[Im]possible [Sung Jinwoo x R...

By Yuri-Kazami

16.5K 370 326

You were a normal girl. No awakening, no special abilities. Just normal, but the girlfriend of Sung Jin-Woo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

1.5K 21 3
By Yuri-Kazami

¸.•*(¸.•*' ♥ '*•.¸)'*•.¸

Chapter 5

I wish everyone a healthy and new year! <3


"You two what?!" your mother exclaimed in irritation when you were invited to their house for a barbecue.

"We bought a house a few days ago. It's here in our town, but pretty much in the ass end of town. But we can still see each other in seconds. I can create portals and you can come to us right away. We'll be moving in as early as next week. We also got a new car. Jin-Woo his own and I.", your family was speechless.

"Where... Where did you get the money?!" exclaimed Mandy in surprise.

"Huh? From our missions or monster hunts. Or the high-ranking items sold from the dungeons. Before we came here, we exchanged the money for Euros. My entire fortune and some of Jin-woo's and Gilyoung's. It's enough for us to never actually have to work again, but somehow I still can't. I will start my job again soon, Jin-Woo will also look for a job and Gilyeong will go to school. We'll live a normal life so far, except that we'll still be training a lot," you explained, and they all still looked at you stunned.

"But seriously... aren't you guys bored with this...?" your mother muttered.

"Huh? No, not really, Mom." began Jin-Woo, who had to call your mother that. He was literally coerced into it.

"In my world, it would actually be perfectly normal, too. If the dungeons hadn't appeared back then and many of us hadn't awakened , everyone we met would have nothing to do with us and each of them would be working a normal job. And if I had drunk the cup of reincarnation, I would have returned my world to its origin anyway, before the time of the Dungeons. So no. It's not going to be boring. Maybe the first time, since we're really only used to fighting, but most of our lives, we had also lived normally." he added, then smiled gently at you and Gilyeong.

"Besides, I'm always happy when I can stay with my family. It will never be boring because Beru and the others are always there too. It will get a little boring for my shadows, but they will get used to it too. Beru even more so. He is very flexible there.", he kissed your head and you smiled softly. But you were also a little irritated. He's been more cuddly lately. Well you're not complaining about that. I wonder if it was because of Apollo's words. You also noticed that Jin-Woo ignored your sister Steffi as much as possible. Has he noticed that your sister is interested in him and doesn't want you to be angry again? You smile gently.

"I won't lose you again..." you said softly and unconsciously. No one but Jin-Woo heard it and he widened his eyes and hugged you and whispered, "You won't lose me again.", you blushed and close your eyes smiling and put your hand on his.

"Let's toast!", Steffi suddenly exclaimed and held up a glass of alcohol, so did the others. So do you and Gilyeong with his juice. You toast and drink. You drink to neither being there, then to having a child, a great friend by your side, and your engagement.

Bottom line - there was a lot of catching up and alcohol flowing.

"Gilyeong, are we going to play soccer?" asked your youngest nephew, who is ten and the son of your sister Steffi.

"Hum.", the brown-haired one made and nodded, rather he put away his juice and stood up.

"Me too!", Lenny's little sister Mia, also Steffi's daughter, wishes too. So she followed the two. Yatsufusa walked behind and watched the three of them play. Mia stopped at some point from boredom and walked up to the wolf and eyed it warily. Lilian eyes looked into her blue ones and she recoiled a little.

"You don't have to be afraid. You belong to my master's family, so I'll protect you.", his long tail stroked her face and she laughed rather snuggling up to him and Yatsu put his head closer to her legs. Mia lay down on top of him and smiled broadly.

"You're so soft and big! Can you be ridden like a pony?" she giggled and Yatsu looked at her.

"Of course. You're welcome to ride on my back.", he said and she didn't hesitate and sat on it while Yatsu rose and walked up and down the garden. Lenny saw it and looked impressed and wanted too, which Yatsufusa allowed. He sat down behind his sister and held her too.

"Faster Yatsu!" shouted Mia, wanting him to go faster. Yatsufusa looked to you.

"Don't look at me like that, you have to ask Steffi," you called out to them. Everyone looked to Yatsu, who walked to her with the kids on his back.

"Well, it should be fine here, but you can't be here quickly because the garden is too small," Steffi said.

"Then we go on a larger area? At our new home. Mom, Dad would it be okay?", Gilyeong asked and sat on the back as well.

"Yatsu, make yourself bigger!", Gilyeong said and Yatsufusa enlarged to his normal size.

"Woooow!" cried Mia in surprise, while Yatsufusa was still a bit in a bent position so as not to attract attention.

"Well, I don't have a problem with that, but I can't make decisions over my nephew and niece. Even though I know they're safe with you two." - "I can still come too."; Beru appeared next to them, immediately startling Lenny and Mia.

"I can come too.", said your oldest nephew Julian, who is 16 years old and was the oldest of Mandy.

"Me too then!" said Amy, his younger, eleven-year-old sister.

"Well, if Julian is going to be there...and Beru.... fine. But you watch my kids!" she looked menacing. Yatsufusa bowed his head.

"I'll protect them with my life.", Beru disappeared into Yatsufusa's shadow.

"Good, then I'll open a port-", you were about to say, but Gilyeong grinned.

"No mom, we'll ride Yatsufusa. Don't worry, we'll be careful not to be seen. But you have to hold on tight!" your son said happily. He loved riding Yatsufusa, especially fast.

"Wait, I'll secure you again anyway.", golden chains appeared around the children from your siblings, who then disappeared.

"Go on then, don't get caught though. We can't ask the gods to erase the memories of happenings again.", Gilyeong and Yatsufusa bowed rather the wolf leaped onto the arbor in one leap and then into the sky rather he disappeared in front of everyone.

"W-where is he?" exclaimed Steffi in surprise.

"Further up in the sky, until they find a path where they can run. For a short time, Yatsufusa can run in the air.", you explained and drank from your raspberry barcadi. It was so awesome and tasted so damn good too.

"Jin-Woo, have another drink!" laughed Steffi, topping it up with alcohol. She grinned inwardly as she did so. If she managed to get Jin-Woo drunk, maybe she could manage to have an unforgettable night with him tonight, which you wouldn't have to hear about. Jin-Woo just thanked her and didn't say that he couldn't get drunk. By the way, you couldn't either anymore.

"Are you worried?", Jin-Woo asked you and you leaned on him.

"Uh-huh, about our house. Not that Beru and Yatsu are having a show fight.... our property is so beautiful..." you almost whine and Jin-Woo dropped.

"Ahhh! Jin-Woo!" you then exclaimed in a good mood.

"Let's go in the pool! It's warm!" you complain.

"Are you guys coming in too?", you asked to the others.

"I'm coming in.", Steffi said immediately, while the others denied. A little bit your smile disappeared.

"Of course. I won't miss seeing you in a bikini.", Jin-Woo winked at you and you rolled your eyes.

"Come on, let's go change.", you giggle and take his hand. He followed you with a wry grin into the bathroom where you changed. You keep marveling at his upper body, even though you already knew him. You walk up to him and kiss his muscular chest. You felt his goosebumps and how he pulled you to him and kissed.

"I love you.", he whispered against your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"And I love you." you reply, letting him pull you up and sit you down on the dresser where he stood between your legs, bracing his hands to your left and right and kissing you. You moan softly at his action, but pull him closer to you with your legs. Slowly he broke away from you and rested his forehead on yours. His dark eyes looked into your golden ones.

"Y/n... we should stop here, otherwise I won't be able to hold back anymore...", only now you realize that you had clawed your hands in his hair.

"Maybe I don't want you to stop...", you murmur softly and see him open his eyes slightly and swallow. Your proximity to him made you feel his slight bulge in his pants, and you grin mischievously as you stare unabashedly at it.

"Y/n..." he breathed warningly close to your ear, running his hands over your body, your chest, playing with it as you moaned softly against his shoulder. Your body got goosebumps and your abdomen tingled with pleasure.

"Jin-Woo...," you murmured slightly hoarsely, seeing the light beads of sweat on his body. He shook his head and moved away from you with a heavy heart.

He leaned against the cool tiles and without hesitation got into the shower and took a cold shower. You had been proud, because you were able to elicit that reaction.

"Do you want me to come downstairs with you?" you asked casually, seeing him look at you slightly defiantly.

"Then I'll take you right here and now," he threatened and warned you. Immediately, you got goosebumps.

"Do it."; slipped out of you. You were way too surprised with yourself that you didn't notice Jin-Woo standing in front of you now.

"Not here.", he put his fingers on your chin and lifted your head slightly and kissed you.

"If... we're already sleeping together for the first time, then in a bed, and if, then when we're home.... if you still want it then..." he whispered against your lips and breathed a soft kiss on them. You look away.

"I don't know... Right now I have the courage..." you mumble sheepishly, not knowing how much Jin-Woo just had to hold back. Just when he was about to say something and had an idea - since he too finally wanted to feel you, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey, are you okay?" called Steffi, annoyed. You got in a bad mood all of a sudden and Jin-Woo calmed down immediately.

"Yeah, we were just taking a shower before jumping in the pool!" you called out to her, quickly wetting yourself and drawing in a hiss of air, which made Jin-Woo grin slightly.

You picked up your things and the black-haired one opened the door. He looked down at Steffi, his expression emotionless. Steffi, on the other hand, swallowed hard and looked at his upper body, watching the drops of water dripping down his torso and unconsciously touching his chest.

"Wow...", she whispered impressed and Jin-Woo grabbed her hand and pushed it away.

"I'd be much obliged if you wouldn't just touch my fiancé," normally you wouldn't mind, since Mandy would do it too, but more in a fun way, Steffi actually too, but you weren't sure. Jin-Woo, however, heard a slight warning from your voice that she didn't understand. Especially when she emphasized that he was yours.

"Don't be like that, I was just kidding," your sister grinned and went into the bathroom and closed the door. She leaned against it, hiding her slightly red face.

>>Damn... he looks so good... my legs are getting weak... those muscles.... Y/n... I'm glad you have a boyfriend, really, that you're finally happy.... but why someone who is also my type?! And good looking?! Wait a minute... he's good looking, he's bound to have more than enough suitors... maybe he'll start something with me... and then I can win him over? I have much more experience and my kids like him.<<, quickly she changed her clothes and smiled proudly. Yes, she would make him pay attention only to her, even if it was sorry for her little sister. With a smile and an idea, she looked around for him and smiled when he saw his muscular back. But when he turned around with you in his arms and a soft smile on his face, hers faded. Especially when she saw where your hands were. On his shoulder and chest, which you had kissed once and he looked at you with a grin, moving along the edge of the pool with you and pulling you onto his lap where he kissed you. Steffi didn't know what to think and then taking a deep breath joined you in the pool. You move apart as you look apologetic and leaned against the edge of the pool next to Jin-Woo.

"What a nice way to cool off..." you murmur, and Jin-Woo put an arm around you and agreed, while Steffi leaned on the other side of him, deliberately touching his arm. But to her disappointment, he gave no movement and looked at you and smiled.

"What's wrong?" you grinned, looking to him.

"I'm only happy when I look at you. You and Gilyeong are the best thing that happened to me. Especially you. We're starting our lives over. Here in your world.", he looked up at the sky, which was already showing light stars.

