I'll Remember Someday... Fred...

By CharlieA

269K 7.1K 6K

Teen mom? Check. The Dark Lord's daughter? Check. Amnesia? Check. Was there anything else? Harry Potter has w... More

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley
{Chapter 2} Lost Memories
{Chapter 4} Welcome to Weasley Wizard Wheezes
{Chapter 5} Is it really Just Pity?
{Chapter 6} A Date with Fred Weasley
{Chapter 7} Verity's Plan
{Chapter 8} Pillows, they really do work!
{Filler} A Morning with Caitlin and George
{Chapter 9} The Weasley Rememberance
{Chapter 10} That's not Everything
{Chapter 11} A Chaotic Dinner
{Chapter 12} Heads will Turn
{Chapter 13} Firewhisky
{Chapter 14} The Other Marley
{Chapter 15} The Hangover, News
{Chapter 16} Confusion
{Chapter 17} Birthday Date
{Chapter 18} The Photo Album
{Chapter 19} Someday
{Chapter 20} Happily Ever After

{Chapter 3} Tommy's an Arse

11.9K 332 373
By CharlieA

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry POtter characters.


Chapter 3: Tommy’s an Arse!


            I hurried around the small apartment, how were we possibly going to go to the Joke Shop before going to the Leaky Cauldron and not being late? “Clary are you almost ready yet?!” I exclaimed as I ran down the hall and back into my room, with one shoe on and the other barefoot, where was my other shoe?!

“Almost mommy!” she exclaimed from her bedroom, Clary and I, well mostly I was invited to go to Tom’s son 21st birthday today at the leaky cauldron, I told him I didn’t want to go, but boy was that Tom persistent, plus he told me he’d give me a raise. I didn’t even know the boy, I think I might have met him once, but I think it was very brief. But Tom really wanted me to go, he didn’t want me to bring Clary however, because he said he was afraid she would be too much of a handful. Well, I’m not about to leave Clary with someone else, I never did that. Clary and I was always together, you either get the whole package or nothing. I could have probably left her with the twins, she actually wanted that more than going to the small party, but to tell you the truth I needed her there with me so I could have an excuse to leave early.

Well Clary only agreed to go if we could go to the Weasley Twin’s Joke Shop first… Of course I agreed, but if we didn’t leave soon we would be very late going to the party. I was wearing a simple, yet somewhat formal dress with brown boots, and my black beanie. I looked at myself once over in the mirror making sure I was looking alright, I did look nice. Nice enough for at least going to a birthday party for my boss’ son, my hair was lightly curly as usual as it hung lightly above my shoulders, with my sky blue eyes seeming somewhat bigger with the light eyeliner and mascara I did. I smiled and then ran in the hallway grabbing my purse, and then running back to Clary’s room. “Clary we really have to go if you want to go see Fred and George!” I called from behind the door.

I then saw the door open abruptly showing a smiling Clary. My eyes widened, well she didn’t look bad or anything, but different. The simple light blue dress and jean jacket went well, but it was the hat and shoes that really drew my attention. Her hat was a long bright blue knit hat with strings that were probably longer then her body, and it had these huge eyes and a tiny mouth embroider on it. And then the shoes…. Well they were very pink flats. “Ready mommy!” Clary beamed as her curly strawberry hair bounced underneath her goofy hat.

“Are… are you wearing that?” I asked still unsure of really what to say, I must say she made a statement while looking cute. She grinned.

“Hmm mm.” she nodded as I sighed and smiled down at my little girl. “Don’t I look okay?”

“You look fantastic!” I exclaimed looking down at Clary, she grinned. “I better keep a close eye on you while we’re at the party, or else all the boys are going to snatch you up.”

“Ew boys are yucky!” she exclaimed with a disgruntled frown, I smiled.

“I hope you remember that when you’re older.” I said with a grin.

“Anyways mommy, I’m going to marry Freddie, and date Maxey.” Clary announced as I arched my eyebrow at the little girl, who was Max again. I racked my brain until finally I remembered he was one of the people in the hospital when I woke up that day, right… I haven’t seen him or his girlfriend since then…

“Sheesh Clary, you’re going to be a player.” I said as I grabbed her little hand and we walked out of the apartment, locking up. Clary only grinned.

“Well I can’t choose between them silly!” Clary announced dragging out the word ‘between’. I smiled.

“Oh right, how silly of me I forgot.” I replied with a grin as Clary smiled and we continued on our way to the Leaky Cauldron.

