Ayo? My Miraculous Academia

By Wakka_Chakka

49.2K 1.6K 476

It was just a normal night in Paris, or at least that's what ladybug and chat noir thought. After they handle... More

Chapter 1: A Trip on a Bright Light
Chapter 2: Stopped in their Tracks
Chapter 3: Cat got your Tongue?
Chapter 4: The Unsaid Questions
Chapter 5: It's All Happening
Chapter 6: The Explanations Are Strong
Chapter 7: We Interrupt This Program
Chapter 8: Suspicious
Chapter 9: A Turn of Events
Chapter 10: Introductions and Settlings
Chapter 11: First Day?
Chapter 12: Waking Up
Chapter 13: Evolution
Chapter 14: Let's Fight
Chapter 15: A Bloodbath
Chapter 16: An Afterschool Questioning
Chapter 17: The Normality of the Teenage Hero's Life
Chapter 18: The Plans We Make
Chapter 19: The Commonality of Three
Chapter 20: The Ones We Leave Behind
Chapter 21: An Awakening of Sorts
Chapter 22: Your Turn Now
Chapter 23: Well... Thats a Wrap
Chapter 24: The Truth
Chapter 25: Get in Bitches, We're Going Shopping
Chapter 26: Its Game Time Bois
Chapter 27: A Tasty Meal for All
Chapter 28: The Questions That Needed Answers
Chapter 30: The Things We Can't Take Back
Chapter 31: What Now?
Chapter 32: The Complication of the Matter
Chapter 33: The Backroom Side Deal

Chapter 29: A Musical Venture

253 9 5
By Wakka_Chakka

Marinette's POV

So, it turns out the karaoke place was actually back towards the mall. It was across the street.

"Why did we not just eat in the mall?" I inquired.

"I really wanted to go where we went, and that's not in the mall. In fact, Harutos, one of the best steak places on this side of town." Momo explained excitedly.

"Oh okay, I was just curious. The steaks were amazing so no complaints here."

"Yay! That's good." Momo exclaimed. Just as she said that we saw the boys standing outside the building. They all seemed excited to see us too, well those who show emotion on a regular basis. I couldn't really tell with Tokoyami or Shouji but I think they were happy to see us. But anyway, as we approached them, we all heard various greetings from the group and once we got there, I stood next to Adrien.

"So how are things going so far for you tonight?" I asked him.

"Pretty good, Kaminari is a really good gamer, you could take him though"

"You think?"

"Yeah, me and him are pretty much on the same level and as we all know you're better than me."

"Not really."

"Yes really, but anyway how's your night going?"

"You know how it is, girl night and girl talk. Some subjects, deeper than the ocean and others light gossip."

"Really, is that how it is?" He says with a sort of sarcastic skepticism.

"Yeah- yeah that's how it goes." I say with a giggle. This is nice, we're actually talking. I don't know why but I've been able to actually talk to him since we've been here, it's truly insane. I don't know what changed, maybe the fact I found out the guy I am in love with turns out to be one of my best- closest friends. However, they're also two different people with two different personalities. I have no clue what has changed, maybe everything has but also maybe nothing has at the same time. It's so hard to explain.

I guess I got lost in my thoughts for a little too long because suddenly Adrien is pulling me back out, "Hey, you in there?"

"Oh yeah sorry." I say kind of awkwardly.

Just as I say that Momo's voice can be heard over everyone else, and the other voices aren't just background noise anymore. "Okay everyone, it's time to go in! Our room is ready!" She says super excitedly. She really knows how to encourage and comfort people, it's nice. I turned back to Adrien.

"Guess we should all go in." I say starting to follow the group.

"Of course, M'lady." He says. It's strange, he said it, not as charismatic or charming as Chat would've but more than Adrien. It was odd, but I kind of found comfort in it. As we all walked in it took me a minute to take in my surroundings.

It looked amazing in there, and it wasn't anything in particular they did either. Maybe it was the lights I liked so much. They were U.V lights and the way they reflected off certain decorations and angles, there was just a certain appeal to it. But then again, I guess that's the point.

"Welcome one, welcome all to Orugōru Karaoke!" Said the hostess, "right this way to your guy's room!" she says, gesturing to us in the hallway. She took us to the last room at the end of the hall into what I could only assume was the biggest- being as we're a whole entire class, that is minus one though. Once we all get into the room, she waits for everybody to get somewhat settled in until she says something else. And then she comes out with.

"Alright the song menus are on the table, if there aren't enough just ask for more when I come by. Also here is the food and drink menu, so guys want to start off with anything to drink?"

I look down at the menu and I notice that there's a lot of the same brands and foods here, it's kind of cool- but also weird at the same time. This universe is a century ahead of ours, but other than some architecture and quirks, it seems we're really on the same level. Which I'm fine with, kind of makes things easier. I look up from the menu and realize it's my turn to say what drink I want.

"Um, I'll have a root beer." I said, handing Uraraka, who was sitting right next to me, the menu so she could look at it. Once she takes it, I look at the songs and as I'm flipping through the pages, I realize I don't know any of the songs. Perhaps I spoke too soon.

"Uhh..." I say hesitantly. I get a few people's attention, "I don't know any of these songs... I don't think we have them on our earth..." I say somewhat embarrassed.

"Yeah, I don't recognize these songs either..." Adrien said, being supportive.

A look of embarrassed horror fell over Momo's face. "Oh no! I didn't even take that into consideration!" She says, sounding like she's about to cry, "How could I overlook something so simple!"

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. I have had and will still have an amazing time tonight." I say trying to comfort her, while also trying to hug her. She accepts the hug, "I will still sing the songs, although they will all have to be duets, so I can just mumble along with you guys." She laughs, wiping away the dew tears she started to cry. "Tonight, was still a banger, so what if I don't know a few songs. It's more about the experience than the minor details."

"Really it's okay?" she says, sounding unsure.

"Yes, it's not a problem at all."

"Yep, improv is pretty cool too!" Adrien chimes in. Momo laughed and that was the last of that conversation.

The rest of our time in that building was truly fun. Amazing solos and I also found out class 1-A has a resident band, and that Bakugo is, in fact, the drummer. I guess that was why he was holding those drum sticks the other day. I thought the fact that they had a band was kind of cool, being as me and Adrien are pretty active in one ourselves. We both did make fools of ourselves trying to sing some of the songs, it got to a point where I had to tap out the rest of the night. A girl can only handle so much embarrassment for a night, however Adrien's embarrassment meter never ran out- sang all throughout the night. It was actually quite hilarious.

We had created a certain energy in that room, and we took it with us on the way back to the dorms too. This night was truly amazing, but then again- all good things must come to an end.

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