I Am A Prince

By mefait

37.7K 1.2K 98

[WMMAP fanfiction] It is true when someone says death is only the path to the next adventure, then again it d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

3K 115 9
By mefait

"What are these filthy bugs doing in my palace?"

Simultaneously, both of them turned around to the new voice that filled their ears; Athanasios slightly stood in front of her, seeing as he had wanted to grab her attention before the new voice arrived.

His heart stopped at what he was seeing, the man-

It was-

Blonde hair-

Blue jewelled eyes-

It was the Emperor... it was their father- Claude De Alger Obelia.

The tall man looked down at them with narrowed eyes. The area around them started to feel tense at the sudden situation.

'What is he doing here?!'

He heard a clash, he didn't look at all, he knew what it was- it was the stupid bag Athanasia had with her, he winced as he heard the coins rolling around the floor- 'great, he's going to think we're thieves now.'

He couldn't really say much with how the green jewel he had in his grip slipped from his grip as well, only a second apart from her mistake.

The cold eyes of the Emperor glared down at them, "That face, I've seen it before." The man said coldly- he was looking at Athanasia... 'Lillian had always said that Athy had looked more like their mother. Was that what he meant by that? Was he seeing the similarities between them?'

".. Yes", he muttered under his breath, as an image came to mind as he stared at the child, "It was that dancer from Siodonna?" he said again.

Athanasios' eyes twitched at the statement, 'Is he trying to say he doesn't even remember our mother? Oh heavens, dude barely even remembers our mother, so how in God's name would he remember we exist.'

"You look like that wench." He spoke again.


He started to feel angry with every word coming from this man's mouth- He took a step forward, glaring up at the man, a glare similar to his own a red knight noticed.

His hand pointed at the 'emperor', "How dare you!" he growled out. He had no right to disrespect her. He should let her rest in peace, not-


He looked back as his hand dropped. Of course, it was Athanasia, she was shivering in fear, yet she had enough courage to yell his name- she was afraid. She didn't want her brother to die.

He huffed as he looked back at the Emperor. He had an amused look on his face, which only annoyed Athanasios further, not just an amused gaze but a smirk to follow.

"Of course, the wench had to have two of them, and it seems one of them has courage." He spoke again, the amusement laced in his voice.

The man's hand reached to where they were standing, "Then again, it doesn't matter who they came from."

Athanasios stood perfectly in front of Athanasia. She was scared; he knew it. She was still shaking. As he stood in front of her again, she grabbed his hand tightly.

"Your majesty", another voice sounded.

Athanasios followed the voice and was faced with a red-headed man, but that focus was broken as the Emperor was in front of him- he clenched his jaw as the man used a finger to lift his chin up as he stared.

He glanced towards Athanasia, who was standing behind the boy and gave an amused chuckle, "And I think I remember what that wrench decided to name both of you."


"And I believe the other was Athanasia- yes, Athanasios and Athanasia."

Athanasia was frozen in fear as the manmade eye contact with her. Her heart was pounding loudly against her ribcage, her mouth slightly opened as it dried, and she could only grip the hand she had wrapped around her brothers' hand even tighter as it shook.

As the Emperor looked into the past, "Bugs, who couldn't even lift their heads." The man's grip on Athanasios' chin tightened, making him wince at the pain.

"You've grown -"

Before the man could finish his sentence, Athanasia grew some courage as her heart only pounded faster as she pushed Athanasios away from her, which in turn tore the Emperor's grip off.

"You! Leave brother Athan alone!" she yelled- well, she tried. As she did, her voice was drowned by another sound.





He winced again at the sounds. The sounds of the jewels and coins rolling and moving about in front of them didn't exactly help their case either.

...She had another bag of jewels? How convenient... of all the moments for her other bag to fall, it had to be right this very moment, the moment that seemed as though their 'father' was deciding whether to kill them or not.

He watched as a red ruby rolled towards the emperors' feet; Athanasios couldn't help but find this whole situation amusing, which how he was trying to hold in the laughter that wanted to come out. He turned his head slightly, looking back at his sister to see a horrified look on her face- it was adorable. She really was scared. Of course, she was. Shouldn't he be scared too? Right, he didn't mind if death was close.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he turned toward the Emperor upon hearing a crackling sound. Looking down, he saw the remainings of the red ruby, which the Emperor seemed to have crushed without a second thought, having crushed it with ease. He looked up to see his expression, though it was hard to read. What was this man thinking?

He no longer had a look of anger but mere boredom- the psychopath, was bored?! Then his expression changed once he shifted his gaze from the crushed jewel to the twins. The man looked to the jewel carrier, Athanasia and reached out towards her, passing past Athanasios unexpectedly.

Athanasios hadn't expected it, nor did Athanasia. She looked as though she would piss herself in any moment, have been taking in his arms. Athanasios found his heart racing as he watched his sister be taken.

