Voice of an Angel Cannot Be B...

By cliothecello1

31.8K 298 62

So many people want to corrupt the will and spirit of this girl... but it is only so she can be controlled... More

Chapter 1 – The Unbreakable Spirit
Chapter 2 - The Heart belongs at Home
Chapter 3 - What is she?
Chapter 4 - Take my hand I'll show you what I forget
Chapter 5 - You bring out a side I never knew I had...
Chapter 6 - It's like my Heaven in bedroom form
Chapter 7 - My Parents were WHATS??
Chapter 8 - The joining of two families to make one bundle of joy
Chapter 9 - Composition from the heart
Chapter 10 - Prepations and Welcome Surprises
Chapter 11 - Singing completed the angel and her song
Chapter 12 - I see the battle angel in you... but I see the broken angel in you too...
Chapter 13 - The Silver Battle Angel
Chapter 14 - Taking on bad guys? easy-peasy... school? Emmmm...
Chapter 15 -Some people just don't get the hint!

Chapter 16 - from angel of song to angel of destruction

1.4K 43 31
By cliothecello1

Chapter 16 – from angel of song to angel of destruction

~Class after lunch – Choir~

After a weird lunch, Luke and I were heading to choir practise. People seemed to stop and stare as we walked past, it was becoming irritating, but I didn't let it show, that would cast the wrong impression on people. But I just kept a tight hold on Luke's hand and my head held high, ignorning it all. Maybe, at some point, someone will want to be my friend. Hopefully.

We came to a set of double doors that lead into an auditorium. I took a deep breathe and looked at Luke, who gave me reassuring smile and kissed the back of my hand. I blushed and smiled back, pushing the door open, I dragged Luke behind me, chuckling at my reaction.

I looked up and into the eyes soft brown eyes of a chinese man with black hair, his expression was blank. He had a delicate tattoo of music notes tracing his face. I touched his mind with, making sure he couldn't sense it.

Ah, so this is the girl that everyone keeps talking about... She has an unearthly look about her... I was stunned by his comments and quickly withdrew my mind.

“Hi, Mr. Cho!” Luke grinned at him, which he returned. His eyes returned to mine.

“You must be Miss. Haven... Evageline, am I correct?” He asked. His voice was smooth and even, a clear sign of a singer.

“Yes sir, called me Evy,” I replied, holding out my hand for him to shake, which he took in a firm grasp. I smiled at him, which he returned with a small one.

“What part do you sing? Alto? Sorpano?” He asked, returning to his piano at the front of the leveled seats that were currently nearly all filled.

“Higher soprano.” I replied quietly. He turned his head to me, as he sat at the piano, raising an eyebrow. I smiled shyly.

“We only have one other higher soprano.” He said looking pointedly at a figure at the top row in the corner. Aphrodite. She sat smirking thinking she was it. I grimaced slightly.

“Sing a song for us, one that shows your ability.” He asked. I knew he would know any music just by the look in his eyes. They held an ancient knowledge that no one could question.

I smiled, thinking of the perfect song, “Shubert's Ave Maria.” He looked at me again.

“What key?” He asked curiously.

“C Major.” It was an easy key, but the range was broad enough to show my protential.

He nodded, smiling slightly, “Ok. Luke sit down please. She can stand by herself for a few minutes.” I could the amusement in his voice. I blushed and chuckled as I looked at him as he too blushed, kissed my hand and went to sit infront of Aphrodite, who's smirk widened. I'll show her...

The music began and I took my stance infront of the grand piano, letting the music flow through me. I focused my eyes on Luke a the back as I began to sing the haunting music.

Ave Maria
Gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tuae, Jesus.
Ave Maria

Ave Maria

Mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Ave Maria
.” When the piano finished playing, it took me a moment to come back to myself again, after being so lost in the music, seeing Luke grinning like it was Christmas, his face held a bright light to it... So beautiful. I looked at Mr. Cho, who held a stunned face which then broke into a broad smile as he stood on his feet and started applauding like a mad man. He was quickly joined by the rest of the room erupted. I bit my lip as my face burned with embarrassment.

I looked at Luke again to see him shouting along with the crowd. I also noticed Aphrodite glaring daggers at me, obviously not impressed with my display. But I pushed it aside, as I nodded my head faintly and turned to Mr. Cho, who was still grinning like an idiot. “You can sit infront of Aphrodite.” He turned to the crowd, “I think we have our lead female role for Phantom of the Opera!” More cheering at this. I gasped at him.

“Seriously?!” I asked trying to hold in my excitement.

“Absolutely!” He grinned at me.

“Thank you so much! I'll go you proud, I promise!” I gave him a huge hug to his suprise, but he returned it and then pushed me toward the steps. I made my way gracefully up the steps and sat on the outside beside Luke, who grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

“That was amazing!” His yes danced with light and an emotion I couldn't place. I blushed by grinned back.

“Thanks.” I whispered back.

