Richard Ayoade's Disenchantme...

Oleh TheDaleyFlames

27.4K 487 156

A prince from another kingdom came to another kingdom so he could find something what is worth his time. But... Lebih Banyak

Y/n's Voice
More of Y/n's voice
Donald Glover's vocal transformation
Y/n's new voice. Donald Glover as Maurice Moss
One track lover by Prince Y/n
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Y/n's voice choice: 🌟 Voice Showdown! Which One's the Best? 🌟

Chapter 6

585 16 6
Oleh TheDaleyFlames

It appears that a large fest was being held right at the kingdom. Some people were coming with some presents to give to the king. Y/n and Bean were there as well. Bean was seated while Y/n was standing aside.

Herald Next to present their bountiful harvest for his majesty's blessing and immediate confiscation, he's a farmer with six teeth and she's his wife with none. Ole and Alice!

They both came forward with wheat in their hands.

Odval then whispered to Zog.

Odval: That is wheat, your highness. Wheat.

Zog: What?

Odval: Wheat.

Zog: What?

Odval: Wheat.

Zog: What?

Odval: Wheat.

Zog: What?

Odval: Wheat.

Zog: What?

Odval: Wheat.

Zog: What? Ah, I'm just screwing with you, liven things up a little. Gimme the thing, will you?

Odval then gave him some sort of staff.

Zog: Blessing to you, from your greasy hair to your filthy, ripped-up shoes.

Odval: Those are his feet, your highness.

Zog: Those are feet?

Farmer: Well, it's understandable. They are leathery. Plus, laces are holding the skin on.

Zog: Next!

Herald: Tedrick the Shepard and Daisy, the one sheep you haven't eaten yet.

A man with a sheep came right by.

Man: I made you the biggest, itchiest wool sweater I could, but if it's too snug, you can give it to your fat, wimpy son.

Zog: Eh, we'll give it to Bean. She doesn't care at all about your appearance. Bean, thank this nice creep so he'll move along.

He saw that she was gone.

Zog: Where'd she go?

Derek: She said if I told you, she's hurt, Mr.Bear.

He noticed that the bear's head was missing anyways.

Derek: What?

Zog: I only ask that girl to do two things: sit there and stay sober. And she never does neither. Gimme my damn scepter.

Zog took his staff and began swinging it all around before tossing it right away.

Next scene.

The toss of his staff was so powerful that it was able to hit right inside of the bar.

Bean: Nice toss, dad. The next round's on Zog.

The staff landed on some guy's head.

Bean: Give this guy a double.

Man: Well, aren't you sweet.

Y/n was there as well but he wasn't drinking anything because he isn't a heavy drinker.

Y/n: You know, I must say Bean, you really k is how to make your dad get all angry.

Bean: What can I say? Seeing him angry make my day.

Y/b: So, is there anything else that you have in mind other than that. I mean, I could try some things all around for you. For example, something like this.

He picked up Luci and then tossed it right into a man's head.

Man: Hey! Who threw that at me.

And just like that, a fight erupts in the bar.

Y/n: Starting trouble. That is something that is fun to do. Did you get something fun to do?

Bean: Here's something. We could name that person by giving out some specific facts.

Y/n: I got one. I'll get first. Okay, who's white-headed, buck-teeth, and is a degenerate who is an aggressive drinker and doesn't play by the rules in the kingdom. That should be an easy one.

Bean: Wow, that actually does hurt a little bit.

Y/n: You said to give out some specific facts, I can't give up my chance for this. Come on.

Bean:(sighs) I'll go next. So here's a good one. Who's this. (groans) " I got killed by a chair."

Y/n: "Because my fiancée was a careless buck-tooth stuck-up princess who didn't want to get married.

Bean: Hey!

Y/n: Don't hate me because it's true.

Luci: Oh, oh, oh. One of your fiancés? That guy you murdered? What's his name, the forgettable.., Guysbert.

Bean: Ding, ding, ding! Whoo!

They all clang their mugs together and began drinking.

Y/n: You know, this is a whole lot better than going around and chasing a princess around. And anyway, there's this product that I want you to try.

Bean: What is it?

