Aryia Emrani X Reader Imagines

Da Lyra_Lonewolf

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- Aryia/ Badboywolfy X Reader imagines - Requests are open and available - I mainly write fluff - I DO NOT wr... Altro

Can't Sleep
Happy-ish Birthday
"Can You Dry My Hair? 🥺"
Skate Into My Heart
Musician to Daddy
She Said Her Man's Asleep
Like a Boy In a Dream
First Word
Baby Steps
10 Minutes to Midnight
Boyfriend and Blanket
Wedding Gift
It's Too Early for This
Natural Defiance
"Thank You for Staying with Me"
Y/N's Sick Day
That's IT?!
Levi (and Aryia) EXPOSED - Lie Detector Edition
Moving Day
Little Wolfy's Little Brother
Y/N's Birthday Surprise
Proposals and Vows
Soup is Served
A Pair of Crybabies
A Troublesome Tattoo
Christmas Scenarios
I Do (Part 2)
I Do (Part 3)
Growing Up
Father's Brains, Mother's Brawn
Moving In

I Do (Part 1)

97 1 0
Da Lyra_Lonewolf

After MONTHS of drafting this imagine up and writing it, I can FINALLY post it! As some of you know, I've been working on a wedding imagine for a really long time now, and I can finally say that it's (sort of) finished just in time for the New Year 🥳! I'm gonna be posting this imagine in 3 parts and might draft up a honeymoon story sequel after it's finished (if any of you want me to write one 🤷🏻‍♀️) but I'm so glad to finally get part 1 of this chapter out as I know a few of you have been lookimg forward to reading it. I hope you guys enjoy Aryia and Y/N's pre-wedding parties 😄!

Warnings: Language, Sexual Implications


You and Aryia were well-suited for each other.


Not well-suited.

You were perfect for each other.

You were quite the pair: handsome, charismatic, empathetic and talented Aryia and beautiful, generous, loving and bright Y/N.

Aryia had a good eye for beauty for even the uncanniest things, but he also had good intuition when it came to people. He always saw the good in people, even the unexpected ones or when they failed to see it in themselves. His best friend, Kévin Langue, would be the first to admit such a thing. So when he laid his eyes upon you for the first time, there was an immediate spark of interest. You were beautiful both inside and out. And when your eyes locked with his, he fell. He fell so hard in that moment that he couldn't tell if he was sober or whether this was just another mad rush of adrenaline that he was given from the addictions he had at the time. But when he saw your smile for the first time, he knew he had to protect it forever, and that's exactly what he would do.


The two of you were currently in the room you used to share at the KRAC House. Aryia was trying to psyche himself up into going to the bachelor party that Kévin and the other Stranger Friends boys had planned for him. It was really just a party at the Trap House, but since he was getting married, they all wanted Aryia's party to have alcohol - despite his protests about not wanting to break a 10-year-long sobriety streak. Kévin and Reggie said they'd be by to get him so that he could say bye to you and the kids, as he wouldn't see Levi and Jax until Kat dropped them off in the morning, and he wouldn't see you or Rose until the actual ceremony. The whole thing made Aryia anxious, but he didn't want to let you know that. It still pained him to leave you or the kids for any length of time and Aryia was seriously trying to get out of going as he wanted to stay with you for your last night of betrothal.

"Definitely staying." He whispered into your hair.

Aryia heard Kévin and Reggie pull onto the driveway before you did. "Oh for the love of fuck!"

"What's wrong?" You asked with some panic in your voice, still not realizing that your old roommates had arrived home to pick Aryia up.

Your fiancé gritted his teeth, pointing to the light flare in the bedroom window. "Apparently the boys aren't gonna let me bow out tonight."


You reluctantly released Aryia at the front door as he kissed you on the forehead before doing the same to your 3 kids.

"Have fun." You told him. Though he could hear in your voice that you didn't entirely mean it.

"Maybe I should just stay here with you and the kids and we can party la-"

"No way, bro, you are not bailing on us tonight." Kévin yelled at his best friend after rolling down the car window as Aryia got his shoes on. "We need one last night with the boys now more than ever. If you're gonna subject me to an emo wedding, then we're taking you with us to a Trap House party!"

You both cringed at Kévin's words. Aryia knew that his best friend was right; but he was so reluctant to break sobriety - especially if it was the night before his wedding. He was also quite saddened that he wouldn't be able to spend this last night with you in the room you used to share. So much had happened there for the two of you, and he was hoping to get to relieve all of those memories one more time before getting married. From the day you had moved into the KRAC House once the lease on your old apartment was over and slept in each other's arms for the first time to the way his whole existence had seemed to shift the first night he had heard you mumble his name in your sleep. Those moments alone made his heart beat like a drum.

