book of one shots

By ultimatelytired

603 29 24

just... just a book of one shots πŸ‘ More

fnaf security breach: mechanical
fnaf security breach: helper
mcyt: soulmates
mcyt: savory
mcyt: loyalty
mcyt: phoenix
mcyt: visit

mcyt: loyalty pt. 2

36 5 3
By ultimatelytired

word count: 18,116

Fandom: MCYT
Pairing: Emerald Duo x Male!Wolf!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Familial/Platonic
Occupation: N/A
Ability: Wolf Hybrid

The character is that of a wolf hybrid, allowing them to have traits of a wolf. They have abnormal strength and speed with keen senses of smell, hearing and sight, making their nose and ears almost sensitive to anything. They are also granted with an abnormal height and the gift to shapeshift from a human/normal form to a more monstrous form.


[M/N]: Male Name
[S/C]: Skin Color
[H/C]: Hair Color
[E/C]: Eye Color
[U/N]: Username

Warnings: character death, vulgar language, violence

the reader has three forms so far. full human form, they stand at 6″10ft tall with only wolf ears, tail and eyes. half/half form: 7″6ft with fur beginning to appear on his forearms and neck, his legs become hind legs but also his entire forearms become claws. full form: 8″2ft is a full werewolf. his body is covered entirely of fur, his face taking the form of a wolf and his body is bulking with more muscles. that would be the final form he has full control over, however, he has one final form. the complete wolf form where he's on all fours and his animalistic instincts overwhelm his human instincts, meaning he has no control over himself when in this form. in this form, he stands at 9″0ft tall.

will make a pt. 3 after this one, maybe a pt. 4 if I don't fit what I want into the pt. 3, but whatever.

this was lagging all over the place because there are too many words.

that is all.

[M/N] hadn't even known how much time had past since the war; since he lost Schlatt, his mind couldn't function properly and he was slowly losing that remaining piece of sanity that he managed to salvage. He fled Manberg the moment he saw explosions coming from the country, taking himself and Schlatt's corpse far away from it and finding a peaceful little area where he could bury him. Sure it was cliché, but [M/N] found a nice little spot on a hilltop where he would have a nice view of the sun rising and falling with each passing day; it was perfect. It was so hard for him to dig up a hole and put his body in it, he couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face as he lowered his body into the grave, even more so when he had to bury him.

Sure, he was a good couple hundred blocks away from the new L'Manberg now run by Tubbo, but the anguished cries he wailed at the top of his lungs could be heard from miles away. His claws dug deep into his skin to the point he started to bleed, he could care less, he really didn't care about himself at that moment and allowed himself to wallow up in his anger and sadness. Now the only thing he had left of Schlatt was the ring, he always kept on him as a necklace, never to admit that he left it there so it would always be close to his heart. He raised his hand and held onto it tightly before turning and facing the direction where the sun was slowly beginning to descend as the night took over the day, he took a shallow breath as he leaned his head back to rest against the tombstone.

The next couple of days, or weeks, it followed with [M/N] animalistic instincts beginning to overwhelm his human consciousness. Another reason as to why he stayed in his human form more is because he had more control over his thoughts and instincts than when he's constantly in his original wolf form, he was slowly becoming more and more like a wolf that he stopped looking after himself. If he were to see his reflection, he would most likely see his younger self staring right back at him. His hair had grown pass his shoulders and was matted from the lack of brushing and washing it, his bangs even grew to the point they shadowed his eyes. His nails grew out and were cracked, he was filthy to the point he could pollute a river or stream if he dared step into one and his hands to his forearms were constantly covered in blood.

Most of the time he spent staying at Schlatt's grave because he really didn't know what to do, the only time he ever left was because he was hungry, now this is where the blood comes into play. He was merciless with the way he hunted down animals, he didn't spare them a chance as he lunged at them, digging his claws into their bodies to keep them from fleeing before eating them raw, tearing them apart before ripping into their skin to devour them. By the time his hunger was satisfied, he would have blood dripping down his mouth and some of it staining his fur, but he didn't really care. Right now he was asleep huddled by his grave when he heard the sound of flapping wings, his ears flickered a bit as he raised his head and saw a crow was bouncing up and down in front of him.




The crow let out a squawk when [M/N]'s tail smacked it when it got too close for comfort, he growled at it as a warning for it to back off but only when he started pushing himself up did it get the message and leave him be. He thought that would be the last time he saw that crow and let himself fall into slumber, but little did he know, the next day he would be swarmed by countless crows. They followed him everywhere he went and were constantly squawking in his ear, some even going so far as to grabbing him by certain parts of his body and fur to pull at him, one even nipped at his ear and pulled at it. [M/N] would try any means necessary to get rid of them but soon he grew to accept that these crows were not going to stop bothering him no matter how many times he threatened to eat them.

That was until–

"Who are you?" [M/N] had one of the crows perched on his forearm as he raised his head, and there he saw was seemed like a middle aged man with blonde hair that just rested above his shoulders while a single braid was seen on the side of his head. He wore a green jinbei, black haori, sandals, and green-and-white striped bucket hat that shadowed his blue eyes "I haven't seen you around, so you must be new." he muttered softly before growling at him not to get close, beginning to feel territorial.

"So you're the one the crows have been hanging around?" [M/N] gave him a confused look but soon noticed that the crows that were always around him started surrounding the unknown man, squawking and cawing at him, the difference was that he noticed the blonde could actually understand what they were saying.







"They've been keeping an eye on you, saying that you needed a friend." he snickered when he noticed the wolfman grimace at the thought but couldn't help but feel a tiny bit grateful that that was the reason as to why they were hanging around, he thought they stuck around because they thought he was corpse merely walking around.

"They're lucky I haven't eaten them yet." he then sneers, standing up and towering over the man, who couldn't help but swallow thickly at just how tall he was "Now what do you want? You have your birds, now get lost." his eyes soon moved down to see the grave [M/N] was protecting, briefly seeing the name [JSchlatt] pop up in his view before looking up at him.

"You're [M/N], aren't you? The Devil's Hound." he sneered at him.

"Only one person called me that, and if you're here to claim my head, I'll make sure you regret it old man." he warned, letting out a snarl as he bared his teeth and claws, showing him that he wasn't playing around, to which the older man raised his hands to show him that he meant no harm as he took a step back.

"I promise, I'm not here to do anything." [M/N] didn't ease up at all, still on edge at the stranger.

"Then leave, I won't ask you again." the blonde hums softly, crossing his arms.

"That sounds more like a threat." [M/N] chuckles rather menacingly, shaking his head before glaring at him.

"It's a promise." they continued to stare at each other, [M/N] growing even more agitated before the stranger raised his hands once more, letting out a defeated sigh as he took a step back.

"Alright, have it your way." with that he turned around and started walking away, only stopping briefly to spare him one more glance "The name's Philza, by the way, but everybody calls me Phil." [M/N] only growled, narrowing his eyes on him before letting out a huff and walking away.

"Like I need to know." he'll forget his name anyways, knowing that he easily forgets the names of those who have the least impact on his life or if they have no value to him. That was until Philza kept visiting him at odd times of the day, whether it be sometime in the early morning or late nights, [M/N] didn't understand why he kept coming back. Most of the time he would try and strike up a conversation with the feral wolf, which would end with him having a one sided conversation, but Philza didn't miss the way [M/N]'s ears perked up in his direction, indicating that he was listening.

Philza wasn't entirely sure why he was so interested in this lost puppy, maybe it was because of how he already managed to win the hearts of his crows who were usually very picky, or maybe it was because he reminded him of the days he met Technoblade. A lost and scared piglin hybrid who hated the world, who fought against the world until a new light was opened up to him when Philza came into the picture. He just wanted to help [M/N] because he already knew that his parental/fatherly instincts would come to bite him in the ass if he didn't offer him a hand. Technoblade already told him enough that his father figure, Schlatt, died and that was his anchor from slipping over the edge, so he knew it was going to be a challenge to wriggle his way into the heart of this closed off wolfman.

"Why do you keep coming to visit me, Philza? Don't you find me slightly disturbing?" [M/N] murmured to himself, gesturing to the fact that he quite literally hasn't bathed himself in god knows how long now, he was surprised his crows still hung around despite the foul smell coming from him.

"You look lonely." was all he answered, noticing how he flinched at that before burying his face deeper into his arms. He was in his wolf form and he was curled up on top of Schlatt's grave, he was in this form because it made laying down more comfortable and it made him more bearable to be around. Philza managed to ease some of the tension off his shoulders by the constant visits, each time bringing a sort of gift (which was mostly food) to reassure him that he meant no harm "I know what constantly loneliness feels like." he huffs.

"Right." he raises his head and looks up at where Philza was sitting, watching as he stared up at the passing clouds with some sort of longing look. He remembered the first time he saw Philza's damaged wing, managing to get a sneak peak from under his cloak and saw that it was beyond any repair and that he was incapable of flying ever again, how tragic "You've mentioned you've been staying in new L'Manberg, right?"


"... can I ask why? I've already mentioned that you're new, mostly because I've seen most of the residents of this server during the war between Manberg and Pogtopia, but I never saw you." he then noticed the way Philza became silent, it usually be the other way around, but he must have stepped onto some boundaries... dammit.

"Wilbur," [M/N] snarled at the mention of that bastard, he wonders what he was up to nowadays "he was my son." at the announcement, [M/N]'s eyes widened in shock and a growl erupted out of his throat, he was going to shout but paused at what he said.

"Was?" he nods, he takes a breath as he let his head hang back, [M/N] now noticed the single stray tear that ran down his face.

"By the time I arrived, I tried to stop Wilbur from blowing up his country but ultimately, I was too late." so that explained the explosions he saw and heard on that day, but that still didn't expla– "Wilbur was so far gone into his madness that he... pleaded for me to kill him."

"Ah... I see." they both sat in silence until [M/N] let out a bitter laugh, Philza looked at him and saw he had a similar expression on his face "I lost a father figure while you lost your son, a poor way for the two of us to relate to something, huh?" Philza stared at him before bursting out into laughter, sure it was a poor way for [M/N] to make light of the situation, but at least he tried instead of remaining silent.

