Clone One Shots

By AhsokaFan178

233 5 1

A bunch of one shots of clones. Including: 104th (Wolfpack) 501st 212th Bad Batch and more... P.S - If anyone... More

Dinner / Jesse
Unnecessary Matchmaking / Rex
Opposites Attract / Wolffe

Care / Kix

50 1 0
By AhsokaFan178

TW: drunk driving, temporary injury, death, sickness. 

If you feel uncomfortable with any of these please feel free to not read this, I do have the graphic scenes pointed out before they start and when they finish. 

Summary : you were in a accident and Kix saved your life. 

Y/N Pov

I wake up, the medical bay lights blinding me my vision blurry. My hearing comes back to me I can hear various doctors whispering.

Everything feels normal accept I can't get up and the one the worst headaches I have ever had. I feel bandages on my head.

I move my fingers about, move my elbow, my wrists. My 5 senses still intact. When it comes to below the waist I can't feel anything. I can't move my knees, my toes,...its all numb.

I run out of energy and fall back asleep.

I wake up again it only felt like 5 minutes but I could tell it was hours. There was a silhouette of someone. The memories what happened came back to me.

TW - This part has a graphic scene

I was in the seating area of what seemed like an average public transport vessel from planet to planet. I turn to see my sister in the chair next to me holding onto the luggage next to me. I could hear the fast sound of a radio playing some tunes and many people chatting. The pilots voice comes onto the speakers "Please be ready with all luggage to exit this shuttle in approximately 5 minutes." It was a droid.

The ship was rocking, we must be entering the atmosphere. I can see out the window, the frost around the window melting. we are just about to land when I saw a rodian in a green speeder his eyes closed all the signs of a intoxicated person he crashed right into the back of the shuttle making it blow up many people falling out of the bottom as the shuttle tilted down many others were clinging only the end I could see my sister clinging on for dear life as I fell further.

The shuttle blew up, I let out a scream. as I fell. I fell through washing lines slowing the fall slightly. Finally landing in a pile of crates I look around to see people crowding around me. I manage to stay conscious as I know that is what is best to do. As I see a man pushing through the crowd he had white armour on with blue designs and on his shoulder pads was a red medical cross. Black specks fill my vision. Everything goes black.

End of Graphic Scene

"Hello sleeping beauty." the man that I saw before he turned to me as I saw the same medical cross that was on the man who saved me.

"Are you the one who saved me?" I said shocked at how raspy my voice was.

"Yes miss?" he replied

"Y/n. My name Y/n Y/l" I said remembering my sister. "You have the file of the crash there don't you."

"How did you know that?" he asked surprised.

"I'm a medical student just finished my course on Naboo. Its protocol to have info of what happened." I said tears coming to my eyes. "Please tell me who survived."

"A few others but they're in bad shape, it was very lucky that you survived, that was quite a fall."

Tears streamed down my face. His face was filled with kindness. He came and gave me a hug. I was so suprised.

"Hey your gonna be ok but I do not want a ocean my med bay" he said that making me giggle. "I just got this thing deep cleaned. I'm Kix by the way. Sorry about your sister."

"I'm Y/n. And this isn't your med bay."

"I already know your name, Mesh'la."

"Oh yeah I told you. Twice!"

"And it was on your file." He said. "And you were right this isn't my med bay"

"Then where am I?"

"You are in a hospital, obviously."

"It might take a bit of time to get my sense back."

The next couple of days went by fast.Kix would come and see me everyday he would bring me my breakfast and lunch.

"Why do you insist on bring me breakfast and lunch every day?"

"Hmm I guess it is nice to see your face everyday. Mesh'la"

"But you have a war to get back to, get back to your brothers and you have to go help everyone, save lives!" I said trying to be enthusiastic. 

"How did you know that?" he said.

"Well it is pretty obvious, you have clone trooper armour, I can only assume you are a clone and you have a Red Cross on the side of your shoulder pad."

"I guess that is pretty obvious , now I come to think about it. Good observations." Kix said smiling. 

"Why are you working in a hospital on coruscant, when there is a war out there?"