"You left your world because of me. Your family...", you whisper.

"Yes. But I was happy to do that for you if it meant I could be with you. Besides, it's not forever. We'll visit again someday, after all.", he said and you lean against his chest and put your hands on it.

"Yeah, that's right," you murmur, looking out as well. Steffi, on the other hand, frowned.

>>For the love of her, he left everything behind? Y/n...<<, she looked at the pool and swam forward a bit, looking at you.

"How is your body. Is it really okay when he touches you like that?", Steffi hated herself for bringing that up, but her mouth was faster than her brain. But to her surprise, she nodded.

"Yes, he's the only one who gets to touch me. Even in the places where I'm more than sensitive." you said directly, smiling slightly darkly, which your sister didn't notice, but Jin-Woo did.

>>Is she just asking her sister out?<<, but he blushed and looked away.

"Hey..." he mumbled awkwardly.

"What? It had taken a while, but I'm used to your touches and I enjoy them.", you smile at him and he felt his heart beating so fast in his chest, he put his hands on your cheeks and kissed you.

"Damn. You don't know how much I love you." he said, pulling you in for another kiss, only to pull away from you and return to his seat. You pout a little and look away in a huff. Jin-Woo laughed lightly and grabbed you by the arm and pulled you to him again, this time leaning your back against his chest. He hugged you from behind and relaxed, resting his chin between your shoulder and neck, enjoying your warmth while at the same time enjoying the cooling of the pool. Steffi puffed out and then left the pool....


It was deepest night and they were all cleaning up while Steffi takes Jin-Woo for a talk. You see it and suppress your aura and follow the two. You hide behind the small fir tree and see the two of them. It's not that you don't trust Jin-Woo, but you just don't trust your sister.

"Hey Jin-Woo~ would you like to go out with me sometime?" she asked directly, looking at him through innocent eyes and rosy cheeks. She was clearly drunk.

"No.", he said directly and was about to leave, but Steffi grabbed his arm and pulled him to her. His arm was now between her breasts, which left him cold.

"Please give me a chance. I am better than Y/n. I have the experience and can offer you so much." she said in a low voice, which bothered Jin-Woo.

"No. Now let go of me!" he insisted, not wanting to hurt her accidentally either.

"Come on~ at least just have a nice night and I'll convince you. Y/n doesn't have to know after all. Surely a handsome man like you is up for it, huh?" she hummed, standing on tiptoe. "Besides, she probably won't have let you get close yet. I'm much prettier than she is. My body is much prettier and not overlooked by scars--", clap. There was a clap and Steffi's face turned. Shocked, she looked to him and held her hand to her cheek.

"How can you say such a thing to your sister!!!" he started angrily. "What do you know about her, huh? Just because you're her sister? You don't know her anymore than I know her! Twenty-one years I've known Y/n and we've been together officially for eight years. I'm not going to lose her again!" his eyes lit up threateningly purple and glowing purple shadows emerged from him, billowing out like smoke onto his body as Steffi backed away in fear.

"You are the very last! Y/n has always spoken of you only in great terms. She was literally raving about you! And now you're stabbing her in the back? Hitting on her fiancé? Saying her body is ugly? For me she has the most beautiful body ever! I love her, I love her eyes, her lips, her nose and her scars! I love her just the way she is! But you? You are scum in my eyes right now! And to be clear - you're not even my type. Y/n is the only woman for me. And don't act like you know her! She's changed in 21 years and she's not the girl you knew! Now get out of my sight! Superficial and hypocritical people I despise!", with that Jin-Woo turned and went back and saw you behind the fir tree. Tears were in your eyes. On the one hand, you were hurt at your sister's words - on the other hand, you were pleased at your friend's words. He looked at you with his mouth slightly open and hugged you. You smile softly and break away from him and walk up to your shocked sister and look at her calmly.

"You are still my sister and I love you...", your look became serious. "...But from now on, leave my boyfriend, my fiancé alone! He made it clear what he thinks of you! Stop hitting on him like an under-fucked teenager! You have and know so many men - choose someone, but leave my boyfriend alone! I'm finally happy and I'm not going to have it ruined for me again! Especially not from my sister!" with that, you turn around and walk back.

Jin-Woo looked at you with wide eyes and looked at your slightly shaking hands. He knew you were afraid of losing him again. But he would never let that happen again! He put an arm around you and smiled at you while Steffi slowly followed you. So it didn't take long and you were done cleaning up.

Shortly after, you all said your goodbyes and Gilyeong sat on Jin-Woo's shoulders while Jin-Woo holds your hand....


After you got home and put Gilyeong to bed, who immediately fell asleep, you sigh inwardly and go to your bedroom, where Jin-Woo had already undressed and was standing in front of you in just boxers. You grin slightly and walk up to him and kiss him, which he immediately reciprocated, sliding his hands under your shirt and caressing your skin. His tongue ran over your lips and without hesitation you allowed him in, pressing closer to him as your hands ran over his torso.

He already kisses like nothing you've ever experienced before, but now, so damn passionate and needy. The way he's so tender and sweet and soft and slow, you can tell he's trying to enjoy you. This isn't something he just wants to end quickly. You can tell he wants to find and love every part of you.

Right now, you have so much to give back. He has already proven how much he is willing to try and how far he will go to pursue you without pressuring you. You need to prove to him that you feel the same way, that you want to give him the chance that you have so selfishly kept out of reach.

When your hands move down, he sighs a little. It's a blissful sound that makes your head spin. You want to hear more, give him more.

You lower your hands over his perfect, naked torso. It's so muscular and strong. Your thumbs stroke back and forth along his sides, along his abs, and your other fingers work to memorize his skin and back muscles in your own memories. Every inch. You can't stop. You can't stop kissing him. It's like you could do this for hours. The way he wraps one arm around your waist and snakes the other up your back to dig his fingers into your hair keeps you close to him and you never want to leave.

When he lets you pull back, it's only for a split second to catch your breath, let out a small moan, or whisper his name in a broken "Jin...". He doesn't let you finish, because his lips are back on yours before you can finish your sentence.

"Jin..." you breathe again, desperate for him. How is this possible? To be so close to him and still not have enough? Was your body really that tense on him?

He sighs back into your mouth, like he feels the same way you do. Like he's so relieved and satisfied to finally have what he's wanted for so long.

"Sorry..." he says before pushing your head back to your face to kiss you.

Did he just apologize for not giving you enough time to breathe because he wants to kiss you so badly? You're too weak to continue.

His arm pulling you in by the waist seems to bring you closer. He's trying everything, hugging you, grabbing your thighs to pull you closer onto his lap, reaching his hand up to hold your face possessively close to his. You love it. Every movement, every touch, every breath.

There must be something wrong, because right now everything just feels way too perfect. As if a puzzle piece had been connected, a gate opened, or a sword pulled from a stone. You're on top of the world, and he's just carried you up the stairs.

You moan a little tearfully as his hand strokes a little higher over your thigh on its way back around your waist. He was still inches from your crotch, but your body is already tingling with anticipation. Is he even feeling it?

To find out, your hands moved lower and lower. Your palms curved around his sharp hipbones, landing on the band of his shorts. He felt strong and firm. Inch by inch, kiss by kiss, moment by moment your hands dipped closer to that plump center.

A rush of adrenaline shot up your spine as your fingertips dipped into the skin behind the top of his shorts and your palms rubbed against a shapely bulge beneath the fabric.

"Ungh.", he grunts against your mouth, finally pulling back a visible distance so you can inspect his face.

You're as drunk as three shots of booze from his kissy, intoxicated expression. Just when you thought he couldn't get any more beautiful.

Even in the dim light, the look of intense desire was visible, causing his pupils to widen and darken those beautiful gray eyes. You breathe heavily as you try to catch your breath and begin to apply more pressure to your palms, massaging him thoroughly.

He moans and lets his head sink back for a second before lifting it again and looking at you lovingly.

"Y/n..." he whispered.

Your skin melts with his, that you can feel. Soon his body heat is barely distinguishable from your own, and you don't even know if your mouth belongs to you. Jin-Woo wades back and forth over you, just to tease you a bit, before plunging right back in with a flick of his tongue and a new squeeze.

He even bites your lip gently, nibbling on it tenderly before sucking it softly and kissing you again, as if he's not just making your body hot by a few degrees. Your body is so hot and so addicted to him, so blinded by your desire for more.

You throw your own arms around him appropriately and meet his eager lips with yours again. Each kiss still feels like the first one you've both waited far too long for, dreaming of the taste you can finally enjoy. It's as sweet and powerful as any vanilla cream drowned in espresso.

His lips move gently and strongly against yours, perfectly content with this lead he's taking. Each movement is fluid and patient, meaningful in its movement along your body. Jin-Woo's fingers glide and guide you back in an arc and a step, leading you further into him and your feet further into space.

When the back of your knees knock against the edge of the bed, however, you hold Jin-Woo tight. You've already forgotten why you did it when you see the kissed and blissful expression on his face. The hazy despair that fogged his irises and narrowed his pupils matches the longing in your own heart and body. Seeing Jin-Woo radiate the same feelings you have on your face makes you more than aroused.

"What is it?" he asks in a whisper after your silent gaze becomes too much, afraid to go too fast.

"Ah." your voice doesn't sound at all like it should. You clear your throat and start tugging at your shirt. It's still a little wet - since it had suddenly started raining when you left for home. You had been soaked within seconds. So it's not so easy to take it off, but Jin-Woo's cheeks blossom pink against your exposed chest anyway.

"Maybe we should save the bed from getting too wet~", you mumble an apology while taking off your shorts as well after standing up for a moment.

Why you thought it was a good idea to expose yourself to Jin-Woo before he even took off his clothes is beyond you. He's only got those boxer shorts on, but it's not like he's been hiding anything for the past half hour. His powerful thighs and firm butt were already omnipresent during the day, but now, with the promising bulge protesting against the fabric from the front, you feel your mouth start to drool slightly.

Jin-Woo sees you staring before you even realize you're staring, and he smiles that sweet goddamn smile of his again. This one is full of promise, though, as he approaches you again to gently push you onto the bed by your shoulders:

"If I accomplish half of what I hope to do tonight, I think the bed will be beside the point."


Your eyes widen in surprise and anticipation, and you gulp as you look up at him. But Jin-Woo is already bending down on his knees in front of you, his hands resting on yours. Even kneeling on the floor, he's still above your eye level as you sit on that bed. From this perspective, he is beautiful. You wonder how beautiful he would look if he were standing and you were on your knees instead.

It seems like he's beaten you to it, asking for permission with the way he gently squeezes your lower legs. And who the hell would say no to those eyes?

The look is so intense and captivating that you don't even realize he's spreading your legs with his hands. It's not until the sides of your knees touch the fabric at opposite ends of the bed that you feel a chill from below. A quick gasp shoots enough nerves back into your head to draw your gaze to your wide-open legs, showing Jin-Woo what's practically dripping between them for him.

As soon as you raise your eyes again to meet Jin-Woo's, though, he leans in for another kiss.

"Mmh.", you moan softly in delighted surprise. Your core twitches from the feel of Jin-Woo's hands holding your legs open, especially when his thumbs start rubbing little circles on your inner thighs.