"I guess so." the two sat together now but this time, [M/N] had actually gotten up and sauntered over to him, Philza was going to question what he was doing but stopped when [M/N] curled up behind him, letting the older man rest his body against his own. Sure he hated Wilbur's guts with a passion, but he genuinely liked Philza, so the least he can do is swallow his pride and comfort him "Who knew you could be such a softy." he laughed when his comment earned him a smack by his tail.

"Watch it, old man. You're just bearable."

The next few days was more light hearted, it took a couple weeks but Philza finally managed to get the wolfman to open up where he was able to touch him without the other snarling at him. [M/N] was a very large man and he packed a lot of muscle and weight, so imagine his surprise when Philza had little to no effort in picking him up and dropping him into a lake. The birdman was quite thankful that the other didn't fight him as he helped bathe him, discarding his hat and cloak while rolling his sleeves and pants up so he could wash his matted fur/hair. By the time he was finished, he used his wings to help him dry faster because letting out a laugh when the other poofed up, [M/N] deadpanned at him but snickered softly, because it was quite hilarious.

It was when Philza pulled out a pair of scissors did [M/N] start to panic, his hair was unkempt and hard to brush through but when he managed to untangle the knots he whipped out the scissors and cut his hair to a manageable length. His ears would flicker back and worth when they got a little too close but he was able to bear with it, he left cutting his nails to himself because he still wanted them to be pretty long. Philza gave him some clothes and that completed his look, he let out a tired sigh as he pulled out a mirror and there [M/N] gave him a sheepish look at his makeover.

"You really didn't have to do this, Phil." the blonde gave him a smile, quite happy that he was calling him Phil instead of Philza.

"Oh no, mate, you needed it badly." [M/N] pulled a face as he pushed the mirror away, twirling a standing of his hair around his finger and gave him an apologetic look.

"Right, apologies about that." the other only waved his hand, dismissing it.

"You know... I have no idea what you're going through, knowing that you've been with Schlatt since you were a mere child, along with the fact that he was the one that brought you out of the life of poverty, but," Philza reached forward and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze "would he want you to continue living like this? Disregarding your own health and life, just to stay by his side?" [M/N] let out a tired sigh.

"Easy for you to say. Move on, get a life... but I never thought that far ahead. I never had my own mindset, maybe it's the animal genetics pumping through my DNA that the only thing that was going through my head was to obey him. I never questioned him and I was loyal to him to the very end, and now that he's gone... I don't know what to do. He told me to live my own life, but I don't know the first thing I can do. I don't know how to live a life beside someone else's." the way [M/N] looked up at Philza was genuine confusion, he gave him a sad look before standing up, he goes to question him but froze when he offered his hand to him.

"How's about I give you that little extra push?" as he stared up at him, a flash of the time when he was a sickly child in that alleyway came to his mind, seeing the reminiscence of Schlatt in Philza's place as he spoke "Come with me, and I promise you, I'll show you a path to your future." though they spoke the same lines, Philza said something different, instead of saying that he'll be of use to him, he said he could show him a path to his own future.

"W-Will..." he stuttered out, rarely he ever felt nervous, but right now, he couldn't help but feel like that scared little pup that shivered at the at the sound of loud noises again. Philza noticed [M/N]'s hesitance, the way one of his hands held onto the ring around his neck with a death grip while his other was holding his wrist with the same level of strength "Will I be betraying his loyalty by going with someone else?" he whimpered out, Philza let out a soft chuckle as he shook his head.

"Not at all, I think he would appreciate it if someone else were to help guide you down a path that doesn't destroy you." Philza grits his teeth, his own chest tightening up a bit "I wasn't able to save my son from his insanity, but the least I can do is help someone else from plummeting down that same void." [M/N] glanced up at him then down at the hand that was still gesturing for him to take it, the hand that was holding his wrist loosened and slowly reached for it, inching back and forward as he still hesitated.

'I have to admire him for his unwavering loyalty towards Schlatt, it's downright ridiculous to the point he would rather stay by his grave till the day he dies than live a life of his own.' he felt a glimmer of hope when his hand was almost within reach 'Sure, he and Wilbur didn't see eye to eye, but I want to help save this boy before it's too late.'

"I-I–" he swallowed thickly, screwing his eyes closed before taking a deep breath and grabbing his hand "Okay... I trust you, Phil." Philza let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in once [M/N] finally took his hand, he lifts him to his feet and pats his arm while looking up at him.

"Good, good! I'm glad you do, [M/N]. I know that this is a big step for you, so I appreciate that you trust me this much despite everything you've been through." he chuckled softly when he noticed the younger boy was fidgeting a little, he then tugs him forward gently "Now, let's go home and–"

"No! Not L'Manberg!" Philza was taken aback when he shouted, he then let out a soft sigh.

"I apologize, returning back to L'Manberg would probably give you bad memories, right?" he pulled a face before shaking his head.

"Not really, it's just that I'm pretty sure Tubbo will kill me on sight." he then raises his hand and gently caresses the now healed burn scars "I was the one to kill him during the Festival under Schlatt's orders, then during the war, he was the to get his revenge on me and gave me these. Pretty gnarly, huh?" the blonde stared at them before shaking his head.

"Sure." he then pinches his chin "But where do I..." he looked up in thought before a destination came to mind, he glanced at [M/N] and his ears perked up in curiosity at the look Philza was giving him, he lets out a soft whine as he tilts his head to the side.


[snow biome]

"No. No, no, no. Absolutely not. Not happening. No." [M/N] awkwardly stood behind Philza as they rocked up to a snow biome, out in the middle of nowhere, where Technoblade has set up his retirement home and gone into hiding. The blonde had explained to him that there was a place he knew that was far away from L'Manberg where barely anyone knew of its location, but he never mentioned who the only resident was until they arrived at his front doorstep and the piglin hybrid opened to door, at first happy to see his old time friend but grimaced when he noticed who was behind "Why the hell is he here? Why the hell did you bring him here?"

"To make things brief, he needs a place to stay." this caused both taller men to look down at him in disbelief, Technoblade was the first to react by grabbing his shoulders before thrashing him back and forward.

"No way! There's no chance I want this guy living under the same roof as me! For all we know, he could kill me in my sleep." [M/N] narrowed his eyes on the pink haired male.

"Truthfully, I have nothing against you. It's Wilbur, Tommy and Quackity I loathe. Killing you won't bring me satisfaction, but I can't help but agree with him, but for a completely different reason. This house looks rather small and if you hadn't noticed, we're both burly men, I highly doubt it'll be able to fit us both." Technoblade nods his head, throwing his arm out towards him.

"Exactly. I want my own personal space, and I'm not really up for dog fur getting everywhere." [M/N] lets out a grunt, clicking his tongue as he gave the piglin an irritated look.

"What about you? You say you're worried about me killing you in your sleep, but I hear you have hundreds of voices in your head that demand blood. I feel like my life is the one at stake by being in close proximity to you." Philza sweat dropped when he was in between the two muscular men who were glaring deeply at each other, a spark of lightning erupting between them.

"Please, you two, calm yourselves." he sighs as he turns towards [M/N], he places a hand on his chest and this caused the wolfman to break eye contact with Technoblade to look down at him, his gaze softening a little "Could you please give me a couple minutes alone to talk with Techno, mate. Just stay in the area, please." [M/N] had a look of hesitance before nodding his head.

"Alright." with that he turned around and stood out in the snow, the cold didn't bother him in any way, he was in his half human/half wolf form and most of his fur covered any exposed areas and kept him quite warm. Philza nodded his head as he watched [M/N] watch the snow fall from the sky before turning his attention back at Technoblade, who made a look of disgust as he watched [M/N].

"I'm telling you Techno, he's quite harmless right now."

"Around you, that is. Who knows how long he'll last around me before he snaps and pummels me into the ground." the other gave him a smug look.

"So you're saying he can pummel you?" Technoblade glares at him.

"You know what I mean." he lets out a frustrated growl when Philza chuckled, he looked back at [M/N] and saw that he raised his head as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as his arms were raised slightly to let the fallen snowflakes land in the palm of his hand.

"The reason I brought him here is because he has nowhere to go. He can't come with me to L'Manberg because the others would surely kill him if he dared take a step on their lands, and Schlatt was his only family." he inhales through his nose, eyes looking up at him "He reminded me of you when I first found you all those years ago." now this caused Technoblade to freeze, he looked down at Philza and saw that he was being honest, this caused him to let out a groan as he crossed his arms.

"You're guilt tripping me, Phil."

"That may be so, but I couldn't just leave him where he was. He looked horrible and was in need of desperate help." Technoblade felt his tense shoulders slump at what he said, slowly beginning to fall for his words, he took one final glance at [M/N] and saw he had a soft grin on his face, eyes beginning to open as a snowflake landed on his nose.

"... dammit." Philza smirked, knowing that he managed to win him over "Fine, alright, I'll let him stay! But, he has to make his own house somewhere on the property! He's not staying in my house, that's my own safe haven."

"Got it." Philza grins as he brings his middle finger and thumb to his lips before blowing on them, letting out a sharp whistle that caused [M/N]'s ears to flick up, he turned to face them and saw Philza waving him over. [M/N] tripped over when his feet had got buried pretty deep in the snow, he face planted into the snow but let out a soft laugh as he pushed himself up and jogged over to them, when he stood behind Philza once more he flicked the snow off his body "Technoblade has agreed to let you stay."

"Eh, really?" even he couldn't help but be surprised that the Blood God agreed, Technoblade was probably just as equally as surprised as him, probably even more so "Then... I appreciate it." the piglin merely huffed, waving his hand to dismiss his gratitude.

"Don't mention it." Philza clapped his hands his hands with a smile.

"Wonderful. I hope you two can get along without you needing to rip each other's throats out." this caused the both of them to flinch "I believe it's getting late, so before you kick him out, at least let him spend one night in your house before letting him build his own house." Technoblade goes to protest but held his tongue when he saw the look Philza was giving him.

"Okay." [M/N] now stood in the middle of Technoblade's living space rather awkwardly, he was holding his arms as his tail was tucked between his legs, ears pressed to his head as Technoblade and Philza busied themselves. His gaze fell upon the polar bear sitting in front of the fire place, it tiredly raised its head when it felt a gaze upon it and saw that it was merely [M/N] staring at him. The bear let out a soft growl before letting his head fall back onto the ground and falling asleep once more, his ears flickered a bit at that before his own attention drew towards the trap door window "You're practically leaving me on babysitting duty, aren't you Phil?" said man let out a laugh.