At that moment, Kévin and Reggie got out of the car and climbed the stairs.

"This is what a bachelorette party looks like?" Reggie asked, his thoughts seeming quite random. "Is that a game of Spin the Bottle I see set up over there?" He asked, pointing to the glass bottle lying on the floor. "No wonder Aryia never does anything but sleep with you, who would wanna play Spin the Bottle when you can sleep?"

'How many vulgar thoughts are on Reggie's mind?' You and Aryia both thought at the same time.

Kévin saw you shudder slightly.

"Y/N's nervous about tomorrow. I'm not sure how much sleep she's gonna get tonight." He thought, turning to his roommate." Hmm... let's have a bet Reggie. Will she fall down the stairs in a tired stupor before she gets to the altar?"

"If that's the case, I'm gonna bet that she won't," Reggie told him, "I know better than to underestimate Y/N after she slapped me so hard for teasing her and Aryia when she was pregnant witg Levi."

Levi's eyes widened as he looked up at you in a curious disbelief. You ruffled his hair in response as he hugged your side.

"Maybe I should suggest for Cassie to give her something to help her loosen up? Nah, better not," The blond decided, "cuz then she might actually fall down the stairs, and I'll lose the bet."

Aryia raised an eyebrow at his friends.

'Really? Does Y/N really seem that nervous about tomorrow? Will she sleep properly after all the games she's gonna play with the girls when we leave? Maybe we should say our vows here rather than at the wedding venue and making her walk down to the beach in heels. Would Cassie...'

Aryia's thoughts stopped there, seeing Rose making grabby hands for him made him feel calm as he gave her a hug in your arms before kissing her on the forehead; sure, she might have liked you, but she was such a Daddy's Girl. Or maybe she was just making the gesture because she wasn't comfortable being held (by you) at the time? He couldn't be sure. The only thing Aryia was certain of was that tomorrow, you would become Mrs. Y/N Emrani.

"Go, before they start teasing you too much." You urged.

Aryia rolled his eyes, kissing your forehead. "Don't stay up too late, we have a big day tomorrow." He reminded you, trying to push Reggie's words from earlier out of his head.

"Thanks! Cuz that's definitely gonna help me wind down with 3 kids." You said with forced enthusiasm.

"I'll meet you at the altar." He teased. Aryia couldn't wait for that moment. He wished that it could be tomorrow already. Tonight was definitely going to drag on forever; especially if anyone got too heavily intoxicated.

"I'll be the girl in white." You smiled at your cool remark.

"Very convincing." Aryia chuckled. He couldn't wait for you to walk towards him in your wedding dress, still having no idea what it would look like or how beautiful it would be on you, but imagining it all the same.

The three boys got into Reggie's car, your soon-to-be-husband waving you goodbye as they sped away from the neighbourhood.

"You better not make him late!" They all heard you yell from the doorway whilst the kids all let out a collective yawn.


"I'm gonna text Y/N to help her calm down before her party starts." Kévin told his friends, getting his phone out from his pocket to send you a quick text.


Sugar K: Don't worry, Y/N. We'll have Aryia in bed in plenty of time 😁

Y/N: Okay, but don't get too drunk

And please don't break his 10-year sobriety streak 🥺

Sugar K: We won't

Y/N: What're you even gonna be doing for his bachelor party?

Sugar K: Like we need to take Aryia to a strip club 🙄

It's just gonna be a get-together with all the boys at the Trap House

Pretty much an ordinary party

Y/N: Parties at the Trap House are never ordinary 😂

But thanks Kévin.

Tell Aryia that the kids and I say goodnight and that we love him 🥺

Sugar K: He says Goodnight and that he loves you all too 😊

See you tomorrow!


Aryia read the messages that Kévin had screenshot and forwarded to him. He hoped you wouldn't stay up too late. The last thing he needed right now was a trip to the emergency room before you became his wife.


As the car pulled up to Sam and Colby's house, Aryia realized that he had been driven away from his heart. He wasn't much of a party animal after he had stopped drinking and taking drugs, and his heart was definitely with you at the KRAC House, but he knew it would be returned to him the following afternoon. The boys would need time to recover after one of Sam and Colby's infamous Trap House parties and because of that, the two of you had decided to exchange your vows in the middle of the afternoon.

You were also a little afraid of getting married on a sunny day; it might have been the middle of summer, but the fabric of Aryia's tuxedo jacket was filled with wool - just in case the temperature unexpectedly dropped to freezing. You were probably the only couple in the world who would be wishing for a slightly overcast (but not rainy) day for your wedding. Cassie said it would only be a little overcast; a good thing too, since the ceremony was to be at a beach, the rest of the guests would appreciate staying dry.

