Kidnapping the WRONG Brother...

By SeekingAndromeda_

4.5M 227K 101K

Cole's life has never been his. For as long as he could remember, his one job in life was to play the role of... More

Feeling [M]
Q & A
Love [M]
Banquet [M]
Meeting [M]
Desire [M]
Research [M]
Vacation [M]
New Book 😁


46.6K 2.2K 789
By SeekingAndromeda_

[A/N] psst, sorry for the single chapter the other one will be updated tomorrow! I was super busy today so I only had time to finish this one up ahhh

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, and hydrated! 😌

E r o s

Am I glowing?

Probably not but the marks on my skin certainly seemed to be. The bright red marks Cole left behind were nothing to sneeze at but unlike me who never really remembered to place them in an inconspicuous place, Cole's were all below my collar bone.

He could have left a few a bit higher and give me something to brag about but oh well. Thinking about him made me remember what happened a little earlier.

I was trying to get out of bed but only managed to stumble out before falling to the ground and Cole thought I had hurt myself. The worried expression on his face as he rushed out of bed to help me was just so cute, I wanted to tease him but the pain in my back was keeping me from doing so.

I was feeling a bit better after my shower and now I was totally ready for something to eat since we had pretty much spent most of the afternoon fooling around and it was now evening.

I was surprised Harvey hadn't barged in here at some point since he usually did that, he gets pretty bored in his room and comes to bother us for entertainment.

As Cole was in the shower, I checked my phone and saw a message from Alistair.

'Rocco has set the next meeting date for Friday, I'll have Renard text you the details of the location. I'll be in a call meeting before ours so I won't be able to travel with you this time'

Sighing, I replied before turning my phone off. I didn't need that guy having my number but I held my tongue since that's all I could really do in this situation.

Renard hadn't really done much since his initial taunting and I wasn't exactly sure what he was waiting on, but I refused to put anything past him. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me on edge, I couldn't be bothered to sit here and worry about when he's going to strike.

I just wanted this trip to end, the month was almost finished with only a week and a half left so hopefully that time will sail quickly.

Hearing the door open, I turned to Cole to see if he was ready and I nearly dropped my phone in shock when Cole appeared with just a towel wrapped around his waist, droplets of water trailing down his beautiful form as he headed to one of the drawers.

I guess he forgot to grab clothes before going in but he wasn't gonna need them in a minute or so.

Shaking my head, I scolded myself. We're supposed to be getting something to eat and I already made the decision of choosing sex over food earlier. I couldn't do that again...or could I?

Once again, the scales in my mind were struggling to make their decision. Sin on one side and food on the other but I tried not to let the scale tip to the wrong side as I tore my eyes away from Cole.

My carnal desires were hard to keep at bay but out of respect for our stomachs, I forced myself to shove them away.

Good job, Eros, good job.

~ Friday ~

"Are you kiddies ready?" Harvey asked as he approached us.

"Need I remind you that I'm older than you?" I said with a raised brow and Harvey snorted.

"Age doesn't matter if you've got the mind of a kid" Harvey said and I deadpanned.

"You would know about that, wouldn't you?" I said and Harvey just stuck his nose up.

"Touché" he said before getting in the car.

Cole just shook his head at us before following suit and I got in the driver's seat. After putting the directions in the GPS, we were off.

I was curious as to how this meeting would go down this time and whether or not Rocco was going to agree. I didn't see a reason for him not to since our offer was as good as it gets, he'd have to be stupid to say no.

"Hey, boss. This doesn't really look like the kind of place you would have a meeting in" Harvey said from his seat in the back and I snapped out of my thoughts to take a look around.

Harvey was very much so right, this area was vacant save from a few buildings and I checked to see if I had made a wrong turn while I was spacing out, but just then the navigator announced that we have arrived at our destination.

"Arrived at your destination my ass, I'm not fucking walking in there. Everyone knows what happens in the movies when you go in those shady buildings" Harvey said with a shake of his head.

Checking that I hadn't entered in the wrong location, I found myself wanting to slam my head against the wheel.