"That is slightly true. What I really want is for you to keep a close eye on him."

"You just said exactly what I said but with different words." Philza rolls his eyes.

"You're being overdramatic, Techno." he shakes his head.

"No. If you were there to see what exactly this guy is capable of, you'd be as reluctant as I am. You only saw the aftermath." they enter the room they left [M/N] was and saw that he was leaning against the windowsill, his arms resting on the edge while his head laid comfortable on his arms. His ears were flickering every so often as his tail thumped against the floorboards, and yet his gaze was so fixated on the snowflakes falling from the sky he hadn't even picked up on the fact that he and the polar bear weren't the only ones in the room anymore.

"You seem to like snow quite a bit, mate." Philza hummed softly, pulling out a stool so he could sit beside him, who never tore his gaze out from the window.

"This is the first time I've seen it." this caught them both by surprise "Schlatt wasn't too keen on cold weather so we stirred away from snow biomes and stayed within relatively humid biomes. This is genuinely the first time I've seen snow, so I find it quite enjoyable to be honest." they watch in silence as he pushed the trap door open and extend his hand out, letting out a cheerful yip when a snowflake landed onto the palm of his hand and melted into water. The way [M/N] was behaving right now reminded Philza of a child, because [M/N] was experiencing things without a leash on for the very first time.

[the next day]

Technoblade was kind enough to lend [M/N] some materials and tools, which was actually Philza telling Techoblade to lend him the needed equipment, and the entire day was spent with [M/N] making his home. The piglin hybrid half expected him to make a house near his but was completely mistaken when he saw [M/N] start mining away at the side of the mountain to make himself a house in a cave. True to Schlatt's words during the preparations for the Manberg Festival, [M/N] was god awful at designing. He had wonderful ideas, but he didn't have the abilities to apply them to his builds and so he had to have the aid of the other two to make his home look somewhat decent. The finished build was the opening of a cave that had enough illumination to keep wandering mobs from entering his cave, the main room was filled with various chests, barrels and anything else useful, there were various other tunnels that connected to that room that served different purposes. Some were for blacksmithing and enchanting, others were for brewing or just his sleeping chambers.

"I think we did a job well done." Philza said, hands on his hips as he looked at the entrance to the cave, Technoblade let out a huff as he dusted his shoulder to rid of the pebbles that landed on him whilst they were mining.

"I'm just glad he's finally out of my hair." [M/N] scoffed.

"What hair? All I see is fur." before Technoblade could fire anything back, Philza got in between them both and flared his wings open to create some distance between them both.

"Don't start." the piglin gave the immortal being an offended look as he accusingly gestured to the wolfman, who only rolled his eyes while crossing his arms and looking away.

"He started it!"

"Technically, you did." this caused him to let out a gasp that Philza didn't side with him, before he could say anything else, the blonde then turned to look up at [M/N], who flinched at the stern look on his face "And you, don't antagonize people." [M/N] lets out a soft whine.

"But what if they start it?"

"Are you not going to let this go?"

"I like to mock people. If they mock me, I should have every right to mock them back." he grins softly "That's what Schlatt taught me, and if they go too far, I hit them where it hurts."

"Physically, or metaphorically?"

"Depends on the person, really." Technoblade snaps his fingers at that.

"I agree with that." Philza rolls his eyes, after that day of work, they decided upon the three of them to gather some food to finish that day off. Technoblade and Philza adorn winter outfits to survive out in the winter cold, staring rather enviously that [M/N] only wore a thin layer of clothing for his layers of fur protected him from the snow and he trudged through without any hesitation in his movements. The two led mostly because the wolfman was still unfamiliar with his surroundings and the environment he was in, though they did pay attention to the way he reacted to small sounds and whatnot "So what are we looking to eat tonight?" Technoblade asked, bouncing his axe on his shoulder as they continued to venture deeper and deeper into the woods.

"Whatever we lay eyes upon fir—" Philza was cut off when he heard a growl, they both turn to face [M/N], only to be pushed aside when he lunged forward and past them. They turn to see what he pounced on, only to freeze when they saw he tackled and sunk his teeth into the neck of a wandering pig. They were even more disturbed, maybe disgusted, when they saw him rip its throat out before devouring it without a second thought. The latter noticed the silence so he raised his head, chin dripping with blood as he continued to chew on the raw flesh of the pig that was whining, practically begging to be put out of its misery, it was a miracle that it was still alive.

"What?" he questioned rather absentmindedly, Technoblade grimaced when he noticed the way he licked his lips.

"Do you mind?" he muttered as he gestured to the poor pig, [M/N] glanced down at it before looking up at him once more.

"What? This your cousin or something?" an irk mark appeared on his forehead, he goes to say something but was pushed to the side when Philza shoved his arm, he goes quiet and so [M/N] watches as Philza approached him, crouching down and gently wiping away the blood that he could with his sleeve.

"Don't tease him, [M/N]." the blonde snorted when he noticed that the other wore an expression that said he was serious "I understand that the hybrid in you makes you do things like this, and you've been living like this for who knows how long, but we can't help but question you and be mildly disgusted." he sniffed, wiping away the rest of the blood on his own with his arm.

"You could just look way. I like eating it this way." he sighs.

"Sure, but it's not good for your stomach." the dog in him caused his ears to press against his head, his tail thumping against the snowy ground as a whine rips through his throat, he then slowly nods his head.

"Alright." he flinched softly when Philza placed his hand on top of his head.

"Good boy." he ruffles his head before standing up and turning away, he missed his reaction but Technoblade saw and scoffed, [M/N] was blushing softly as he pressed a hand to the spot where Philza ruffled, pressing his lips into a thin line before standing to his feet and following after the older man, not before putting the pig out of its misery... and perhaps finishing his short snack before catching up to them. True to Schlatt's word, [M/N] was an excellent hunter and managed to find a months worth of food for them, much to their pleasure so now they won't have to worry about food for that time period.

"We should probably head back now, it's starting to get dark." Philza nodded his head, he let out an oh when [M/N] leaned down so he was hovering off his shoulder.

"Will you return to L'Manburg, or will you remain here one more night? It's rather dangerous for you to venture back now that the sun is setting, mobs will be out and the distance between that country and here is quite far." Technoblade nodded his head.

"He's right, and neither of us can get particularly close before becoming target practice." they both grimace at that, hearing the concern coming from them both had the older man chuckling before nodding his head.

"Well, alright. I'll stay one more night then leave in the morning, how does that sound?" he laughs when he saw the looks of satisfaction on their faces, it didn't take long for them to return to Technoblade's home, [M/N] was going to return to his own little cave but was stopped by the older man to have him join them for dinner. The blonde snorted when he noticed him freeze up in confusion, so with a sigh, he grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the warmth of the house and together the three of them had a nice meal.

[a few weeks later]

"[M/N], stop trying to eat the goddamn livestock, please." said man was mid bite away from chomping a sheep's head off before pausing in his actions at the sound of Technoblade's voice, he jaw slowly snapped shot away from the sheep's head and he looked down at it. Its wool was dyed blue and those beady little eyes were staring up at him, he let out a sigh as he rolled his eyes before flinching when it licked his nose. He sneezed at the action before looking down at it once more and heard it let out a bleep, he pursed his lips before setting it down on the ground and turning away, unaware that it was following him "Now that you're here, I have a favor to ask of you." the latter huffed.

"That's a first." he comments, he glances away when Technoblade turned and gave him a sharp glare.

"Right." Technoblade threads his hooves through his fur before looking at him "I need you to go to the Nether for me?" [M/N] raises a brow at the request.

"The Nether? Why me? You're more suited for the Nether than I am." he waves his hand to dismiss him.

"Just listen to me, okay? You're much faster when it comes to getting the job done, so I need you to get a couple Blaze Rods and Wether Skulls for me. If you do that for me, we can spar again." this certainly got his attention, sparring together was their entertainment and their way to pass the time. As he said, [M/N] was more confident when it came down to hand to hand combat while Technoblade was more versed with weapons, but to make sure that neither side would hurt each other too bad, Technoblade would fight with wooden weapons while [M/N] wore gloves to soften his punches.

"Hmm... I don't think that's enough to get me to go to the hot blistering Nether." he snickers when it got the other to growl, [M/N] was becoming more and more snarkier as time went by as well and it was annoying.

"I'll be on chore duty for a month." [M/N] snapped his fingers.

"Pleasure doing business with you." sure this was Technoblade's property, but [M/N] did his fair share of work since he was a resident upon his land. He had no problem doing any work to be allowed to stay there, but sometimes he found it downright ridiculous that he had to help Technoblade clean his own house and feed his animals... they were his! Why did he have to help?

"You're insufferable."

"You can just go get it yourself, you fuck." [M/N] didn't even let out him finish when he sauntered off to go gather his things from his cave then left to the Nether to get what Technoblade wants, maybe get a few extra things as well because he could. The piglin lets out a sigh as he returns to his home, not even a couple minutes past and he heard a knock on the door... that was rather quick. He was fast, but that was a little too fast, he approaches the door with caution and opened it, only to see someone he wasn't expecting.

"Ghostbur, what are you doing here?" Technoblade asked, opening his door and expecting to see [M/N] returning from his hunt in the Nether with the needed items he asked for, only to get the ghost of the former President in his place. Technoblade never mentioned to [M/N] about Ghostbur, he didn't know how the guy was going to react upon seeing Wilbur's dead counterpart, he still had a grudge upon him, Tommy, Quackity and Dream. Through Philza, his anger was slowly settling down and he was working on his temper that he developed, but he wasn't taking any chances.

"O-Oh, I was in the neighbourhood and thought I could drop by." he answered cheerfully, stepping into Technoblade's house with a bright smile on his face. The piglin let out a sigh before closing the door and following close behind him, the ghost settled by the fire, trying to warm his deathly cold body as he turned to look up at Technoblade "What have you been up to lately, Techno?" he huffs, taking a seat on one of the couches.

"I've been left of babysitting duty." seeing the way Ghostbur lit up almost brought a smile to his face, almost.

"Baby? There's a baby? Where?" he shook his head.

