The Reunion (TS) (Completed)

By Bepannah_love

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Bela Sharma and Mahir Sehgal were inseparable friends in their college. They were what their fellow students... More

Shot 1: When wish comes true💫💖
Shot 2: Let's start again🤝❤️
Last Shot: Moonlight confession🌌💖
Bonus Chapter: Our bundle of joy❤️

Epilogue: #Behir's Forever After💖

1.3K 142 154
By Bepannah_love

6 months later,

Bela was at her home making lunch when the doorbell rings, she goes to open the door, she sees Mahir standing there with a rose bouquet in front of him, on the bouquet there was a card in which it was written 'Sorry' in captial letters.

She turns away from him and goes back inside the house ignoring him, Mahir enters inside and puts the bouquet on the sofa and follows behind Bela "Bela listen na.. I'm sorry Teddy.. It was an emergency meeting.. please forgive me".

Bela turns away from him and starts sauteing the vegetables "You could have informed me right.. but you didn't!!.. one text was all that was needed.. but you didn't even bother.. I was waiting like a fool at the restaurant..".

Mahir goes near her and hugs her from behind making her startled "Sorry na Belu.. the previous meeting got extended and this one was planned all of a sudden.. that's why I couldn't come yesterday.. I promise I'll make it up to you today teddy.. full day only with you".

Bela tries to ignore the tingling feeling and the warmth that she was feeling with Mahir's hug and tries to get out of his hold but he just tightens his hold on her and whispers "I love you Teddy". She melts like the butter melting in the pan at his confession but she tries to maintain a serious face "Not going to work this time Mahir.. leave me".

She removes his hold from her waist and goes to switch off the stove knowing Mahir won't let her work anymore and she didn't want to fire in the kitchen like the last time when Mahir had come to pacify her and she left the stove on because of which the food got burnt and the house was completely filled with smoke.

Mahir again goes near Bela and turns her towards himself, he holds his ears and starts doing sit ups saying "I'm sorry" everytime he did a sit up. Bela starts chuckling closing her mouth with her hand looking at him, she brings her phone and starts recording "The Great businessman Mahir Sehgal doing sit ups and saying Sorry.. wow!!..

this needs to recorded and the whole world needs to see this.. the one they keep saying is a serious businessman is actually a cutie in real life". Bela chuckles and stops him after some 20 sit ups, he looks at her smiling "Anything for my fiancée and best friend". She smiles and hugs him "Next time you do such a thing.. this video is going on the internet.. then I'm sure there will be some awesome headlines".

Mahir chuckles "Oh really.. I would proudly say I did it for my beautiful Fiancée". Bela blushes looking elsewhere, they had gotten engaged in the presence of their family and close friends a few weeks back. Their marriage is to take place a month later.

She blushes looking elsewhere at the mention of Fiancée "Offo My blushing bride.. don't blush so much baby you know na how much I love strawberries..". She blushes more and smacks his arms "Shut up Mahir", he look at her smiling "Oh shut me up teddy I'm waiting", she turns even a darker shade of red and runs inside the kitchen shouting "Shameless".

He chuckles and goes inside the kitchen "With you obviously I'm Shameless teddy", she tries pushing him out of the kitchen "Go.. just go watch TV or something.. if you stay here you will not let me cook.. you will keep disturbing me.. Go now".

He sits on the kitchen slab "Nope.. I will help you..", she rolls her eyes "By sitting here on the slab". He nods "See I'm not disturbing you.. you can continue your work while I just watch you from here", she shakes her head and rolls her eyes at him "Okay fine as long as you don't disturb me".

Bela prepares the lunch, Kadhi, Rice, and potato fry, Mahir runs behind her excited to eat as the fragrances kept pulling him towards the food. They both have their food happily after which Mahir tells her that they have to leave somewhere.

They both get ready and leave from Bela's home. Mahir starts the car but doesn't let Bela know where they are going, Bela turns towards him "Mahir where are we going.. tell me". Mahir just keeps smiling looking ahead without tell her anything, "Mahir tell na.. what's this.. you know na I won't be able to be in peace till I know".

Mahir just smiles "Just wait for some more time Bela.. you will know". Bela turns to the opposite side and crosses her arms over her chest "Huhh!! I hate you". Mahir just chuckles "Yeah yeah Sureee.. we both know the truth.. marti ho mujhpe" (you are crazy for me).

