Falling For A Soon To Be Rock...

By xxMusicJunkiexx

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Maddie would like nothing more than to graduate high school and get away from the popular drones that make li... More

Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar
Falling For A Soon to Be Rockstar
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar 8
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar 9
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar 11
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar 12
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar 13
Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar 14

Falling For A Soon To Be Rockstar 10

281 2 5
By xxMusicJunkiexx

Alrighty here's the next chapter! You know thr drill. Read, Comment, and Vote please!


I felt stupid. No stupid didn’t even begin to describe how I felt. Hurt, betrayed, pissed, ready to scream at the top of my lungs; yup those were definitely more like it. The worst part of all of this was that I actually bought into all his crap about being real with me. Yeah real my ass. And to top it all off, I have to walk home from the beach sopping wet and in nothing but my bikini. Fuck my life! Let’s just hope a cop doesn’t stop me for indecent exposure. That would be the icing on the cake right there.

I sighed as I continued to walk further away from the beach. This is ridiculous, it’s gonna take me at least a little over an hour to get home. And what if my mom is home when I walk in only wearing a swimsuit, she’d have a heart attack on the spot.

Suddenly an idea struck me. I pulled my phone out of my beach bag and flipped it open. I could call someone to come and pick me up, but who? I scrolled down through my contacts and realized that I didn’t have many choices. I couldn’t call Alyssa because she was with Matt and I definitely would not be calling Alex to bring me home. Fucking prick! I scrolled further down the list when I hit a name that caused an instant smile to my lips. I hit the dial button and waited for him to answer.

“Hello.” Max answered.

“Maxie my love, it’s Maddie.”

“Holy shit Maddie, how you doing girl? I haven’t talked to you in months. I miss you!” he exclaimed happily.

“I’ve seen better days, but I’m hanging in there. I really miss you too. I can’t believe we let so long go in between us talking.” I said truthfully.

“So what’s going on? Why the sudden phone call, not that I’m complaining.”

“Well I was wondering if you could maybe come pick me up.”

“Yeah sure, where are you?” he asked.

“I’m at the beach. And could you maybe bring one of your shirts or something. All I have is my swimsuit on.”

“Alright I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He said hanging up.

I loved Max, he was one of the sweetest guys around, he really meant the world to me and I couldn’t ask for a better friend. It was a shame he lived in the next town over, we hardly got to see each other. Unfortunately Max was gay, which sucked for a lot of girls because he was seriously good looking. Even I hated the fact that he was gay, but I just couldn’t help it. I loved the way his hazel eyes were always shining with mischief and excitement. The way his short dirty blonde hairs spiked in every direction and how he dressed in skinny jeans and tight fitting shirts that showed off his slender build. His personality screamed all around good guy, there wasn’t a thing in the world he wouldn’t do for one of his friends.

The thing with Max and I was that we were a lot closer than people really knew. When we were sixteen we lost our virginities to each other. I remember that day like it was yesterday, forever engraved in my memory. It had started out like any normal day with us goofing off at his house, but then a thought had struck me. I was always attracted to Max. I even thought that I loved him, but I just couldn’t get over the fact he was gay.

“Max can I ask you a personal question?” I asked as I put the controller to the X Box 360 down. We were in his room lying on his bed playing Left 4 Dead.

“Yeah Maddie, what’s up?” he paused the game.

“How can you be sure you’re gay if you’ve never had sex with a girl before? Hell you’ve never even had sex before.”

“Trust me Maddie I just know. I don’t find girls attractive.”

“So you don’t think I’m attractive?” I was a little hurt by that.

“That’s not fair Maddie! You know I think your drop dead gorgeous. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” I blushed slightly and looked away from the intense gaze he had on me. I had an idea, but I wasn’t really sure how to approach the subject.

“Thanks Max.” I sounded nervous and he could tell.

“Maddie whatever’s on your mind you can tell me.” he said sincerely.

I sighed and took a deep breath before I looked up to meet his eyes. Well here goes nothing I thought before speaking. “I was just thinking that maybe you and I could…well we could…” I took another deep breath and he nodded for me to continue. “I thought we could sleep together to test if you’re really gay.” I sputtered out quickly looking down embarrassed.

Max started laughing uncontrollably beside me causing the whole bed to shake with motion. I wanted to shrink away into nothingness I was so embarrassed that I asked him that. Max continued to laugh and I grew angry that he would think so little of my feelings. I shoved him off the bed and rolled over to grab my things to leave.

“Wait Maddie, your serious about this?” he said from the floor. I looked over at him and nodded as he pulled himself up. “Why would you want that? Maddie don’t waste your first time on trying to help me be not gay. It should be with someone special.”

