Beneath Her Skin

By Rome-xx

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BOOK TWO: COMPLETE Before Alastriona Breen can continue her ma... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Sixteen

14 2 0
By Rome-xx

Cedric Diggory was cornered in a nook and cranny of Hogwarts, facing off against Alastriona Breen.
"I told you, I'm not upset with you." Cedric said, eyes downcast to his shoes.

"Oh, please!" Alastriona scoffed. "You've been ignoring me for so long now I'd be surprised if you knew what colour my hair is." Cedric's grey eyes flickered up to her and she smirked at him, "Made you look."

Cedric fought off a smile.

"Ced," Alastriona began and moved closer to him, "I knew you were going to get selected. And I know that you're going to win, without a doubt in my mind I know it'll be you."

"Why are you so keen on helping Harry then?" Cedric asked dubiously.

"Because I already know you'll win but I don't know if Harry will even survive and I'd like to make sure he does." Alastriona confessed in a harsh whisper.

"I—" Cedric groaned and rubbed his eyes, to Alastriona's surprise he let out a sympathetic laugh. "You know, Little Red," Cedric began, "sometimes I forgot how big your heart really is."

Alastriona didn't reply. She smiled, a light heat rising to her freckled cheeks.
Cedric opened his arms and she sniffed then went into them immediately, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face to his chest, listening to his steady heart beat.

"You'll always be in my mind, Cedric, and my heart," Alastriona vowed, she tilted her head to look up at him, "I promise."

Cedric chuckled and smoothed her hair down before stepping back from her, "As long as I'm on your list of important people, that's good enough for me."

Alastriona laughed, her head tipped back and a wide, toothy grin on her face, she'd missed Cedric deeply.
"Come to dinner with me?" She asked him.

Darcy's dark blue eyes were filled with humour as she stared at her best friend.
Alastriona was breathing heavily, her hair was tangled in nots from her fingers continuously running through the red locks.

"I can't find my sweater, where did I put it?" She mumbled to herself, digging through her trunk.

Darcy kept watching her, she'd been at it since this morning, mumbling and wandering around with no idea where she was going. Darcy chuckled under her breath, "Which sweater, Red?" She asked.

"The black one, the one I embroidered with the pink flowers..." She replied, entirely distracted.

She had reached the bottom of her trunk and there they were. The photos she'd taken from what was meant to be her childhood home, she took them out and placed them on her bedside table, this way she would remember to frame them.

"Found it!" Darcy's call pulled her from her memories, she turned and Darcy was holding up her sweater. Black with newly embroidered pink flowers at the ends of the sleeves and at the hem. "You put it on my trunk." Darcy said, both of the girls decided not to question why.

Alastriona grinned and gently took the sweater out of Darcy's hands, "Thank you!" Alastriona hugged Darcy quickly and went to change.
Today marked the first Hogsmeade trip of the year, and thus her first date with Draco Malfoy.

"Are you nervous?" Darcy asked, she knew the answer but thought it may be better to get the girl talking about it.

Alastriona finished getting dressed, buttoning her navy denim high-waisted flare jeans and lacing up her burgundy Doc Marten boots. Alastriona then twisted her wild mane up into a bun and stuck her wand through it, holding the mass in place. She went to her bedside table and picked up the single daisy pin and used it to clip one stubborn curl back. As a final touch she put her mood-earrings in, they immediately changed to a pastel pink.

When she was ready she spun around to face Darcy, "I'm so nervous I think I'm going to have a nosebleed, or faint or start sweating so much that my hair falls out!" She admitted, speaking fast without taking a beat.

Yes, they had been to Hogsmeade together before but it wasn't called a date, they were just hanging out and now it felt like there was this pressure weighing down on her shoulders for things to go right.

Darcy managed to stuff down the smile that wanted to emerge from hearing her best friend panic. "You talk to Draco every single day, Red," she stated, holding no judgement on her face, "you're practically already dating, this is just another day."

Alastriona shook her arms around, as if trying to shake out the nerves, "It doesn't feel like another day..."

At this Darcy couldn't help but smile, "Just think of it as a group hang out but we're all running really late." Darcy suggested.

This made Alastriona stop her wild flapping, "That's not a bad idea, Darcy." She said softly and took a few deep breaths, "No, you're right, it'll be like any other day, we've hung out a million times and this is only different because you're running late."

Alastriona kept saying this to herself as she and Darcy walked to the courtyard, Darcy let her go out on her own.
Alastriona searched the area, but Draco was always very noticeable with his platinum hair and she spotted him right away and walked up till she stopped right by his side.

She smiled up at him and grabbed his hand pulling him to the exit, "Come on, let's go!"
Draco couldn't help but smile at the excitement in her voice for some reason it helped sooth his nerves.

They walked, hand in hand, into Hogsmeade, it seemed exceptionally busy today. They walked to the Three Broomsticks and Alastriona went on her tippy-toes to see if there were any tables available, she briefly spotted Hermione sitting by herself before Draco pulled her to a little table in a corner.