Bela looks elsewhere trying not to blush "Shut up.. main koi marti varti nahi hun" (I'm not crazy for you), Mahir just chuckles "Sure". They both soon arrived at their destination, Bela looks at him "broken bridge?!", Mahir just nods smiling "come let's go".

Mahir takes Bela's hand in his and walks towards the end of the bridge. They both sit down looking at the sky painted all shades of orange and yellow as the sun starts setting. Bela turns towards Mahir "Why are we here Mahir", Mahir turns towards her "There is something I wanted to do since a long time.. I thought why not today".

She turns towards Mahir "And what is that", Mahir looks at Bela "I know our wedding date is already fixed.. Our parents fixed it as soon as we told them about our relationship.. and we also got engaged but I realised I didn't propose you at all.. so I thought.. why not now.."

Bela chuckles looking at him "Aww how sweet.. what if I say 'no' now..", Mahir smiles looking at her "I don't think so my teddy.. even if you do I have my ways to make you say 'yes' to my proposal"

Bela smiles "Let's see Mr.Mahir Sehgal". Mahir turns towards her and holds her hand, his eyes looking into hers "Bela you know what you mean to me.. I have always loved you❤️.. and will continue to love you❤️..

But I don't to be away from you anymore.. I want you to be with me all the time.. and that is possible once we get married.. I know we are opposites.. you are the first bencher while I'm a back bencher.. you love to stay in peace and silence while I love partying..

you love chocolates while I love strawberries.. but you know strawberries dipped in chocolate are even more delicious.. so like that I'm sure we will make an amazing couple.. If you also think so.. then we could get married teddy..

Tell me teddy will you marry me.. I promise to love you more each day of our life.. and I promise that we will have a beautiful life ahead of us.. we stayed away from eachother for 5 years.. I'll make sure that will never occur again my dear teddy.. just say that you will marry me💖.."

Mahir dark brown eyes keeps looking into Bela's jet black eyes which keep shining hearing his words. She keeps looking into Mahir's eyes which keep twinkling with the love he has for her. Mahir smiles looking at her "Answer me na teddy.. you are sitting like a statue".

A smile creeps up Bela's lips "I'm thinking whether or not I should accept this proposal.. My Fiancée is very possessive Mr.Bachbencher.. if he comes to know he will definitely thrash you.. are you ready to get thrashed if you want to marry me"

Mahir chuckles "Sure I'll talk to that fiance of yours that you love me.. only me.. and he needs to back off.. so you can't marry him.. you will marry me right Bela..". Bela chuckles "Sure I'll marry you and ditch my fiance.. you will take care of him right.. then I have no problem".

Mahir looks at her pouting "Bela you can't ditch your fiance.. that's very bad.. what will I do without you.. haan.. you can't ditch me for me also.. okay.. understood..". Bela chuckles looking at him "You are jealous of yourself.. how cute you are", she pulls his cheeks "I'll marry you baby.. I love you and only you❤️..

You are only my fiance.. my Mr.Backbencher.. my love.. you are only everything that I asked for.. so don't be jealous of yourself.. I will definitely marry you baby". Mahir smiles looking at her "I'm not cute.. see cute is for kids teddy.. say hot.. handsome.. that's for husband".

She shakes her head laughing "Tum na pagal ho thodasa" (You are a little bit mad), he nods looking at her "Haan tumhare pyaar mein" (Yes in your love). They both sit there talking to each other for sometime and then leave home from there.

A month later,

It was the day of Bela and Mahir's wedding. Bela was ready in a red and golden coloured lehenga and Mahir in a golden coloured sherwani and a red turban was tied around his head. The marriage rituals soon started and Mahir was brought to the stage.

Bela was then brought to the stage by her cousin brothers holding a flower sheet under which she was walking. Mahir looks at her mesmerized as she walks to the stage "Bewitching". She keeps looking down as she walks towards Mahir, he holds her hand and helps her get on the stage, everyone hoots for them while Bela looks down blushing.

Mahir and Bela's wedding gets completed as Mahir fills her hairline with vermillion and ties a nuptial chain around her neck, they both get blessings from all the elders. Bela hugs her mom, dad and brother asking them to take care of themselves properly. Mahir promises to take proper care of Bela to her family.

They both get into car and leave for Sehgal Mansion. Sumi and Kuhu were waiting to welcome Bela and Mahir inside. Soon they reached Sehgal Mansion, Bela and Mahir were stopped at the doorstep by Sumi.

Kuhu brings a pot of rice and keeps it at the doorstep. Sumi does the aarthi of Bela and Mahir and applies tilak on Bela and Mahir's forehead. She smiles looking at Bela and Mahir "Come inside children.. pray for the new beginning of your life and step inside".

