Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

5.5K 136 676

With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!

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By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R! Oren, with the aid of Fasha, had managed to track down Ginyu in his stolen body. After boasting that he was even stronger than before, Ginyu was shocked to hear that he hadn't grown stronger at all! After a short fight between the hunters and Ginyu, along with Vegeta, they managed to get Oren into his original body. However, Ginyu attempted to steal Vegeta's body! Thankfully, Oren managed to trap Ginyu in the form of a harmless frog, which Vegeta took pleasure in killing. Now inside the healing chamber, Oren must wait for his wounds to heal. Will he recover in time before Frieza arrives?


Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!


Ruby was currently sitting outside looking at the Dragon Balls. Without the knowledge of Speaking Namekian, they couldn't use the Dragon Balls. Then Ruby heard Jaune call out to her.

"Hey Ruby, over here!" Jaune called.

Ruby walked over to see Jaune and the others explaining their plan of action.

"Alright, so we've talked it out, and it seems that the only option we have is to make a run to Guru's house." Jaune explained.

"B-But, what about Frieza? He's still out there somewhere." Ruby responded.

Jaune sighed, as he knew she was right. If they were to make the trek back to Guru's house, there was a possibility that they'd run into Frieza. But at this time, they had no other choice. But before anyone could respond, they all felt a small power level approaching them!

"Hey, do you all feel that?" Ruby said.

Fasha looked in the direction the power was coming from.

"It's not Frieza, their power is level is significantly weaker." Fasha said.

After a few moments, they all waited for this mystery guest to make their appearance. When the figure came into view, they couldn't believe who they saw.

"DENDE!" Everyone except Fasha exclaimed.

Dende smiled as he landed before the group.

"Y-You're all okay!" Dende exclaimed.

Both Ruby and Pyrrha embraced the Namekian child, who in turn embraced them back. Dende then looked at Fasha.

"Who's this?" Dende asked.

Fasha slowly walked up to the child.

"Hello there young one. I'm Fasha, I'm a friend of theirs who came here with another to aid you." Fasha explained.

Ruby then began to ask why Dende was there in the first place.

"Grand Elder Guru sent me to help you with the hidden phrase to awaken Porunga!" Dende explained.

Everyone looked confused at Dende.

"Uh, Porunga?" Pyrrha asked.

"He's our eternal Dragon, like how your planet has your own." Dende said.

Everyone looked back at the Dragon Balls, then remembered that Vegeta was currently sleeping nearby. Jaune then came up with an idea.

"Dende, help us take the Dragon Balls to a different location. We need to be stealthy with this, as to not alert Vegeta." Jaune said.

One by one, they each took a Dragon Ball away from the ship and took them to a nearby location away from Vegeta. They placed the Dragon Balls in a circular formation, after the seven crystal orbs were placed onto the ground, Dende walked in front of them and raised his arms into the air.

"Takkaraputo po Porunga pupirittoparo!" Dende chanted.

In that moment, all seven Dragon Balls began to glow as the sky darkened. A pillar of light erupted from the crystal balls and shot straight into the air! After the bright light faded, a large serpentine dragon with the upper body of a humanoid, looked down at the group. Porunga's upper body looked as though it were a human, yet it possessed green scales and two antennae similar to Namekians. Its face was wide, yet compact with red eyes. Everyone below except Dende looked on in amazement.

"W-Wow! So THAT'S the Namekian dragon?!" Weiss exclaimed.

From up above, Porunga spoke with a booming voice.


Jaune began cheering as he heard what Porunga had to say.

"Ha ha! Nail wasn't kidding when he said he could grant three wishes! This is awesome, we'll have our friends back in no time!" Jaune cheered happily

Ruby looked at Jaune.

"But what do we wish for first?" Ruby asked.

Before Jaune or anyone else could answer, Dende spoke up.

"Please, decide quickly! Frieza could be on his way at any moment!" Dende exclaimed.

This caused the Remanites to panic. Which in turn caused them to hasten their decision.

"Alright, ask him to bring back everybody on Remnant who were killed by the Saiyan's!" Jaune said.

Dende nodded and turned back to face Porunga.

"Bandappurura rutemiraru fanparitsu pumerettohero runchero itashikonchipa pontero rupiche!" Dende chanted.

Porunga stood there for a moment, then spoke back.


"WHAT?!" The Remanites exclaimed.

"Oh-no, this is bad!" Ruby said.

Then, out of nowhere, a disembodied spoke out to the group.

"Ruby, can you hear me?" The voice called out.

Ruby's head shot up immediately, it was Piccolo's voice!

"P-Piccolo?! Where are you?" Ruby said, looking around their location along with everyone else.