Y/n: It's a white powder. It's basically drugs for anger if you're tired of being happy all the time. Allow me to demonstrate.

He inhaled the drugs and his pupils dilate. He began to stay in place and not do anything.

Elfo: Are you sure that it really works cause all your doing is sitting there and doing nothing.

Y/n: It probably takes a while, you just have to wait some mo- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!

Elfo: Whoa, whoa.


Luci: Okay, maybe you should just lay off this stuff for a while.


Bean: Okay, Y/n, you need to calm down.


Bean: Hey, you're not my dad.


Bean: Well, that is true.


He ran around the bar and began assaulting people.

Luci: Okay, I'm next. " I'm a big, fat king, and I'm married to a salamander, and my daughter has a dangerous drinking problem."

Bean: Zog! Drink!

Y/n then appears and grabbed Bean's drink away.


He turned over the table nearby and began beating more people up.

Elfo: Alright. me next. Me next. Guess who this is. "Hi. I'm Elfo."

Luci: Oh, oh, I know. The guy with the goofy shoes, reeks of flop sweat and Licorice... oh, yes really annoying. What's his name? I wanna say Elfo?

Elfo:(Chuckles) Not even close. It's me. I'm Elfo.

Bean: Good try? Let's drink anyway, right?

Y/n then came back and smacked right upside the head.


Bean: Hay man.

Luci: What?

Bean: No, they've almost finished the hay man.

Luci: What, the hay man?

Bean: What the hey, man? I'm talking about the hay man for the harvest bonfire. It's the best night of the year, but Zog never lets me go. He doesn't trust me cause he thinks I'm just a dumb kid.

Elfo: That's do dad you never get to go.

Bean. No, no, I go every year. He just never let me.

Luci: Hmm. I can't quite figure out why he doesn't trust you.

Bean: All right. We got a big day tomorrow. Let's grab one last drink for the road.

Bean then picked up a barrel from the table It before she left, Y/n grabbed the big barrel and smashed it open right down on Luci.

Y/n: Hey, look at that, the effects wore off, and for you know, it wore off before I smashed the barrel because that pussy was a totally twat and his pain brings me joy.

Next scene.

Bean, now drink sneaks her way back into her room on a rope hook while Y/n went the other way. Y/n doesn't quite know if his life right here is okay because he felt like he is totally trapped in here but he have to make what he likes of here. He then fetches himself a mug of tea and began sipping because he really does have a big day coming right up ahead.

Y/n: You know, fellas, it has been a real good while, being here with you and I do look forward to having another loving moment out you.

Royal man: It would be a great while because we will be there to have your back, sire. And I will promise you, no clowning around.

A man dressed up as a clown appeared behind him.

Clown: Fine, if you want it to be that way. Jerk.

Next scene.

Everyone were now aboard the boat now.

Luci: Aren't ambassadorships usually just given to rich chumps to make them feel important?

Bean: Yeah, and it's working. Express boat to Dankmire.

The boat was moving real slowly so it was quite boring.

Y/n: I can fetch some of my men so we could toss them overboard and make it more interesting.

The boat keeps moving through the river and now into the swamp where are so creature that are lurking in the darkness.

Elfo: We're almost there. I'm so excited. My skin is breaking out in sprinkles.

Luci: Those are mosquito bites.

Elfo: I'm scratching with excitement.

Zog: Hey, hey, peewee, no bleeding. Your blood belongs to me.

Y/n leaned up against the edge to look all almighty out there because he is at somewhere that seems to be quite dangerous. And dangerous so happens to be his middle name.

Y/b: You know, these type of situation have to be my favorite because it gets quite exciting out here and battling out monsters.

Elfo: Like do you seriously think of anything else beside being cool.

Y/n: Why of course I do. For example. I read stories about how heroes protects people from monsters that lurks all around and so thought that it may be a good time that I became like those heroes in the book of that is all right by you. But anyways, here we go.

It wasn't too long before the ship came through the gates of Dankmire.

Elfo: Wow, beautiful.

Bean: Oona, you grew up here, can you just tell me about this place and I'll try to decipher your accent.