"Well, I asked my general if I could spend some time here to get better as a medic so he got me a job here to learn, but in a while i'll have to go back to fighting." His communication device started ringing. "Oh guess I'll see you tomorrow then, Cyar'ika."

The Next Day...

"Morning Mesh'la"

"Hi" I said sadly.

"What's wrong?" He said placing my food on the side.

"I guess the reality of my sister being gone has finally hit me." I said tears forming in my eyes. "You feel loss all the time how do you cope with it?"

"Well, I don't, life goes on." He said sitting on the side of my bed. " But talking about them always helps. Tell me about yourself first."

"Well, I just graduated medical school, I lost my Dad at a young age I don't remember him much my Mom was amazing but she has passed and her partner left when she died and I was left with my step sister she was much older than me. She raised me. She was a farmer, had shoulder length blondish hair and tan skin with freckles from being outside all the time. She came here with me I had a job offer ready it was my dream job. We were both going to live here."

I said pausing for a moment. "There was always one thing that stopped me from everything I wanted. She was sick, very sick and her condition only worsened. She was badly effected by a sickness it made her weak and she couldn't breath regularly. We came here for answers I had a feeling of what it was but I wasn't a 100%. I knew she was going to die. So I guess there is some peace knowing that she didn't have to suffer in her final days."

"Well do you feel better now?" He said. "Yeah I guess so."

The next week...

"Hi Mesh'la."

"Hi." I said him placing the food on my lap.

"Eat up, we have a big day ahead of us." Kix said

"Wait, what why-"

"Come on eat faster."

"Well today we are going to try to use your legs again." He said, i was shocked.

"Your bacta report came back, from the bacta on your back and it says your legs in theory should be fine."

I finish my food being unsatisfied per usual.

"Ok we are going to take this one step at a time, figuratively and literally." Kix said I pick up my legs and move them around so they are hanging off the bed, all I could do is just look at them how thin they had become and how thin the rest of my body had become. "You ok, I know this is going to be hard but it will be worth it in the end."

I tried to stand up my legs wobbling, Kix has my arms he gave me a reassuring smile as I straighten up my body. My legs stopped wobbling I gave a nod.

"You sure?" he said I nodded.

He slowly let go of my arms. I managed to be able to focus and I was standing I tried to step forward but fell Kix catches me, our faces so close. He helped me walk I managed to walk a few steps before losing balance. After an hour or so I could walk only a step forward. Kix said it was great and I did more than expected.

"Okay sorry Y/n I have to go now, but I will help you tomorrow." Kix said. picking up his helmet.

"Kix, can you help?" I asked softly.

"Oh yeah, sorry." he said, dropping his helmet, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed.

"Thanks Kix, for everything." I said Kix picking up his helmet.

"No problem," he said saluting and leaving.

I didn't sleep that night, it was all a collection of uncomfortable pain, bad dreams and thinking. I couldn't stop thinking about Kix. How over time I have started to develop feelings for him, but it is so obvious he doesn't feel the same way. But he comes everyday, when there are plenty of available doctors to help. I have made up my decision, after my sisters death I have realised that life is too short to wait, I'll tell him how I feel tomorrow. Then I drifted off to a dreamless sleep with a smile of my face



Walking out the hospital, is saddening. All I wish is I could spend more time with her, I have strong feelings for her since I found her injured. I keep walking and meet my speed and ride back to the barracks.

I park my speeder in an old garage a block away from the barracks, hide it with a cover and walk to the barracks rubbing my eyes. 

"Hey Kix, how has your hostpital thing been going." Jesse said, whilst lying on his bunk.

"Wha- Wait. How are you here?" I said utterly shocked that the whole 501st had returned.

"What do you mean Vod? We are all on leave, we ship out tomorrow early, like 0700" Fives said passing me, toothbrush in hand.

"It's one of those missions as well, you know the ones where we end up on a wild goose chase with the general halfway across the galaxy and like 7/10 times we crash." Hardcase said popping out from the bunk above Jesse. "So, take in all the rest you can brother. We won't be back on coruscant for a good month and a bit."

No. Had it already been that long. I thought I had another week, no this can't be happening. By the time I come back, Y/N she will be healed and will be long gone from the hospital. It's not fair on her. I must find General Skywalker.