A look of amusement on the Emperor's face, as once again, the atmosphere seemed to tense as the silence prolonged.

He had lifted her up with ease, staring at her with an unrecognisable expression before he finally spoke.

"You're heavy."



That was it? The big bad emperor body shaming his daughter? It was so sudden- it wasn't something you would expect the man to say- why did he say that!! There was only so much Athanasios could handle, and this wasn't it.

He took shaky breaths as he tried so hard not to laugh, not to let out a sound, not even make any movements since anything could give rise to his laughter. He could already imagine the face of his sister upon hearing that.

It seems everyone and their mother has told Athanasia of her chubbiness.

"You have really chubby cheeks... but I didn't expect you to be this heavy."

Right there and then, he nearly burst into laughter but stopped himself when he saw the cold gaze snap to him suddenly- he then did something that no one expected. The man seemed to be full of surprise as he thoughtlessly threw his sister towards the red-headed knight, who thankfully caught her without any mention.

Athanasios couldn't even register what was going on, seeing as he happened quickly. The hands that were carrying his sister were now carrying him. He looked to the floor than forwards... he was indeed no longer touching the floor.

"This one is lighter... why is the girl heavier shouldn't the boy be heavier? Felix?"

"Ah? Um, well-" the red-headed knight stumbled on his words, not given a chance to form his words.

With a glance towards Athanasia and then back to the child in his grip, he spoke, cutting off his knight. "Now, what were you two doing in my Palace?"

...His Palace?

This place wasn't just a place...


It was a Palace.

Not just any Palace but... THIS PSYCHOPATH'S PALACE!

Of all the places Athanasia had to take a liking to.


He wasn't sure what had happened. It was strange, really, but all things happen for a reason and for some reason, both himself and his sister ended up sitting on a sofa... opposite their terrific father. It was annoying. He just knew they were brought there was his entertainment. The man was staring at them with hard eyes, waiting for something to happen.

What was the man expecting from them? A dance number? If he was, the man was going to be disappointed in his dancing skills since they're non-existent. He hadn't even 'danced' in this new life yet... yet? No, not yet. He would not be trying to do so.

He must say that the sofa they were now sitting in was quite comfortable that he shifted backwards, resting his back against the sofa. While he couldn't be bothered if he were to die today, he knew that wouldn't be the case. If so, wouldn't the Emperor have killed them already?

One second, they're being intimidated by the man and the next, he orders them to have tea with him. He could feel the impending gaze of their father whilst he stared at the food that had been prepared.

It must be Athanasia's best dream come true, with the amount of sugary stuff that was laid there obviously with the thought of children eating.

He looked to his side, wondering why his sister had yet to touch anything presented. Maybe she was didn't want to seem rude in front of the Emperor.

As he turned his gaze, what he saw amused him. She was scared, frozen in fear, it would seem. So, to ease her fear, he thought he would help her out.

He snapped his gaze towards to treats on the table before them, trying to decide which one Athanasia would like best.

Pink, she likes pink. He shifted himself forward on the couch to reach down for the plate with the pink cake, which he assumed was strawberry flavoured, maybe it's raspberry.

"Here, Athy, I'm sure you'll like this one", He spoke out, ending the silence as he handed the plate to Athanasia.

She still didn't move but stared at him, her eyes speaking to him, but he wasn't sure what she was trying to convey through them. He tilted his head unsurely; did she not want it?

He once again pushed the plate forwards for her to take it, and she did. It didn't go unnoticed to him how her hands her slightly shaking.

"Thank you, Athan!" she said with a forced smile, which was placed there for a second, being replaced by an innocent smile.

"Ah, so they speak" They heard another voice speak out, which got both of their attention.

"Why had you not spoken until now? Or even touched the food?" their father spoke again with obvious boredom etched in his tone.

"..." Neither of them said a thing.

Just as Athanasios was going to answer, the red-headed knight that was standing behind their father spoke.

"Pardon me, your majesty, but young children such as the prince and princess's age are known to be very shy in new environments."

Athanasios pondered the assumption and shrugged his shoulders at it.

"Is that so?" the Emperor spoke.

After another moment of silence, the Emperor spoke again, this time an order.


"Yes, your majesty?"

"Leave us."

The knight looked hesitant at the order but was not going to disobey. He looked at the prince and princess with a worried glance as he headed out the door.

"Hmm, Athy and Athan", The Emperor spoke out, testing the names on his tongue with curiosity.

"Pet names, are they? Athanasios and Athanasia... do either of you know the meaning of those names?"

"To dare give her child such a name, to both of them in fact and a girl at that."

"She would have had her limbs ripped off if she had survived the labour."

Hearing that, Athanasios tilted his head slightly, so maybe his mother and the Emperor didn't have much of a good relationship then... seeing as if she was alive, he would have had her limbs taken off of her. How fascinating.

Now that he was seated there listening to this name talk about their names.

Athanasios and Athanasia... both names meaning immortality or even eternity. That was one of the things he had learned in this new life of his when learning about the Obelian Empire.