Oona: Don't worry. Every visitor to Dankmire receives a famously warm welcome.

The boat was finally at its destination.

Dankmirian: You are two minutes late.

Bean: "Warm refers to the sweltering temperature, not the notoriously grim locals."

Luci: Hmm, this is where Oona gets her sense of humor.

Oona: Is true. I was class clown. Is joke. Or is?

She then walked off of the boat.

Y/n: She's funny, I'll give her that.

Bean: Just wait until you get to know the rest of her.

Everyone then walked off.

Bean: Dankmirians love protocols. They consider it rude to bow without bowing first.

Luci: I can tell already sucks-

Bean:... ceeds at....

Luci: Blowing-

Bean: Away our expectations. Your highness, on behalf of all of Dreamland, May I just say thank you for this charming reception.

Dankmirian king: And we thank you for your thank you.

They all bow and grunts while Luci mimicked them which result in Bean kicking him into the swamp water.

Y/n: Good job there Bean.

Zog: Hey, hey, now that's diplomacy. Show us what else you got.

Bean: Mr. Chancellor, we are at your disposal and keen to experience more of your local culture. What's next?

Chancellor: A play, in 16 acts.

Bean: Ah.

Chancellor: Performed by children.

Bean then let out a fake laugh of excitement.

Everyone all walked to where the play is being held.

Y/n: You know, I removed my first play. It was one of the greatest that I have ever been to. A man would constantly stalk around a woman that he loves and then one faithful day, she pushed him into the ocean and then he drowns. Yeah, good times.

After they were done watching, Bean was told that she will give a speech which is the thing thing that made her so nervous because she doesn't k is how she will do on the speech. At dinner, Bean was still in so much doubt.

Y/n: Don't worry, Bean. I'm sure that your heart will give in for you because my grandmother says that me and look how I turned out.

Luci: You turned out to be a pretentious douche.

Y/n: Oh really? Ah, maybe a tiny bit true but atleast I'm a weird cat looking demon. Oh and Bean, you doubt yourself way too much and I believe that there is so much in you that you haven't let out yet.

Bean: I don't know, man. It's just that I've never written anything before.

The Royal men came by and brought some flowers.

Bean: No, thank you.

Y/n: Just accept it as some sort of gratitude, princess because it will really help you. It will help you know that you have someone. And we do have the best drinks that have no alcohols.

Y/n clap his hands and his men brought some drinks. Luci and Elfo got some alcoholic beverages while Bean got some grape juice with no alcohol.

Y/n: That should help you.

Bean: Thanks.

Luci then pour some of his Alcoholic beverage in her drink before she looked.

Bean: You know, I don't even miss the alcohol at all.

She drank down more of the drinks that had alcohol poured in it by Luci. After all of that, Y/n then helped Bean get right on her feet and then to help her get looking. He noticed that she was acting kinda strange, so he thought that it would be best for him to let her rest now.

Next scene.

Zog: Where the hell is Bean? I've got a lot riding in that girl.

Elfo: She... no.... She's.... Who?

Y/n: I just let her rest because after a long day, it seems that she would really appreciate it the best.

Luci: She's here. Take it away Bean.

Bean then came in there, acting all drunk and wearing her robe, the wrong way.

Chancellor: Here ceremonial robe. It's backwards.

Bean: Whoops-a-daisies. Let me give it a spinneroo.

She then did a quick spin around.

Zog: Aw, Jeez. What are you doing?

She then covered her up.

Y/n: You know, dear princess Tiabeanie, she knows how to joke around. Ain't that right?

Elfo: It's not her fault.

Luci: That's right. It's your fault. You didn't stop me.

Bean: You should be proud of me, Dad. I finished my speech and all the nachos.

Zog: You're in no shape to deliver any speech. Sit down and shut up. I'll get Derek to give the speech. He's part Dankmirian. Atleast he appeals to someone.

Bean: What? You're gonna entrust the future of our kingdom to that twerp?

Zog: Considering that twerp is heir to the throne .Whom the future of our kingdom already rests, yeah.

Bells were then rung.

Chancellor: Let us feast.