We arrived at the Leaky Cauldron as Clary glared at the place, like she was trying to destroy it with her glare. I sighed, was this some kind of four year old ritual? I practically dragged Clary into the Leaky Cauldron when I already saw people starting to set up, and I saw Tom standing behind the counter. “Morning Tom.” I called out as Tom completely stopped what he was doing, stared at the counter for a moment or two and then looked up at me, greeting me with a shaky smile.

“Ah, good morning Miss Evans.” Tom said as I sighed, I told the man he could call me by my real last name now, but he probably just couldn’t get use to it. “Hello Clary.”

Clary huffed and turned her head away as I rolled my eyes. “Sorry Tom she’s just probably not in a good mood because we haven’t stopped by the Twins’ Shop yet.” I replied awkwardly as Tom nodded.

“Ah right…” he said as I smiled.

“Well we are going to go to the shop real quick and then we’ll come back in time for the party. Oh and here you go,” I said taking out a small wrapped box from my purse as I handed it to Tom. “I wasn’t really sure what your son would want, so I hope this would be okay.”

Tom smiled as he looked at me. “I’m sure he’ll just love seeing you.” I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

“Right, well we’ll be back in a bit.” I said as I turned towards the entrance to Diagon Alley and left along with Clary. I smiled as I looked at the busy street of Diagon Alley with the magical feel filling the small place. Clary’s frown finally turned into a smile as we were walking down the streets of Diagon Alley towards the smiling Weasley Man, taking off his top hat.

Soon Clary had run out of my grip and was running towards the joke shop, I sighed and rolled my eyes. I gave up on trying to keep that girl contained a while back ago. I then walked into the busy Joke Shop as I noticed a small little dot of bright blue in the middle of the vast crowd, she was talking with two tall red heads. I smiled as I walked towards Fred, George and Clary. “Hello.” I said with a smile as they both looked up at me and grinned, I noticed I think Fred’s eyes widen just the slightest as a bigger grin was plastered on his face.

“Well hello there Miss Riddle!” Fred exclaimed as I smiled at his rambunctious ways, and felt a small blush trying to creep its way onto my cheeks, but I was able to push it back. I had to remind myself that it was just a dream.

“You’re looking snazzy today.” George said as Fred nodded.

“How would you say it?” he asked as George continued with their Twin ways.





“Super Fantastic!?” George announced looking at Fred as I rolled my eyes.


“Then what the bloody hell would it be Fred?! There are no more words in the English language to describe her as!” George announced as Fred smiled and looked down at me.

“Beautiful.” He said with a faint smile as I felt the blush make its way back onto my face, this time I had no chance but to let it stay there.

“Well bloody hell, you go with the cheesiest ones, I think mine were better.” George said crossing his arms like a child as I smiled.

“Thank you Fred,” I said sincerely as I looked at Fred, really looking, his eyes… they looked so familiar? I then shook the thought as I looked at George and smiled at him. “And of course thank you George for contributing.”

“Ah well I am the most romantic, ask Caitlin, I mean she practically drools every time I walk in the room.” he said with a grin.

“Yeah George, but every girl does that to me already.” Fred bragged as I rolled my eyes at his cockiness, it was strange. I hated when guys were cocky, but when Fred did it, it wasn’t true cockiness, it was more in a joking manner. Soon Fred and George were arguing as Clary and I watched the two bicker, they were definitely brothers.

“Mr. and Mr. Weasley.” I heard an eerie voice appear out of nowhere as I jumped slightly and felt myself fall on my but on the ground, I looked to see Verity, another worker here appear behind the Twins in thin air. The twins stopped choking each other and looked at the small dark haired girl without a look of concern on how she happened to be there.

“Yes Verity?” they both asked in unison.

“This better be good.” George said as Fred continued.

“Yeah because I was winning.”

“No you weren’t.” George said as they started to bicker again, I sighed.

“Mr. and Mr. Weasley,” Verity said as the two stopped at looked at her once again. “A package.” She said as she handed the two the package, they immediately smiled.

“Oh this must be it-“ George started.

“The new supplies for the new product.” Fred said as he grabbed the package and handed it to George. “You can look at it.” George rolled his eyes but left, probably to go look at the package, Fred turned around to notice me on the floor. I guess I was listening so intently that I had forgotten I was on the floor, still. “Ah Miss Riddle, it seems you have fallen and cannot get up!”

I laughed awkwardly. “I can get up Fred.” I said as I was starting to get up, but soon felt someone grab my hand and an arm wrap around my waist as he pulled me up in a flash. I looked up to see Fred’s face about a centimeter away from mine, I could feel the heat start to run across my face. He was so close that I could feel his breath fill my nostrils, the scent of mint and chocolates entered my system, the scent smelt so familiar as if I smelt it a million times before. It felt like I wanted to get closer to this boy, to close the gap, I’m not sure, maybe it was hormones, but whatever it was I could feel myself going closer until… I heard someone clear their throat next to Fred and I, I looked over immediately to see Verity standing there staring at us. I felt the blush blaze even more on my cheeks as I immediately moved away from Fred in a hurry. “Umm t-thanks…” I said to Fred as I looked down at the floor awkwardly, I tried hard not to meet his gaze.

