I Do (Part 2)

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Happy New Year everyone 🥳! To celebrate, I'm posting Part 2 of the wedding imagine today, so I hope you guys enjoy it 😊!

(As I stated in Part 1, I've never written a wedding imagine before, but I looked at some other wedding stories for guidance to help me write this up. Note, I didn't put in a description for anyone's outfits in this imagine as I wanted to leave it up to my readers - you guys - to decide what outfit you would wear if you were Y/N. I hope you guys like part 2! 😊)

Warnings: Language, Fluff
After you got up and helped the boys to get dressed into their temporary outfits that morning, Kat brought them to the Trap House so that they could stay with the groomsmen and prepare for the wedding there, rather than getting involved with any of the girlier things like you and the Trap Girls. Kat stayed at the Trap House for a few minutes to discuss a few arrangements and preparations with Sam and Aryia before she planned on going back to the KRAC House to help you and the bridesmaids get ready.

"Is Y/N in her dress yet?" Aryia asked after instructing Levi and Jax to get changed into their suits in Jake's old room.

Kat giggled, able to see exactly how excited Aryia was to see you in your wedding dress.

"Not yet." She informed him.

"And I can't get a sneak peek?"

She shook her head "Nope."

"But I've seen the bridesmaid dresses." The groom pouted.

"Because you can actually see them, brother." Sam laughed with his wife, remembering how he had asked something similar on his wedding day. "And isn't it usually bad luck to see the bride on the morning of your wedding?"

"Don't jinx today's celebrations before they even begin." Kévin warned the blond. "Aryia's already worried enough about-" The best man was interrupted as Aryia elbowed him in the side. "Ow! Hey Bro, what was that for?!"

"Someone's nervous." Reggie laughed, giving his ex-roommate a noogie and messing up his hair.

Everyone laughed as Kévin and Reggie continued to tease the musician before Katrina left to help you and the bridesmaids to get ready for the wedding.

"Tell Y/N that I love her."

"She knows." Kévin confirmed as Kat waved them all goodbye and drove back to the KRAC House.


A while later, Aryia had just come out of the shower in Jake's old bathroom and was trying to comb his hair and freshen up before heading to the wedding venue. He was only wearing the dress pants of his suit as he desperately tried to detangle the knots in his hair, but this was proving to be more difficult than he had hoped. He wished that you were there to help as you were always able to untangle his curls - even if you struggled with brushing your own hair at times, it was never difficult for you to help Aryia to brush his hair when he didn't feel like it or if he found it too hard.

"C'mon Jaxxie," Aryia heard Levi say to his little brother as he continued to pull at the knots in his hair, "let's go and show Papi what we did."

"Okay." He heard Jackson agree as the two approached the bathroom door and knocked.

A million thoughts were running through Aryia's mind as to what Levi and Jax could have done in the 30 minutes that he had been absent from the room while they were supposed to be watching Spongebob after getting ready. He thought they might have found a can of paint and dipped his wedding suit in there, or maybe they had found his razor and shaved each other's hair off? Part of Aryia regretted asking you to get the word Troublesome tattooed on your ankle, because that's exactly the kind of prankster child that Jax was being lately, even though he was only 2-years-old. Aryia sighed in relief when he saw the shaver in the washbag he had brought with him.

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