"Metaphorically, Ghostbur. There's not an actual baby." Ghostbur deflates.

"Oh, pity. Then, what have you been babysitting?"

"A puppy." Ghostbur lights up again and goes to ask where the puppy was "I am being metaphoric again. Don't take everything I say serious." this caused him to pout, raising a hand to rub the back of his head.

"I wanna see a puppy." talking with Ghostbur was a nice change of pace, the forgetful ghost would bring up random topics in hope that it would pique the latters interest, and though most of the time he was speaking and Technoblade would answer with halfhearted or single word answers, he was most definitely listening. Conversations between [M/N] and himself were set upon who can make the first one angry with no ill intent, conversations between Philza and himself were light hearted or spoken about upcoming events and whatnot "Ah, I nearly forgot something important!" he cheers, raising a finger.

"You forgot nearly everything." he giggles softly.

"Did you hear about what happened to Tommy?" this caught his attention as he raised a brow.

"Tommy?" the sudden voice startled him, he turned around and saw [M/N] standing right behind him smell like the Nether, his gaze immediately snapped over to where Ghostbur was sitting and a panicked expression made its way to his face.

'Shit! How long were we talking for? I didn't even realize [M/N] was back.' he looked up and saw [M/N] turned his attention to where Ghostbur was sitting 'No, is he going to kill him? Oh, fuck!' he held his breath as he watched [M/N] approach the ghost but was surprised to see the happy look of Ghostbur's face as [M/N] knelt down slightly to place a hand on his head.

"Hello Ghostbur, it's been awhile." the other let out a giggle, nuzzling into his clawed hand "How have you been?" Ghostbur takes his hand and lowers it down, rubbing his thumbs onto the top of his hand.

"I've been good, Phil has been taking care me." he nods his head.

"That's good." Technoblade was a little speechless to see that [M/N] was having a calm conversation with the ghost, he wasn't snarling or glaring at him or making and snide remarks, he was having a peaceful conversation.

"[M/N]," he starts, making the wolfman look over at him "you know Ghostbur?" he lets out a scoff.

"I've been hanging around Phil, I was bound to run into this ghost sooner or later since he's by his side nearly 24/7." he slowly nods his head at the information.

"And... you don't hate him." now this caused [M/N] to pause briefly, Ghostbur looked between the two.

"Ghostbur... doesn't remember who I am from when Wilbur was around, and sure I can't stand the sight of him... but it's Wilbur that I hate, not Ghostbur. Ghostbur is a completely different person to his counterpart." he wasn't going to tell Technoblade that the first thing he did when he saw Ghostbur was that he wanted to rip his throat out; that he wanted to watch the way his head was crushed within his claws. That was the thought that goes on in his head every time Ghostbur grabbed his hands, for some reason, he was so fixated on his hands.

"[M/N] and I are friends, Techno!" the latter nods his head.

"Right." [M/N] gently takes his hand back from Ghostbur, much to his dismay, and hands Technoblade and Ender Chest full of the items he wanted "I went a little overboard so there are a lot more in there than what you needed, Techno."

"Better more than less." he nods before turning back to Ghostbur.

"Now, what's this about Tommy?" Ghostbur claps his hands.

"Right." he raises a finger "Did you know that he was exiled from L'Manburg?" this caused them both to fall silent.



"Pft, hahaha!" Ghostbur was taken aback when [M/N] burst out into laughter, it was so bad that he hunched forward while holding stomach. It was rare for [M/N] to laugh like this, but he couldn't help but laugh "Oh my god, he's what? Exiled? Again! Wow, what a riot! This is one of the best sets of news I've heard in a long time!" even Technoblade was amused.

"What did he do this time?"

"U-Um, I think he burnt down George's house." he snorts.

"Wow, who's idea was it to exile Tommy?"

"Tubbo." at that, Technoblade and [M/N] look at each other in confusion, the latter looks down before chuckling to himself.

"Tubbo did, huh? How amusing."

Later that day.

"Another errand?" [M/N] muttered, he laid comfortably in his den when Technoblade rudely came in, bringing snow in while he was at it.

"I need you to deliver something to Phil." this caused [M/N] to push himself up from where he was laying, staring up at Technoblade in shock before standing to his feet.

"What are you– are you serious right now? I can't just waltz into L'Manburg! Why can't you give it to Ghostbur?" he exclaims, to which the ghost makes his appearance by poking his head out from behind Technoblade before rushing forward and burying his face into the warmth of [M/N]'s fur, causing him to deadpan.

"Not that I don't trust Ghostbur, to which I don't," this made him let out a whine "I want you to do it because I know you can do it right."



"You just don't want to do it." he threw his head back with a groan "Goddammit, just give it to Ghostbur, for fuck sakes."

"I'm afraid he'll lose it."

"I won't." they both glance at him, he let out another whine as he deflates "I probably will." [M/N] slaps a hand onto his forehead and looks at Technoblade, noticing that he still wasn't really up to the task of going to L'Manburg himself just to deliver something.

"How about we draw straws?" he suggests, he scoops Ghostbur up by his armpits to pull him off his body and sets him away so he could find a couple straws of hay, when he returns he opens Ghostbur's hand and has him hold them "Whoever draws the short straw goes without question, okay?" he nods.

"Okay." they both grab a straw before yanking it out of Ghostbur's hand.

And that brings us too;

"I complained, and yet I still lost." he grumbles to himself, hands in his pocket as he followed Ghostbur. In the end, [M/N] drew the short straw and cried when he lost, to which Technoblade pumped his fist in triumph and mocked [M/N] for his loss, to which the latter mocked him for that fact that he was on chore duty for the next month. That shut him up.

"Oh, we're going to have so much fun, [M/N]! You haven't been to L'Manburg in a long time, right? So you haven't seen the renovations done to the place. I'll show you around after we deliver the thing Techno wants us to deliver to Phil, okay?" [M/N] so badly wanted to deny the offer but the puppy dog eyes Ghostbur was giving him was so goddamn convincing.

"Sure..." he lets out a sigh as he turned away, ignoring the way Ghostbur cheers as he jogged ahead of them. L'Manburg was just ahead of them so the smaller one of the two charged forward and when he turned around he noticed that the other was still hesitating to step foot onto L'Manburg soil, he noticed him hug himself as he looked around in caution, his eyes scanning the area while his ears darted in every direction.

"Hey," he whipped his head over to Ghostbur and slowly started to calm down when he reached forward and took his hand into his much smaller ones "you'll be alright. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you. I promise!" [M/N] stared down at him, not even easing up for a second, he took a deep breath as his hand slowly closed around his as he nodded his head.

"Alright, I trust you." Ghostbur beams up at him before tugging him forward, Ghostbur made sure to lead [M/N] in the none public areas so no one would catch sight of him. I mean, he was in his half human/half wolf form so it made him an easy target, but it was the thought that counts. [M/N] still hadn't dropped his guard, looking around in alarm as his hold on Ghostbur's hand tightened, not noticing the slight flush rising to his grey cheeks at the action.

"Ghostbur?" an unknown voice rose to [M/N]'s ears, this meant they were a threat, he didn't react yet but his eyes moved and there he saw an 8″5ft Enderman hybrid. He wore a black suit with a red tie around his neck and a golden crown on top his head, his most distinguished features were the fact that his body and hair was black and white, the right side being black and the left side being white, even his eyes were dual colored, one being green and the other red "What are you doing here? And who's that?"

"Ranboo! Hello." the happy ghost greeted, slipping his hand free from [M/N] as he approached the young man. Sure, Ranboo was taller than the other male, but he had more muscle to his body and could easily body him if need be, and the way he was lowering his body as he stared him up and down, he couldn't help but feel intimidated "I'm here to show my friend around." Ghostbur added, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Friend?" he questioned, to which the other nodded his head as he gestured to [M/N], who had an indifferent expression on his face, not dropping his defensive stance, not even for a second "I don't think your friend likes me." at the mention of that, Ghostbur turns towards him and noticed that he never broke eye contact with Ranboo, he huffs with a pout before marching over and smacking his arm, causing him to break his concentration and looked down in shock.

"[M/N], I don't appreciate you glaring at my other friends." he then looks back at Ranboo, an apologetic look on his face "Forgive him, he doesn't particularly like strangers... or meeting new people, to be exact." Ranboo gave a nervous laugh in response to that.

"N-No, it's fine." he answers, rubbing the back of his neck. With a stern glare from Ghostbur, [M/N] lets out a sigh as he dropped his defensive stance and stood up straight but not once did he drop his guard, crossing his arms and making sure that Ranboo kept his distance from them "Where are you heading to?"

"We're off to see Phil! We have something to give him." Ranboo nods.

"Is it blue?" he shook his head.

"No, actually, Tec–" before he could finish his sentence, [M/N] silenced him by reaching forward and pressing his hand to his mouth, his other wrapped around his body as he pulled him back against his chest.

"Shush, Ghostbur. He doesn't want anyone else to know, just the four of us, mmkay? Our little secret." [M/N] felt him purse his lips before nodding his head, looking up at him as he slowly loosened his grip on his body.

"Okay!" he nods his head before letting him go completely, he gave Ranboo a stern look before taking Ghostbur's hand and together the two of them left the young man alone, he watched them disappear before he turned and fled to report what he saw to his superiors "And here we are!" they made it to the residential areas and [M/N] was honestly impressed with what he's seen so far.

"I like what he's done with the place; feels homey." he comments, Ghostbur nods, a slight blue flush to his cheeks.

"Mm hmm!" [M/N] gave him one of those rare smiles, allowing him to lead him to which house belonged to, only to stop when they hear another voice, but this voice made all sorts of alarms ring in his head.

"Stop!" they both turned to see and there they saw Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity with Ranboo standing behind them with a nervous look on his face. [M/N] grits his teeth but kept his temper under control, it helped when Ghostbur got in front of him when he noticed the tension rising between them and put on a happy smile.

"Tubbo! Hello, what brings you here?"

"Ranboo told us that a suspicious person was wandering around L'Manburg with Ghostbur, but to think that it was you, [M/N]." the man didn't answer the child, he simply narrowed his eyes on him as he growled lowly "You aren't welcome here." he scoffed.

"I don't want to be here, but I'm here on an errand. I'll be out of your hair once I'm done."

"And what business is it that you have to be here?" [M/N] scoffs.