Everyone were all served their dish. It was known as Lamprey Vivant. Y/n poked at the creatures that was still alive. He never eaten anything like this before but it would be rude if he doesn't clear his plate. He slowly gobbled them right down his throat so he could enlist them. Bean on the other hand picked up one and tried to eat it but she doesn't couldn't do it. Derek seems to be enjoying his meal.

Zog: Listen, boy, your sister is a little under the weather. And under the table. So, why don't you stand up and say few words? Just butter em witha nice toast.

Derek: Okay, I'll try.

Derek stood up and began to say something.

Derek: Hello, there. My name is Bonnie Prince Derek of Dreamland. I am here tonight to butter your nice toast. Right, dad?

Zog facepalmed.

Derek: Expect, I don't know how to. My nanny always does it for me. Sometimes, I like marmalade, too. Have you ever had apple butter? That's something I might also have.

Y/n stood from his chair so he could say a few word.

Y/n: Hello, I am Prince Y/n. I do find your service to be quite a gift. More of a treat. You really know how to treat your guest well and make them feel welcome.

He tried his best not to throw up because he might have ate too much of them.

Y/n: And I think it best that we get together and butter down all our toast and some more meals.

Before he could go on, he was interrupted by Bean.

Bean: Hold that thought, Y/n.

Bean stood from her chair and on the table.

Bean: Ladies and gentlemen, I am the honorable ambassador Tiabeanie Mariabeanie Dr la Rochambeuax Drunkowitz. Remember the name. Remember the face. Remember the time you had that play and my dad was the fat kid? That was awesome. I'm so sorry that we had that long war. I mean, that sucked. But I think we can all agree one thing: we kicked your asses.

Everyone all gasped.

Y/n: And we all got together and had a drink about all of this. They didn't kick your asses that hard because... you know what? I'm just gonna stop because I'm just making it worst.

Bean: Hey, look at this. I got sleeves like a bat.

She begin to flip around like an actual bat.

Luci: Hey, bat bean fly over here.

She began to do what Luci told her.

Bean: Watch it. Watch out, or I'm gonna...

Luci: Ooh! Hang upside down.

Zog: Uh, so, in conclusion, Dreamland never had a better friend than Dankmire and I hope that never changes.

Everyone then look to see Bean hanging upside down right from the ceiling. And not too long after, her dress then came down. Y/n tried to cover up his sight but he ended up peeking right through his fingers anyways.

Bean: Wearing dresses is hard.

Y/n: Well, if you stand on your feet, maybe it would be a lot easier for you to wear them.

Zog: Pay no attention to the naked ambassador on the Chandelier.

Bean then puked all over the chancellor before falling down. Zog went over to the Chancellor to try and clean it off of him.

Zog: Let me clean that.

Chancellor: Stop, you're just smearing it around. This is an outrage.  By appointing Ambassador Tiabeanie, you've told us everything we need to know about our alliance. It is over. This is war! Again. Guards! Busboys! seize them!

Everyone all ran as they came right at them.

Luci: Just once, can we go on a family vacation without having to run away screaming.

Y/n: Shut up! This is all your fault!

He smacked Luci on the head.

Luci: Ow!

Everyone all made it at the boat.

Bean: Hold them off while I untie the barge.

Luci: I'll stop those jerks dead in their tracks.

Y/n: You know it would be better if you would just be given to them for causing all of this.

Luci bows as they got closer and that was enough fit Bean to untie the boat.

Bean: Okay, let's go, come on.

Everyone all got on board and paddled away. The Dankmirian closes the gate as it was about to get through. As they close the gate, the boat was broken in half. The dankimiran then hooked the boat and then began to drag them.

Zog: Great job, Bean. I hope you can sense my sarcasm through your drunken haze.

Bean: Yeah, Yeah, I stink.

Y/n: You got that right princess. No wonder why your single. You ain't act right.

Bean: Ouch, you didn't have to go that deep. Derek get on dad's back's.

Everyone all walked on their paddles and began to get go all the way through swamp.

Derek: And as we got through the swamp, I began to realize my clothes had grown muddy.

Zog: Hey! I told you to stop narrating your memoirs.

Bean: Man, k really blew it. I was crazy to think I could be a an ambassador.

