as the deviant passed Connor he said quietly
"The truth is inside"
As his LED turned from yellow to blue again.

Connor could do nothing but stare as the deviant walked out of the room, and according to my database, his expression represented a troublesome confusion.

I know this chapter isn't as long as it could be, however I think it's a good introduction to (Y/N) and her situation, as well as a good meme so I hope you enjoyed 😂

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