Shades of Black

By alliemaelynn

44.1K 852 389

Indira Black, a troubled girl from America, reaches a crossroads between choosing life or the black abyss aft... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Quick Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 18

1.3K 22 20
By alliemaelynn


The next few days did not go according to schedule. First thing, Umbridge had made another appearance which coincidentally caused Dumbledore to vanish- leaving the students and professors confused and panicked.

She did not hesitate to get straight to work and overtook the position of Headmaster at Hogwarts. Immediately, everything had changed in only a mere few hours. Several things became prohibited, fear was instilled into many first years, and new rules were put in place... including that we were unable to leave the castle, be out of bed past a certain hour, or be seen with others that differed in house and gender outside of classes. In the blink of an eye, my saving grace of a school became hell.

Luckily, I was still able to see Draco during Potions and Transfiguration, but it had felt like I had not seen Hermione and the crew in quite some time. Not to mention, Draco and I were only able to have one good evening, and the progress of us was almost as if it were put on pause. After few attempts of trying to sneak to his dorm before bed, I was forced to give up- Professor Filch doing a thorough bed check for each house, each night.

It didn't feel magical here anymore; it felt like a prison.

Now, it was Thursday, close to the weekend that would most likely not hold anything interesting; no party, no dates, nothing. After my last class of the day, I moved in single-file order behind the crowd of students- making sure to keep quiet or I would be surely be punished. Astoria and Pansy stood on either side of me, their mouths also glued shut. If it said anything, Pansy was always so fearless... yet even she felt defeated.

Most of my free time was spent studying in the library with Hermione or sneaking to Draco's room after hours. We couldn't leave the castle at all, so those were considering our other "dates." He had developed nightmares after Umbridge's arrival- having trouble sleeping without me at night. It was quiet peculiar seeing him act this way, as when we had met he truly did walk around the grounds like he was a god- unbothered, powerful. I don't know what it was, but something had been bothering him immensely. He kept his facade up around the others except for me- making my feelings for him grow stronger each day. I was happy I could be there to help him; happy to have someone else there for me that was not just a friend- someone who I would be able to hold, comfort, kiss, and more...

It was going on about 2 weeks at that point that we had been something, but I wasn't sure exactly what we were. It was strange seeing how he treated Pansy, and then doing a full 180 and treating me nothing like that- which honestly made me feel horrible for her. He would listen to me intently while I spoke, he was smiling more- laughing more, he would bring me food from the Great Hall when I was busy and missed meal times, he would complement me often, he would be so gentle yet so passionate with every touch he had laid on me... but I was happy. I had never had someone care for me so much.

Shutting my DADA textbook, Hermione looked up at me, curious.

"Done already? It's only 7 o'clock!"

I began packing everything into my purse, speaking to her as I did, "Well, I have to go to the Astronomy Tower before Filch starts his bed-check."

She nodded her head with realization, "Ohhh, you're meeting Draco again. You've spent an awful lot of time together lately, I hope you're being careful..."

My neck instantly stretched out, eyes widening.

"Merlin, not like that! Well, like that too- Ew, I just mean that he may not be everything you think he's cracked up to be. I don't want you getting hurt."
She explained.

I walked around her, wrapped my arms across her body and pulled her in for a friendly hug, "Mione, I love that you care so much, but I'll be fine. He's actually really kind once you get to know him."

Before I could hear her witty insults, I rushed out of the library and up to the Astronomy Tower- clumsily taking off my school robes before arriving. I didn't know what Draco had up his sleeve, but I wanted to look somewhat presentable.

I stepped through the doorway, only to see a beautiful sight ahead of me. The sun had began to set, making the sky a dim-indigo color. Draco was standing in his usual spot, looking out at the grounds. Floating candles surrounded the room, lighting it in a romantic glow. Hearing my footsteps, Draco turned around- revealing a single bouquet of lavender in his hand. He remembered.

"Hello, gorgeous," he spoke, proceeding to walk to me and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"What is all this for, Draco?" I asked, taking the lavender that he had now stretched in my direction.

Nervously, he took my free hand and placed his other one on nook of my neck- staring at me with the warmest look.

"Indira Black, I've never felt this way for a single soul before. You actually make me happy... and stuff," I laughed at his sweet attempt of a speech,"I enjoy every moment spent with you, so... would you like to officially be my girlfriend, maybe?" He winced at his own words, preparing for the worst.