Names meaning such were only ever given to the official 'first heir' to the throne, and his father's name was Claude, which, not too long ago, he found out, meant... 'Limping'.

'So he is the first Official- wasn't the official heir to the throne, maybe the second born but under unfortunate circumstances had to take the throne due to the loss of the first heir, but surely his parents could have given him a better name not meaning limping but to name him such... he could only assume that his father wasn't even the empress's son because why would she have allowed such a thing.'

With all this in mind now... was there a possibility that he would become the next Emperor since he is the oldest- if, of course, their father didn't disinherit them, which he hasn't officially done or had he?

"Why are you just sitting there? Your brother gave you a plate, yet you have not touched it" The Emperor spoke again, his attention on Athanasia. His eyes turned to his son as they could hear Athanasia fumbling to pick up the small spoon at hearing her father.

"And you, you haven't touched anything yourself. Go ahead and eat," the Emperor spoke to him with a directed look. He could feel his sister's gaze on him as well- she was just hoping he would eat something without any complaints, knowing that he wasn't the biggest fan of sweet things.

He gave a sigh as he stared at the man in front of him, then gradually moved his gaze towards the treats. Sure, he wasn't the biggest fan of sweet things, but he didn't hate them. He just much rather something savoury, something filling like steak- now that was his idea of a good snack.

It has been a while since he has had cake, so he might as well have some now. He stared intensely at the goods in front of him as he decided which one would be ideal.

Athanasia herself had yet to eat any herself, her gaze still on her brother as she gripped the spoon.

"I had ordered them to bring out something kids would like", they heard their father speak again.

"If you don't eat, I will have no choice but to punish the cook", the man continued with a threatening gaze.

Hearing that, Athanasia wasted no time "- thank you for the food!"

Oh... it must be nice to have that much power. Athanasios couldn't help but think that threatening the cook for such an inane matter was absurd.

'Threatening the cook just because we have yet to take a bite out of the food.'

Finally, he grabbed a plate with white frosting with a blueberry on top.

"Yummy", he heard his sister as he just about stuck the fork in the corner of the small cake, pushing the broken piece onto its side.

He then proceeded to scrape the excess icing off of the piece. Finally, he stabbed his fork into the small piece, unintentionally making a crashing sound as the fork and plate bashed together. He could feel both the gaze of his sister and father.

Looking up, he saw his father shifted in place, leaning backwards as he stared down at Athanasios, with furrowed brows.

"Who taught you your manners?" It was a simple question one Athanasios slightly took offence to-. Was he questioning the way he was eating the cake?

Athanasios' lips thinned in a line at the question, while Athanasia shifted in place at his side, no doubt cursing him in her head for not being 'proper' in the presence of the Emperor.

He really wished that he happened to have worked up when he had taken his nap at the tree, or maybe if he had walked up seconds before, he could have seen his sister- or maybe his sister was to blame for liking the place enough to keep visiting but unfortunately there they were seated across from their sperm donor.

Finally, he parted his lips and spoke with a glare.

"Who taught you yours?"

"Lily taught us!"

Both Athanasios and Athanasia snapped their gaze to each other, having just spoken at the same time...

Athanasia's eyes were wide as the words her brother just spoke repeated in her head- what was wrong with her brother!? Did he wish for their death?

While Athanasios suppressed a snort at the questionable look, his sister gave him before shrugging.

She let out a loud, nervous laugh before 'playfully' hitting Athanasios hard on the shoulder.

"Haha, brother Athan is really funny... Lily taught us our manners," she spoke again, seemingly trying to save their lives.

The Emperor said nothing as he stared intensely at the prince, who, in return, stared back. The air felt tense.

With the silence set in place, Athanasios concentrated on the cake at hand, seeing as he had yet to take a bite. With the piece stuck on the fork, he shoved it into his mouth without a care.

He chewed slowly, trying to get a taste of the flavour, savouring it. He was trying to decide whether he liked it or not-

'It's actually not bad! I thought it would be too sweet, but it's not... the icing doesn't taste too bad either, but I'm glad I took most of it off. I probably wouldn't have liked it if I hadn't.'

He cut the cake once again, repeating as he did before, scraping the icing off of it before plopping it into his mouth again and again until the plate was empty.

He looked up only to be completely confused at hearing his sister's voice.


What had he missed that his sister was suddenly calling this man 'father'?

Then she did something else he didn't expect was calling him something else.

"...papa?" She spoke again with the same uncertainty... then she spoke again, this time with more confidence, a bright smile taking place on her face.


He looked from her to their father and then to his empty plate.

"The cake was quite nice. Fine-textured bread... it was sweet and soft; it was like it melted in my mouth, allowing the flavours to flourish- the icing itself gave it that ompf...."

'Maybe coming here wasn't a bad idea at all! The cake was great. Just imagine the other types of food the cook here could make for me!'

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