The gentle caress on your skin and the press of his lips and the slide of your chest against his skin. The fact that his arms can hold you apart so easily makes you twitch even more. Briefly you got a queasy feeling again. A feeling of submission of not being able to do anything, but you dismiss that thought rather quickly.

Jin-Woo finally breaks away from your lips, but he immediately sticks to your cheek again like a magnet. Little kisses shower your jaw and neck as the black-haired one moves down your body. Your hands hold your weight from behind on the mattress, but you feel your strength fading as his lips move further down.

How is he supposed to be so damn thorough when he has his mouth on your chest like that? He kisses each breast and your nipple before sticking his tongue out. The muscle makes you hard with anticipation as he just curls around the little bud before finally sucking it between his lips.

"Mmh!" you moan helplessly. You can't help it, the teasing only turns you on more and you want nothing more than relief.

So you're conflicted between your bliss from the absolute magic his mouth is working on your other breast, and your impatience for him to go further, to get his mouth where you really want it.

"Jin-Woo...," you moan, leaving one of your arms with the weight of your weight so you can bury the other in his hair. It's soft, even though it's damp. And the way his wet bangs stick to his forehead and cover part of his eyes.... You won't be able to stand it much longer.

Only after one last sweep with his tongue and a gentle suck, Jin-Woo leaves your chest and moves back up to leave a quick kiss on your lips.

His eyes become a little more hooded, making his smile a little lazier and a lot hotter. He keeps his eyes locked on your face as he lowers himself back down to the floor until his nose is right on your clit. You just stare at each other. You nod, thus giving him the sign that it was okay.

Your fingers curl tighter into his black curls as well, and he leaves you with one last smile before lowering his head.

The first point of contact is a kiss. Jin-Woo just presses his lips on your folds as if in greeting. But then you see him licking at the moisture that has covered his lips from that light pressure, and he just.... he sighs contentedly. You're about to pass out from the pure appreciation he's holding you with, but then he's finally inside you with his tongue.

"Ah~ ah! Ah!", you stutter in surprise and can't suppress the yelp until you remember that Gilyeong was sleeping a few rooms away. Either you're just so nervous that you fall apart at the slightest touch, or Jin-Woo is just that good with his mouth. Probably a little of both.

He takes his sweet time down there, stroking long and poking at your little bundle of nerves with the tip. But when he pulls it out to suck on your clit, you moan.

You're on cloud nine. It's a wonder your arms have lasted this long. But you're collapsed onto your back now, your hips begging Jin-Woo for more as you press desperately against his mouth, working in tandem with your hand pressing his head harder against you. As if that might make his tongue go deeper.

It encourages him, at least. He graces you with a little hum that resonates to your core, making you tremble beneath him.

"Ah. Jin... More...~" you raise your other hand to bury it in his soft, black hair as well. You didn't know something like that could really be so wonderful.

Another hum, this time in confirmation, but it also works double time to make you shiver again. And Jin-Woo takes a hand away from your thigh to run a finger over your slit, teasing and warning you like he's performing a magic trick. After a few gentle strokes, he slowly brings his first finger inside and dips his tongue into your moist heat.

You moan in surprise as he penetrates you with his tongue and finger. You welcome every part of Jin-Woo to be inside you, and your body proves it with the unstoppable clasp of his index finger. It makes him moan into your skin, which in turn makes you moan into the air from the vibrations inside.

Again, he takes it slow, moving his finger at a pace you'd need to keep from spilling a full glass of water. It's excruciating, but pleasurable. His finger makes a few curves once it's back in, making you arch as if on command. "Jin-woo...," you moan as you get tired of having only one.

The second one doesn't change the pace much, but you barely feel the stretching and stretching, which only excited you more and left you wanting more. Jin-Woo treats you with the utmost care, spoiling you with kisses and sucking on your hips, thighs and of course your clit. You feel wasted and loved, but you can only take the porcelain treatment for so long before you start pounding.

With one of Jin-Woo's hands busy between your folds and the other way now massaging only your thigh, your legs could no longer remain idle. You wrap them around his head and push him closer to your center with the help of your hands that are still tangled in his hair. Surely your insistence will make him pick up the pace.

>>Not like this,<< he thought out of breath.

He is determined to savor your taste and feel you for as long as possible. In other words, to torture you. Should you have known he hid such a side behind those beautiful eyes? Probably. Did you have any hope that he would satisfy your immediate desires anyway? Of course.

"Jin-woo, please..." you start begging.

He hums in response, not really to acknowledge you, but just to drive you further up the wall. And it works, with the way he fucking echoes through every joint in your spine until the nerves in your neck make you quiver.

"Ngugh!" you burst out weakly, like a flute triggering a different note with each button Jin-Woo plays.

His tongue works excitedly to touch and taste every inch of you, and a third finger joins the effort to increase the stretch. It's been a very long time since you've felt this kind of stretching - only this time it wasn't painful. And your body feels it at the slightest burning in the stretch, but your mind is so hungry for it that you feel nothing but desire. The chemical surges in your brain act like your morphine, driving you on and your desire for the man between your legs.

You continue to moan and occasionally beg as he keeps the fingering slow and steady, though unpredictable in movement. He's relentless, keeping up his pace and only rewarding you for your patience with his tongue and lips on your clit and thighs. You wonder if all his ruthless training is getting into his sexual habits, because he sure is exhausting in his determination to get you ready. Or else, he wants to do it as carefully as possible so as not to scare you, or remind you of things you repress.

Or, he could just be unbelievable.

You think about his bulge and you know what his cock looks like, you've seen him many times, but except for giving him a blow, or handjob, nothing happened. You took your hands off his mop of hair and cover your mouth with them.

Of course, that doesn't stop him, even though your moans are muffled in your hands. He curls, spreads and swirls his fingers leisurely as he sucks on the bundle of nerves at the top of your slit, letting his tongue flick it. Every time you think you've figured out his pattern, he surprises you with a new move or angle that sends enough pleasurable jolts to make you forget everything you've learned. You're firmly convinced that he could eat you out for hours and you wouldn't be bored for a minute.

"Jin-Woo..." you breathe to him, your voice lost to you. This time, however, he doesn't answer, so you call out "Jin-Woo!" once more.

This time he gives you a long tongue lashing, expressing a gasp, but still no definite answer to your call for attention. So once again, "Jin-Woo." you even gather the strength to stand up and yank him away by the hair between your legs.

He gives a low moan, with hints of a sigh mixed in as he emerges from your pussy like he's breaking the surface of a pool. His eyes see the bright curiosity in yours, while some concern could be read in them.

Has he gone too far?

"Sorry.", he comes up to kiss you, making you wince inside at how wet his face is now because of you.

"Was a little too much fun for me.", he grins slightly and caresses you gently.

Your heart trembles. He's enjoying this, enjoying you. If you were stronger, you'd let him spend the rest of the night with his face between your legs.

However. You're not that strong, and you need his cock. Now.

"I can assure you that I enjoyed it even more than you did, but--" you lean forward to draw his attention to your face as you lightly rest your forehead and tip of your nose against his shoulder, your hands finding their way to his shorts, and you kiss him briefly.

"Aren't you making me wait a little too long?"

He responds with a few more kisses before saying:

"You think so?" with that teasing smile. More kisses and he starts moving his fingers inside you again. Now that you're seated, the angle sends a little shock up your spine from the slightly tighter friction. It's enough to make you gasp and throw your hips forward to thrust them a little deeper inside you.

"Jin-Woo!"; you gasp, your fingers digging into his shoulders as you push yourself closer to his body, your ass falling over the edge of the bed. In your need for more friction, you roll your hips against his hand, rubbing your clit against his wrist. That's good. But it still lacks some real substance, some thickness that your inner walls can hold tightly.

Your desperation seems to trigger something in him, because he stops moving his fingers inside you now. In your confusion, you simply look into his eyes to see a strange calm in his features. He continues to watch you until you call his name again:


His lips twist into a smile.

"Ride her."

You stare back, confused - not knowing what he meant.


"Continue to move." he winks slightly, taking on a change of persona with this new dominant strength. "You're tired of waiting, aren't you?" he moves his fingers in a little wiggle inside you, "Ride her and show me your ambition."

Oh my God.

Amidst all this sweetness in his kisses and smiles, he still has this strong, hidden force in his personality that shocks you and turns you on at the same time, especially when his eyes are just now starting to shimmer slightly purple.

You can't help but stare at him for a few more seconds, taking it all in. You're revved up with excitement, eager to meet his demands and see what else he has in store for you. You rest your hands on his shoulders, letting the rest of your weight off the bed and sinking heavily onto his hand.

"Don't drop me now."

He offers only a smile and his free arm around your waist, waiting patiently for you to start moving your hips. His expression is calm, but you recognize the anticipation, so it spurs you on.

Oh, there's that slight burn again, warning you not to take him too deep too fast. But what's going to stop you when Jin-woo's encouraging eyes are watching you so intently?

"Nguh...," getting into the tempo is awkward and sends blood rushing to your face, but once you're in rhythm and your nipples are tingling as you rub against Jin-Woo's chest, you're pretty excited. As unsatisfying as you thought riding only your fingers would be, you got a little nervous as Jin-Woo's gaze was gentle and sweet as he clearly enjoyed the way you moved on his fingers. You look to him, then at his aching arousal still stuck in his black shorts.

At this point, an orgasm chases you like a dog chases its own tail. It's right in front of you, but just out of reach. So with this small change in control - at least over your own body - you were at least able to pick up the pace that left Jin-Woo as a leisurely walk to a stronger jog. You quickly grind and roll your hips onto his large hand, which grips your pussy and begins to ripple a bit inside as well.

When your knees move you at an angle to bring his curled fingers against a particularly blinding spot, you scream and practically collapse against him, "Agh! Stop!" you cry out in surprise.

"Hold your hand still, just like that..." you moan, washing away the confusion that had temporarily decorated his face.

Again. You had to position yourself properly again to feel the rush of pleasure once more. Trying to remember your position, you grip tighter around Jin-Woo's shoulders and roll to land properly on his long, curled fingers.

"Fuck, yeah..."; you breathe with a moan.

There it is. The Holy Land. The last destination you would beg and groan for. The high you've been climbing is finally in sight, you can feel it getting closer and closer.

You throw your head back and make a noise you won't believe later, clinging to Jin-woo's shoulders like a lifeline and twitching around his fingers that still hold you. "J-Jin..." you whine pitifully, bringing your head back up only to hide in his neck.

"Mm..." Jin-Woo makes a strange noise, watching your body intently as you shiver. Once your hips slowly come to a stop and your inner walls only occasionally pulse as you descend, Jin-Woo slowly begins to pull his fingers out of your now sensitive core, causing you to shiver and moan against him.

"Mmgh.", you slam your embarrassed mouth against Jin-Woo's shoulder, sucking on it, biting into it, leaving a mark that marks him as yours. And everyone should see it!

Jin-Woo moans on his own and you could swear you haven't heard a single sound in this world that could possibly be more beautiful. When his hands rest on your hips, he lifts you back slightly to sit you on the bed while your wrinkles are still sipping. Wow, so much for sparing the sheets.