“You’re welcome…” I heard Fred sigh as I stole a quick glance up at him to see he was frowning slightly and then he looked over at Verity with a small glare. “What is it Verity?”

“I…” she stuttered, “I need you to sign something.” She replied hastily as Fred sighed and placed his head in his hand. I looked down to see my daughter was standing next to Verity, giving her a glare as well… wait was Clary there as well?!

“You can’t do it yourself? Can’t you see I’m a little busy with my friend?” Fred replied as I saw the girl give me a quick glare, I awkwardly looked away.

“Umm it’s okay, you go help Verity with whatever she needed, Clary and I need to get back to the Leaky Cauldron anyways for the party.” I replied quickly as Fred looked down at me and frowned slightly.

“Aw, you’re leaving already Miss Riddle?” he asked as I sighed and continued to stare at something else besides Fred, I swear if I look at the boy too long I would just explode from embarrassment.

“Yeah… But umm I’ll probably be back later.” I recalled awkwardly, my eyes widened the slightest. Why did I just say that? I usually never come back after I come in the mornings, I quickly shook my head trying to keep my head from going to other places. “Umm right, well come on Clary.” I said as I quickly grabbed Clary’s hand and started to rush out the shop, cheeks still blazing.

“Mommy?” Clary asked as I looked to see I was literally dragging her down the streets of Diagon Alley as I tried to make myself a far away distance from the Weasley Wizard Wheezes shop and its owners. I immediately slowed down.

“Sorry!” I exclaimed looking down at Clary as she grinned.

“Mommy… Your cheeks are weally wed!” she explained as I felt them even get redder. “Mommy, do you wike Freddie?!”

My eyes shot open as I answered quickly. “No! Not… Not like that, I like Fred as a friend.” I replied quickly, I did not like Fred Weasley like that, I saw Clary’s face sadden.

“Why not?!” she exclaimed as I sighed.

“Its complicated… you’ll understand when your older.” I replied awkwardly, I always hated when my mom told me that, and I even told myself I would never tell my kid that, but now here I was… I sighed. “Come on, we should get to the party…”

I stood up and started to make my way back to the Leaky Cauldron as Clary just kept a small frown on her face. I wasn’t even sure why I had said that…

When we finally made it back to the Leaky Cauldron there were a lot of people, and I mean a lot! The place was filled with older men, and younger women, some people looked older than me and some looked around my age. I sighed as I realized there were no kids in the place, I was at least hoping that there would be a kid somewhere here besides Clary. “Ah Marley, there you are!” I heard Tom’s familiar voice as I looked to see him appear in front of me wearing a nice shirt and jeans. “Come come I want you to meet my son!” he said as he grabbed my hand, it was so quick that I had accidentally let go of Clary’s hand.

“Wait, Clary!” I yelled as Tom shook his head.

“No need to worry, I’ll watch her as you meet my son!” he yelled as Clary followed close behind with a glare, tell you the truth I was a little peeved myself, I mean Tom just ups and drags me over to meet his son, leaving behind Clary? Finally after we pushed our way through the crowd, I saw a boy standing in front of me. My eyes widened slightly as I looked at the boy, he was much handsomer than I was expecting and I must say he really looked nothing like his father. He had blonde shaggy hair with teal eyes, plush lips and a nice physique. I saw him smirk as he looked at me. “Matthew, this here is Marley, the girl I’ve been telling you about, she’s also an employee.” Tom said basically throwing me to this boy named Matthew.

“Uh hi.” I said somewhat awkwardly, I looked at the handsome preppy boy and then looked at the rugged Tom, the only think that I could notice was the same between the two were the eyes, but other than that…

“Hello there Marley.” Matthew said as he grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips as he placed a light kiss on it. I felt the blush form on my cheeks, I really did not like it when boys did that, well now more than ever, because that’s what Derrick use to do… “It really is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady in this crowd of ugliness.” Matthew said as I arched an eyebrow, really? Did he really just say that? I took my hand back rather quickly as he looked at me with a smirk.

“Um thank you, but I really don’t like it when people touch me all too much.” I said as Matthew smirked.

“I see… Well I must say you do look hot in that dress.” Matthew said, I sighed, why did guys feel like they had to say your body temperature to say what you looked like? I mean really, it was just pathetic.