"It's none of yours, for your information." Fundy takes a step forward.

"He is the President of L'Manburg." [M/N] scoffs again, narrowing his eyes down at the fox.

"And what does that have to do with anything, fox? Is it his business to butt into confidential and personal affairs? I believe not, so don't bother me while I'm being nice." he threatens, now it was Quackity that took a step forward.

"How is that being nice?"

"If I wasn't being nice, little duckling, your face would be in the ground right now, but now I'm restraining myself from committing murder." hearing that, Ghostbur turned around and grabbed him by his arm.

"Calm yourself, [M/N], here! Have some blue." he says, reaching down to take some blue dye out of his pocket and handing it to the wolfman, he couldn't help but hum softly at his attempt to calm his anger, but he did appreciate it as he took the dye from him "Is it working? Are you happy?"

"Yes, Ghostbur, it's working." [M/N] watched the dye slip through his fingers and dye the fur on his hands blue, that was going to be a hassle to get out, Ghostbur soon turns back to look at the four who approached them.

"We haven't done anything wrong, I don't see the problem here." Quackity scoffed.

"So you don't even remember what he has done to you back when you were alive, Wilbur." [M/N]'s ears perked up at what Quackity called him, he looked down at Ghostbur and noticed he flinched, his hand twitching a little as he muttered "it's Ghostbur" under his breath "He's the whole reason why you and Tommy were kicked out of your own country! We went to war against him and that tyrant he called a father, and yet here you are being buddy buddy with him! If you were alive, you'd be disgusted by your actions."

"B-But that was in the past– and with Wilbur, not me. I'm not Wilbur, I'm Ghostbur." [M/N] nods as he leans down, reaching for his hand and placing the blue dye back in his hand.

"That you are, Ghosty." he whispered softly, raising his hand to wipe away the tears threatening to spill "There's no need to shed any tears, everything's fine." he slowly nods his head, his hand squeezing around the blue.

"Mmkay." the other three couldn't help but stare in disbelief, maybe envy. Not once have they ever seen [M/N] behave like that to anyone beside Schlatt, there was the rare time when he was kind towards Tubbo and Quackity, but those were one off things and he didn't really care about them. He had those eyes that were devoid of emotions towards them, but here, they saw color swirling in his eyes as he stared down at the weeping ghost with concern.

It wasn't fair.

"I don't want you here, [M/N]." Tubbo states, this caused the two to glance over at the young boy "You're... you're a threat to L'Manburg and I'm afraid you've overstayed your visit." what little confidence he had in him slowly drained out of his body the longer [M/N] stared at him, he snickered to himself as he took a step forward and pushed Ghostbur behind him.

"How amusing, boy." he flicked his hand to rid of the blue dripping down his finger tips and the three across from them couldn't help but imagine the blue dye be replaced with blood, the images of the war flashing in the back of their minds about how ruthless [M/N] was during that time "I haven't even done anything, and you're firing shots." at the mention of that, Tubbo flinched and subconsciously gripped his arm, the same arm that was burnt and scarred badly when [M/N] shot him with the firework.


"While we're on the topic, I have to mention Tubbo, your previous actions are reminding me an awful lot of Schlatt. It's almost as if he never left." he flinches again, he hangs his head low as [M/N] now stood over him, a wide smirk on his face as a shadow looms over him "Now don't take that as an insult, coming from me of all people, it's more like a compliment!" he closes his hands into a tight fist, his knuckles turning white with how hard he was holding them to the point his nails dug into the palms of his hands and they were bleeding. He chuckled darkly at the reaction he was receiving from the boy so he leaned down, his face now hovering a couple inches away from his before raising his blue stained hands and jabbing his finger into his chest "You chose a country over your best friend, how selfish."

"N-No, I... I did it f-for the betterment of this country." [M/N] only narrows his eyes on him.

"I don't like Tommy, and I most certainly don't like you, so I don't particularly care about his fate. But if you truly were his friend, then you would at least visit him once. Ghostbur has told me that you hadn't even seen him once."


"[M/N]!" he let out a yelp when he smacked in the back of the head, they look over and saw Philza had left his home to see what the fuss was about, only to see [M/N] and Ghostbur surrounded by Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity and Ranboo "What have I told you about antagonizing people?" he only pouts, taking a step back as he rubbed the back of his head.

"That I shouldn't..."

"And what did you do?"

"Antagonized them. But they came onto us first, they even made Ghostbur cry, so I had to step in." at the mention of that, Philza glanced back at his deceased son and noticed the tear tracks as he sniffled, he glanced up [M/N] before letting out a sigh and patting his head.

"I'll let it slide this one time, okay? Good job." [M/N] immediately perked up at the praise, his tail wagging side to side "Now get inside, Techno told me you were coming. I'll handle this."

"Okay." Ghostbur takes his hand and rushes to where Philza's house was, apologizing when he dragged [M/N] through the door and his face slammed face first above the door frame because he was too tall for it. He cradles his face in his hand before hunching down to fit through the door, Philza shook his head before turning and giving the group a stern glare.

"You dare cause trouble with those two?" Fundy couldn't help but glare up at his grandfather.

"You weren't there, Phil, you don't understand what he put us through all because of his damn loyalty towards Schlatt! He's a problem that needs to be dealt with!" Philza's glare doesn't waver as he stares them down.

"He hasn't done anything wrong, you have no right to call him out on anything when he has done absolutely nothing to be called out for. Tell me, what has he done that you unrightfully stopped him?" this caught them off guard and they glance at each other, he was right, he hasn't done anything so they can't exactly do anything regarding him "I understand you're all angry with him for what he's done in the past, but he has the same level of anger for you but maybe even higher, and yet he's being the bigger man and controlling himself. If you saw him during the aftermath of the war, none of you would be standing where you are now."

"..." Tubbo bit his lip as he looked up at Philza, who wore nothing more but a cold expression, he clicks his tongue as he turned on his heel and marched away "Fine, do what you want." the other three watch in disbelief that Philza drove him away before chasing after him, the old man let out a breath before turning around himself and making his way back to his home, and there he saw [M/N] leaning against the arm chair that was placed in front of a fireplace with Ghostbur laying next to him rather contently, chattering about anything that came to mind.

'I heard from them and through Wilbur's letters that the relationship between those two was like oil and water, it's almost hard to believe now.' he thinks to himself, remembering the first time when Ghostbur and [M/N] met, he could feel the wolfman's bloodlust from where he was and was ready to completely obliterate him, but was stopped when he saw those eyes of innocence in Ghostbur's eyes. Ever since then, Ghostbur clung to [M/N]'s side, much to his dismay but Philza knew that he secretly had a soft spot for the ghost 'To think those two would be so close now.'

"Ah, Phil! Welcome back." Ghostbur greeted, hearing that, [M/N] turned his head and offered Philza a nod before resting his head on the arm chair once more.

"Dealing with them is always tiring, even more so with how cocky they've gotten." Philza let out a huff, approaching them before taking a seat.

"Tell me about it, they're pretty relentless nowadays." [M/N] didn't intend to stay as long as he did, he was planning on handing the thing Technoblade wanted to give him and would be off, but the company of the old man and ghost was rather comforting to the point he stayed there for a couple hours until the day turned into night. When he decided to leave, Philza offered for him to stay the night, but the former politely declined the offer because he was afraid that Tubbo and his lot would raid his house just to kick him out.

"That was rather refreshing." [M/N] muttered softly, lacing his fingers while stretching them above his head and hearing them crack, he let out an oh when he felt arms wrap around his exposed torso so he glanced down and saw Ghostbur embrace him from behind "Hello, Ghosty."

"You aren't leaving yet, are you?" he hums softly, placing his hand on his head.

"That I am, Ghostbur. I'm not particularly welcome here." Ghostbur pouts before removing himself, moving so he was in front of [M/N] to grab his arm and tug him forward.

"Don't forgot that I was supposed to show you around." [M/N] murmurs softly.

"Now? It's late, and we might run into those four again." he dismisses the thought.

"Tubbo knows not to miss with someone twice when Phil gets involved, and I know you won't be coming back unless Techno needs you to do something for him again, and that's something we won't see unless it's one of those rare days." he tugs on his arm "I promise it won't be boring." [M/N] gives him a look before letting out a sigh and reluctantly nodding his head.

"Well... alright, but when I say I'm leaving, I'm leaving, got it?" Ghostbur lit up.

"Wonderful!" he cheered before dragging [M/N] behind him, who let out a grunt by the fact that he was being dragged around once more. [M/N] wasn't interested in anything that L'Manburg had to offer, he could care less about the country that gave him nothing but bad memories, but the way Ghostbur's eyes lit up as he explained certain monuments and who lived where, he couldn't help but listen. There was bad blood between himself and Wilbur, if he ever go the chance to kill Wilbur, he would take it... but Ghostbur wasn't Wilbur, and though that was a pity, he was quite grateful. Despite having the face of that deranged man, his heart was kind and soft. Ghostbur was in the middle of explaining something when he glanced up at [M/N], he flinched slightly when he noticed that [M/N] was staring at him "U-Um– is there something on my face?" he asked, raising a hand to press against his cold cheek.

"No." [M/N] answered rather bluntly, this caused Ghostbur to deadpan, a bead of sweat appearing on the side of his head.

"Then why are you staring...?"

"Your face is nice to stare at, is all." his face flushes blue again, he presses his lips together as he turned away, [M/N] erupted into laughter at the way Ghostbur raised his hands to his cheeks to cup them, squishing them together. Yeah, despite the fact he has the face of the person he hates most, this version of his face was quite nice to look at. From afar, Quackity was watching the way [M/N] was laughing wholeheartedly while Ghostbur was waving his hands in a desperate attempt to stop him, he couldn't help but grit his teeth as his gaze hardened on them.

It wasn't fair that he was able to be happy and they weren't.

[a few weeks later]

"Techno, this fucking sheep won't stop following me." [M/N] complained, raising his leg when the blue wool sheep nipped at the ends of his pants before letting out a happy bleep "Just let me eat the damn thing!" he shouts, hoping that it would scare the sheep away and convince Technoblade to actually let him eat it, much to his dismay, neither happened.