Bela puts her right foot inside and pushes the pot of rice and steps inside, along with her Mahir also enters inside. Kuhu puts forward a plate of Alta, Bela steps into the Alta and walks forwards inside the house marking the entry of Lakshmi into the house.

Kuhu takes Bela to Mahir's room, the room was decorated with roses and candles. Bela looks at the room in awe "Wow this is so beautiful Kuhu..", Kuhu chuckles "All for you and Bhai (brother) only". Bela blushes looking elsewhere, Kuhu looks at her "Okay bye Bhabhi (Sister-in-law).. Bhai would be waiting for you.. let me go and trouble him a little along with Vish di".

Mahir was on his way to his room after getting off from the clutches of his cousins who were teasing him for the wedding night. He was stopped by Vish and Kuhu, he rolls his eyes muttering to himself "Now what". Vish and Kuhu laugh looking at his irritated expression "Offo Mahir patience.. Bela is yours only now".

Mahir looks at them "Let me go inside na", Kuhu and Vish chuckle looking at him "Fine but you need to pay a price for it Bhai". Mahir nods "What do you need", Vish and Kuhu start thinking,

"New Clothes"

"A few make up accessories"

"Some new jewellery"

"A new phone"

"Some nieces and nephews would also do"

Mahir keeps noding for everything that they were stating. Once he realises what they said in the end he looks towards them shocked "What". Vish and Kuhu look at him "The last one is what we want.. please give them to us soon.. we will be waiting".

Mahir blushes looking elsewhere "You need to wait for that.. not so soon". Vish and Kuhu chuckle "Bhai don't worry I will ask Maa and Dad to send you both on honeymoons frequently so that you can give us our nieces and nephews soon".

Mahir shakes his head smiling and moves past them to the room, he opens the door to his, now their room and enters inside. He looks at all the decorations in the room and smiles, his eyes start searching for his wife who was nowhere to be found in the room right now.

He calls her "Bela.. Bela where are you", just then he hears a click on the bathroom door, he turns towards the bathroom. Bela comes out of the bathroom trying to remove her veil which was stuck with pins on her hair bun "Great Mahir you are here.. help me remove this na.. I have been trying to remove it but it's not coming off only".

Bela goes near Mahir and stands in front him, he couldn't help but stare the epitome of beauty standing in front him, the queen of his heart and life. He keeps smiling looking at her "Okay Wifey", she blushes as he calls her 'wifey'. She turns her back towards him so that he can help her remove the veil.

Mahir holds her hand and takes her towards the dressing table and makes her sit down. He helps her remove her veil, as soon as he removes the veil her hair which was tied into a bun also get untied unleashing her long hair.

Mahir keeps looking at her lovingly through the mirror, Bela turns towards him "Thank you Mahir.. okay Good night.. I'll go change and come.. you too change.. I'm so tried..". Mahir looks at her shocked "What.. sleep.. you want to sleep!??..", Bela nods "Obviously na Mahir.. what question are you asking.. I think you are already sleepy that's why these questions".

Mahir shakes his head still looking at Bela shocked while she goes inside the bathroom to change. He hits his head, what the.. this girl.. really she is going to sleep.. why god.. why are you testing my patience.. I'm here dying to have her in my arms while you are just.. does she really want to sleep.. maybe she is tried..

Bela laughs as soon as she enters the bathroom, How cute he is.. his shocked face.. and the confusion on his face.. my cute husband.. hmm let's see what my baby hubby is doing. She opens the door a little to see what Mahir is doing, he was pacing around near the bathroom.

She closes the door and chuckles, Why is he so cute.. I don't want to trouble him anymore.. I will go out. She opens the door and goes out of the bathroom. Mahir was surprised looking at her still in her wedding lehenga "Bela you didn't change??". Bela looks at him with a teasing smile "Do you want me to change hubby.. Okay then I will go and change".

Mahir stops her holding her hand "No don't go.. You love troubling me right.. very bad teddy.. see what I do". He pulls her close, she crashes right into his chest, her breathe hitches as she looks up at him, he was too close to her, their faces just inches apart.

He leans down closer to her, she bends down her eyes feeling shy, he leans down to kiss her lips when the nose ring blocks his way. She chuckles as he mutters "Everything wants to block my way today", she looks up at him "Don't laugh Mrs.Bela Mahir Sehgal..", he turns her face leaves a lingering kiss on her cheek.