“Ah right… well um Happy Birthday Matthew, it was nice meeting you, I really should go back to my daughter.” I replied as Matt looked at me.

You have a daughter?” Matt asked as I nodded. “Really? I would have never guessed with the way you look… is the father around here?”

“No, he wanted no part in the life of his daughter.” I replied harshly, Matt smiled.

“I’m terribly sorry, but please wouldn’t you care to have a drink with me? It is my birthday you know.” He replied in a matter-of-factly tone, I looked over to see Clary looking bored out of her mind sitting over in the corner, I didn’t really feel comfortable with this guy and Clary was bored. I then saw Tom appear out of nowhere as he made a shoving movement with his hands as if telling me I should go. I sighed as I turned around.

“One drink.” I said as he smiled and we went towards the bar as Albert, another bar tender here poured Matt a glass of Firewhisky as he gave me a glass of water. I wasn’t much of a drinker.

Then Matt continued to talk, oh and it wasn’t the most enjoyable things, it was the most boring stuff alive! All he talked about was himself, what he did, who he dated, where he lived, how handsome he was. Bloody hell was this boy shallow! I sat there barely even paying attention to this boy, I was thinking more back to the incident in the Joke Shop earlier, I mean why did that scent feel so familiar? And why did I want to kiss Fred? I knew already that I didn’t like Fred in that way, I just couldn’t… but why couldn’t I again? “Can you believe that!” I heard Matt yell interrupting my thoughts as I gave a faint smile and nodded as if I was paying attention. “So why don’t you tell me a little about yourself beautiful.”

I gave a light smile, well at least we would finally get off topic from him for once. “Oh well.. There’s really not much to tell, I’m just a muggle working in the Leaky Cauldron.”

“You’re a muggle? Bloody hell you’re the hottest muggle I’ve ever seen, oh that reminds me about this joke, okay there was a muggle and a wizard… or was it a muggle and a centaur..?” Matt replied as I sighed, this boy was seriously not worth my time.

“Let go!” I heard a familiar yell as I turned around to see Clary and Tom both tugging on something, once I got closer to looked to see a box of Weasley Wizard Wheezes products. “They’re mine!”

“You unhand them this instance now you little brat!” I heard Tom yell as I glared at Tom.

“Tom! What the bloody hell are you doing!?” I asked as Tom as he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me and glared at me.

“This is why I did not want you to bring your daughter here!” Tom yelled as he pointed at Clary, I then noticed he had a purple stain splattered on his shirt. “She deliberately changed my drink to this putrid color and then scared me with that evil thing!” Tom yelled pointing at Clary and the little fluff ball she was holding. Fred and George had given it to her, it was like this living little ball of fluff, I’m sure it was some kind of animal but I wasn’t sure what it was called.

I looked at Clary to see her eyes starting to water. “He’s lying mommy! I was only showing Billy to Tommy! And then he got scared and spilled his drink on himself!” Clary yelled defensively, I looked over at Tom as he glared at my daughter. I stood in front of her protectively, I knew we were making a scene, but I didn’t care.

“I’m sick and tired of trying to be nice to your kid for your sake Marley, for trying to make up for what I did. It’s tiring and she keeps acting like a bleeding brat. You either leave your kid with other people or I’ll have no choice but to fire you Marley.” Tom said with a groan as I looked at him, what did he mean trying to make up for what he did? I didn’t care that the man was going to fire me or not, what I was wondering about was what he had said… and then in an instant a slideshow of images started to appear in my head.

“Tom why did you tell us to go to the joke shop today!? Why did you send Clary and I there?” I yelled looking at Tom. “You knew didn’t you?”


“I’m sorry dear… but they have my wife! He promised that if I gave you up, he’d let her go! I didn’t think you’d actually go, and I didn’t think you’d take Clary with you!” he said as I glared at the man.


“Did you just tell Luscious or are there more?” I asked as he stood there silent. “ARE THERE MORE TOM! TELL ME TOM THIS IS IMPORTANT! MY DAUGHTER COULD BE IN DANGER!” I yelled as the images started to fade away.


I held my head lightly as I looked up and glared at Tom, I remembered somewhat that day. I had a run in with Luscious and the death eaters… Tom had sent Clary and I on purpose to that place so Luscious could find us. “Fine Tom, fire me. I remember the incident anyways, there’s no way I’d want to work here anymore.” I said harshly as Tom’s eyes widened and I grabbed Clary’s hand leading her out towards the way to Diagon Alley.

“D-Don’t expect to have a job when you come crawling back!” I heard Tom yell behind me as I glared at me.