"No! How many times have I told you?!" [M/N] merely rolls his eyes with a groan before pulling some hay out of his inventory, this managed to catch the attention of the sheep so he hurled his arm back before throwing the hay in a random direction, letting out a sigh of relief when the sheep chased after it. [M/N] kicked the snow off his feet before entering Technoblade's house, his body shuddering as the warmth within his home enveloped his body, he sniffed as he walked down the hallway and there he saw Technoblade sitting at his dining room table.

"So, when's Phil supposed to come around?" the piglin pursed his lips, taking out one of the letter's Philza had sent him via crow, pushing down his reading glasses as he read through it.

"Hmm, around midday." the both of them glance at the time and saw it was nearly that time "I wonder what's taking him so long, he's not usually one for being late."

"Maybe his age is finally catching up to him." they both stare at each other before laughing, as they continued to wait for the blonde man, the two of them worked around the property. [M/N] was helping Technoblade feed the animals and fix anything that needed to be fixed or taken down, Technoblade was tasked with collecting firewood and so he was working by cutting up the wood from the trees [M/N] cut down– excuse me, punched down.

"You could help, you?" [M/N] smiled smugly, leaning against Steve that laid behind him as he continued to watch Technoblade chop wood.

"But you look like you're having fun." he raises his hand, catching the axe that was thrown at him, and gives him a look "Hey, I did my job, now you do yours." Technoblade growls as he pulls out another axe and continues chopping wood.

"You just chopped down too many trees!"

"Think of it as training." [M/N] clapped his hands, leaning more into Steve as he decided that he was going to catch a couple of zzz's, only to be interrupted when something landed on his head. Opening his eyes in slight irritation, he raised a brow with a hum when he noticed that it was one of Philza's crows. He sat up straight as he looked around in search for the immortal man, inhaling deeply to try and catch whiff of the man's scent, only to conclude that it was just Technoblade and himself in the area. The crow bounced up and down on his head and then did he realize that there was a small note attached to its leg so he raised his arm and it perched itself on his forearm, he removes the note from its leg and reads through it. Technoblade lets out a tired huff, wiping away at his sweating forehead as allowing the winds of the winter biome cool down his overheating body, he turned to scold [M/N] for not helping him, only now noticing that his body was trembling as the letter in his grasp was covering his face, his hands tightening and crumbling the letter under his grip.

"[M/N], what's the matter?" he lowers the letter and there Technoblade saw [M/N]'s face expressing the emotions of anger and anxiousness, he glances down at the letter with his eyes before giving it to him.

"They've got Phil." he whispers out through gritted teeth, Technoblade snatches the letter from out of his hands and quickly reads through it and his face soon matches [M/N], only, his anger was overwhelming his fear "What do we do?" Technoblade crumbles the letter up and throws it away, throwing the axe into the stump he was cutting wood on and starts making his way to his house.

"We prepare for a fight." [M/N] was on his feet, allowing Steve to follow his master, and his hand closed into a fist. Reading that letter made his still heart thump against his chest and reminiscence the feeling of when he was serving Schlatt. His loyalty as a wolf was resurfacing from the grave and the thought of something horrible having happened to Philza all because of him was beginning to overwhelm his thoughts, he takes in a breath before turning away and rushing over to his home to prepare for the battle with him and Technoblade vs L'Manburg's Butcher Army "[M/N]! Do you have any strength potions?!" he hears Technoblade shout from his house.

"No! I don't make potions like that, that's your thing!" he shouts back, tightening the guard on his forearm as he adjusted the rest of the armor on his body. It was true, he rarely used any potions that boosted up physical strength and speed, mostly using potions to insta heal himself and whatnot, his own strength and speed was superb enough that the potions used on others meant nothing.

"Useless!" he hears the other shout, this caused him to let out an offended gasp.

"Coming from the fool who has to use potions to make himself stronger!" they cease in their verbal argument when [M/N] heard footsteps, peeking his head out of his den, he let out a gasp when he saw who it was "Ghostbur? What on earth– what are you doing here?" [M/N] has a hold on his forearms as he pulls him into his den, Ghostbur looks up at him and noticed the look of worry gracing his face.

"What's the matter, [M/N]? Did something happen?" said man let out a frustrated growl, running his clawed hand through his hair as he searched through his chests for potions that would be helpful for himself and other potions that would debuff the Butcher Army.

"Tubbo locked Phil under house arrest and is coming for Techno and I." his back was to the ghost, his head hanging low as his grip on the chest tightened, his claws digging into the wood "I fear that they're going to kill us both if we don't do anything..." Ghostbur noticed the way his body was trembling slightly, whether it be fearing for his life or maybe irritation that Tubbo had the gull to try and execute him out of a grudge. [M/N] flinched when he felt Ghostbur take his hand, glancing down, he saw tears running down his face as the blue dye on Ghostbur's hands smudge onto his hand and fur.

"I don't understand why Tubbo is doing this... maybe if you try and talk it through, he might listen." [M/N] shook his head, slipping his hand free from the ghost and placing them both on his shoulders.

"I don't believe he wants to talk it out. I feel like he'll feel the most at ease with both Techno and I out of the picture." he wipes away his tears before walking past him so he could make his way to Technoblade's house, he sighs to himself as he shook his head when he heard the ghost following behind him closely. Ghostbur stayed outside, kicking at the snow as Technoblade and [M/N] thought of battle plans for when the Butcher Army showed up at their doorstep, but [M/N] couldn't help but continue to worry.

"Hey, [M/N]! Hey!" said man lets out a sigh as he turned to look over at the ghost, Ghostbur grabbed a hold of his hand and pointed with his other at the sheep with blue wool "Look, look! It's a sign, blue!" despite the dire situation they were in, he chuckles softly as he nods his head.

"Right, blue."

"[M/N]." he lets out a hum, turning to look at Technoblade and saw him cock his head in the direction of the house, the wolfman lets out a sigh as he takes his hand back from Ghostbur.

"As cute as it is, Techno and I need to prepare for the onslaught that Tubbo is going to bring to us. I'd really appreciate it if you could take that sheep and get as far away as possible. Hide over a hill or something! Just get as far away from here as possible, okay? Can you do that for me, Ghosty?" Ghostbur nods, blushing at the nickname.

"O-Okay!" they watch as he goes outside and towards the sheep, attaching the lead to the sheep and leading it away "Come here blue boy. Okay, bye, bye Techno and [M/N]! H-Have fun preparing for the– for the event." [M/N] nods, waving goodbye as he watched Ghostbur walk away with the blue sheep following close behind.

"We shouldn't have to worry about Ghostbur, right?"

"... we probably should." was Technoblade's answer before he turned around and watched away to continue preparing, this response caused [M/N] tp purse his lips and deadpan at Technoblade's retreating form.

"That doesn't help reassure me at all, Techno." he was promptly ignored, once they were fully equipped in armor and fully stocked on potions, food and weapons, they took turns scooping outside the safety of Technoblade's home for any signs of a threat. It was Technoblade's turn to look outside the trap door window while [M/N] was distracted in sharpening his claws when he heard a groan, he raised his head and saw an annoyed look on his face.

"You've got to be kidding me?" [M/N] glances at him.

"What?" he points out the trapdoor and so [M/N] peeks his head over his shoulder to see what it was, his jaw dropped at he sight "Oh god, that plan to have Ghostbur hide over the hills did not work!" he shouts, Technoblade grits his teeth as he shakes his head.

"Not at all!" [M/N] soon slaps his hands over his face.

"Urgh, Ghostbur!" he groans out, [M/N] was over Technoblade's shoulder as they look through the trapdoor and watch Ghostbur's interaction with the Butcher Army, they both gasp when Ghostbur looks at them.

"No, no! Don't make eye contact with me—no, don't wave at me Ghostbur! No, no! Do not wave at me!" [M/N] slaps his hands over his face again as he shook his head.

"Oh no, they're punching him. No, oh no... Ghostbur you're on your own."

"We can't save you, Ghostbur." Ghostbur then starts walking over to them "Oh this is not good—no, no! Don't walk over to us! Don't lead them over to us! Oh—I'm starting to hate this guy so bad. I hate this guy so bad." [M/N] just groans as he presses his hand to his forehead once again when Ghostbur starts waving his hand, Tubbo, Fundy and Ranboo behind him while Quackity was beside him with an axe in hand.

"Hey, hey Technoblade! [M/N]! The—They say they're going to kill you, Technoblade." he presses a finger to his cheek as he looks back at them, Technoblade shook his head as he opened the door and looked at Ghostbur.

"Ghostbur– Ghostbur, why are you—why are you leading them over to my house? Why are you doing this?" Ghostbur looks back at the Butcher Army then back at them.

"What do you want me to say back to them?" [M/N] was over Technoblade's shoulder again as he points at them.

"Tell them that we're not here and to fuck off!" Technoblade nods his head.

"Yeah, tell them that they're at the wrong place." Ghostbur tilts his head to the side.

"But that would be lying."

"I-I—I need you to—they're going to kill me! Why are you not okay with lying?!" they both look over and sigh "And they're all here, they're all here. They're all right outside my house." [M/N] was internally screaming in his head as he pressed his palms together while pressing them to his face, he then glances over at Ghostbur and grabs him by his forearms and pulls him towards his chest.

"Ghosty, the plan to hide isn't an option anymore, and I don't want you getting hurt than you already are." he shakes his head as he pulls Ghostbur back so he could look down at him "It would really put me at ease if you stay inside the house, alright? Out of sight, out of the way, but safe. Do you think you can do that for me? Can you do that for me?" Ghostbur stares up at him, noticing the way [M/N]'s brows scrunched up in concern as he continued to hold Ghostbur's arms, the ghost soon nodded his head as he gave him a reassuring smile.

"If it's what you want." he lets out a sigh of relief, his shoulder briefly settling before they tensed up again when he heard Technoblade talking to the Butcher Army, he inhales deeply before pushing the door open from behind him and gently pushing Ghostbur inside.

"Stay in the house no matter what, and don't come out no matter what. If you hear someone's voice that's neither Techno's nor mine, don't come out or answer. This is for your own safety, okay?" he nods.

"Okay." he goes to shut the door but paused when he felt something nibbling at his pants, he looked down and grimaced at the sight of the blue sheep eating his pants, he lifts his leg and Ghostbur laughs "He seems to like you very much." he cooed as he took the sheep, [M/N] only rolled his eyes.