“That’s just it Max, I want my first time to be with someone I know and trust. I just want to get it out of the way, so this way it doesn’t end up being with a guy who breaks my heart in the end. Plus it will give you the opportunity to say that you really aren’t into girls.” I shrugged it off like it was no big deal, but on the inside I was silently praying for him to say yes.

“Maddie I can’t do that to you, I can’t take away your innocence. Do you know how much of an ass that’ll make me feel like?” I shook my head no and looked to the floor feeling bad for even suggesting it. I could feel the tears slowly falling down my cheeks. I turned to leave, but he stepped in front of me and gently lifted my chin up so he could look into my eyes. Max ran his thumb over my cheek wiping the tears away.

“Why are you crying beautiful?” he asked tenderly.

“I feel so stupid right now. Of course you don’t want to sleep with me. Plus your first time should be with the guy of your dreams. Sorry, I should have kept my mouth shut. I’m gonna walk home now don’t worry about giving me a ride.” I said sadly. Before I could pull away to leave, Max crashed his lips on mine. Shock coursed through my body, but I slowly began to kiss back. Things heated up pretty fast as piece by piece our clothes were thrown to the floor. We slowly made our way back to the bed, not once breaking the kiss.

A few hours later, I lay sweaty and content in Max’s arms. I couldn’t believe we had just had sex. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. I glanced up at Max to see him smiling down at me. I sure hope he doesn’t say he’s still gay. I think that may crush me more than I would care to admit too.

“You ok?” he asked. I nodded and smiled. I was more than ok. Hell I was floating on a damn cloud drinking a pina colada, I felt so good.

“Listen Maddie, I think that maybe we should talk about what we just did.” He said as he ran his hand through his slightly damp hair. His face looked sad, maybe even a little troubled. Oh no, this can’t be good. Brace yourself Maddie, he’s gonna drop a bombshell on your heart. I scooted out of his arms and slowly started to put my clothes back on while he did the same.

“Ok what do you need to say Max?”

“I’m still gay.” I sucked in a breath and willed myself not to cry, to stand strong.

“Ok. I get it. I’m gonna go home now, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I said as I walked out the door. We didn’t speak to each other for two weeks, it was the most miserable two weeks I had ever endured, but thankfully our friendship was strong enough to overcome all the awkwardness.

I was pulled out of my memory by a car honking at me. I looked up to see Alex pull over to the side of the road and get out of his car. Shit, where the hell is Max?

“Maddie I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, but I had to. We couldn’t let her know that we’re dating. She would have destroyed you. Please, please forgive me. I’ll make it up to you, whatever you want.” He begged.

“Fuck off Alex! I’m not in the mood to deal with your sorry ass right now!” I clenched my teeth and narrowed my eyes at him. If he thinks he’s getting off the hook that easily, he’s got another thing coming.

“Please Maddie I didn’t mean any of it. I really care about you.”

“Alex seriously just go away. I don’t wanna talk to you right now.”

He opened his mouth to respond, but a car pulled up next to me interrupting him. Thank God Max is here. I looked over to Alex and slightly waved goodbye before climbing in the car. Max leaned over and pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek before handing me a shirt to throw on. He threw the car in reverse and drove away. I looked back at Alex one last time to see him standing there with his mouth hanging open looking shocked. Serves him right.

“So Maddie, who was that delicious piece of ass you were talking too?” Max asked playfully.

“That delicious piece of ass would be my boyfriend.” I said with a scowl on my face.

“Wait if he’s your boyfriend than why did I have to come pick you up?”

“Because I’m currently not speaking to him. And if I have to be confined in the small space of a car with him for too long, I may end up castrating him.”

Max chuckled and looked over at me. “Uh oh, wanna tell Maxie all about it.”

I sighed and began to tell him all about Alex and I’s screwed up relationship. I even told him that I thought I was falling in love in such a short amount of time. Now I wasn’t sure of anything, I didn’t even know if I still wanted to be with Alex. When I was done spilling my guts I looked over at Max; he seemed to be deep in thought. The expression he held made him even cuter, it made my heart beat just a little bit faster. Damn, why do you have to be gay!

“Do you wanna come back to my place; we could play some video games. It might make you feel better. Plus you haven’t been to my new apartment yet.” He asked hopefully. I laughed at the look on his face and nodded my head yes.

We drove for about half an hour when we finally pulled into a nice looking apartment complex. There were three sets of buildings all made of old fashioned brick. The lawn was a nice plush green and all the hedges were cut in a rectangular shape.

“Wow you live here?” he nodded. “It’s nice, I like it. You better be careful, I may like it so much I’ll move in.” I joked.

“Actually that’s not a bad idea; I have an extra room and would love to have you as a roommate. It would be wicked awesome. Think of all the crazy shit we could do.”