“Oh trust me, I wouldn’t come back here for work. You can count on that.” I called back as Clary and I walked out towards the entrance to Diagon Alley.

We walked through the less crowded streets of Diagon Alley, I guess we were there longer than I expected, because now it was somewhat darker the streets, the lights had to turn on because the sun was slowly fading. I just murmured to myself as I glared along the streets, that spineless little Weasel. I remember how he rated Clary and I out to those death eaters, and he didn’t even care! “Tom that arse.” I said angrily to myself, well mostly to myself, I’m sure Clary heard me but I paid that no mind. I started to walk and soon we came upon the Joke Shop. I sighed, why did I come here?

“Come on mommy! Daddy will cheer you up!” Clary announced as I sighed again as she said Daddy… I reluctantly followed her, however, as we entered the empty Joke Shop. Well somewhat, Fred, George, and Verity were there but there was no one else, I looked around to see they looked like they were closing up.

“Miss Riddle!” Fred announced happily as he noticed me walk into the room, I looked to see George smiling as well, as Verity just gave me a scowl. I scowled back, I was in no mood to deal with her, I had just lost the only job that paid the bills and kept Clary living with me… Bloody hell. “Miss Riddle? What’s wrong?” I heard Fred say as I looked up to see he was right in front of me.

“Yeah you seem a bit… well… peeved.” George called out coming towards me as I just scowled remembering that bloke in the Leaky Cauldron, both of those blokes. The bloke of a father and the bloke of an arrogant son! Bloody hell even Draco wasn’t that arrogant! I blinked, wait Draco? Who was Draco and why did I compare him to the arrogant Matt?

“Tommy’s an Arse!” Clary announced cheerfully as my eyes widened shaking all thoughts of this Draco as I stared down at my four year old daughter, she had just said what I said a few moments ago. Bloody hell… what was I teaching my daughter!?

“What?” the twins both asked with a laugh as I groaned and placed my head in my hands.

“Tommy’s an ar-“ Clary was about to say when I covered her mouth with my hand.

“Ah let’s not repeat that sweetie, that’s a bad word and mommy probably shouldn’t have said it in front of you.” I said with a smile as Clary shrugged. I sighed as I saw her skip over to the small little couch over in the corner with her little fuzz ball, Billy. I then looked up at the Twins to see them staring down at me intensely.

“So what’s happened?” George asked as he came to my side and Fred did the same.

“Yes pleas do tell.” He said as they both linked arms with mine and I just sighed as they led me over to the couch as well.

“Let’s just say Tom and I didn’t see eye to eye and well he fired me.” I replied as the twins looked at me.

“Bloody hell?!” George exclaimed.

“Really?” Fred asked as I sighed.

“Yeah… I really do not like Tom at this moment, not when I remembered what happened between us for me not to like him.” I replied with a scowl as both of the twins looked down at me.

“Remembered?” they asked as I nodded, “What did you remember?” Fred asked.

“Just that Tom set me up and I ended up meeting Luscious and a couple of other Death Eaters… So I blew up at him and well walked out the door accepting the fact that I was fired… But I’m almost tempted in going back…” I said with a groan, I really did not want to go back and beg for the job back, but I the thing is I needed the job.

“Don’t do that!” George announced next to me.

“Yeah bloody hells do not do that!” Fred continued as I arched an eyebrow at the two.

“Okay well what exactly do you propose I do? I need a job to pay the bills and to keep Clary with me.” I replied as the twins smiled, they looked exactly like a Cheshire cat, up to no good.

“Well we have a proposition.” George said as Fred continued.

“Yes a proposition that could help you in your little predicament.”

“It might even make you abnormally happy!”

“What is it?!” I asked as I looked at the two impatiently.

“You can come work with us!” George exclaimed.

“As a member of the Weasley Incorporation!”

“That’s gripping the nation!”

I heard the sound of the cashier bell ring off as I looked at the two smirking twins in front of me. Well it sounded like a full proof plan, but why did I feel like this job would be a little bit more… riskier than my last? Anyways… what’s the worst that could happen? I asked myself as I stared at Fred… yeah what’s the worst?


Well i hope you guys liked it! :) What will happen now that Marley is working with the twins?! O.o Oh goodness and that's not the last time you'll see Matt ;)

Pictures on the side of what Matt looks like. :) I might be changing the cover as well, a lot of people are liking the black and white one more. And here are the links to see Clary's and Marley's Outfit.

http://s1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd488/CharlieAck/?action=view&current=TommysanArse2.jpg Clary's

http://s1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd488/CharlieAck/?action=view&current=TommysanArse.jpg Marley's

VOTE. COMMENT. FAN!!! :) please and thank you! And spread the love! :D

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