Not that either of you really care, because as Jin-Woo lifts your chin to bring you into another kiss, it's undeniably clear that you two are just getting started. But boy, do you want to pick up the pace.

Again, your hand finds the waistband of his shorts and tugs at it, waiting for his approval. The eye contact is sticky and warm, like honey, sweet to the soul. You stare at him and tug at his shorts again before making a little pout that matches your begging eyes.

He breaks into a good-natured laugh, unable to help himself. It's so damn attractive, you can actually feel your heart beating in your chest as you watch him shake the hair out of his eyes and smile at you once more. Your pout almost falters from the shaky breath you want to let out just seeing him now. Naked.

Jin-Woo pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and lets his eyes detach from yours so he can help you pull down the waistband of his pants. Your heart beats fast as you watch intently as he hooks his thumbs into the sides before gently pulling them down. You can feel your pulse throbbing louder and stronger with each new inch of skin that becomes visible as he peels them off.

You try to keep up the slow pace by helping to pull the pants down, at least trying to salvage the last vestige of your dignity by not looking too eager. But who are you kidding? One look at that thing in its full hardness, slightly longer and thicker than any average dick, and your mouth is drooling like a dam burst.

As Jin-Woo pulls his fucking shorts the rest of the way down, you lift your eager hands up to wrap them around his hot length like you've finally unlocked a sacred treasure that's been withheld from you. It rests so perfectly in your hands that your thumb and middle fingertip can just barely touch. And when you cross your fists from the grip of its shaft, its tip is still peeking out.

You're clearly too excited to please, pumping your hands along its length, getting to know every ridge and vein of this beautiful specimen over and over. Jin-Woo was also excited and enjoying your warm hands. He couldn't get enough of you.

You probably spend a minute or two moving your hands around him, touching and examining the balls and playing with the foreskin as if you were a doctor. Jin-Woo doesn't seem to have any problems with that, as he only lets you amuse himself with a few sharp gasps here and there.

So you forgo the rest of your conservative attitude and ask him to stand up.

"You up for a taste?", He teases you with that crooked and smirky grin that still knocks you out every other time.

"Of course.", you hum without hesitation, not taking your eyes or hands off his cock for a moment as he gets to his feet. It's almost as if you're afraid you'll miss it if you don't keep it on a leash.

"I know the feeling," he muses as he tilts your chin to look at him. Oh god, Jin-Woo looks so damn good from down here. His hair is back in his eyes, hiding something darker as he watches you sit on the bed with his cock in front of your face. You enjoy the mystique, the idea that he's just keeping some hidden desire to himself to surprise you later.

He leans down to give you a few more tender kisses before standing back up and releasing your chin from his fingers.

"Well, don't let me hold you back."

Jin-Woo is barely back to his standing position when you dive in, no longer able to resist a taste of that shiny cum. A hand is gripped tightly around the lower half of his shaft, and your tongue swirls heartily around the head before sucking on the tip. You keep the sucking gentle for a moment, allowing your tongue to explore deeper down the foreskin, but your hand stays busy caressing the rest of his length.

The taste is there, but your blood rushes through your body so fast, making your heart beat so loudly, you can barely register it. The smell and taste of him don't overwhelm you, though, so Jin-Woo's self-care for his body makes this all the more pleasurable. You can barely restrain yourself from gulping him down the rest of the way like a cool drink on a hot day.

"Nugh...", Jin Woo low moan is occasional and grateful for every move you make on him. He's built up his dominant side in front of you, but you enjoy the fact that he's still affected by the things you do to him.

To see how far you can take this, you sink down just enough to tease him further and make him have your whole mouth all over him. To your delight, he responds with a slow inhale as your mouth covers just under half his length before you pull back again. Funny, even though he's only that far in, he's almost completely filled your mouth. A fact that makes your core twitch with anticipation. To up the intensity a bit more, you turn your eyes up to look into his face, to see how he's doing.

"Nh.", his grunt is so soft it's barely audible, but the shudder running down his body is unmistakable, the one you could feel expanding into your mouth. He raises his hands to tangle in your hair, and his eyes are slightly narrowed, his cheeks red as sweat runs down his forehead. Jin-Woo has always looked good, but he looks so damn handsome now, especially when you see how much he wants you.

You like it. No, you love it. And you're going to have just a little more fun before you dive into the rest of his cock. When you pull your lips completely away from his cock, you're left with only your hand to hold it in your face so you can lick the tip for a few seconds. All the while, you stare into Jin-Woo's eyes, which now have only a slight, lilac glow.

Jin-Woo gives a soft, rough laugh that matches his desperate smile, and covers his face with one hand to muffle the sound. From your place on the edge of the bed, you watch in amusement as he runs his fingers through his hair with a deep breath. It would be incredibly amusing and ego-boosting if you weren't so taken with the way his black bangs fall perfectly back into his eyes. Topped off with how his hand just combs through the rest of his hair, only to pull it back down the side of his neck.

And if that wasn't enough to kill you, he finishes you off by running his long fingers across the expanse of his perfect jaw to cover his mouth as he looks down at you with utter self-control. There is nothing in his face but pure desire and the stiffness of his body and the twitching of his fingers still in your hair as he waits for you to continue. Yet he held back straining for you to enjoy it.

You moan helplessly, just falling apart at the sight of him. You've forgotten that he had such a powerful effect on you. And now his confidence returns in full force as you make yourself take as much of his cock into your mouth as possible. You don't even care about the discomfort as he comes to your throat and stretches your lips wide, all you wanted was to have as much of him inside you as possible.

You go deeper, as far as you can, and it's still not enough to take him all the way in your mouth. It frustrates and excites you at the same time because you can't kiss his balls, but it's an unspoken promise of a wild ride later. The fantasy of having Jin-Woo's cock inside you, stretching you wide, hitting you deep, makes you more aroused by the moment. Unconsciously, you rubbed your legs together, which did not go unnoticed by Jin-Woo. He groaned, though, when you started touching yourself and right now, he was a little jealous of your hands. But that quickly passed as you placed both hands on his length again.

You quicken your pace just a notch, moving your head as far as you can from his length while your hand embraced, rubbed and caressed the rest. It's so thick and long and so much for you, but not enough. It weighs heavy in your mouth and you can taste a hint of chlorine left behind from your pool walk, but you love how it fills you so completely.

You're enjoying yourself so much that you almost forget that Jin-Woo is the one enjoying himself, but his voice becomes so uncontrollable that you can't afford to pass it up.

"Ngh..." he moans a few times, squinting his eyes to keep himself from thrusting his hips into your face. But he opens them again, only because he doesn't seem to be able to look away from you.

It only makes you move faster. Seeing such desire for you in his eyes pumps your blood faster and cranks your own desire for him into high gear. If you didn't do something about that dripping heat between your legs soon, you'd just have to pass out. So you sacrifice your opportunity to see that gorgeous expression on his face to focus on taking in every inch of Jin-Woo's cock inside you.

More of him, you crave more. Your mind is confused by this intense lust for him, even though you're already trying to spear him down your throat. Jin-Woo sounds like he wants to moan loudly behind that hand clutching at his jaw, his eyes closed in concentration... or restraint, you might guess.

You don't want him to hold back, though, not with you. Not now, when you've decided to bare it all to him and give him a chance. When you're greeted with a throaty

"Hey," jumping off his now wet cock, you manage to get Jin-Woo's dark eyes back on you.

"You can put your hands on me, you know," you encourage him with a mischievous grin.

He takes it quickly and slowly removes his hand to reveal a small grin twitching on his cheeks as he brushes your hair back with his fingers.

"Oh yeah?"

Now that both of his hands are tangled in your hair again, he's ready to just fuck your face. You should be offended at the way your pussy clenches so excitedly just imagining it.

"Don't take it away for a second," you warn him.

His grin widens in response, and he pulls your head closer to his rock-hard cock again, forcing a kiss from your lips.

"Don't complain afterwards, you let me~" he hummed softly.

You put your hands on his hips to mount yourself to something, and stretch your lips wide again to sink down on his waiting shaft. And this time, Jin-Woo drives you down. He pulls your hair with his big hands and slowly starts to pound his hips into your warm, soft mouth.

"Ah~ ah...!", he moans to the room, repeating his relief at the completion of his self-control.

He wasn't too far from climaxing earlier, so it's not long before he rams his hips into your mouth faster to let go. As his thick length takes up all the available space in your mouth, you moan to let the vibrations resonate deeper into Jin-Woo's core through the tight skin contact.

"Oh my god, I'm cumming..." he warns you with a deep sigh.

Even though he stops thrusting so you can pull back - as usual, this time you remain steadfast in your position. As you let every muscle in your lips, your tongue, your hands, your torso relax, you follow the pendulum wave of each furrow from Jin-Woo's hips to your face. He slows considerably as he warns you one last time before spurting into your mouth with a deep, long moan.

"Mm...," you hum around him to prolong the effect of his come as you swallow down as much of his release as you can. So much that your lips were stretched around the perfect circumference as well. Unfortunately though, your mouth was getting a little too full. So you pull back for a gasping breath, letting the last of his cum drip down your chin and slide along your neck.

Jin-Woo moans your name into the air and sates him. Though he's just been released from all the tension in his body, the room is still heavy with his desire for you. One of his hands slides from your hair over your face until he holds your chin in his hand. He pulls your gaze up to meet his, his eyes cloudy and intoxicated as he strokes the surface of your chin with his thumb to collect the drops of his emission.

He freezes when you open your mouth to pull your tongue out at the spot and take a sharp breath through a narrow gap between his teeth and lower lip.

"God, how could you get any more beautiful?" he growls as he thrusts his thumb obligingly into your open, begging mouth.

You suck gently and tenderly on the finger, watching him through hooded eyes and running your hands over the expanse of his powerful thighs. He's as prominent and muscular as the rest of his body, it's a shame you were so focused on his cock earlier that you missed your chance to appreciate him again, but if it goes like this you'll have many more chances to show them all your love in the future.

Abruptly, or so it feels, Jin-Woo pulls his thumb out of your mouth and drops to his knees in front of you to kiss you again. His hands slide down to cup your face, holding you to him as he begins to lean his weight on you, pushing you back to rest partially on the bed. He leaned all the way over you, his skin touching every inch of you. And you could feel him already stiffening against your belly again. His cock, pressed against you, sends buzzing jolts through your body in anticipation.

"Mmph," you moan against his mouth. He's a perfect kisser, so sweet and gentle and not too much tongue. Though he enjoys occasionally brushing your lip to coax you into playing. You both just give each other gentle thrusts and wipes to keep it interesting, not that this demigod of a man could lose your interest even for a second.

He lightens up to press his soft lips over your jaw and neck as his hands slide down to conform to every curve of your body until he's holding your hips in place. With no visible effort, Jin-Woo pulls back just an inch to lift you up so you can lie properly on the bed before planting a knee between your thighs. Would it be unseemly if you slid down to rub against his leg a little?

Maybe, but will that fucking stop you? Not when Jin-Woo is finally naked in front of you outside of a dream sequence. With a light grip on his lower leg, your knees push his leg closer to your core, squeezing it to hold it in place. Your whimper is almost enough to drown out the sound of your dripping wetness rubbing against his strong, powerful thigh. It's almost indecent.