Back in Otherworld, Piccolo was standing behind King Kai with his hand on his shoulder. All the while Cardin, Velvet, and Neptune were behind him.

"I'm speaking to you from Otherworld. Make sure that your first wish is to bring me back!" Piccolo said.

Cardin, Velvet, and Neptune were shocked at his idea. Both Cardin and Neptune got into their fighting stances.

"Not a chance in Hell Piccolo, forget it!" Cardin yelled, believing Piccolo using this as some evil diabolical scheme. Piccolo then turned back to face them.

"YOU BE QUIET!" Piccolo screamed, silencing them.

Piccolo then turned forward.

"Listen. If you wish ME back, that wishes Kami back as well. And alongside Kami, Remnant's Dragon Balls will reappear. We could use them to wish everyone back!" Piccolo explained.

On Namek, everyone heard Piccolo's idea loud and clear.

"Wait, thats a great idea! I totally forgot about that!" Jaune exclaimed happily.

Ruby nodded.

"I got it Piccolo." Ruby said, happy to hear her friends once more.

Back in Otherworld, Cardin began to smile as he too began to think about it.

"Hey, that's not bad at all!" Cardin said.

"Nice thinking!" Velvet said.

"Now, about that second wish. Once I've been resurrected, have me transported directly to where you are on Planet Namek." Piccolo explained. "I'm eager, no, HUNGRY for battle! And I can find no better person to take it out on than that bastard who slaughtered my people!" Piccolo said with venom dripping from his voice.

King Kai turned towards Piccolo and raised his voice.

"Were you listening to me when I warned Oren not to go anywhere NEAR him! I will not have you face Frieza!" King Kai yelled.

At that moment, Piccolo applied pressure to King Kai's shoulder, causing the Kai to wince in pain.

"King Kai's training has worked wonders for my strength, and this bastard won't know what he's in for! So, summon me to Planet Namek, understood?" Piccolo explained to Ruby.

Ruby nodded at hearing her friend's request.

"Alright, you got it Piccolo!" Ruby responded.

Piccolo smiled.

"Good, for your third wish, you could use for whatever else you need." Piccolo said, releasing his grasp from King Kai and walking away.

King Kai rubbed his shoulder before turning around towards Piccolo.

"Now listen here! What do you think you're doing?! What ever happened to leaving well enough alone! You scoundrel! You promised to never engage with Frieza!" King Kai sternly told Piccolo.

Piccolo smirked while facing away from King Kai.

"Funny; I don't recall making such a promise." Piccolo said.

King Kai's eyes widened in anger.

"I BEG YOUR PARDEN!" King Kai yelled.

"But then again," Piccolo said, turning his head to look King Kai. "I was never really good at remembering." Piccolo smirked.

King Kai clenched his fists.

"YOU LITTLE FIBBER!" King Kai yelled.

Back in Frieza's ship, Vegeta was leaning back on the healing chamber Oren was residing in. When all of a sudden, he woke up with a start! He felt an enormous power level heading their way!

"W-What is that?!" Vegeta exclaimed. "There's someone approaching at high speed! And th-that power level could only mean...F-FREIZA!" Vegeta said in terror.

  At that Moment, Frieza was quickening his pace! Vegeta quickly turned to look at Oren, who was still in the process of healing.

"Tato won't be finished healing for another several minutes! Which means, If Frieza shows up now, I'll be on my own!" Vegeta panicked, as he ran out of the treatment room.

"Tch, I've got a bad feeling about this!" Vegeta growled as he continued to run down the hall.

When he passed by a window, he noticed that it had gotten dark outside.

"WHAT THE?!" Vegeta exclaimed, while looking out the window. "That's impossible! This planet doesn't even have a nighttime, I would've seen it by now! Why has it gone dark all of a sudden?" Vegeta wondered.

Then, Vegeta's eyes widened as he remembered what he was told when the eternal dragon was summoned.

"No, NO, NO!" Vegeta panicked. Vegeta then began to run faster down the halls. "This isn't happening! This is NOT happening!" Vegeta growled.

(End Song)

Back with the others, Ruby told Dende their wish to bring back Piccolo.

"Dende, our first wish is to bring back Piccolo, a Namekian from Remnant! If he's wished back, then that means Kami will be wished back and recreate Remnant's Dragon Balls!" Ruby explained.

Dende nodded and turned back to face Porunga.

"Tetoraputo Hotto Piccolo Pupimeropa pimoposo paatoratemorinpe kuurikuupasu puyakkiriguo. Uotoku horakusa peropuppa!" Dende chanted.

Porunga's eyes flashed red.


In Otherworld, Piccolo's halo disappeared. Back atop Kami's Lookout, Mr. Popo was watering his garden, when he heard a strange whirring noise. Turning around, he saw Kami standing before him. Mr. Popo dropped his watering can.