I pushed past my brothers, and went through the doors down the corridor of the base. Searching every room, then as I was running down the corridor I collided with the General.

"Woah, Woah Kix calm down what's got you in such a hurry?" Skywalker said to me. Finally I found him.

"I'm sorry sir, I was actually looking for you." I replied slightly embarrassed that I found the general by crashing into him.

"Didn't know I was so popular, anyway what's up?" 

"I was hoping that you could approve me for a slightly longer leave?" I replied in a unconvincing and shy way.

"Sorry Kix, I can't approve you anymore time and we need you on the battlefield, you're one of my best men. Now I must go, there is uh.. someone I need to see before we leave tomorrow."

No. My heart sunk. I'll never see her again. I walked back to the barracks and slumped onto my bed head in hands. Eventually taking off my armour and lying on my bed facing upwards. All I could think of was her. Her eyes, her hair, her smile all the fine details of her face that I examined when she fell into my arms. My thoughts left me when Jesse turned toward me from the other side of the bunks. 

"What's up Vod? I'm no Jedi, but I can sense your sad from over here."

"It's nothing Jesse, go to sleep we have a big mission tomorrow" I said turning over and going to sleep.

On the mission..

We ended up on a planet I don't know, I can't even remember the name as I wasn't listening during the briefing. All I could think of was her and what she was doing right now, is she happy, sad has she moved planets or worse is she not recovering properly.

As my mind was drifting, I felt my grip on my blaster slip, as I thought of her not getting proper care or if she isn't healing properly. I completely zoned out, not even hearing Jesse in my ear running up behind me. When u was pulled out of my mind by an explosion throwing me backwards.

My head was spinning, and I could feel me being dragged backwards. Eventually, it all stopped and I felt my senses coming back.

I was in tent, a medical one. But I was being treated, not treating others. I slowly sat up clutching my head, feeling slightly loopy probably due the painkillers. 

"Kix your awake,  Everyone he's awake!" Echo said next to me, worsening my headache.

"Your such an idiot, Vod. Why would you let yourself get blown up like that?! I was calling you as we were all retreating." Jesse said, with pained look on his face. 

"Yeah it was like really creepy. You were just kneeling there, frozen like a statue. Looking straight ahead. Gives me the shivers" Fives said whilst eating a ration stick. Everyone nodding.

"What made you do that? Or who made you do that?" Jesse said.

"Her." I said, I was screaming internally, why did I say that? Why can't I control what I'm saying?!

"Who?" Fives said smirking looking at the group.

"Y/N, she's amazing, she has these eyes! And her smile its- just- everything to me. She gives me this warm feeling everytime she speaks. I like her so much." I said with a really giddy look on my face. What am I doing?!

"KIX IS IN LOV-" Fives started saying really loud. Then I got my senses back and put my hand over his mouth. 

"When are you going to see her?" Echo asked, making my smile fade.

"I don't know if I will ever see her again, by the time I get back she could be anywhere. See I saved her life, she was in that shuttle crash a month back. I have been looking after and treating her my hospital job, but I don't think she likes me back so she won't be waiting around."

"Wha- Wait..uh NO! Not on my watch Kix this is another level type of love story, like you saved her LIFE ." Fives said. "I bet from personal experiences she will come back for you. I have a feeling."

"You're not a Jedi Fives." Echo said rolling his eyes.

The end of the mission...

I walked down the lowered platform to the dock on coruscant really slowly watching all my brothers running forward, when a pair of hands lock onto my shoulders almost putting me off balance.

"See her yet?" Fives said, hands on my shoulders.

"No I don't Fives, as I said I don't think she is coming bac-"


I looked forward to see Y/N running along the dock area waving me down, smiling and laughing.

I ran to her as fast as I could.

"I can't believe you're here! I thought you would be long gone by the time I got back." I said with the largest smile on my face.

"And leave the man that saved my life behind. Never." She said, pulling me into a kiss. It felt amazing and right. I was finally happy.

"You know I actually might be a Jedi Echo." said Fives, Echo just rolling his eyes.

"Let's go." Echo said.


Thank you so much for reading, requests are open.

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