"Huh?", You hear the delighted amusement in his voice before you see it in his face. He's still as breathtaking as the first sunrise of spring.

"Excited?" he whispered. He pulls his knee against the top of your thighs and flatly massages your folds and clit.

"Yes..." you breathe shamelessly, unable to hide your desperation for him. You bring your own hands up to tangle in his hair, pinning him to you with all your honesty and need.

"I want you all over me. So deep inside me that you get lost."

"Ungh." Jin-Woo leans in to kiss you again, generously rubbing his knee between your legs and deftly kneading those electric jolts of pleasure into your body in a languid twist.

"I'm already lost in you...", his lips still caress yours as he breathes that response.

One of your hands strokes from his hair along his strong back until it rests on his tailbone.

"Try not to stop to ask for directions." you joke, arching your neck up to meet his lips as your hand pushes his hips down so he's resting fully on top of you. His knee slides off the edge of the bed and he readjusts himself to lie right between your legs, the underside of his hot shaft now resting against your slit line and his balls kissing you in your wet folds.

Oh god, you want him.

Is it because you've been craving him all along? But couldn't because of your fear? And now that it was with Steffi, you wanted him even more. Him as your mark, so that everyone knows that he belongs to you and you to him.

As you stroke his face and look deep into his eyes, you almost wonder how a creature of such perfection could have chosen you. It's only a lingering question, though, because there's no goddamn way you're going to miss the chance to rock this man's bed.

"Do..." you say it softly, but you mean it with every fiber. And even though you saw it coming, that grin still attacks you with full force, hitting you right in the heart and making your walls tremble.

He leans in for another kiss. Sweet, perfect, blissful.

"You're not on the pill and we don't have protection~" he asks in such a sugary voice, you could almost mistake it for dirty talk.

"So what? I feel like just looking at your naked body could get me pregnant," you admit, rubbing your hands up and down his broad back. Every muscle is so lean and smooth, just waiting to be scratched open.

His deep chuckle is perfectly timed, but so terribly resonant. You can feel your soul trembling inside your body.

"Then you shouldn't have a problem if we go without the condom tonight? Or go without the thing in general?"

"If you thought I was going to let you leave the space between my legs to get a damn condom right now, you must have a pretty healthy image of me in your head," you punctuate your statement by squeezing your thighs tighter around his waist, pressing him even closer to your wet core.

He must be able to feel you wincing against him, because he exhales shakily before finding the voice to reply:

"If I'm being completely honest, the images I've had of you in my head up until now have been far from common sense. But you are still so much more beautiful when I see you lying under me like this."

"Ah!", you moan in surprise at the roll of his hips that he needs you with.

"And you're really cute when I find the right way to touch you." you need him now!

You want to make a comeback, but his hips are rolling - literally - and you can't curl your lips to make phonetic sounds that don't open your mouth.


He keeps rubbing the length of his shaft against the line of your entrance without really getting in, and you just feel helpless. You want to scream at him to just fuck you already, but this already feels so good that you can't imagine if you'd actually be able to handle his real cock right now. The pleasure comes in slow waves, like the small ones crashing against the shores of a beach as you wait patiently for the tsunami.

Jin-Woo lifts his torso away from you to lean on a forearm, only to grab his cock to push himself in front of your entrance. He can't resist teasing you until the last few seconds, though, as he simply drags his tip across the shallow recesses of your folds before flicking it on your clit. It's only when you stare at him with a dangerous look, and protest with a moan of "Please!" that Jin-Woo couldn't hold back any longer.

The insertion is slow, gentle, careful, and downright stunning. It embodies every one of Jin-Woo's qualities, and you accept every inch of him. The deeper he goes, the further your mouth stretches, your moan faltering as it leaves your throat. He's fucking huge. God, yes. The stretching comes with a slight burn, but nothing can stop you from the promise of scorching hot pleasure.

He's rock hard and has an incredibly solid pace. Really, could he get any slower? Maybe it has to do with him being a Hunter, but his stamina will be the best, as will yours. Now that you remember, he didn't even get all soft when you sucked him off earlier.

"Nh... Jin..." you shiver, "Oh my god..." you lose your train of thought, head sinking back onto the mattress.

Jin-Woo must like the sight of you, at his complete mercy, because you feel him throbbing inside you, making you shudder with pleasure. Once he's as deep as he can go, and has actually managed to get in quite far despite his longer than average length, he stays inside you for a good moment. You sigh in bliss and feel a sense of relief that you can finally wrap yourself around Jin-Woo's cock without worrying about waking up with wet panties.

You enjoy the pressure of his balls against your folds as his cock is buried deep in your core. The burning subsides, but honestly, the physical and mental satisfaction of having him acts like your morphine for the dull ache. Is it humanly possible to feel that much elation all at once?

"You feel so great~" he whispers to you in his fervor to stay still, gently circling his hips to speed up the stretching a bit. But he's driving you crazy with the movement.

"No you." you recoil with a breathless smile and wrap your arms around his neck. You cross your arms, clinging to him, and you roll against his hips right after.

It's a detrimental blow for both of you. Even as Jin-Woo's groin falls against you, your vision goes white for a moment before you can see his face again. Oh my god, you're really in it now.

"Jin-Woo, if you don't fuck me soon, I don't think I can take it," you run your fingers through his bangs again, just to catch a glimpse of that stunning look in his eyes.

"And you'll suffer if you miss coming inside me for the first time,", you purr and let your hands slide down from his hair to stroke the back of his neck.

You can feel his shudder shake to your groin as he breathes down your neck and finally moves. He pulls out of you almost completely, but luckily he seems to value his life because he slides right back in. Slowly, but it's starting to get good. It was already phenomenal, but what better way to explain it than that? Jin-Woo slow fucking should be its own category of pleasure, maybe even a sin.

His soft grunt sounds pained for the patient, languid pace he's taken.

"Shit.", Hot damn, that's the first time you've heard him curse. The novelty of the way his tongue curls around the word makes it sound so much more intense, so much more dangerous.

"You're going to drive me crazy. You don't even know what you're doing to me right now, do you?" he breathed, looking at you and watching the little beads of sweat on your body.

"I don't?" you gasp back, trying to sound sassy, which almost worked.

He's as troubled by the restraint as you are, but he still has the energy to join in his harmonious laughter. It's a jarring contrast to the almost evil look in his now barely purple eyes, which nail themselves to the bed with their own strength.

And that's that. Finally, he drops the saint's pace and begins to drift into you like he means it. His mighty size was already a small thing on your walls, but now he really hits you deep. Attacking parts of you that you never knew you could feel until now. Like a key that opens a new door to unknown joys.

You scream, muffled screams into your pillow so as not to wake Gilyeong. Jin-Woo could fucking ring a bell and you'd crawl naked on your knees to get him to fuck you like that again.

"JIN! AG-AGH!" Even without a cock in your mouth, you choke on your words.

His kiss complements everything with the subtle sweetness in his lips and his tongue the perfect texture that glides through your mouth and over your skin. All of this brings you closer to your abyss as Jin-Woo's cock destroys you from the inside out.

He moans your name, and you think you've never heard it sound so beautiful. Your legs begin to lose strength, but Jin-Woo has already lifted one to rest on his shoulder. He holds the other leg around his waist with his big hand, thrusting into you from this new angle and reaching even higher and deeper, you could swear he could actually fuck your brains out.

"God. God damn it!" you cry, clawing at the sheets and banging your head around, unable to take it all. You can't take it, but you don't dare tell him to stop or slow down. You want more, you want him to fuck you until you pass out. You've never had such a good cock in your goddamn life.

You both moan your names to each other until you reach a peak that takes your eyes off each other again. You're blinded by pleasure as Jin-Woo lifts your other leg to rest on his shoulder and bends down to kiss you, stretching you to another new angle. Why does it feel so much more intense with Jin-Woo? You didn't know, but you knew one thing, you didn't want to miss something like that!

Is it his size alone? Is it his attractiveness that overwhelmed you from the beginning when he was still an e-hunter? Does it have something to do with your heart pumping so hard that every limb of fresh blood is pumped into you when Jin-Woo even looks at you? Not only can you feel his cock ramming into you, you can feel an ache in your heart being healed as he holds you tight, touching you more, whispering sweet and dirty comments in your ear.

He's yours. Finally, he is yours. This dazzling, wonderful God disguised as a man is at your disposal, and he has claimed you with a lasso to match.

But you can tell by the way he continues to caress and kiss your thighs as he enters you so tenderly, the way he whispers your name as often as he can to remind himself that you are really there before him, he never lets his eyes stray from yours for more than a few seconds as he takes you body and soul. You can see that he feels just as strongly as you do. He's as impressed with you as you are with him, and he wants every part of you, just as you want every part of him. Both of you have waited so long for this - Jin-Woo had waited so long for this.

You forget to admit your climax, so you come with a sudden burst, eyes rolling back until you actually almost blind yourself. Your voice will surely be gone tomorrow, as you can feel the hoarseness tickling your throat as you scream his name into the pillows while clinging to Jin-Woo's cock in utter destruction.

His voice sings in your ear as he fucks you through your orgasm until it follows right after. Deep inside you. And you don't know how, but you feel like the deep satisfaction of his seed coating your insides is enough to give you another mini-orgasm. You grumble with bliss as you feel the liquid warmth spreading through you, trying to embed Jin-Woo's life force into your own self. In a fucking dazed thought stream, you wouldn't put it past Jin-Woo's abilities, even with protection not to get pregnant by him.

It takes about a good minute for Jin-Woo to finally settle his hips, but he lets go of your legs off the bed and falls against you when he does. The sweat covering his skin mixes with yours, and you both cling to each other for several breaths, waiting for your bodies to settle.

Strangely, your hearts don't stop beating against each other's chests, even though your groins stop throbbing and your limbs are practically boneless. It even makes deafening noises when Jin-Woo lifts his head to kiss you again, and his face slowly melts into yours until you feel like the two of you might actually become one. Well, you suppose, you can't change that effect right now.

Your arms wrap around his shoulders for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, but you never tire of the firm muscles you hit when you hug him. If you play your cards right, you could very well hold this man in your arms for a long time. Hold his body against yours until your heart bursts with hot pleasure. Moaning against his mouth, you whimper his name in the little bit of space he gives your mouth as he adjusts his lips to yours.

He moans back, sliding his hands over your face in a loving caress. You can feel his pulse from his wrist on the back of your neck, matching the frantic pace in your heart. You're at the end, totally satiated, a molten puddle, but your nerves are still throbbing with emotional overload. Maybe that explains why you still have the electric energy to kiss him back.

"Jin..." you sigh again. He groans and snakes his arms between your back and the bed so he can hold you to him as he rolls onto his back to rest you on his chest. You're a little shaken up from the shift, especially with him still inside you, but you rest comfortably on him anyway.

"I don't think I could get tired of hearing you say my name like that..." he muses to the ceiling as you tuck your face into his neck. The vibration of his throat tickles your nose a little.

"Likewise." you murmur into his skin.