"Hello, Mr. Popo." Kami said with a smile on his face.

Tears of joy were streaming down Mr. Popo's face.

"K-Kami...!" Mr. Popo said joyously.


Vegeta made it outside the ship and saw that the Dragon Balls were indeed missing.

"GRR! DAMN! The Dragon Balls are gone, and who else but those wretched Remanites and Fasha!" Vegeta growled as he quickly began to survey the area. Then, in the far distance, he saw a large creature floating in the air. "What the Hell is THAT thing! Could that be the Shenron creature those Remanites spoke of?"

Vegeta clenched his fists in rage.

"GGGRRRAAAGGGHHH! I WILL NOT BE CHEATED OUT OF IMMORTAILITY!" Vegeta roared as he began to fly towards the hunters.

As he began his flight, he couldn't help but sense Frieza's power.

'Damn! If this couldn't get any worse, Frieza will be right on top of them in seconds!' Vegeta thought to himself. 

At the same time, Frieza activated his scouter and saw that it was picking up seven power levels!

"Seven distinct readings. I've got a lock on you vermin now!" Frieza yelled.

Back with the others, Ruby explained the second wish.

"Alright, for our second wish, warp Piccolo to Planet Namek." Ruby said.

Before Dende could make the wish, Jaune sense someone was on their way towards them!

"G-Guys, you might want to hurry up! Vegeta is on to us!" Jaune panicked.

Fasha then put a reassuring hand on Jaune's shoulder.

"Don't worry," Fasha reassured them. "I'll protect you when Vegeta comes." Fasha said.

After hearing this, Dende turned back towards Porunga.

"Terumopara akkororu tsutenonipiro Piccolo ru mageka tamakuroru!" Dende chanted.

Porunga stood there for a moment, then spoke.

"THIS WISH IS ALSO WITHIN MY POWER! IT TOO, SHALL BE GRANTED!" Porunga announced, as his eyes glowed red once more.

Back in Otherworld, Piccolo found himself slowly disappearing from King Kai's planet. King Kai clenched his fists.

'That damn fool!' King Kai thought to himself.

Back on Namek, Piccolo appeared ontop a small mountain. Piccolo then began to examine his surroundings.

"So, this is Planet Namek. The home of my people." Picolo spoke to himself. " Something feels familiar about this place, but I'm not sure why?" Piccolo wondered. "But now's not the time to get emotional, I have to find Ruby and the others!" Piccolo said. He the sensed many energy readings in various locations. "I sense someone incredibly powerful heading towards a group of other strong power levels. One of them is bound to be Ruby!" Piccolo said before flying off.


Everyone was currently looking above at Porunga.


Everyone began to look around for Piccolo, but they couldn't find him.

"I don't understand. Where's Piccolo? I thought he'd be here." Ruby wondered.

Dende's eyes widened in shock and turned to face the rest.

"W-Wait, you wanted him brought here to this exact spot! Not just to Namek!" Dende exclaimed, shocking the others. "I-I didn't ask for him to be brought here!" Dende said.

Ruby's eyes widened.

"W-What, oh-no!" Ruby exclaimed.

Before anything else could be done, Fash called out to the rest.

"All of you, on your guard! Vegeta's here!" Fasha announced.

All of them turned around, and indeed saw an enraged Vegeta standing before them.

"You rotten little bastards! You thought you could steal MY wish, and cheat me of Immortality! You thought the likes of you could pull a fast one on me! NO ONE cheats King Vegeta and gets away with it!" Vegeta yelled, walking towards them, only to be stopped by Fasha.

Pyrrha then attempted to defuse the situation.

"Vegeta, hold on! There's still one wish left!" Pyrrha said.

Vegeta stopped, and smirked.

"Well now, then I guess I made it in time then." Vegeta said with great relief in his voice. "Now then, tell the beast to grant me immortality!" Vegeta demanded.

Dende stood there, hesitant to follow Vegeta's demands. This hesitation was beginning to irritate the Saiyan king.

"Well, what are you waiting for?! Grant me immortality, now!" Vegeta yelled. Fasha quickly stood in front of him from nearing the Namekian child.

Dende still stood there, until Jaune spoke up.

"D-Do it Dende!" Jaune said hesitantly, causing everyone to look at him. "I know that Vegeta has done horrible things to your people, but we don't have a choice! I hate to say it, but I see no other option!" Jaune said.

Vegeta smirked.

"Well then, it seems one of you has finally came to your senses." Vegeta smirked.