Kévin and Aryia sat at the island counter in the Trap House kitchen after they couldn't possibly fill themselves with any more food than they had already. Reggie stayed with Jake as his younger brother danced on top of the pool table for a dare. It was still hours before the day was going to end, and Aryia's thoughts ignored all of the celebrating around him as he instead tried to escape the party and think about a certain other house in Los Angeles.

"Aryia, she's fine. The girls are with her, and if anything happens while we're here, she'll call." Kévin reassured him.

This sounded vaguely familiar as Aryia thought of when he had left you and Levi in California whilst he took a trip to see Nick in Massachusetts for work when Levi had learnt how to walk.

"Cassie's about as crazy about this wedding as you are." Kévin tapped the phone in Aryia's pocket. "She'll call if anything happens."

"I know. And really, that's not what I'm worrying about."

"Oh? What're you worried about bro?"

"The kids growing up." He answered dejectedly.

"What? That's the last thing I thought you'd be worried about when your wedding is tomorrow." Kévin was utterly confused. "You're gonna have to elaborate, bro."

"I mean... what if they turn out like- like..." He couldn't even think straight.

"Soft-emo-ass motherfuckers like their dad?" The best man asked with a laugh. "Trust me, they already are. Especially Rose, I mean, did you see the way that she was reaching for you earlier?"

Aryia pouted, seeming a little sadder now that Kévin had brought this up.

"I'm only teasing you, bro."

"I know." Aryia sighed. "I just- I don't wanna be a useless dad or husband." He choked.

Kévin pulled his best friend in for a hug as he started to get teary-eyed.

"I just don't wanna ruin anything for Y/N or the kids. That's why I'm so on-edge about this whole thing."

"Getting married?" Kévin guessed.

Aryia shrugged. "More like my wedding proposal." He confirmed. "You only get one chance to ask for a woman's hand in marriage, and I did it all wrong. The first time I asked her, I was asking what her thoughts on it were." He explained, sounding more pathetic to himself as he went on. "The second time I asked her was the same as the first, but it just sounded like I was trying to hide the fact of how scared I'd be for our wedding and everything that came for our family after we got married. You weren't in Boston to see how anxious I was when I was thinking of proposing to her, but it was a lot worse than the anxiety I felt in Paris. And even though Y/N said she loved the way I proposed when I asked her to marry me, I just kinda feel like I tricked her into it."

"You're saying you regret asking her to get married to you?"

"No. I just feel like I could have done a lot better. And maybe not have been so pushy about asking her to get engaged."

"Bro, none of your proposals were pushy." Kévin told him. "You saw her face when you sang that song for her, she was crying tears of fucking joy. And don't even get me started on how beautiful and wholesome the whole thing was. I mean, just look at the videos on mine and Reggie's channels."

"Yeah, but I should have thought it out more. Like, when's the last time you heard the words "If you ever feel the cold wind and you're scared and all alone, look to the sky, I'll always shine for you" used in a song?"

"It was a song, Aryia. A song you wrote for her."

"Yeah but, what about "If your loneliness should blind you from the joys of your days, come out, I'll be like the rays of sun keeping you calm. Always"? It's not exactly the best thing I've ever written, is it?"

"It's a song, and it's not the worst thing I've heard. And besides, it's how you feel about her, and she loved it."

"I wish I planned something more romantic than that stupid fucking song and that stupid fucking dinner at that stupid fucking restaurant." Aryia lamented. "I wish I serenaded her under the stars or took her out for a picnic in a more romantic place. A candle-lit picnic dinner would have been much better than the French food we had that night - she was sick afterwards."

Kévin had to put his hand up to stop his best friend. "Aryia, really? This is what you're worried about? Y/N is happy just to be with you. It wouldn't have mattered how you asked her to marry you, she would have loved any proposal that you made for her. And remember the fit she threw after vacation about the thought of not being able to get married to you cuz she was pregnant with Rose? And it took forever for Cassie to convince her to help plan your guys' wedding cuz she was so reluctant to ask for or get help from everyone. Do you know that she has to shut her eyes and go to her happy place, whenever Cassie helps her do extra checks on her wedding outfit?"

"How do you...?" Aryia gasped.

"Reggie told me."

The musician had no idea about any of this, but Cassie had been doing her best to keep him away from your wedding dress just in case he got a sneak preview. He truly hadn't seen it, he didn't want to, he wanted to be surprised on his wedding day as you walked down the aisle.