You stay tangled in each other for a while, long enough for the sweat on your bodies to cool and just a little bit of strength to be drawn back into your limbs. Barely a word is exchanged between the two of you as you simply bask in each other's bodies and presence, soaking up the fact that you can do this over and over again until his cock falls off or your pussy runs dry.

After quite a few minutes, you both shut up. So Jin-Woo brings his big hands, around the back of your knees so he could pull you up to his waist so he can sit up while you sit comfortably straddling him.

"Whoa," your eyes dart around in your giddiness. A shock is sent to your core as the seat adjustment shifts his cock inside you as well.

"Aghn!" you whine involuntarily, sensitive to the slightest touch.

Jin-Woo smirks in pleasure and buries his face in your neck, coaxing a few more kisses onto your skin.

"Let's go take a shower." he nods toward the door to your bedroom.

"Huf." he grunts as he lifts you up by your ass and thighs to stand.

You moan softly and throw your arms back around his neck, and your legs encircle his waist to hold you up as he makes another sensitive movement of his cock inside you. He starts to get hard again. Even though the realization sends a thrill up your spine and makes your pussy tingle around his cock, you feel like you should probably take a break. Should...

"Can't you put me down first?"

"I could. But weren't you the one worried about us messing up the bed?", he entertains the thought with a sneaky innocent smile. "So we'll have to keep you from dripping around until we get to the bathroom," He makes a move to press your waist closer to his groin, as if to plug all the cum that has accumulated inside you tighter. You moan in his ear as he does so and moves against him. He moans and pushes you against the wall and begins to thrust slowly into you again as his hot breath brushes against you and he kisses you. You press your legs tighter against him and bite down on his lips. He moans and continues to move into you, careful not to pull out of you, though he has to fight himself not to thrust hard into you again. And then, not even properly recovered from the second orgasm, sought him today immediately the third. He moans your name and you his. Breathing heavily, you both feel something actually dripping out of you, including him.

"This is as much your fault as mine, you know," you pout reproachfully, though you don't stop him from insulting you in a teasing tone.

He leans in for another kiss, soft, perfect as ever.

"I'll be sure to take full responsibility. Besides, I wouldn't mind seeing little pretty y/n running around~". He hummed against your lips.

And so he marches into the bathroom, not setting you back down until you're safely in the shower over a shower drain. The amount of liquid leaking from between your legs is almost indecent. You're surprised you don't feel it all sloshing inside you when Jin-Woo brought you both into the room. But he takes great care to help you wash all the excess cum off both of your bodies. As he did so, he hugged you from behind while you put your arms around him and he kissed your neck.

"Hm~," you enjoy it and close your eyes as he started washing your breasts, which but ehr turned into playing and he kneaded them, playing with your nipples and you unconsciously made gentle movements against his hips.

"Damn... Y/n..." he breathed, pushing you against the shower wall. The cold tiles touched your sensitive torso as you felt Jin-Woo rub his cock between your folds again, entering you from behind. You moan and bend forward so that his hands could rest on your hips and he took you from behind. You see stars and moan. Deeply. He was immediately deeper than when you started. And you had the feeling that he was even deeper. Was that the position? He seemed to notice it too, because Jin-Woo moaned and moved quickly inside you, and had penetrated you to the hilt, making his balls bump against your folds. Both of you are moaning and absolutely enjoying this feeling. Breathing heavily, you also pressed against him, synchronously moving to have a more intense feeling. Jin-Woo also bent down to you and kissed your neck while his hands slid to your breasts and he played with them again.

"Ahh~"; you moan again and whisper how much you love him and he gave you gentle caresses and also breathed how much he loves you.

"Jin-woo... I can't take it anymore..." you whisper and feel your legs shaking and Jin-Woo was also a bit out of breath. Therefore, he thrust into you faster now and came for the third time inside you, with your name on his lips. You leaned against the wall again as Jin-Woo pulled back and leaned against you.

The water, which was still running, calmed you down and you started washing again, this time without any incident, while Beru was instructed by Jin-Woo to change the sheets. Thankfully, he was able to turn off the connection to them without it becoming embarrassing, but the shadows with understanding must have known what was going on, because Beru fulfilled his master's task without comment, even though he usually said something. In addition, a slight red glow could be seen, which Jin-Woo now became a bit embarrassed. Beru knew what was going on. Unconsciously, he sighed and you look at him in confusion, turning to him and smiling gently.

"What's wrong?" a moment later he explained and you blushed as well.

"Well, Beru's doing a good job of not saying anything..." you clear your throat and agreeing, Jin-Woo nodded....

After that, you climbed into bed freshly changed, with fresh bedding. Jin-Woo pulled you into his strong arms and then fell asleep with you after giving you one more gentle kiss....


Even the next day, in the morning, you could not prevent a morning sex. Once the knot was broken, you have mated all the time like rabbits and all surfaces of your apartment ausprobieret after Gilyeong with your oldest nephews Julian, train goes. Or rather, Gilyeong goes along to his soccer practice.

So now too, as Jin-Woo stood proudly in front of you, looking at you with a sexy gaze as you sit on the dining table and he rams himself into you again. You moaned, biting down on his neck, enjoying the attention he was giving you. He grabbed you by the waist, pulled you off the table and held you in his arms as he continued to fuck you senseless. He trotted you to the bathroom where you continued in the shower and you could already feel your numbness in the lower area. When the pain subsided later, you knew sitting was out of the question for you anytime soon. Jin-Woo breathes close to your ear, biting it, licking it apologetically and moaning your name softly. You wrap your legs around him tighter, moving in sync with his hips, and kiss him on the mouth in desire. Shortly after, he came inside you again, while your orgasm was also not long in coming. You moaned his name loudly while he pressed you tightly against him and only slowly began to thrust into you again, as he immediately became hard again when you contracted so tightly. He was so surprised at himself. He had never felt anything like this before and if he could he would nail you all day on the couch, on the bed or the kitchen table. But even he is slowly reaching his limit, especially you.

>>How many rounds is that? Seventh, or eighth?<<, thoughtfully he looked up at the through shower and turned on the water after slowly setting your shaking body down.

After that you washed again, then changed your clothes and cleaned the apartment and changed the covers one more time. Now you are standing on your balcony and he hugged you from behind and kissed your neck.

"Soon we'll be moving..." you grinned, already looking forward to it. He hummed affirmatively against your neck and put his hands on your stomach, looking down at it, over your shoulder.

"I so want another child..." he murmurs, nibbling on your ear. You blush and look at him in surprise.

"As often as we have our fun, I won't be surprised if we have ten kids running around the house in twelve months~", he laughs at your answer.

"Well, one or two would be great. Gilyeong will be a great brother.", he hummed, now propping himself against the railing while you were between him. You were enjoying the view and especially the warmth you were giving each other.

"Jin-woo... wanna train later?" you asked sweetly, turning to face him. You lean your back against the railing and he kissed you on the forehead, nose, and then your mouth, where he stayed for a few seconds longer. Then he grinned against your lips.

"If you can work out then...?" he hummed, gently grabbing your ass and massaging it. Immediately, a slight pain shot through you. Even though your ass is still a virgin, it hurts too. You pouted, blushed, and looked at him with wrenched eyes.

"As soon as I can move properly again!" you grunt.

"Ah, wait! I can heal!" you exclaimed, grinning.

"Heal!" you said happily, your body lighting up. Immediately, you felt your pain being relieved and you sighed comfortably.

"Hehe~ Now I can kick your ass!", you grin widely and then realize how that sounded.

"Oh, really?", he looked at you almost beaming and you grin mischievously.

"Nana, do I have to worry about you swimming to the other end of the shore if you like getting your ass kicked so much? Do I have to be jealous of some good looking guy?", now he was grinning mischievously.

"Maybe~" he hummed and kissed you. You pretend to pout and be offended.

"Pah! Then I'll ogle Eren!" you grin and pull out your old cell phone where you still have the wallpaper of Eren, bare-chested. Now Jin-Woo frowns slightly when he sees the picture of him and then stares at your face.

"He's just fictional!" he grumbled, leaning against the railing next to you.

"May I remind you that you're actually fictional too?" you laugh and put your phone away again, hugging him from behind and leaning on his back.

"I'm real now, though." he said quietly, smirking inwardly.

"Yeah... Damn real. I'm more than happy~", you kiss his back as he turned around and you pull away from him for a moment.

He put his big hands on your soft cheeks and kissed you, which you immediately reciprocate.

"What do you say... do you want to stop by my place of work?" you murmur against his lips. He looked at you calmly and then looked up with a loyal look.

"Yeah, sure." he then said, hugging you as his hands landed on your ass again, his head resting between your shoulder and neck, kissing you gently. Immediately your abdomen tingled and you started breathing shallower, which he noticed and grinned slightly against your skin. But when you rubbed your hips with gentle circles against his crotch, he moaned softly.

"Seriously? Here on the balcony where everyone can watch us?" he grinned and pushed you against the railing. You stood with your back to him and as it happened, you had on just from him a long sweater that covered your ass. Only the sweater and your underwear, separated you from each other. Jin-Woo was wearing only a simple black shirt and black pants, which he opened a bit and slowly rubbed against you. You felt his hard cock against your butt and moaned inwardly. You were glad that you had a privacy screen on the right, since no one lived on the left. And your balcony from the railing was made of milky glass. Gently Jin-Woo nibbled at your neck, lightly pushed up your sweater, slid one leg between yours and thus spread you a bit and raked in your underwear with two fingers. You bend forward slightly and he grabbed his cock, moving slowly between your folds, feeling your wetness and his growing arousal, knowing that he is responsible. Shortly after, he also penetrated you again. You suppressed your moan, because diagonally above you, your neighbors came to smoke on the balcony. You felt the grin of Jin-Woo.

"Ah, Y/n! I heard on the news what happened. Are you feeling better?" the middle-aged woman saw you immediately and greeted you.

"Y-yes...", you bite your cheek as Jin-Woo moved slightly and pretended to yawn and massage your back so that it could move. He also gave a friendly greeting to your neighbors. You swallowed and then said in a calm voice.

"Well, I still have a headache now and then a-ahhber it goes.", you slipped out a soft moan as Jin-Woo hugged you from behind and pulled you to him, so he came deeper into you and pushed harder.

"J-Jin-Woo!" you moan, "not so fast. I have a headache...", you murmur and gently move against him, which made him suppress a moan now.

"But now that you're back, I need to hug you. I was afraid of losing you.", he looked worriedly at you and hugged you tighter, kissing your head as he moved again.

"I didn't know you had such a handsome boyfriend~"; your neighbor hummed and grinned at you. You laugh nervously and gasp softly.

"Well, we've been together for a while...", you let out another low groan. You really wish they would hurry up with smoking, while Jin-Woo found it quite amusing.

>>Wait, you'll regret this...<<, you thought darkly.

And unfortunately for you, the two of them talked to you for a good TEN minutes before going inside and drawing their curtains and pulling down blinds. Immediately you moaned out and he pressed you against the railing and thrust into you hard and fast, while he himself moaned softly and after a few minutes of torment, came inside you.

"I've never been in the shower this many times a day since I started fucking you..." you grumbled as you felt his hot cum dripping out of you.

"But it's fun in the shower. We just haven't tried the tub yet. And the hot tub in our new home. We'll have to christen that too, by the way~", he took your hand and led you into the bathroom....