Dende bowed his head, and hesitantly turned back towards Porunga. But out of nowhere, Porunga let out a deafening pained roar, as his entire body began to glow, causing everyone to cover their eyes! After the light had faded, everyone saw that Porunga had Vanished, and the sky was back to normal. Everyone then saw that the Dragon Balls, once crystal, had all been turned to stone! This caused everyone to look confused at the current situation.

"W-What the, what happened? Where's Porunga?" Ruby asked.

Then everyone heard a sniffle, and saw Dende kneeling onto the ground, weeping. Pyrrha immediately walked over and embraced the young child.

"Dende, what's wrong?" Pyrrha asked.

"G-Grand Elder Guru, is dead!" Dende wept.

This caught everyone off guard, as they remembered if Guru were to die, the Dragon Balls were rendered useless. Growling in anger, Vegeta turned towards the others.

"GRR! Y-You little bastards! What about my wish, What about my Immortality?!" Vegeta yelled. "You don't know the sacrifices I had to make to get all seven! And because of your hesitation, I've been cheated out of immortality!" Vegeta growled.

Pyrrha let go of Dende and looked straight towards Vegeta.

"Don't you DARE talk about sacrifice!" Pyrrha shouted. "How many innocent Namekians did you have to butcher to steal their Dragon Balls? We're trying to bring back those who were killed when you came to Remnant, while you were trying to use the Dragon Balls to wish for something as selfish as immortality!" Pyrrha shouted.

Vegeta didn't care what Pyrrha was saying.

"Fool, if I'm not immortal, then we don't have a chance against...A-Against...!" Vegeta said, looking at a small hill, his eyes widening in terror.

Everyone else began to look where Vegeta was starring off to, and each of them couldn't believe what they saw. Staring down upon them, was Frieza. All the color on Jaune's face faded as he stared at the galactic tyrant.

"F-Frieza...!" Jaune stuttered in fear.

Frieza stared at them and smirked slightly.

"I hope you're satisfied, truly." Frieza said. "You've successfully dashed my hopes against the craggy shores of your ignorance!"

Then Frieza's eye began to wander towards Fasha.

"Ah Fasha my dear, how good it is to see you!" Frieza said, causing Fasha to shiver in disgust.

Frieza then began to survey to area, attempting to locate the Ginyu Force, but to no avail.

"And what has become of the Ginyu Force I wonder?" Frieza asked. "Did you really do away with them all? Sadly children, I'm afraid that won't do. Indulge me, you've said your goodbyes, yes?" Frieza said.

Everyone continued to look fearfully at the galactic tyrant. Frieza then began to gently float down the hill, directly in front of them, causing everyone to slowly back away.

"Oh, to see the Dragon Balls turned to stone at the very moment your wish might've come true. Quite the pill to swallow, eh Vegeta?" Frieza said directly towards Vegeta, taunting him. "Of course, even more so for myself. As a matter a fact, in all my years, I've never been so angry as I am now." Frieza said, in a terrifying calm voice.

Frieza then slowly stepped forward.

"How incredibly irritating not to have seen the writing on the wall!" Frieza growled, slowly raising his fist. "TCH! N-Now, you pay!" Frieza said, finally letting his full anger show.


Ruby and the others quickly jumped back, leaving both Vegeta and Fasha facing Frieza. Vegeta then began to smirk.

"Finally letting your true colors show. Well, go on now, do your worst. But if you think this is going to be easy, then you are dead wrong!" Vegeta said.

Frieza too began to smirk as he began to chuckle.

"Oho ho ho! Of all the things you might've said, I dare say you've forgotten how vastly terrifying I can truly be!" Frieza laughed.

Vegeta and Fasha stood there undaunted. Frieza widened his stance.

"Let me Jog your memory, shall we?"Frieza said before powering up. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Frieza screamed.

At that moment, the entire planet began to quake at Frieza's power! Both Vegeta and Fasha tried their best to appear undaunted, but deep down, they were terrified. Everyone else had trouble keeping their footing as the ground shook violently!

"Th-This isn't happening!" Ruby quivered.

"H-Holy shit! He's even worse than I thought he'd be!" Jaune exclaimed.

Back inside the treatment room aboard Frieza's ship, jars of medical ointments, and other medical tools began to fall off shelves! Inside the healing chamber, Oren opened one eye as he felt Frieza's power. He couldn't imagine how his friends were feeling in this situation and hoped that the healing process would hurry so he could aid them.

(Chapter End)


Ruby: Hey everyone, Ruby here! This is bad, like, REALLY bad!

Jaune: I think we're a little out of our league here!

Frieza: Of course. What did you think would happen when ants fight a dinosaur?

Vegeta: I think if we all work together, you'll have your work cut out for you!

Ruby: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!

Frieza: I would say the power level of this form, is over one million!

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