This could be fun, maybe I should move in with him. It would get me out of the house and away from my horrible mother.

“Max are you serious?” I asked hopefully.

“Yeah Maddie, I honestly would love to have my best friend live with me. We could stay up late watching movies, eating popcorn, painting each other’s nails, and talk about boys. Please move in with me Maddie.” He practically begged as we got out of the car. I couldn’t help but to laugh at how adorable he was being.

“Ok yeah Max, I’ll move in with you. You already know how much I hate being at home. Just one thing though, Alyssa has to be aloud over whenever she wants.” I could feel the excitement running through me. Finally I would be free of all my mom’s shit.

“Alright awesome. Come on let me give you the grand tour.” He said as he grabbed my hand and led me into the hallway of his apartment. It wasn’t anything special, just your typical living room, kitchen with the dining room attached, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. All in all though it was nice, it had a nice homey feel to it. I had a feeling that I was gonna love living with Max. “Here let me show your room. Its right across from mine, plus yours has the bathroom attached to it. You can move in whenever you want to. Oh and if you want you can come to a party with me tonight.”

“Sweet I’ll start packing my stuff up tomorrow after school. Whose party is it?” I asked. I hadn’t been to a party in ages.

“I’m not sure. Some kid just randomly invited me so I figured I check it out.” he shrugged.

“You mean get drunk and see what kind of guys you can pick up right.” I teased.

He just laughed at me and grabbed the controllers for the X Box and chucked one at me. I fake glared at him as I caught it and sat on the couch next to him.

After hours of shooting zombies and cracking jokes about how bad I was at this game we finally hopped in his car and left to go to my house so I could change. We pulled into the driveway and I was surprised to see my mom’s car wasn’t here. That’s odd; she was supposed to be home tonight, right?

Max waited in the car while I ran inside. I threw on some dark skinny jeans and a low-cut bright purple V-neck t-shirt. On my way out the door I saw the answering machine blinking so I walked over to it and hit play.

‘Maddie dear, it’s your mother. The Minards and I have decided to stay another two weeks here in the keys. I trust you to take care of the house while I’m away. It better be clean when I get home or I’m kicking you out. Ok behave and I’ll see you in two weeks.’

Wow she really is a first rate bitch. She’s gonna flip shit when she comes home and realizes I’m gone. Oh well it won’t be my problem anymore. I walked out of the house locking the door behind me and climbed into Max’s car. He drove the twenty minute drive to the party.

Cars lined the street in front of the house where the party was being held. Loud music was booming through the windows. There were a few people standing in front of the house talking and laughing. They had plastic cups in their hands which I assumed held alcohol.

Max and I got out of the car and walked into the house. There was a sea of bodies in the front hall; some dancing, others were talking and trying to maneuver around each other. I grabbed hold of Max’s hand and pulled him past everyone and into the kitchen to grab a drink. I picked up a red cup and grabbed another one for Max. I handed it to him.

“Thanks.” He shouted over the music. The kitchen filled up pretty quickly so we went into the living room. There were people dancing everywhere so I pulled Max onto the makeshift dance floor and started swaying my hips with his.

Max and I had been dancing for about fifteen minutes when I happened to glance in the corner of the room. I had to do a double take at what I saw because my heart stopped in my chest. Alex was sitting on the couch with Veronica on his lap. They were in the middle of a heavy make out session that seemed pretty intense. I felt my heart break just a little bit, though I’m not sure why this is bothering me so much. I was still mad at Alex, not only that, but I should of known he would be at a party with Veronica and not me. After all, I’m just the secret girlfriend.

Alex finally broke away from Veronicas face and looked over at me. His eyes held a look of sadness to them, but I ignored it and went to go grab another drink. Screw him; I don’t need him dragging my mood down any further today.

“Maddie are you ok?” Max whispered in my ear as I downed another beer. He must have noticed what I was looking at. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed another beer off the counter and downed it too.

“Whoa there Maddie, you might want to slow down.” Came from a voice behind Max and I. Shit, can’t he just leave me alone!

“What the fuck do you want Alex? Shouldn’t you be sucking your girlfriends face off instead of harassing me!” I spat venomously. Max grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb soothingly over it. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down; no need to get angry and cause a scene. Alex looked down at my hand in Max’s, pain crossed his eyes as he looked away.

“Maddie that’s not fair and you know it.” He looked around quickly before leaning in closely. “You know I would rather it be you instead of her. I want you and only you, but I need her to keep me popular. You know this, I told you that.”

Max stepped in front of me and crossed his arms over his chest before looking down at Alex menacingly. “Dude your fucking pathetic! Maddie’s a great girl and all you’re doing is hurting her. I don’t know why she puts up with you, but if it was me I would have kicked your ass to the curb a long time ago!”