"So this is where you work?" he looked at the large building and remained neutral. You nod.

"Yes, this is where I work in the call center as a service employee, helping customers when they have questions about their utility bills, billing statements or accounts. Or want to change their registration. Everything that has to do with electricity, gas and water," you explain to him, pulling him along with you as you cross the large square. With your fingers intertwined, you walk side by side. The automatic doors opened and you entered the entrance. Using your access card, you opened the other automatic door and were able to enter.

"We need to go to the top." you say and Jin-Woo was already going up the stairs, but you pull him behind you.

"Are you crazy? I'm not walking up any stairs. We're taking the elevator!" you say, panting, and pull him to the elevator. This one was glass, so you could see everything, and the elevator took you up to the fourth floor. There you get off and were already greeted by a colleague who was surprised to see you.

"Y-Y/n? Is that you?" she breathed, startled, and hugged you. You giggle.

"Rebecca~", you giggle and hug her too, until you remembered that yes, you still have to pretend that you only remember everything conditionally. According to the media, your memories are vague and you're supposed to be unable to remember things up to half a year ago.

"My God, how are you? And who is this?" she grabbed you by the shoulders and then looked at your fiancé. He tilted his head slightly and introduced himself.

"What, engaged? Since when? Whaaa! Let's talk later, I'm going to take a quick short break now.", with that she disappeared, leaving the two of you behind. After that, you walk on, the sick bill in your pocket and the doctor's test by your side, you entered the first open-plan office. Just a few steps away, was a glass door that led to your office and project that you work for. Again, people looked at you with wide eyes and you smiled shyly at them, which Jin-Woo commented with a raised eyebrow. This was new to him to see you shy, even if he knew you were just playing it.

But now you entered your office and some widened their eyes when they saw you. You recognized your new colleagues, who, if you remember correctly, started working in your office at the beginning of February, after they had finished their training. And you were still there then, getting along well with some of them, but of course you can't know them now.

"Y/n!" a new voice called out in surprise. Also Max, one with whom you got along best. He was also a very good friend of yours. He was even taller than Jin-Woo, but lankier.

Your boss and team leader immediately stood up and came up to you, also your good friend Louisa. Even though she looked like such an arrogant girl, she wasn't. She was a bit chubby but beautiful, had hair on her teeth like you and didn't put up with anything. But she liked to talk a lot and sometimes things that nobody was interested in.

"Y/n! How are you?", your boss immediately looked at you and surveyed your body. You smile slightly.

"I'm fine, Bianca."; you look around.

"Who are they? Are they new?"; you point to the new colleagues. Some looked at you sadly, while the others couldn't say anything because they were on the phone. But Bianca looked at you sympathetically. Then your quality representative Thomas arrived hobbled. He had a disability due to an accident, so he can't walk normally.

"You really can't remember?" she said sadly. Immediately you look sad too and lowered your head apologetically.

"I'm sorry. Anything that happened after January 2021, I don't remember," you said softly and took Jin-Woo's hand, who looked at you smiling softly and looked at you compassionately.

>>Damn, we should have been actors,<< you thought to yourself and mentally Jin-Woo agreed with you.

"And who is that?", Bianca asked you and the others also looked at you with interest, especially some of your colleagues. But especially Louisa. Inwardly, you slapped your forehead. Basically, he was just her type. If Jin-Woo still had blond hair, she would probably drool over him. But the look she gave him was enough to make you feel uncomfortable.

"She's my fiancée.", Jin-Woo took over the floor and everyone looked at you in amazement.

"V-fiancée?!" everyone shouted in surprise, and suddenly everyone had a clear line and customers weren't calling either, as if God wanted to watch you get nervous.

"Yes. We've been together a long time. Seven years to be exact. And for two years we've been engaged. We also have a child, albeit an adopted one," you said with a smile.

"You know I was on vacation in Korea. I wanted to visit my fiancé and my son," you said thoughtfully.

"It was going well for two weeks too, until the accident. What I was told. But the doctor said that my memories will return with time," you explained.

"But why did you say you were single when you were asked?", Louisa asked you.

"Because we wanted to keep our relationship a secret for now. Our parents knew about us, but our friends didn't. We wanted to surprise them all with our engagement after our vacation. But well...", you blushed as Jin-Woo explained and looked to you and kissed your forehead. You giggle.

"Stop it. Now everyone knows.", you laugh and he smiled gently at you.

"Anyway Bianca, I'm here to drop off my sick bill. I'll be back next week," you take out your medical certificates and hand them to your boss.

Then a young man came up to you and greeted you. He was one of the new ones, but in fact you really didn't remember his name since it had been over 20 years again and you had only known them for a few weeks. He introduced himself as Nico and you remembered who that was. You greet him as well.

"Y/n, let's talk for a minute. You missed some stuff.", she indicated another room you knew all too well. The meeting room. You nodded and followed your boss as you asked Jin-Woo to take your seat, which was right at the front of the entrance. He nodded and placed himself on the swivel chair and looked at your seat while you walked out with the boss.

>>That place was pretty messy. Well, that hasn't changed.<<, he grinned slightly amused.

"Um...", Louisa started, coming over to Jin-Woo after putting herself on short rest. Rebecca, meanwhile, also came back from smoking. The gray-eyed one looked at Louisa, his smile what he had until just now disappeared a bit.

"Can I help you?" he asked calmly and the brown-haired girl blushed slightly. His voice was incredibly hot!

"Have you two really been together that long? I can't believe that. She had never shown any pictures or anything like that, or said anything to me.", Louisa propped herself up lightly on the table and looked down at him while making eyes at him. Jin-woo sighed.

"Yes, we have been together for a very long time. But we've known each other since we were kids. We kind of grew up together. Her family was close friends with my family, through our fathers who met at work. As a result, my parents invited them to visit us in Korea. Since then, they've been to our house every year, or we've been to theirs. And then we met our son who was lost and Y/n helped him. Since he was an orphan and no one wanted him since he was already ten years old, Y/n adopted him. And then I got to know him. So, now you know everything. That's all she has to tell you," he said calmly.

"Is there any proof?" slipped out Louisa.

"Are we in kindergarten to have to provide evidence? But if you want to see pictures, I can show you some," with that, he pulled out his phone and showed them his wallpaper first, where he was hugging you and Gilyeong from behind and you were hugging your son. Jin-Woo's head was on your shoulder as he smiled. Louisa slightly screwed up her eyes and when she saw the rest of the pictures, she turned a little pale. Some shots really showed how old they were. Since Jin-Woo still had pictures where he was an E-Hunter and held you in his arms and smiled.

"Wow...you looked really different.... now you're really handsome!" she laughed and Jin-Woo rolled his eyes. Just like Cha-Hae, only going for the looks. He puts his phone away again and you came back in. The boss grumbles with Louisa and shoos her back to her seat. Reluctantly she went back and gave Jin-Woo another look which he ignored and smiled at you, got up and stood next to you.

"Come on, let's go. I want to go down to the cafeteria again and say hello~" you hummed with a grin.

"You and your food...", he mumbled but nodded. You chuckle and take his hand in yours.

"I'll see you on Monday then!", you grinned at your boss and said goodbye to everyone, just raising your hand.

After that, you left the office and you're back in the elevator.

"What did she want from you?", you asked muttering. Jin-Woo kissed you and said it was nothing important and explained to you that she wanted proof, which is why he showed photos of you. You roll your eyes.

"Somehow I'm getting jealous. First my sister, now a friend who's been with someone for seven years herself. But she's such a one, unfortunately, that she'd cheat too if given the chance. I think I'll just lock you up and tie you to the bed!", he laughed and whispered in your ear, "I'd even like that, to be tied to the bed, if it means that you'll be pleasuring me all the time~", he bit your ear briefly and stood quietly again and got off the elevator when it stopped at the bottom. After that you went to the cafeteria where you joyfully waved at the boss and he looked at you in surprise, left everything and came up to you and hugged you.

"God Y/n! are you okay?!", Misha, the deputy also hugged you when he heard your name.

"Alive after all!", Misha then laughed and patted you on the back. Di look around and some looked at you, which didn't bother you. Then the two of them saw Jin-Woo.

"Oh? Who's that?", the two grinned and eyed him.

"My fiancé.", you grinned proudly.

"Waaaas, fiancé? Is he good to you then, or do we have to go after him?", they pretended to be surprised. You laugh. They were like your brothers to you.

"Are you two hungry?" asked Honsa, the chef.

"I am, how about him, I don't know.", you look to Jin-Woo who had a mischievous grin on his face.

"I'm hungry, but for something else~", you blushed and smacked your elbow in his stomach. He grinned slightly and then looked at the two men who were also grinning.

"Ahaha~ so that's how it is. Sorry, but we don't have that here.", Honsa joined in and Jin-Woo pretended to pout.

"Too bad, then I'll have to go like this with the food - what's all there?" he asked with a grin, looking at the food. There was so much to choose from. So you grabbed a plate, put lots of rice and veggies on it, then added some fries while Jin-wo opted for chops, potatoes and gravy.

"It's on the house, as usual. So eat your fill.", Misha said and you two thank each other and sit outside on the patio. You wish each other a good appetite and start eating....


"Finally! Our first, shared apartment... no, our first, shared house! I love it here!" you exclaimed happily, reading yourself falling onto the bed as Jin-Woo gently flopped down on top of you and kissed you, which you immediately reciprocated. Gilyeong was in his room, rejoicing in his great realm. Shiro, Beru and Yatsufusa were sprawled out on the lawn, enjoying the freedom.

"Jin-woo... not now." you murmured as he began kissing your neck and running his hand under your shirt to stroke your smooth skin.

"Don't worry - I'm just going to get you ready for what's coming tonight~" he hummed against your neck. You grin slightly and lick over his ear, moaning his name softly. You feel his body stiffen slightly and since he was on top of you, like something was pressing against your crotch.

"Ohh~ you're getting hard already?" you hum playfully, reading your hands sliding between you and rubbing over his well-endowed pants. His hot breath on your ear, made your abdomen tingle. Unconsciously, you wrap your legs around him and he squeezes tighter against you.

"We're hopeless..." he murmured in your ear, sensing your arousal, which only turned him on more.

"Yes...," you breathed back, moving against him. His arms wrapped around you and he twisted with you so that you were now on top of him.

"Either we stop now, or we keep going~" he whispered against your mouth. You consider and bite your lips, to which Jin-Woo stared and licked his lips. Then you grin slightly.

"And a quickie?", now he was grinning.

"Actually, I want to enjoy it, but...", he sat up and you kneel a bit over him to pull down your leggings and briefs while he opened his pants and pulled them down as far as he could, along with his boxers. Without hesitation you stand up and sit on his lap and read yourself sinking onto his cock. Biting your lips, you stifle your moan as you lean on his knees and move. He hugged you from behind, reaching under your shirt with his hands and massaging your breasts while giving you gentle caresses on your neck.