“Ok!” Mr. Cho's voice rang out effortlessly throughout the large room, drawing everyone's attention. “Now let's get started on some of this opera then! Now, I've arranged some of the numbers a little differently so everyone is involved. If you turn to page...”

~Combat Class~

Choir went really well, apart from Aphrodite behind us. I won't mention the stuff she was saying and doing, quite disturbing. Ew...

Next we made our way to our last of the day, Combat class. You can guess what that is; it's pretty obvious. Unfortunately, Aphrodite had the same class. On the bright side, so did Luke. Anyhow, we all lined up along the wall of the huge dome arena, facing a monstorous looking man, who a stern look on his worn face, blonde curly hair and ice blue eyes. Around his eyes was his tattoo, which was an intricate pattern of daggers and knives. I felt a little apprehensive, not because of Mr. Stone (yes his name is Mr. Stone), but because my battle angel was different from everyone elses, and I had been training for months before, in and out of my angel form. I'm going to be the class freak, it seems.

“Ok! We have a new student!” His voice was very deep, but carried easily in the large dome. “Step forward Ms. Haven!” His eyes zeroed in on me. Keeping my head held straight and look him dead in the eyes, I took a step forward. “Welcome to my class Ms. Haven. I've heard many think about you. I'll be testing your abilities today.” I nodded my head once in reply, knowing that nothing needed to be said and he would prefer this way.

“We are to make Ms. Haven feel welcome in my class, or would have to answer to me!” Just as he said the last word, he threw a dagger directly at me. No suprise it was a dagger then. It didn't faze me in the slightest. I took a step towards on my left leg when it reached me, leaning to the side, and caught it by the hilt. I stood up straight and walked toward Mr. Stone, who had a small smile playing on his lips that he was trying to hide. “It seems it is not me you should afraid of if there is a problem class.”

When I reached him, I flipped the knife, delicately holding it by the blade, handle out to him. I gave him a smile, “Call me Evy, sir.” I lowered my head slightly as a sign of respect.

“Very well, Evy. Thank you.” He dismissed me. I headed back to my place beside Luke, who smiled and winked at me, I grinned back.

“Now that we've got that over with, I want everyone to transform, we will be working in our forms today.” I bit my lip and looked around and people transforming immediately. My gaze settled on Luke, who grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze reassuring me with a smile. I nodded at him.

I took a few steps away from and dropping his hand. I closed my eyes, holding my arms out wide. I focused on the large ball of energy inside of me, and splitting in half, I let it take over my body, changing my outfit a little than last time to a delicate dress, instead of the short shorts. There was engraved plating that went from my neck to the top of the dress to hold it in place, engraved plating decorated the length of my arms and the usual daggers and swords glissening around my waist, on my arms and on my back. And last, but not least, were my wings. I felt the energy spread on my back and then I felt my wings stir and unravel, spread out to their full size. I sighed happily as I opened my eyes. To see everyone gawping at me. I let a giggle and people gasped. My face went a light shade of pink at the attention. I turned to Mr. Stone, who too was gawping, but quickly recovered.

“Em, O-Ok. Everyone... into your pairs! NOW!” He roared to get everyone's attention. They went about their business, sneaking peeks at me. I turned to Luke with a grin, only to see Aphrodite hanging off his arm with a smirk on her face. My face went blank. What a cow.

I stole a glance at Luke to see him trying his best not beat her across the head. I gave him the once over in his demon form. His usually dark hair, was darker, his eyes a deadly black, and he seemed bigger. Hello Hottie. My battle angel let out a low whistle. I smirked as I walked towards him, glancing at Aphrodite, who was now scowling at me. Luke was checking me out as I walked. I got really close to him, and whispered into his ear, letting my lips brush his ear lobe, “You look hot as a demon.” His breath hitched, as I took a step back. I gave him a wink and chuckled at his blank fish-like face, black eyes wide.

I turned to Mr. Stone, “Sir, I dont have a partner.” He looked at me, and then looked around the room, only to land on Aphrodite. I almost sighed.

“Aphrodite, pair with Evy.” I did sigh this time.

“Sir, Aphrodite and I have already been through this. There's no point.” My voice sounded bored. I heard Aphrodite growl behind me.

“Well, Evy, seeing as Aphrodite is set on taking my place as head of the Light Battle Angels, she needs the practise... Though I doubt she'll be getting the position.” He murmured the last bit quietly to himself. But I heard it and let out a chuckle, dodging a high kick to the back of my head, spinning my leg around along the ground and taking Aphrodite's legs out from underneath her, leaving to face-plant the dirt.

“It's not sportsman-like to attack from behind, Aphrodite.” I said in a sweet tone. She growled as she got to her feet.

She went to turn to walk away, but quickly turned back, a large sword already in her hand. I pulled a sword from my waist, blocking her wild and uncontrolled swing. “Would you like to take this to the center of the arena, warriors?” Mr. Stone's voice rang out.