"Well isn't this lovely" I grumbled as I looked at the time. We were going to be late thanks to this and I did not want to be late to such an important meeting.

And I knew for a fact that this wrong address business was not an accident, that little rat purposefully sent the wrong location. I'll be so glad when this is all over because I'm going to thoroughly strangle the life out of his beady little eyes until there's nothing left.

I couldn't believe he had the audacity to pull a stunt like this, at such a crucial time as well.

Renard knows this next meeting was the deciding factor of our time here, so why was he trying to ruin this for Alistair? Or maybe he was just trying to push me out of the picture?

Irritation settling in, I gripped my phone.

I couldn't call Alistair since he had mentioned he would be in a different meeting prior to ours so I sucked up my hatred and called Renard.

"Well hello Eros" the voice that I've now come to loathe filled my ears and I gripped the wheel tightly.

"What is the actual address?" I gritted out and laughter filled my ear.

"If I told you that would defeat the purpose of me sending you out there, now wouldn't it?" Renard said.

"And what exactly was that purpose?" I said but once again, Renard dodged my question.

"Mm, it's a surprise" he said.

"I don't have time for your games" I replied monotonously.

I was just very done with the entire situation and my will to care is slipping with each and every passing second of this conversation.

When do I get to kill him?

"Oh but this isn't a game at all. It's very real, don't you get it? When you don't show up, that'll be like an insult to the very man you called a picky beggar not too long ago. But that's okay, I'll be here to smooth things over for you" He said.

So my suspicions were right.

"Count your fucking days" was all I said in response.

"I sure will be. You have fun now" Renard said before the call ended with a click, making me stare at it in confusion.

"What the fuck does he mean by 'have fun'?" I muttered.

"I think that's what he means" Cole said as he pointed outside of his window.

There were some men coming out of the building that we'd arrived in front of and I just threw my phone in the back.

"Oh good, I love dishing out an ass whooping on a Friday morning" I said as I unbuckled my seat.

"Wait, we can just reverse it out of here. Do we have to fight?" Harvey whined.

"I don't care what you do, I'm irritated and want to punch someone so I'm getting out" I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Cole, do something! Your boyfriend has lost it!" Harvey cried but I just tuned him out.

Slipping off my jacket, I tossed it in the car before slamming the door. My pent up anger from over the past weeks was finally reaching its point and what better way to release it than smashing some faces in?

I could hear the sound of the car doors opening and closing, letting me know that Cole and Harvey weren't too far behind me.

Once making eye contact with one of the men, he charged at me as I grew closer but I dodged his hit and retaliated with a punch of my own. He ducked and went in for an uppercut but I moved my head back and kicked him in his abdomen successfully getting him away from me.

As another man came up on my right, I stepped back as he punched but before he could reel his arm back in I grabbed it and pulled him into a headlock.

With the man in a headlock, I was intent on knocking his lights out but just then a man came flying on the ground next to us, making me pause and look.

The man was out cold and not surprisingly, Cole was standing not too far away.

A man was coming up on his six but before he could grab Cole, he side stepped and lifted his leg to deal a round house kick on the man, making him fall back.

The man tried to recover but Cole was quick to deal another kick to his head, making the man fall unconscious.

"God he's so hot when he's kicking ass" I said as I slowly began to tighten my grip around the man's neck in my arms.

"Yeah" the man choked out.

I snapped my head at the guy in the headlock and furrowed my brows.

"What?" I said.

"What?" He replied.

Oh yeah, he's gotta die now.

It didn't take long for us to clear these guys out, they weren't really anything to be worried about since I'm pretty sure they're only meant to keep us here and stall for time.

"What do we do now?" Harvey asked as he wiped his hands on his pants.

"I'm going to end this stupid little charade as soon as those two get back from that meeting" I said, plain and simple.

"Wait when you say end it, you mean like end it or end it" Harvey asked and I just looked at him.

"Okay you mean end it, that's cool. Thank god it's Friday, am I right?" Harvey joked but I was hardly amused.

"Keep talking and you're next" I said before heading to the car.

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