Luci: See, this why I'm always telling you not to try things.

Elfo: Stop it. You're too discouraging.

Luci: You're too encouraging.

Elfo: Oh, yeah? Why don't you do something about it? Come on. I'm encouraging you

Luci then hit Elfo in the stomach with his tail. And after that him and Elfo got into a little fight. Y/n then pulled Luci by the tail and then slammed right down on the ground repeatedly.

Luci: Ow. Why just me?

Elfo: You know what you are? Bad. From the tip of your pointy tail to the tips of your pointy ears.

Luci: Ho, ho! You wanna come at me about some pointy ears? Have you ever seen your reflection?

Elfo then into the water to look at his ears.

Elfo: I'm a freak.

Luci then laughed before Elfo's charged right at him and tackled him. They got into a bitter fight.

Bean: Stop it. Stop. You both have super weird ears.

Y/n then grabbed a hold of Luci before strangling him.

Y/n: Listen here, you little pest. Everything would have gone perfect if it haven't been for you. So I suggest that you keep quiet before anything else goes wrong.

He then throws Luci then down and then kicks him right to the face.

Luci: Ow!

Y/ : I really do hope that we get out of here and I really wish there could be a way that we could dish Luci because right now this strange demon cat is getting on my last nerves.

Luci then smacked him in the eye with his tail.

Y/n: Ow! Why you little-

He grabbed him by the throat and began choking him while Elfo followed up by punching him as well.

Bean: Guys, that's enough.

She pulled everyone away.

Bean: The next one who lays hands on the other, will get left behinds.

Luci smacked Y/n and Elfo with his tail.

Y/n: Oh, I'm gonna squeezed you until your eyes pops out.

Bean: Congratulations, guys. You're the first people in history to make say " I'd rather be with my dad."

Y/n: Well atleast when you're with me, you get to bear people up and rob for the thrill of things cause you're bad princess.

There was some sound that could be heard far away.

Bean: Dad?

Everyone all followed through into the woods. There was a growling coming in the swamp and it could be a dangerous swamp monster which spooks everyone.

Y/n: We should Otis my see what that is.

As they walk through the swamp, there was sudden swamp monster that jumped in front of everyone. Y/n pushed everyone back and charged at the monster in a fearless manner. When I charged it tongue at him, he dodged out of the way and took out a dagger and stabbed the beast in the eye, the moment that it came at him. He wrapped it's tongue around its neck and strangled it to death.

Y/n: Anyone hungry?

He later fried the monster over a fire before going to further into the swamp. Noticing a cabin, they walked to see Derek and Zog tied over a skillet ready to be eaten.

Bean: Nobody fried my dad.

Dankmirian hillbilly: Yeah? Which one of y'all gonna stop us! Skinny girl? Skinny cat? Gross baby? Muscle man?

Elfo:(Chuckles) he called you a gross a baby.

Bean: Y/n, Elfo, Luci, let's show these Yokels how we city folks do things.

Before they could get the chance to do anything, they were all knocked out cold by a pan by the other hillbilly.

Dankmirian Hillbilly2: You know when we got the set I never thought these little ones would come in handy.

Everyone were tied to a pole so that they could be fed to the swank monster.

Dankmirian Hillbilly2: Since y'all was screaming like babies in the frying pan, we gone to plan b: feed you to the monster raw.

Everyone all screamed except Y/n.

Y/n: Well good, I never taste that well with my skin all that cooked up.

Dankmirian Hillbilly2: Okay, plan c: 'Stuff 'em with breadcrumbs.

Zog: No! No!

Before he could get the chance to continue, his mouth was stuffed with breadcrumbs.

Bean: Don't be rude, dad. Let's respect the customs of our colorful hosts. May I propose a toast? I got some low grade pocket hooch in my booty flask. Please accept it as a gift from my kingdom to your... this.

Dankmirian Hillbilly2: Well, thank you, miss, uh...

Zog: This is the honorable ambassador Tiabeanie...

Bean: Shh. I'm Bean, okay? Help yourself.

Dankmirian: Oh. That's right kindly of you. I guess maybe there's a world where I could let y'all go, and we could be friends.