I turned to him, “Absolutely.” With a one swoop of my wings, I was in the air and making my way the center of the arena. I landed gracefully beside Mr. Stone. The class had made a large circle around us. We waited for Aphrodite to get her ass over to us. She was taking her sweet time, but I kept my face blank. When she made it to us, we faced each other. I looked her dead in the eye, letting my battle angel take a reasonable amount of control me. Someone has to stop her, and I was the only one to do so.

“Now, ladies. This is not 'til death. It will last a short 5 minute battle between the two of you. All weapons are allowed. Do not hold back, we all know you're both fast healers. Do you understand?” Mr. Stone eyed the both of us.

“Yes sir.” We said not taking eyes of each other.

“Ok. Prepare yourselves.” We got into our positions. “Ready... Fight!” He shouted, stepping back to the circle made by the students. Almost immediately, Aphrodite let out a cry, charging at me, swords swinging. I stood my ground, simply batting away her swords with mine, turning my back on her and elbowing her in the stomach, she dropped to the ground, clutching her abdomen gasping. I stood back, facing her again, giving her time to recover.

She stood with a fierce scowl on her face, hate burning in her eyes. She suddenly smirked at me. “You know, when Luke's finished with you,” she whispered so just I could hear, “he'll come running back to me. I mean come on! Look at you! You're a freak! You're a danger to this kingdom.” Her face scrunched into a sneer. Very unattractive. I simply kept a blank face. Her sneer faltered at my lack of reaction.

She growled, throwing her daggers at me, faster than our previous fight. She must've practised... My battle angel snickered a little at the observation. I dodged them all, grabbing the last by the handle, and throwing it back. Aphrodite didn't react quick enough, the dagger embedded itself in her arm. She let out a yelp as it pierced her skin. Gasps filled the air. She growled and yanked it out, throwing it into the ground. With two swoops of her swings, she flew into the air. “You may be good on the ground... But how good are you with the air, freak?!” She sneered at me. A gave her a small smile, and with one swoop, my over-sized wings, took me into the air. Her smirk faltered again at their emense size.

Aphrodite quickly recovered and came straight at me, arms out stretched infront of her. A gave my wings two strong flaps, her outstretched wings caught the wind current and carried her back and into the dome wall. She let out a grunt, but came at me again, full speed. I mirrored her and darted toward her, much to her suprise. I grabbed her arms, holding them together in an iron grip, as I folded my wings against my back and bombed towards the ground. I kept my eyes on hers as she started to panic and squirm, letting out a shriek when I let her go, spreading my wings to hover, watching her crash to ground. I landed on the ground gently as she groaned and stood, rolling her shoulder, cracking her neck.

“30 seconds left!” Mr. Stone called. I looked at Aphordite, who smirked at me as she descended on me.

“So what did it feel like, when the men from your orphanage raped you eh?” I stiffened the slightest bit. “Well, I guess it wasn't rape if you liked huh?” She burst out into an obnoxious laugh. I won't let her get to me. Focus. She doesn't know how it felt... we should teach her a lesson!!! My battle angel was far from pleased and it was beginning to get too hard to control her. My thoughts began to darken.

“But then again, there are the little girls, aren't there!” She continued. She's digging her own grave at this stage. Fuck “not til the death”. “So many little runts, running around like plague rats!” I knew my appearance was showing my emotions. I saw in the reflection of Aphrodites armour that my eyes were black. A black fog was circling round me. Yet Aphrodite obviously hadn't noticed this. She hadn't properly looked at me yet. “Did it ever occur to you that they shouldn't be loved if they were in an orphanage? They were abandoned! And it should've stayed that way! They dont deserve love!”

I lost all control. With a war cry so full of rage that people scrambled to get out, I lifted my hand out of instinct, so that it was 90 degrees from my body. Mumbling latin under my breath, I squeezed my hand, eyes focused on Aphrodite's. She fell to her knees clutching her chest. People gasped and screamed at the sight, but didn't move to help. I squeezed a little harder, she let out a gasp again. Nothing could get past the haze of rage that had descended on me and seized me in its dark grasp. Nothing... but a whisper that cut through all the screams... the haze... the roaring in my ears... a whisper was all that got through...

“Angie” it said. I looked up to meet bright orange eyes. Luke. “Luke,” I whispered. He gently touched my face. “Angie, you need to stop.” He pleaded. Looking into his eyes, I fought the dark haze that clouded my mind. I brought through it with a gasp and dropped my hand. I heard Aphrodite's gasp of relief as she lay to the ground, people crowding her, seeing if she needed help. Realisation of what I had just done hit me and I felt drained and dizzy. “Luke...” I whispered before my eyes rolled back, everything turning black. I had been crushing her heart... with my bare hand...


Hey people!!  Sorry it took so long...  Was so damn busy it was crazy!  Plus when I'm at home I can't upload because of my internet software, so I have to do it at school as I've now discovered!  Sorry for not having more chapters finished after so long, but this is a good long chapter (I hope) , which took me ages to write and I hope you enjoy!  Don't forget to vote and comment!  THanks everyone so far with the support and the ideas!! Oh, I'm putting up a new story, please go and read it!! Thanks again!<3

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