"So," Kévin continued, "despite all that, Y/N still said "yes" to you, she's gonna look absolutely gorgeous. We're all thrilled to see you both so happy. And despite all that, you're anxious about something that's already happened and stuff that could happen years down the line? Bro, you guys are perfect for each other."

The room went silent as Kévin and Aryia continued their conversation. The only thing he could hear other than their conversation was the party speakers pumping loud music throughout the house.

Aryia groaned. "I know, Kév, that's why I feel so anxious about the whole thing. I feel like I cheated her out of an amazing wedding proposal, she's so selfless, I should have been more selfless. But no, instead, I let work get in the way and wrote a stupid song about her that hardly made sense and barely even scratched the surface of my feelings for her. Will I ever be able to stop being so selfish and consider what she wants for a change? Everything she's done has been for me! Having the kids, moving to Boston, saying "yes" when I asked her to marry me... She's so good, and I'm- I feel like such a selfish fucking jerk! I don't deserve her! I don't deserve her at all!"

"Aryia, that's enough! You're not a jerk! You're you! And she loves you and she wants you! Only you! She did those things cuz she wanted to do them with and for you! Not cuz she felt obligated! And she's been enduring all of Cassie's extreme plans to give you what you deserve, whether you realize that it's what you deserve or not, so stop beating yourself up about it and appreciate the woman for who she is as much as she appreciates you for who you are, God damnit." It was Kévin's turn to sigh, though his was more of a sigh of disbelief than anything else. "Y/N can read you a lot better than you can read yourself, which is why you guys are a perfect match. Speaking of which, the thing I'm worried about most is your wedding night."

Aryia groaned at his best friend again. "Yeah, I did promise her that the kids would be okay."

"You do know they're all gonna be pining for their mom and dad, right? Especially Rose. You guys are literally joined at the fucking hip." Kévin said in more alarm than Aryia had ever heard him speaking in.

By this time, Sam, Colby and Brennen had joined their friends at the small bar in the middle of the kitchen. Brennen had heard the last part of their conversation and was having a great time thinking about it; probably having a great time of trying to picture you and Aryia on your first night together as a married couple.

Aryia glared at his friend. "Don't even try picturing that in your head, Bren. We're not even gonna do anything like that, we're just gonna hang out. In fact, cuz we're not gonna be doing anything you think we'll be doing, I have no idea what we're gonna be doing!"

Aryia became somewhat flustered as his friends continued to stare at him with their eyebrows raised. "I- I..." He suddenly felt very anxiety-ridden and frantic. He was in need of his best friend's advise now more than ever, so much that he couldn't even finish his thought.

"You guys love each other enough, you're not gonna do anything bad to her. Like you said, y'all are just gonna be hanging out, right?" Kévin asked with a giggle, wiggling his eyebrows slightly.

Aryia had apparently had enough of his friends and their teasing as he excused himself from the kitchen to go outside. "I need to get some air."

The sky was turning a hue of pink and orange as the sun started to set. Aryia let out a small sigh as he looked up at the darkening sky, realizing that tomorrow would truly be the first day of forever for him. Aryia was also grateful for his friends' teasing, it was the perfect excuse to go outside and watch the sunset.

He smiled to himself as he looked back at the party as he dipped his bare feet in the pool water. 'Thanks for a great bachelor party, guys.' He smiled again as his gaze focused back to the night sky. 'I think I'm ready to settle down now.'

Aryia could hear his friends' collective laughter back at the house and decided that it would be best to rejoin the party, it was for him after all. Though he wasn't much of a party animal after becoming sober, he felt freer than ever at the bachelor's night surrounded by all of his closest friends.

Tomorrow was going to be an amazing day.


As soon as Aryia had left for his bachelor party with Kévin and Reggie, you felt lonely. It wasn't just because you put the kids to bed either. You missed him. Sure, you were excited for the wedding, but you wondered what the boys really had planned for the party. Was it really just gonna be some light snacks with everyone except the soon-to-be-groom getting drunk on shots of vodka and White Claw, or were they actually going to a bar or club to all get completely and utterly drunk and help Aryia to break the 10-year-long sobriety streak he had built up? You couldn't be sure. However one thing that you were certain about was that you trusted your fiance never to do anything that would upset either of you. Though the question of what they were really up to still lingered in the back of your mind. You didn't have time to worry though, because 5 minutes after Levi, Jax and Rose were asleep, you entered the KRAC House living room to join the rest of the Stranger Friends Girls for some party games.


As the night went on, you kept laughing amongst yourselves; trying not too be too loud as none of you wanted to wake the kids up. This plan failed after around two hours however, as Levi woke up, sleepily rubbing his eyes to see all of you playing games in the living room.