I dropped the lavender on the ground, placing both of my hands around the neck. Forcefully, I pulled him in for a kiss, one that was tender yet filled with passion. It had lasted for a long minute, but he pulled away- now blushed. Mr. Malfoy blushing? That needed to go in the history books.

"Is that a yes?" Draco was taken back by my gesture, now seeming less on edge.

"Yes, you idiot! Of course I will!" I retrieved the beautiful flower from the ground and hugged him, holding him tight.

"You've made me weak, Indira," he let out a small laugh, smiling into the top of my head.

The remainder of the date was spent talking about our day and looking for constellations in the night sky. As we were searching for the Big Dipper, a shooting star launched across the horizon- as bright as can be. I wanted to take it as a sign that I was on the right course; that where I was now is where I was meant to be- with my Draco.

We sat for what seemed a very long time, just taking in each other's company during our first night as a couple. However, suddenly the machinery behind us began to crank- becoming very interruptive. Turning around, it halted to a stop- a large clock showing its small hand on the 10 and large on the 12.

"Shit, Draco! We're way past bed check!" I whispered loudly, springing to my feet.

In a panic, he looked around at the decorations he had set up, "You go ahead, go to the dorms! I'll stay back and clean this up!"

I nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek before running down the stairs, frantically throwing my robes back on as I did. I wasn't scared of being caught by Filch, but rather more scared of what Umbridge would grant me as a punishment. Earlier that week, a first year had sneezed in the hallway during class change... She had taken him back to her office and made him write a repetitive essay saying, "I must not speak out of line." However, the quill he used was magic, making whatever he wrote bleed and scab into his skin. She was a horrible woman, to say the least.

I was almost home free, the common room door in sight, when I had tripped over something in my way- sending me crashing onto the floor. I groaned and looked behind me to see what had caused the damage, only to find it wasn't an object... but a cat. Filch's cat, to be exact. Fuck.

Before I could stand up, a shadow appeared overhead of me. An disgusted looking Filch stood above me, now holding his crazy cat. With his free arm, he grabbed me and pulled me to my feet.

"You're coming with me, little lady." He spoke, his low and menacing.

Without a moment to reply, he began dragging me behind him, causing me to stumble over my own steps.

"Where are you taking me?" I screeched. He only looked back at me with a disgusting smirk, proceeding to yank me around the halls like a doll.

In no time, we were at the one and only Umbridge's office. A framed picture of a cat was mounted on the front, and turned and walked away once it saw our arrival. Trying to get away, I jerked away and began to make a run for it, but was of course hastily pulled back in by the man's grimey hands. Then, the door creaked open.

"Filch, what are you doing here at this hour?" Umbridge spoke, her voice spitting my ears.

"I found this one out of bed wandering the halls," He replied, motioning his head at me.

Umbridge looked me up and down, a weirdly pleased look forming on her face, "I'll take it from here! Thank you, Professor."

He nodded, then shoved me with force through the door before slamming it shut- leaving Umbridge and I alone. I gulped, looking around her terribly pink office, covered in hundreds more of cat photos and paintings.

Umbridge went back to her desk and sat down, clearing her throat. I brought my attention to her, quickly sitting down in front of her after realizing that's what she wanted.

"Indira Black, why were you out of bed?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.

"I- I was sleep walking. I woke up when I ran into Filch." I stuttered, trying to come up with a reasonably good lie.

"Now, we both know that a lie," She gave me a wicked smile, "I would normally punish you with writing an essay..." Chills went down my spine. I did not want to be one of the poor souls to endure that pain.

"However, I'm aware you and Draco are fond of each other, is that correct?" She interrogated, causing my eyes to widen.

"Um, I suppose so." I quietly replied.

"Well, if that's so, I don't want to be too harsh. You'll be getting enough punishment in due time." She giggled.

What did that mean?

"For now, just expect to have detention with Professor Snape after classes tomorrow." With that, she shooed me away with her hand. Not wasting anytime, I got up so quickly my chair staggered back.

I wanted back at my room as quick as possible, away from her mad self. However, on my jog back her words kept replaying in my head. What had she meant that I would be getting punished soon enough? Why did it matter if I were with Draco or not?


Sorry for the late update yall <3 it's been busy times

I hope you liked this one

Stay tuned ;)

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