Wow I’ve never seen Max angry before, it was seriously hot! Hell it was more than hot; it was a total turn on. I swear if he weren’t gay and there weren’t people around I would rip his clothes off and take him right here on the floor. Wait, what the hell am I thinking? I can’t do that! Jeez I must be drunk; I’ve had like six beers and two shots of tequila. Actually now that I think about it the room is kind of spinning and things are a bit on the blurry side. I looked up at Max and smiled, he really is sweet.

“Max come on I wanna dance some more. Let’s just forget about Alex for now. I’ll deal with him later.” I said pulling on his hand and grabbing another beer in the process. “I’ll talk to you later Alex, I’m gonna go have a good time with this hot piece of ass here.” I smirked at him before pulling Max away.

About an hour later the guy who was throwing the party started to set up for a band that was gonna be playing. I was pretty excited because I loved live music. I wish Alyssa was here, she would have enjoyed this too. Max and I made our way up to the front of the makeshift stage. I always loved being upfront and in the center when I went to concerts. I was looking around woozily from all of the alcohol, there were so many sweaty bodies pressed together in the small space of the living room. This band must be pretty good for all these people to cram in here.

The music started to play and I thought that I knew the song, it sounded oddly familiar. I whirled back around to face the stage only to look up into Alex’s eyes. You have got to be kidding me. Alex looked down at me, a little shocked to see me standing up front for one of his bands gigs. Especially when he knew I was beyond pissed at him.

I looked away from him as he continued to play. Whatever! I can’t let the fact that he’s on stage ruin my night. And quite frankly I was too drunk to give a rat’s ass. I started jumping around dancing crazily to the songs his band was playing. I had to give it to him; they were all really talented; I could see them going really far.

I’m not sure what came over me, but at one point I grabbed hold of Max and started grinding my hips into his. I’m gonna blame it on the alcohol and the fact that Max is so damn hot. He didn’t push me away, so I continued to practically rub my whole body on his. I was getting really turned on and the alcohol war really going to my head. I grabbed a hold of Max’s shirt and pulled his lips to mine kissing him with everything I had. The strange thing was that he kissed back; he must be as drunk as I am.

All of a sudden I felt something wet being thrown over both Max and I. I pulled out of the kiss and looked around until I found the source of the liquid. Alex stood there on stage with an empty cup in his hand looking shocked at what he had just done. I glared at him and was about to march up on stage and slap him when out of nowhere Max climbed on stage and swung his fist right at Alex’s face.

All hell broke out after that. Max and Alex were throwing punches left and right at each other. A few guys from the crowd had started fighting as well; though for whatever reason I’m not sure. Paul, Matt, and Sam were trying to pry Alex and Max off of each other. I just stood there watching in bewilderment; I couldn’t believe that Alex got jealous enough to throw a drink while I was kissing Max. Didn’t he realize that I was drunk and Max was gay?

After what seemed like an eternity, the guys pulled them off each other. Max walked away with busted lip, whereas Alex was a bit more bruised and bloodied. His lip was busted as well and his nose was bleeding. He would most likely have a black eye in the morning too. I had to admit that he looked ruggedly sexy all beaten like that. None of that changed the fact that I was still hurt by what he said.

I walked up to him and slapped him on the cheek as hard as I could. I felt satisfied that I had caused him a small form of pain. He looked at me shocked that I would even hit him. Hell I was even shocked that I did it. I turned and walked over to Max.

“You ok?” I asked tenderly while lightly brushing my finger over his busted lip.

“Yeah Maddie I’m fine. Are you ok?”

“Why wouldn’t I be ok? I mean yeah you did just beat the shit out of my boyfriend, but he deserved it. I’m sorry I kissed you like that; I had way too much to drink tonight.” I said slightly ashamed.

“It’s cool Maddie. You wanna stay the night tonight. I’ll get up and drive you to school then I can pick you up and help you pack. I’m so excited to have you live with me.”

“Yeah that’d be awesome. I can’t believe we stayed out this late when I have school in the morning. God I’m gonna have the hangover from hell.” I groaned as we walked out to his car and climbed in.

“Serves you right!” he laughed as he drove. I slapped his arm and laughed along with him.

When we got to the apartment he gave me a pair of boxers and a shirt to change into. I walked into the bathroom and got ready for bed. What a night tonight turned out to be. Thank goodness I had Max.

I walked back into his bedroom and crawled into bed next to him. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I sighed quietly thinking I had no idea what to do with Alex. He may have hurt me today, but the feelings were still there. I guess I’ll just have to deal with this in the morning. I snuggled closer to Max and closed my eyes falling into a peaceful sleep.

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