"Alright Xepher, I dare you to-" Tara was interrupted as Levi opened the door from Kévin's room - where he and Jax were asleep - to see what was going on.

"Momma?" He asked tiredly. "Why are you all being so loud?"

His small eyes widened a little as he observed the sight of you and all of your friends throwing your hen party. Devyn had a clown makeover courtesy of Cassie and Tara, Amber was wearing a squid costume, Cassie had a towel over her shoulders from when you had dared her to jump into the pool with all of her clothes on, Kat was wearing a veil made out of toilet paper, Kate was wearing a bowler hat and had a handlebar mustache drawn on her upper lip in black marker, and you had a blown-up condom on your head as a makeshift hat. Levi blinked, not really understanding what was going on.

"Hold on guys." You told your friends, getting up to see what Levi needed. "Are you okay?" You asked him.

"What're you guys doing?" He yawned. "Me and Jax can hear you in Uncle Kévin's room and we can't sleep."

'Shit." You thought. "Sorry Levi, we were just playing a couple of party games before tomorrow." You apologized to him as you made a mental note to be quieter once Levi and Jax had gone back to sleep. "Do you want a glass of water?" You asked.

He nodded with another small yawn after rubbing his tired eyes. "Can Jaxxie have one too?"

"I'll bring it in to you both. You go back to bed and I'll come and join you in a second."

He nodded. "Okay." Before walking back to Kévin's room.


After pouring your boys a glass of water each you joined them in Kévin's bedroom; making sure that you removed the inflated condom hat you were wearing in case either of them asked what it was. Once you entered Kévin's room, you handed them their cups so that they could have their water and hopefully get some much-needed sleep before waking up early to see Aryia and get ready for the wedding.

As they drank from their glasses, you started to recall memories from when you used to live in LA. From the moment you met Aryia at the club downtown, to your first date, your first kiss with him, moving in together, filming videos and making music, finding out that you were pregnant with Levi, moving to Boston and having Jax, how he proposed to you and how you had given birth to Rose 9 months later... your thoughts continued to make you smile, even as you began to imagine seeing Aryia at the altar for your wedding.

"All done, thanks Mom." Levi announced, handing you his glass as Jax chugged the rest of his drink to catch up with his older brother.

"Thank you, Momma." Jax smiled as you took his glass from him and tucked them both back into bed.

"You're welcome." You smiled back, slightly tired from all the partying and games that were going on in the next room.

"Are you tired, Mommy?" Jax asked, seeing you yawn.

"A little bit. We're all going to bed soon though, so hopefully we don't wake you guys up again. Sorry about that."

"It's okay." Jax whispered as you ruffled his hair up and got comfortable under the bedsheets again whilst Levi fluffed up his pillow.

"If you guys need anything else, I'll be in the living room or the bedroom that Daddy and I used to share, okay?"

They both nodded.

"Night, night Mommy." Jax said sleepily, though in contrast to Jax's tiredness, Levi still seemed a little too reluctant to go back to sleep.

"Mom?" He asked as you reached the door.

You turned on your heel to face him. "Hm? Yes Levi?"

"Can you sing to us? It's always really nice and relaxing when you and Papi do it. And it helps us get to sleep easier."

"Of course I can." You smiled.

How could you say no to them? The way Levi had requested a lullaby for him and his little brother was adorable.

You sat at the bottom of the bed and began singing Tearsonpages to your boys. Half way through the song, you noticed that they were both asleep, so you kissed them both on the forehead before returning to the party.

"You took your time." Kate said as you put the glasses back in the kitchen.

"Yeah. Levi wanted a lullaby, so I sang for them, and now I'm tired." You laughed with a small yawn as you sat back down.

"Well don't go to bed just yet. It's only 9 and the games have only just started." Amber told you.

"True." You smiled before resuming the games.


For the next few hours, you played a few more games with the girls until you all eventually decided that you should go to bed and get some sleep. Or rather, everyone else went to bed while you stayed awake, still thinking about all of the memories you and Aryia had shared together and all the new ones you were going to make after you were married. After thinking more and more about what the wedding tomorrow would be like, you fell asleep too, looking forward to when you would finally walk down the aisle and say "I do".


I hope you guys all enjoyed part 1 of the wedsing imagine! I've never written a wedding or bachelor party story, so please let me know if I did it well 😅. Next week, I'll post the actual wedding ceremony, so I hope you look forward to reading it! As always, please feel free to comment a suggestion for my writing or a scenario idea for me to read over! I hope you guys all have a Happy New Year, and I'll be back next week with part 2 ✌🏻😊!

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