"I'll go grab us a butterbeer." Draco said as Alastriona sat down, he walked away before she could say anything.

The pub suddenly got a lot louder, people were crowding in and Alastriona could hardly hear her own breathing.
Draco came back to the table, frowning, he handed her a mug with butterbeer and leaned down, "Follow me." His voice was clear.

Alastriona stood up holding her mug and followed him, he edged his way around the crowds of people, always keeping one eye on the bar where Madame Rosmerta was currently taking orders from a group of five.
Alastriona, realising what Draco was planning hid her mug behind her back, careful not to spill any.

Draco held open the door for her and they ran outside and kept running until they were well past the Three Broomsticks.

Alastriona was laughing loudly and breathing heavily, "We just stole mugs from Madame Rosmerta!" She exclaimed in disbelief.

Draco was beaming, his cheeks a light pink from the run, it was one of those rare smiles. "We sure did. But it was so loud in there."

Alastriona nodded and took a sip from her mug, they were still walking but not to anywhere in particular, "Extra busy today, what with all the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang too." She said, she glanced back at the crowded streets, "Should we take our stolen mugs elsewhere?" She asked.

Draco looked around for a second before nodding, "Let's head to hill past the Hogshead Inn." She smiled at his suggestion so he grabbed her free hand in his own and they started walking again.

Once they reached the top of the hill they say down on the grass. From here they could see the entire village of Hogsmeade, as well as Hogwarts standing monumental and proud in the not so far distance.

Alastriona breathed in the fresh air deeply, "I love it here." Her voice was soft, almost nostalgic.

"Here as in Hogsmeade, this hill or Hogwarts?" Draco questioned, he was stealing glances at her from the corner of his eye, he thought she was the most beautiful person he'd ever known and it was easy to become distracted by her.

"All of it," Alastriona claimed, she pointed to the castle, "from this hill to Hogwarts, I love it all."

"Me too." Draco said with a sigh. Alastriona shot him a look as if to say 'really?'. He shrugged, "I may have some issues with Hogwarts but it's still home."

"I know what you mean," Alastriona gazed at the huge castle, "I have a home that I love with Uncle Finn, and I always love being at my grandparents house too... but there's something about being at Hogwarts together with everyone that really can't be compared to anything else."

Draco nodded, she'd summed it up perfectly. "I wish I could stay here all the time." He admitted quietly, "There's judgment here but less judgement than there is back at the manor." He couldn't even bring himself to call it home.

"You could always stay with Blaise and Theo." Alastriona suggested quietly, "I know Adelaide would be happy to have you there."

"My parents would never let me move out but when I come of age... who knows?" He gave Alastriona a small smile.

She smiled too and leaned her head on his shoulder, "I think when I move out I'd like to move here somewhere. Maybe even just stay on this hill." Alastriona chuckled at the thought of herself in some little tent at the top of the hill.

"It does have the best view." Draco admitted quietly.

The two stayed on the hilltop for the better part of the day, on the way back Alastriona stashed the two stolen mugs in her bag and they held hands the entire way back.
Alastriona thought he was leading her back to the castle but he didn't actually want to go yet, he just wanted to keep hanging out with her.

Alastriona saw the sky start to darken and she tugged on Draco's hand, grinning as she did, "Come on!" She started walking to the castle and pulled Draco through the passageway that lead to the Astronomy Tower.

They walked up all the stairs and breathed heavy sighs of relief as they finally reached the top and looked out at the Hogwarts castle and grounds. Surprisingly enough, no one else was up here, Alastriona thought it may have been due to the excitement and buzz in Hogsmeade but regardless of the reason she was happy they were alone.

"Hey, Alastriona," Draco's voice was soft next to her and she turned to face him, "thanks for being patient with me... for believing in me."

Alastriona shook her head, "As long as you keep believing, I'll keep believing too." She went forward and hugged him, arms wrapped around his chest. She looked up at him, his silver eyes still shining in the dimness of the afternoon light. In that moment Alastriona wanted to kiss him.

So she did. It took her by surprise. It took him by surprise. But she went up on her toes and kissed him.
It was gentle and she pulled back straight away, she'd really shocked herself. Then a wave of happiness fell over her and she grinned, she reached up and kissed him again, for longer this time.
When she stepped back from him, he was still standing there in awe, he hadn't expected that at all, he hadn't made any elaborate plans to kiss her, he didn't want to pressure her but there was no way he'd expected her to make the first move.

Alastriona took a step back and a few more, "Thanks for the best first date ever, Draco." She said, moving back to the staircase of the Astronomy Tower.

Draco moved towards her, "Where are you going?" He called to her, she turned and was one step down already.

Alastriona was grinning as she ran down the stairs, she called out to him loudly so he could hear, "I've got to tell Darcy!"

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