You move faster on top of him, almost pulling out of him, only to quickly sink back down on top of him. You both moaned as he was instantly deep inside you and you tensed your muscles. You turn your head to him as best you could while he kissed you. Your tongues played around each other as you gripped his knees, now making circular motions, and Jin-Woo kneaded your breasts harder. A few minutes later, he was also again already come in you and you on him. Sword breathes you both and remained briefly still so, rather you cleaned yourselves with wet wipes. Yes, you have learned. Quickly, though, you pulled your panties and leggings back up, and kissed Jin Woo, rather you went to the bathroom and Jin Woo went downstairs to the other bathroom. Once in the bathroom, you were glad to be wearing a panty liner, so you didn't have all of his cum in your panties. You sighed in relief and freshened up a bit yourself and blushed.

"Damn... we really are like rabbits...", you mumble and wash your hands afterwards....


"Y/n! You have to invite us all to your house!" your boss exclaimed enthusiastically, grinning at you.

"Why? It's just a house, that's all," you mutter.

"Don't be like that! Your first house! Your first house. But seriously, how can you afford something like that?" she then asked directly. You rolled your eyes and everyone looked at you.

Today all employees were in the office because there were technical failures and the systems were paralyzed. And since there is still construction work going on today, all the company's employees are only there until 4:30.

"Saved. And he's actually not poor, if you want to know," you said grimly.

"In other words he's filthy rich?" asked Louisa curiously.

"Yes, but not only him.", you said nothing more about it.

"I'll talk to Jin-Woo since my family also wants to come to the inauguration. Maybe we can postpone everything to one day.", you look at the clock. One more hour and you'll be off work.

"Is your boyfriend picking you up today?", Louisa asked further.

"Yes, together with our son. We have to leave today on short notice. Besides, my car has to go to the garage, since some pissant ran into the back of it when I was parked!", you growl slightly and your eyes flash dangerously.

"That's right, you got a new car too. New house, new car. Even your boyfriend has his own? You must have robbed a bank, I hardly think he, or you, have that kind of money. What does he do for a living?" Louisa questioned further.

"He was quite a big shot in Korea and inherited his grandfather's company and lots of money. Now he runs the company, or at least he had. He gave up his post to his vice-president Jin-Hoo until then. And I am actually, when I am in Korea, also an employee. Our parents have known each other for a long time and my father had worked there a long time ago and I was hired because of my language skills as an interpreter and my mathematical skills...", you look away and immediately all your colleagues looked at you with pity. It wasn't a secret, your past, since it was made public, and even more so, after your accident, your past was brought out again. Some methods were also brought up there, how severely you were tortured, but also completely taught and punished when you made mistakes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask...", Louisa apologized sincerely.

"That's all right. I understand your curiosity, but please don't ask any more questions. Our finances are of no interest to you.", you became a bit more serious at the end. But before anyone could say anything, your cell phone vibrated.

"Huh?", you pull it out.

"Oh, Jin-Woo and Gilyeong are downstairs.", you mumble and look to your boss.

"Can I bring them up?", you ask and Bianca nodded, allowing you to. You thank her and get your family up.

So it also took less than three minutes and you were back upstairs. Immediately you eyed Gilyeong, who was hiding a bit shyly behind Jin-Woo. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt and a brown thin coat, which he wore openly. Immediately, some girls started drooling when they saw him, especially Louisa looked at him with wide eyes.

"Ah, it's good to see you." said your boss, greeting them both and then looking smilingly at Gilyeong, who also greeted.

"Well, since we still have a while and our systems aren't going, why don't you tell us how you've been lately and especially how you met, or rather, when you got together and especially how - so only if you want to," Bianca started and you sighed. You knew she wouldn't let up, but you didn't want to say anything either.

"Like I said, we've known each other since we were little and we got together when we were 17," some of you started to rattle.

"But you're 26? Shouldn't you guys have been together eleven years? But you said seven years, if I'm not mistaken?" muttered Louisa. You falter.

>>Shit! I'm actually 26! Time went slow over here, I was 24 over there!<<, you remained calm.

"Well, seven years we've officially been together. We had feelings for each other for a long time and there was a lot of stuff we did that only couples did, but we didn't officially get together until we were 19. You could say that the two years before that were experiments. We did everything that a couple does, but we didn't admit it to each other and really say 'I love you' until we were 19, for the New Year," Jin-Woo explained for you and put an arm around you and kissed your head. You blushed slightly. After all, that wasn't even a lie either.

"Well, Jin-Woo, on Saturday for the housewarming, yes my family is coming, my colleagues want to come too, would that be okay with you two?" you asked to your boys.

"Well, I don't care, we have enough space," Jin-Woo said calmly.

"Hmm, me too, but it's unfair that only you adults are there...", he pouted.

"You can play with Yatsu. Besides, Julian and the others are there too," you grinned and he pouted even more.

"Mom!" he whined and you and Jin-Woo laughed lightly.

"Then at least let me play with Beru. Or...", he grins broadly and looks at you seriously.

"Or can I leave with Yatsu, Beru, and possibly Kaisel?", he looked at Jin-Woo at the end. The two of you look at each other and Jin-Woo nodded.

"Is that where you're going?" asked Jin-Woo and you look confused this time.

>>There? Where to?<<, you mentally asked the two.

>>In a created instant dungeon that dad can create. By chance. Found out yesterday,<< your son explained and you look reproachfully at the two.

"Should be a surprise, actually~" hummed Jin-Woo and you look at him skeptically, but try to ignore the worry.

"Eh? Where to?" asked Nico curiously.

"Well, I guess Julian wants to come," you say thoughtfully, looking at Jin-Woo.

"Don't worry. It's divided into stages. Even if it is, they'll have the best bodyguards. Especially Julian.", Jin-Woo said calmly.

"Good.... Okay, on Saturday at 5pm. Everyone should be there.", you said addressing everyone.

"Those who can come, come. I'll send you our address.", with that you sat down in your seat and Jin-Woo next to you since it was still empty. Gilyeong sat down on your lap and you hug him from behind.

"Come on, since nothing's happening for the next ten minutes anyway, everyone take off. Have a good night and see you tomorrow.", your boss said and you all were more than happy and packed your things and left. You said your goodbyes and went into the respective elevators. Up to four five people fit in one. And you have a total of two elevators facing each other.

The two of you touch Gilyeong who is walking between you holding hands and smiling. Louisa walked next to Jin-Woo and asks if you can give her a ride.

"Since we have to go your way anyway, it's not a problem." you said and gratefully the brown-haired girl looked at you.

So the four of you walk to the parking lot and get into Jin-Woo's car. It was a black Audi that Jin-Woo liked right away. However, it had a big picture window and a nice view. Jin-Woo got in, you got in next to him, and your son and Louisa got into the back seats. That's how you drove off. Your arm rested on the armrest and Jin-Woo's free arm, since he drives an automatic car, rested on your hand. You intertwined your hands. There was a quiet silence during this and after about six minutes you arrived at her front door in the car and dropped her off. She thanked you again and crossed the street. Jin-Woo then drove off and turned around at the end of the street.

"Jin-Woo, Gilyeong..." you said seriously and both of you gulped and sweated slightly.

"Why are you opening Dungeon!!! What if the exact same thing happens here?", you look angry.

"It won't. They are instant dungeons that only the three of us can open. They don't open automatically. Poseidon and Apollo had talked to me and said that this was doable so that we could continue to stay in shape in case something happened," you grit your teeth, but took it that way. If that's what the gods decided, you didn't want to interfere.

"Fine, but if something happens, everything will be stopped immediately," your boys could tell you were pretty pissed right now. They could understand you. You didn't want the same thing to happen to your world.

"Mom... maybe we can just take grandma and grandpa with us? Then they can see what it's like. We'll protect them!" your son said, and you slightly screw up your eyes, rather sighing.

"Well, it would be an experience for them.... I'll ask them when we get home."...


"This is... an instant dungeon? You fought in something like that?", your father was speechless while the other members of your family were shocked. Your entire family was with. Shadow soldiers of Jin-Woo were near you, as in the shadows of your family. The soldiers of his were all elite soldiers, so they had no problems with higher-ranking monsters.

"Well, let's split into groups. One group comes with me, the other with Jin-Woo, and the last with Gilyeong.", immediately a group was formed. Steffi had joined Jin-Woo's group while you frowned furiously. Jin-Woo noticed this and came up to you and kissed you.

"Watch out anyway," you mutter. In Jin-Woo's group were also Mia, who wanted to stay with her mother, as well as Lenny. At Gilyeong's were Julian and Amy, as well as Celina, who is Julian's girlfriend, and your parents, as Mandy and Basti with you.

"Is that okay?" asked Mandy, pointing to Gilyeong.

"Gilyeong is a high-ranking S-Hunter and damn strong, plus Beru and Yatsufusa are still there. But Gilyeong alone can take her dungeon apart, so it's all good. He's the strongest kid in our world, both his and mine, with impressive skills," you said proudly, walking on, followed by your parents and sister and brother-in-law.

"Where are we, anyway?" asked your mother, looking around with interest as she looked off the cliff and made out huge mountains in the background. She felt at ease as she loved the mountains.

"Well, the instant dungeons change, but the levels are all divided the same. E, D, C, B, A, S, SS and SSS rank split. The SSS rank is at our rank, but even then they are still weaker than us. But this will be too dangerous for you, because not all soldiers manage to defeat SSS rank monsters. Therefore, we only stay in E-C. We are now on the D level." you explained, looking down.

"We have to go down there now.", you take a step towards the cliff and your family turned pale.

"H-how can we do that?!" your mother stuttered.

"Shiro, come out.", a big dragon appeared, in the shape of a snake, but he had had on arms and legs. Like a Chinese dragon. Everyone looked at him in shock and awe. Shiro bent down and let you pet him. You climb on him and your family carefully too. A barrier of light surrounded them, protecting them from the cold and wind, as well as from falling down.

"Nothing will happen to you here.", already Shiro flew off and slowly sank down in flight, over the forest. You look behind you, where your family looked wide-eyed at everything.

"What's that?" suddenly Basti asked, pointing at something big coming towards you.

"That's a D-rank monster what's hungry. It wants to attack us and eat us.", you stretched out your hand and a beam of light shot out of it and hit the monster. It dissolved immediately. Automatically, a dropped item appeared in front of you. It was a diamond, which was apparently on your forehead.

"Here, I'll give this to you mom and dad. You are welcome to sell it. It brings a lot of money - we'll get one for you too.", you handed the blue diamond to your parents and looked at Mandy and Basti at the end...


"Jin-Woo, I think I sprained my ankle," Steffi whined, sitting on a rock.

"I think you'll have to carry me.", she added, smiling innocently.

"Listen, you may be my friend's sister, but I'll tell you again: leave me alone! You're not my type and to be honest I don't even like you. You're annoying and superficial, so leave me and especially my fiancée alone. I only love Y/n!", he pulled out a healing potion from his inventory.

"Drink this, it's a healing potion and heals all injuries.", he turned and smiled to the kids who spotted and played with a cute little level 1 monster. It was a cute ball of fur, which didn't hurt anyone. Reluctantly, Steffi drank the yellow liquid and was surprised that even the sore throat she had was gone and so were her aching shoulders. Surprised, she looked at her body. She hadn't felt this good in a long time!

"What is this healing potion?" she asked, puzzled.

"Made. It heals everything. There are otherpotions that can also cure all diseases, that's all you need to know. Goon."...

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