"A weird thing for the sheep to like, especially when I tried to eat it." he ignored Ghostbur when he made a face, cutting him off by closing the door and soon approaching Technoblade from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder as he leaned down "Have you managed to convince them, Techno?" he scoffs, rolling his eyes as he steadied the sword in his hand.

"Of course not, do you really think they would listen to reason?" he laughs.

"No, I'm just glad that we're able to fight them and I won't get reprimanded by Phil. But before we start this rumble, let me ask you one thing." he says, standing up straight and glaring at the Butcher Army "What have we done in these past few months that we deserve to be treated with such unjust? I bet there's no political reason and you're simply doing this because we're too dangerous to have around, because we threaten you just by simply being alive."

"What ever happened to serve and protect? Hah, this is giving me more than enough reasons to destroy the government. You use unfair methods to try and get the upper hand, but you still fall short to the point that it's laughable." at that, both Technoblade and [M/N] throw their heads back as they burst out into laughter, but this laughter was not the kind you could laugh along to, they were both laughing rather manically and mockingly. Soon, the laughter died down until their was nothing but silence, the bigger two take a deep breath before they glare at the Butcher Army "You've made the wrong choice in making us your enemy, L'manburg. We'll make you regret your choice."

"We're only protecting the people from you." [M/N] scoffed.

"What you should be protecting the people from is yourselves. You're nothing but uncoordinated fools." he takes a step back so that he was standing behind Technoblade, the two of them smirk darkly as Technoblade pulls out two potions.

"I choose blood!" he shouts before throwing them to the ground, the contents within the potions splashing on them and granting them extra strength and swiftness but also acting as a smoke screen to block the view of the Butcher Army ahead of them.


"Oh no!" the four brace for impact and wait for the outcome to happen, [M/N] was the first to make his presence known by pushing the smoke back and letting out a loud howl, revealing to them that he was now in his full form and was not planning on letting them get out of there unscathed. Ranboo staggered backwards when he saw that [M/N] locked eyes with him, he grits his teeth and raises his axe in a poor attempt to block his attack but was denied when the wolfman easily punched through the shaft of the axe, snapping it in half and his fist connecting with the Enderman hybrid's torso. Ranboo was winded immediately as he was sent flying backwards, he collapsed to his knees and wrapped his arm around his stomach, tears leaking from his eyes and burning his skin as some saliva dribbled out of his mouth.

'Messing with these two was a mistake from the very beginning.' Ranboo thought, gasping for air as he tried to compose himself despite taking such an intense blow from the very beginning, he soon lets out a whine as he closed his eyes 'God, I am in so much pain...!' he really was, the axe was able to kill most of the blow but he still took a punch to the chest from [M/N] of all people. Still cradling his stomach, he weakly raised his head and shivered in fear when he saw [M/N]'s [E/C] eyes staring down at him intensely before he turned around and charged towards Fundy, who let out a yip before running away. This sort of reaction confused Ranboo, he was told by Tubbo, Fundy and Quackity that [M/N] was relentless and merciless when it came down to killing, so he couldn't understand why [M/N] left him be.

The answer? It's quite simple really, though he was already wary of the Enderman hybrid as well as the fact that he was threatening his life that very moment, he could tell that the kid was just roped in because he was new to the server as well as the fact that he knew nobody so he was only trusting the other three because there was nobody else there to teach him right from wrong. There was also the fact that Ranboo hadn't directly done anything wrong to [M/N] where he needed to beat some sense into him, that one little love tap was more than enough to get him to think twice before raising his weapon against someone who was leagues above him. That being said, he didn't feel an ounce of guilt when he punched Fundy in the face and watched him collapse to the ground, to which he proceeded to grab him by the ankle as start swinging him around.

"Hey, Techno! Let's play baseball!" Fundy's face paled when he saw both men smirk, beginning to break out into a cold sweat when he saw Technoblade kick Tubbo into Quackity as he raised his axe and pulled it back while holding the shaft of the axe like it was a baseball bat "Shoot for a homerun!"

"Hey! I'm not a damn ball! This isn't going to work!" Fundy shouts in hopes he could stop the two from doing something insane, [M/N] merely rolled his eyes as he tossed him up slightly so his hand would grab onto the collar of his shirt instead. Now with a better hold on the fox man, he pulls his arm back before slamming his foot onto the snowy ground before throwing him at Technoblade full force, he soon bursts out into laughter when Technoblade swung his axe and the flat side of the blade hit Fundy square in the face and sent him flying into a tree.

"Nice one!" [M/N] cheered as he approached the pigman, raising his paw and the two of them high five.

"Nice serve." he jokingly bows his head.

"Thank you, thank you." they soon fist pump before going back to absolutely demolishing the two who were still able to move, Quackity and Tubbo take a step backwards as the two bigger hybrids start closing in on them with little to no remorse in each step, the two of them were ready to dye the white snow red with their blood "You take Tubbo?" [M/N] says, the boy flinches when Technoblade moved his gaze to him before nodding his head.

"Sure, and Quackity's yours?" he salutes.

"Rightyo." they switch places before [M/N] starts charging towards Quackity, keeping true to his word, he completely ignored Tubbo in favor for the damned bastard who took one of Schlatt's lives, that was enough to fuel that anger that he managed to bury deep inside him. [M/N] didn't even chase after Quackity, the duck fled out of fear while [M/N] simply walked after him, a sickening smirk on his face as he watched Quackity stumble over his footing as he tried getting away from [M/N] "Aw, what happened to all that confidence, Quackity? Weren't you here to kill us, but right now, it seems the opposite is happening right now."

"Shut up! We're still going to kill you both!" he rolls his eyes.

"For what?" he asks once more "Techno and I have done nothing to you guys and L'Manburg for months, and yet now you guys are here because we're too dangerous? I call bullshit, I just know that there is another reason as to why you guys are doing this. Or perhaps, maybe this was your idea. You do seem to be the one running the show here while Tubbo is in the passenger seat, what's your motive?" Quackity was now backed into a tree, back pressed flush against the stump as [M/N] loomed over him with a dark expression, a nervous smirk worked its way onto Quackity's face as he managed to swallow down all his fear as he took a step forward, leaning up to glare straight into [M/N]'s eyes.

"You're right, [M/N], you're right. You're on the hit list, both you and Technoblade, even Dream." he shoves [M/N] back enough to poke at his chest, a twisted expression now crossing onto his face "I don't care how long it takes me nor what I have to do to get there, but I'm going to make sure that I'm the one that kills you, the three of you."

"Hah, I'd love to see you try, little duckling." pulling his arm back, he bares his claws and goes to strike Quackity down but the latter was just lucky enough to duck down, sweating a little when [M/N]'s clawed paws took down the tree in one strike. He tries to crawl away but lets out a grunt when [M/N] kicked him down before grabbing his ankle, this time, he didn't swing Quackity around like a ragdoll like he did to Fundy, nah, he turned around and slammed his body into the ground before throwing him towards the house. That wicked grin appeared on his face as he noticed the way Quackity's body was trembling in pain, he then looks to the side and saw the fallen tree so he knelt down and managed to get a good hold on it before lifting it up.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Quackity weakly croaked out when he noticed a shadow looming over him and he turned around to see what it was, only to pale when he saw that it was the tree [M/N] was previously holding before he threw it at him. He quickly rolled out of the way and shivered when it landed just where he was, Technoblade noticed and he quickly looked over at the wolfman and glared at him.

"Hey! Watch the house! You're paying for damages!" the other scoffed.

"Through labour, dickhead!" Technoblade only rolled his eyes, Quackity pushed himself onto his back before rolling away when [M/N] jumped from where he was and was intending to land on top of Quackity, or rather, slam his claws into his body as he descended from the sky. He swallowed thickly as he stared at the damage [M/N] caused and was frantically looking for a way to subdue both men, his eyes soon landed on a horse and an idea crossed his mind, he scrambles to his feet and [M/N] doesn't hesitate to chase after him.

"Big Q, do something!" Tubbo shouts from where he was, raising his axe one more time to block Technoblade's sword from slicing his face "Big Q!" he growls and pulls his sword back one more time and goes to deliver the final blow but was stopped when he heard Quackity shout his name.

"Technoblade!" he turned his head to the call and his eyes widened at the sight, Quackity was holding the lead to Technoblade's most prized horse Carl with the blade of his sword at his neck, he lifted his blade and pointed it in the direction of where Quackity was Tubbo took this distraction as an opportunity to get away.

"You get away from that horse right now!" Technoblade shouts.

"This is how this is going to go, Technoblade. Drop everything you have and come with us, if you don't, I am going to kill this fucking horse." [M/N] was just a couple inches away from Quackity and he glared at the little bastard.

"Technoblade, come on." [M/N] starts, noticing the way the pigman was hesitating "It's a horse! You can always get another one!" he adds, throwing his arms open to exaggerate his point.

"We wouldn't have been in this mess if you hadn't played with your food!" this caused the other to narrow his eyes at him.

"Don't play with me, Techno. You do the same!" Quackity and Tubbo sweat drop when they notice the two of them start arguing, Quackity lets out a growl before moving the blade so that it was closer to Carl's neck.

"Enough fucking around! I promise you, if you don't drop everyone you have right now, I'll make sure to kill this horse!" he threatens once more, [M/N]'s shoulders dropped when he saw Technoblade inhale deeply as he looked away, he soon closed his eyes when he witnessed Technoblade drop his sword before removing all his armor and taking all his items out of his inventory, hell, he even took his crown and cape off "That's right, and you too, [M/N]!" the wolfman glared at the new tyrant when he saw that confidence rise to his face once more, he only shook his head before doing the same thing. Ranboo and Fundy had now regained their composure and were chaining Technoblade and [M/N] up, Ranboo flinched when he placed a collar that was Enchanted with Curse of Binding around his neck with a chain that connected with the handcuffs around his neck.

"I'm sorry..." Ranboo apologize, this apology surprised [M/N] slightly, his ears and head perking up in confusion when he could tell that Ranboo was sincere about his apology.