Zog: Yeah. Hey, both you hicks, drink up.

Y/n: Yeah, that's really good for you. It'll boost your courage, you hicks.

Dankmirian hillbilly: What did they just call us?

Damkimirian hillbilly2: I believe they called us, Slim.

Dankmirian Hillbilly: Oh, they should not have done that.

Dankmirian hillbilly2: I should've knowed it. All you royals are the same. You think we're all just bunch of unsophisticated, backwoods, know-nothing' yokels who don't know nothin' ! Well, I'll tell you what we do know.

Dankmirian hillbilly: What do we know?

Dankmirian hillbilly: We know we about to feed them to the swamp monster. Cause you know that swamp monster don't take no for an answer. He comes at you when you least ex-

Before he could get the chance to finish his sentence, the swamp monster came and ate the both of them whole. Most everyone's shock, they all screamed. The monster then prepared to attack but Bean broke free of her hold and took down the monster, punching it in the eyes, making it retreat.

Y/n: Wow, princess, you may be something more than I could ever imagine.

After that, she then freed everyone.

Y/n: I must be honest about you... you know what I think?

Bean: Than I more than just a crazy drinker and more to your expectations?

Y/n: No, I was gonna be brutally honest and say that you're just a no-good that gets nothing good done and you should probably give up on life because you never take responsibilities but that was good of what you did back there. And I personally think that there is something good that will come of you. I have something for you.

Bean: Oh, really?

Y/n: Yeah.

Bean: Like what? I could know there's something good that you have more me.

Y/n: Indeed I do.

Next scene.

Bean was then cast with feed some chickens in a farm. She doesn't like all that hyped.

Y/n: I know it seems easy, but I must assure you that is is way harder than it seems.

Bean: Don't worry, I got this.

She got her bag of chicken food and was ready to feed them but they all piled on her and began to picking at her.

Next scene.

Y/n: I see that you have failed chicken feeding but now it's have something else for you. It's for you delivered some packages.

He handed the package to Bean.

Bean: Okay, I got this.

She was delivering the packages, but she was yelled at and pulled over by some angry customers.

Next scene.

Y/n: Alright, last task. This one is something that women are not allowed to join in on. But let me assure that I treat women like I treat my men.

Bean: Cool, so what are we doing now?

Y/n then took off his upper body clothes and inhaled some crack.

Y/n: Defend yourself.

Bean: What was that?

Before she have time to reaction, Y/n then punched her square in the face, causing her nose to bleed.

Bean: Ow! What the hell?

Y/n: This here, is called sparring and they don't let many women join because they're afraid that we might the hurt woman. But I'm here, is all about equal right when it comes to things like this. Now defend yourself.

Bean: I'm not so sure about-

She was punched square in the face again mid sentenced and this time, it send her to the ground.

Y/n: Pile-driver time!

He then lift Bean up.

Y/n: This is like my signature move on the bed but only this gives pain.

He then slammed her down before using his men as boost and slammed himself down, elbow to Bean's rib. Elfo and Luci were watching all of this.

Elfo: Should we help her?

Luci: Nah... the pain will help her grow.

( Punch landing and Bean in the background: Help!)

Y/n them smashed a chair over her head before he chased her with his giant hammer and smashing a glass vase over her head. Y/n pinned to the ground.

Y/n: Sometimes, it good to fight dirty.

Bean: You're right.

Bean then kneed him in the good and got him in armlock.

Y/n: Very good, Bean. But not good enough.

He then tosses her on the ground. He helped her up on her feet.

Y/n: Oh and if you want to be tough. You should always know how to take a hit.

He then headbutts her to the ground before chucking her to a nearby table.

Next scene.

Bean was badly bruised from last time.

Y/n: You know, it isn't about winning. It's about taking the pain. And you took some great pain. And that is what I call a strong woman.

Bean: Thanks.

Bean took a sip from the beer from which she given to only spit out.

Bean: What the hell? What's in this?

Y/n: And you're too trusting. Let that sink in. Nothing beats putting horse sticky goo in your enemy's beer.

Bean: Screw this.

Bean then leaves.

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