By wat3rme1on

41.2K 633 668

Olives whole life has just been her and her dad and the carnival. Setting up, attending, and taking down ever... More

character list
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two

chapter five

2.3K 35 10
By wat3rme1on


Seeing Harry again threw me through a fucking loop. I wasn't expecting him to even remember me after what happened but no, I was misled. Of fucking course he had to call me Oli. he knows I hated that then yet here he was still calling me that same god forsaken nickname.

"Layla i don't think you understand how much I hate that selfish piece of shit!" I say walking into Bo's Diner. Hopefully the boys don't bring Harry back with them. I'll literally walk right out.

"Olive, baby listen I have no fucking clue what happened between the two of you, but could it really have been bad enough for you to hate him this much?" Layla says, leading us to our booth in the back.

"I promise I'll go into detail some day, just not today. I just want to get my mind off of it." I respond while sliding the entire way into the booth.

The night with Harry was good up until the end. He was very attentive and talkative but it's going to take a lot more than some snarky comments and remembering me to make me forgive him for what happened.

"Okay, okay I won't pry for details just, know I'm ready to listen whenever you feel like talking okay?" Layla says while leaning across the table to take my hand into hers. I give her hand a firm squeeze and we pull them back to our own sides

"Where's the rest of the crew? Should I throw their orders in for when they show up or will they be a while?" Bo asks pulling a chair up to the end of the table. no sooner does he sit down and the group of rowdy boys come barreling into the building.

Niall sits on the same side with Layla. Then Louis slides in after him while my side is filled with me zayn and liam, the same exact way it is every time we come here.

"Bo don't you look as dashing as ever!" Liam says reaching his hand out to tussle Bo's hair but he smacks liam's hand away before he could get there.

"Son, get your hand the fuck away from me." Bo snarkily remarks before moving his chair and going to make our food.

"Are you okay olive?" zayn whispers to me so nobody else can here while throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"yeah i'll be fine Z, I just can't stand that man." I respond leaning my head into his shoulder

We stay like this and talk to each other until our food comes out. The only time you can ever get us to shut up is when you put food in front of us. At one point while eating louis smacked niall and made him knock his drink over which caused Bo to throw a spoon at our booth and nail louis in the head.

The amount of times Louis has gotten hit with random objects for doing stupid shit here has to be in the hundreds by now. I swear it's almost every day that Louis gets into some sort of mischief.

"Well, do you guys wanna head back to the carnival or just head back to our houses. We can and meet up tomorrow for day 2 if that's the case! I'm thinking of bringing angelia with me tomorrow so she can meet you guys." Liam says out of no where.
holy fuck he's letting us meet her finally?

"wait Li, we finally get to meet her?" Layla questions with a smile. Oh Layla, you really find a way to read my mind every single time. Call that soulmate shit.

"Yes, but let's please not make a big deal out of it. We've been dating for a little bit now and I think it's time to give her it all you know." he says shyly. It's so nice seeing him serious about Angelina. From what i've heard from him she's absolutely perfect for him.

"No big deal. Meeting spot at the pier by 9?" I question the group which they all agree. At the end of the pier there's a little roller coaster that i've loved since I was a kid. it doesn't go too high or too fast, it's just perfect. No PTSD, no trauma, just right for me!

"Hey olive, I know this Harry things gonna mess with you a bit but I think I might have a good distraction for you," Niall quips. When I look up, not only do I see him, but I see Layla as well. Both with the biggest smirk plastered across their faces.

"Niall I already told you I'm not helping you sell feet pictures to old men on the internet!" I joke, but he doesn't catch the humor in it.

"I asked one time, drop it, and no it's not about that. It's just layla and I have this friend, her name is jane and if you want I could give her your number and tell her to text you. It doesn't have to be anything serious but it could get your mind off of everything," Niall says. That's actually not a bad idea at all.

"Uhm, yeah okay do that! I could really use the distraction anyways, "I say nervously. I've been with my share of women before but every time it's someone new I get all nervous.

"Okay sweet. Listen, I'll send her your number and tell her to text you. We're gonna head out so we'll see you guys tomorrow!" he says before him and Layla are rising out of the booth. Before I know it,everyone else has left too and it's just me and sweet ole Bo.

"You alright kid? You look extra stressed out tonight?" He questions sitting across from me.

"Yeah I'll be alright Bo. Thanks for asking though. I uhm, should probably get home." I say starting to move out of my spot.

"Remember olive, anytime you need anything i'm here." Bo says getting up and pulling me into a hug. I love this man more than life itself.

"Thank you Bo, we'll be back tomorrow I'm sure. Stay safe tonight." I say while pulling away and walking out of the door letting it close gently behind me.

It feels weird walking home by myself for once. If i'm walking back late usually Zayn will walk me or even Niall and Layla but tonight it's just me. its weird but oddly calming. As I'm walking I start hearing yelling coming from the ticket booth from the carnival.

"What the fuck." I mutter to myself walking closer to the noise.

Before my eyes, I see all the boys. Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry all standing around my dad. Something Harry said just piss my dad off because next thing I know Harry's getting a sturdy right hook to the left side of his jaw.

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. As harry spins from the shock of the hit he turns around and his eyes land directly on me standing just close enough to make out my figure.

'Go home' he mouths to me before turning around. They continue their conversation and then start going to the other side of the ticket booth. Still too shocked to register what just happened I start sprinting back towards my house.

What the fuck was that.

Arriving at the house, I unlock the door and run straight to my room closing and locking the door afterwards. I get changed into comfier clothes and sit down in front of my mirror to take my makeup from the day.

While swiping the makeup remover across my face I hear my phone go off beside me.

hey! niall gave me your number it's jane. you up for lunch or something tomorrow to get to know each other more?

Wow she really wasted no time. I respond back and agree to lunch. My eyes fall back to my neck in the mirror and i see the necklace i've been wearing since i was a kid.

It's a good locket with a dried rose inside. My mothers initials are carved into the other side of the locket. I never got the chance to meet her but i'd like to think she'd be proud of the woman i've become.

Dad doesn't talk about her very much. I've tried to get him to talk about her just to try and understand what she was like but he shuts down and yells that it's not my business. I think he holds everything against me but it's not my fault. At least, I don't think it's my fault.

Tucking the necklace back underneath my shirt I turn my lights off, close my curtains and lay down in my bed. Closing my eyes, I start imagining the way the ocean smelled today and how nice the breeze felt but I couldn't get past the thought of Harry and how my dad punched him. for some reason I almost find myself sympathizing and hoping he's okay.

Yeah haha no. Never mind. He's still a piece of shit but we'll dissect that detail another day.

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