"... you've done nothing wrong." was all [M/N] said to the young boy before looking away, flexing his hands and missing the way a conflicted expression worked its way onto Ranboo's face. Ranboo would sometimes converse with Philza and Ghostbur and both men would say such positive things about [M/N] and the one thing he was working on was his anger management. He could see how calm [M/N] was despite the fact that he was now going to be executed along with Technoblade, who was just as calm as the other as they were being led away. Ranboo soon noticed the way [M/N] kept glancing back towards Technoblade's house with a worried expression before stumbling forward when Fundy yanked on the chain connected to the collar, he then remembered the fact that Ghostbur was still in the house and was going to go check on him but stopped when he heard Quackity's voice.

"Let's go, Ranboo." he said, no, it was more like an order that he had to obey, so with a nod of his head he followed them.


[in l'manburg]

"I can't believe it, you actually got them." being led into L'Manburg once more was almost humilating, but that humiliation disappeared when the two men turn their heads at the sound of Philza's voice and there they saw the older man detained in his own home with a ankle band that was Enchated with Curse of Binding, keeping him from leaving his house but he was able to stand out on his veranda and there he bared witness to seeing his old friend and newest friend being dragged along in chains.

"Phil!" Technoblade shouts, finally acting up and taking a step forward, yanking at his chains as he looked up at him "What did they do to you?!" he exclaims, gritting his teeth when Fundy pulled at his chains and Quackity grabbed his shoulder. [M/N] was just as shocked but he was shaking in anger, he was ready to burst but the look Philza was giving him made him calm down slightly, however that did not stop the continuous beating in his heart and it only continued to beat. He let out a grunt when he was kicked down onto his knees by Quackity, who was now holding the chains to his cuffs and collar while Tubbo led Technoblade to the cage he was going to be executed in.

"You're going to watch Technoblade die in front of you and know that what we do to him will happen to you." [M/N] only growled in response before letting out a groan when Quackity yanked on the chians once more to shut him up, he growled to himself before his eyes wander up to where Technoblade was approaching his death.

Walking up the steps to the cage that was to hold him in his cell for his execution was slowly dawning on him, each step he took felt heavy, almost as if he was trudging through ocean waters. It was unsettling that this was where he was going to die, what was upsetting was that Philza and [M/N] were there and they were going to see him take his last breath. He was going to die with his friend and associate, along with his enemies, watching him, Fundy was the one to lock him in the cage and he turned around to face them as Tubbo took his spot on the podium to make his speech.

"Technoblade has robbed this country of what made it special; everything that defined what it was. He stepped in when he shouldn't have. He caused chaos, he ruined the government! He— Punz is throwing fucking—" Technoblade wasn't bothered listening to the blubbering bullshit Tubbo was goin on about because it just meant nothing to him, but at the mention if Punz, he raised his head and saw the mercenary throwing an Ender Pearl down from where he was and made his appearance in the middle of it all. The Butcher Army was confused as to why he suddenly showed up but were taken aback when he threw down multiple potions to boost his own stats while causing a smoke screen, what really threw them in a loop was when he placed down TNT.

"Punz! What are you doing?!"

"Punz, stop!"

"Fucking get his ass!"

"I'll— I'll just sit here." Technoblade muttered to himself, watching the chaos unfold as they all chased after Punz to stop him from doing what he was doing, Technoblade sighed to himself as he leaned against the steel bars of the cage "This is nice." he then glanced over at [M/N] and saw he made no attempt in trying to get free as he watched the chaos unfold with an equally confused look on his face.

"Technoblade." he flinched slightly at the sound of a echoing voice, turning his head, he hummed softly at the sight of Ghostbur and that goddamn blue sheep right behind him, obediently following after him while nibbling on the hem of his yellow sweater "Technoblade!" he cheered once more, to which the latter pursed his lips as he slowly nodded his head.

"Hello Ghostbur." he greets, rather calmly despite the fact he was about to die.

"I've named him— I've named him Friend." he nods.

"That's fantastic Ghostbur, that's fantastic. I'm about to die Ghostbur."

"Okay, fuck it. Fuck it!" Technoblade turned his attention away from Ghostbur when he heard Quackity shouting while rushing back over to where the lever was while the others dealt with Punz.

"Big Q, pull the lever!"


"Pull the lever!" Technoblade takes a step back, looking up at the wooden blank that kept him and the anvil intending to kill him away. The thumping in his heart was beating so fast that it was all he could hear, slowly, everything started going slow motion in his point of view. He opened up his inventory and pulled out the one item that he kept hidden from the Butcher Army that would surely save his life, but he also knew that it was going to hurt like a motherfucker. So, holding onto it with a grip that made his knuckles turn white, he closed his eyes shut and waited for the impact of the anvil to kill him. [M/N] winced as he turned away, his ears pressing against his head when he heard the anvil slam onto Technoblade's head and kill him, however, the sound of confetti reached his ears and he couldn't help but turn his head back towards the pigman.

[Technoblade has reached the goal Postmortal]

"Heh, Technoblade never dies, huh?" was all [M/N] could say as he watched in amazement and disgust when he saw the Totem of Undying regenerate his skull, how from his bones, to his muscle to his skin was put back together but his face held the scar of a crack that shimmered like gold.



"How did he not die?!"

"What is going on?!" amongst all the confusion [M/N] tugs on the chains as he looked at Technoblade.

"Techno, run!" he noticed him hesitate.

"What about you?!"

"I'll be fine! Just get outta here!" he took a breath before nodding his head and sprinting away, following after where Dream had taken Carl away. Quackity was the only one to leave the scene while Punz was left to fight the remaining members of the Butcher Army, [M/N] then took a deep breath as he looked down at the collar that was keeping him from going ape shit. Tubbo was in the middle of defending himself from an arrow shot by Punz when he heard the low growling, he turned to look at where [M/N] was and his eyes widened in fear when he noticed that he his grip on the collar was so tight as he was slowly breaking it off.

"No... no! Stop him! We can't let him loose!" Fundy and Ranboo turned to face [M/N] and were frightened that the collar was at the verge of breaking with how how tight [M/N] was gripping it while pulling it apart. They immediately rush towards him and attempt to stop him but were stopped dead in their tracks by Punz, giving [M/N] enough time to break the collar with his bare claws then letting out a loud howl as he glared at the lot of them from behind Punz.

"You lot have got some nerve." he snarled lowly at them, however, he ignored them and raised his head to look up at Philza. Said man took a step back when he noticed how the wolfman pulled his wrists apart to break the handcuffs before he knelt down and launched himself over to his veranda, pushing himself off the walls until he was standing on top of the railing "Let's get outta here, Phil." the blonde chuckled softly when he saw [M/N] extend his hand out to him, he took his hand with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, let's go." he let out a whoa when [M/N] tugged him forward, he wrapped his arm beneath him and was going to jump away until he heard the sound of Ghostbur's voice, he looked down and his eyes widened when he saw the ghost.

"Ghosty? Seriously?! Didn't I tell you to stay at the house?" he exclaims, the other just laughed.

"I was wondering where everyone went and came here to find you guys at the event." [M/N] only shook his head.

"Goodness gracious." he knelt down so he could put Philza on his back before launching himself towards Ghostbur, hooking his arm under the ghost then grabbing the sheep before charging over towards Punz, who stumbled backwards then let out a whoa when [M/N] opened his mouth and locked his jaws onto the hood of his jumper before tossing them all up and onto his back as he ran away on all fours at full speed.

"What about Techno?!" Phil shouts, letting out a whoa when he felt [M/N] pick up the pace, placing his hand on his head to keep his hat from flying off.

"Techno will be fine! That piece of shit Quackity doesn't stand a chance against Techno despite the odds being in Techno's favor." [M/N] noticed Philza was still worried about ihs friend so he looked back up towards him with a look of reassurance "Come on now, Phil. Techno was able to walk off an anvil to the head, he'll surely be able to walk away from Quackity with Carl in toe." Philza bit his lip before letting out a sigh as he nodded his head.

"Well... alright."

[Quackity was slain by Technoblade]

"Heh, see?" [M/N] started, the message of Quackity's death appearing before their eyes, relieving them of their stress and worry "Techno will be fine." with that [M/N] took off without a moments rest, Punz whistled to himself as he held onto [M/N]'s fur with a death grip when the man leapt through the air to cover more ground then landed on the ground with a loud thud before sprinting off as if it were nothing. [M/N] was now collapsed onto his stomach, taking deep breaths and wheezing after running nonstop until he reached the shoreline and was now taking a much needed rest, Ghostbur was by his side petting his head while Philza was watching the forest in search for his friend, Punz doing the same but looking for Dream.

"You did such a good job, [M/N]. Well done." Ghostbur praised, Philza snorted when he noticed the way [M/N]'s tail started thumping on the ground, then both he and Punz raised their guards at the sound of shuffling coming from the forest,[M/N] doing the same but instead pulling Ghostbur and Friend close to him to protect.

"Whoa there, it's just us." they all let out a collective sigh of relief when they saw that it was only Technoblade and Dream emerging from the forest.

"Took you long enough." [M/N] pursed his lips as he shrugged his shoulders, looking away from Technoblade growled at him but Philza grabbed his arm to calm the piglin, Ghostbur doing the same with the wolfman but was scolding him softly.

"I'm so glad that you're alright, Techno." Philza said before wrapping his arms around the man, who let out a soft sigh as he gently pats him on the back, he then raised his head and his ears perked up when he noticed that [M/N] gave him a thumbs up.

"Good to see you still kicking, Techno." he only chuckles.

"You think that was enough to kil me?"

"Of course not." they both smile softly at each other and fist bump each other, [M/N]'s soon moved towards Dream, a shallow growl emitting from his throat. He still never forgot his promise to Dream about his betrayal towards him and Schlatt, but because of Dream that very night, he probably would have died.

"I can tell what you're thinking, [M/N]." Dream said rather mockingly, the growl resurfaced at his tone and Dream made sure to change tactics because he knew not to antagonize this man "Since Punz and I saved you two, I hope you guys can return the favor in the future." Technoblade was the first to answer, a soft smile on his face.

"Of course! Whenever you need it, I'll be there to setlle the debt." Dream's eyes then returned to [M/N], he noticed him narrow his eyes at the green man before throwing his head back.

"Fine, I might be there if you need a favor from me as well." that was more than enough for Dream, to which he bowed his head towards them, arm to his chest and a soft smirk on his face.

"Then it was pleasure doing business with you lot." 

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