She turns a dark shade of red and tries to get out of his hold. He tightens his hold on her "Where are you trying to run my teddy.. you are stuck now with me.. you can't escape now". She keeps looking down "Mahir let me go", he smiles and lifts her face to make her look at him "Why do you want to go Wifey.. your hubby is waiting to have you in his arms and here you are trying to run away".

She keeps looking down as her cheeks keeps turning a darker shade of pink with each passing minute. He bends down and leaves a kiss on her forehead, she closes her eyes feeling his kiss. He removes her nose ring as she keeps looking at him opening her eyes after his love filled kiss on her forehead.

Her jet black eyes keep twinkling looking into his dark brown ones which keep shining. She leans up closer to him and leaves a soft kiss on his cheek. He smiles looking at her, he helps her remove the rest of her jewellery while she keeps giggling at his soft touches.

Mahir pulls her closer each time she giggles making her breathe hitch "Stop giggling teddy.. I'm not tickling you Wifey..", she giggles again as he touches her waist to remove her waist chain. He turns her towards himself, pulling her close such that there is no gap between them.

She looks at him shocked as her breathe hitches being so close to him, her hands rest on his chest feeling his heart which was beating like drum against his chest. She looks up at him, he smiles looking at her "You do this to my heart teddy.. no one else.. you have the ability make my heart beat like it's running a marathon.. and only you have the ability to make it calm".

She smiles still blushing looking at him "I love you Mahir", he looks at her "I love you too my teddy". She buries her face in his chest, he smiles and puts his arm around her hugging her close. She backs off from the hug, she keeps looking at him and leans up to capture his lips.

He was startled at first but soon starts responding to her kiss, sucking her lips. Though Bela initiates the kiss, Mahir takes over and keeps sucking them like she is the elixir of his life. They both let go of eachother when the need for oxygen becomes predominant.

Mahir and Bela look at eachother and chuckle looking at eachother, Bela again turns towards the dressing table getting out of his hold. She tries to remove her dupatta, he keeps looking at her through the mirror, their eyes keep in contact looking at eachother through the mirror.

She removes all the pins of the dupatta, it falls off her, she suddenly feels nervous being in Mahir's presence and breaks their eyes contact. Mahir picks up her fallen dupatta and cover her with it "Go and change teddy.. we have our whole life ahead for this.. this will happen only when you feel comfortable".

She goes to change and comes back in silky floral pajamas. Mahir had also changed into his tracks and t-shirt. They blow off all the candles and climb on the bed. Bela and Mahir lie down on the bed, Mahir turns to the other side with his back facing her.

He felt that she wasn't comfortable, so he was trying hard to control himself from going over to her. Now with her silky floral pajamas she was looking cute yet sexy at the same time that he just wanted to eat her up.

Bela on the other hand was controlling the naughty twinkle in her eyes. She wanted to trouble him for sometime and moreover it was really uncomfortable for her in the bridal lehenga. So she had went to change when he had asked her to change.

Now that he was sleeping facing the other side she didn't know what to do. She goes near his side and checks if he is asleep, he had his eyes closed. So she just lies down on the bed muttering to herself "idiot who sleeps so fastly.. how can he sleep.. my dumb hubby.. where do I bang his head"

She suddenly feels a heavy hand on her waist. She turns to her left to see Mahir looking at her "Ahemm Ahemm.. I heard some complaint teddy". She looks at him "Yes I was complaining that how can someone be so dumb". He looks at her "Is it.. how dumb am I.. I'll show you".

He pulls her closer and starts showering soft kisses over her jawline and neck, she shivers being in his arms. He continues to shower soft and wet kisses, a muffled moan leaves from her lips as he leaves a soft lingering kiss on her nape.

Her moan drives him crazy, making him want more of her. He smashes his lips to hers sucking on them crazily. His hand travels into her shirt drawing circles on her bare waist making her shiver more in his arms.

His hands starts unbuttoning her shirt while she tries to pull his tshirt over his head. They keep drowing in their world of love flicking their clothes off. A reunion brought the lost friends back together and reunited them in a world of love.

This reunion filled their life with loads of love and happiness and brought them closer than ever tieing them in the bond of marriage and binding their souls together.

This was just the beginning to their forever after💖


With this the story comes to an end❤️

This is my first attempt at writing a three shot.. I hope I was able to make proper justice to them💖

I hope you all enjoyed the story❤️

A very happy, prosperous and joy filled new year to all of you💖

Yours lovingly

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