[Im]possible [Sung Jinwoo x R...

By Yuri-Kazami

16.2K 367 326

You were a normal girl. No awakening, no special abilities. Just normal, but the girlfriend of Sung Jin-Woo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

4.5K 108 204
By Yuri-Kazami

I decided to write the story in English as well.

It's already almost finished in German and I'm gradually translating all the chapters now. I'm already done with the first three. They will be uploaded bit by bit.

Please take into account that English is not my native language and Uncle Google Translator sometimes helps me when I do not know how to write something ^^*

A new story of mine that came to me so spontaneously xD

I wanted to write this story for a long time, but somehow never managed to put it on paper, because I didn't know if it will be a Reader story, or with an OC. Since this was originally intended to be an OC story and I've already prescribed some chapters, it's possible there's still a name there. If so, please point it out to me and I'll change it to "Y/n".

About the story itself: I'm not a fan of Cha-Hae, really. To me, she's just a stupid hypocrite who only likes Jin-Woo because he smells good, is strong, and looks good. She didn't do much in the manhwa either and got in the way more than she helped. She is also jealous of another girl, even though they are not even together. And she wouldn't even be interested in him if he was still an e-hunter, let alone his existence.

For me, Ju-Hee, the B-rank healer is the most ideal girlfriend for Jin-Woo, if I may address that, even though I would have liked him to just stay single, which fits best.

But well, you can't have everything, unfortunately....

I don't want to make the story too long, maybe around 5-10 chapters. For that the chapters will be a bit longer.

Since it was easier for me to write with a look, I want to apologize for that. I'll give you an appearance, but your name will stay as it is, at least in the later part of the first chapter. Since it is strange to be in Korea with your name.


The First Chapter contains a not-so-good past!

Your appearance:

¸.-*(¸.-*' ♥ '*-.¸)'*-.¸

Chapter 1

Sadly, you scrolled through your gallery on your phone and saw the many pictures of you and Jin-Woo even before he woke up a second time. It's hard to believe that you two grew up together and confessed your feelings at the age of 16 and have been together ever since. More than kissing, or holding hands had never happened because you weren't ready to deepen your relationship, which in hindsight you regret very much.

"Maybe everything would have been different...", you whisper, "...if I had let it happen...", you murmur again, tears dripping on your phone. Unfortunately though, you had always had a phobia of men, even from your 'father' you only let yourself be hugged to a certain extent. Jin-Woo was the only one you had trusted, but when your relationship was deeper at some point, you felt panic inside you again and pushed him away, even though he was just gently stroking your belly with his fingers. As understanding as he was, he had done nothing and you had continued your relationship anyway. You had to say that even though Jin-Woo was handsome and really manly now, you still preferred his old self. You knew that he could level because he had told you in the hospital and you were very happy for him and continued to support him. But months later, you hardly had any contact with each other. He had been on the road all the time to train, and when he first met In Cha-Hae, he had been somewhat fascinated by her strength. It wasn't that you didn't like her, you really admired her for her strength and beauty, especially since she is the only woman in Korea who is an S-rank Hunter. But the more you see of her and hear from Jin-Woo Munds, the more you wish she would just disappear. You close your eyes and look at your watch.

"2:53 p.m.," you mutter, standing up and smoothing out your outfit. You look at yourself in the mirror, what was hanging on your closet with you and Jin-Woo. You had dressed elegantly because you and he were going on a date, but here he was already going to be at 2pm. Not even a message. You knew he hadn't been to any dungeons, but Cha-Hae would need his help in a raid and you know that if he's there it would be quick, but still nothing happened.

You look at your packed things and smile slightly.

But when a message reaches you, coming from the TV outside where Jin-Ah was, you knew why. You quietly walk out of the room and see reporters taking pictures of Jin-Woo and Cha-Hae, filming them and saying how beautiful they were as a couple. The worst part was Cha-Hae even held Jin-Woo's arm where she raked in. Your look turned sad again when you see her happy expression and his smiling face. A smile he only showed you then, with his old self.

"Shin-he!", Jin-ah was startled and quickly turned off the TV.

"It's okay.", you said softly, stroking her head.

"That stupid cow is taking my brother and your boyfriend away from me!" she puffed out in a huff.

"You fit him better!", she added grumbling and you laugh.

"You're cute.", you take out your cell phone again and text Jin-Woo that it probably wouldn't work out today. In addition, you wished him a good time, with a fat exclamation mark.

"Shin-he..." she murmured sadly and threw herself into your arms. You sadly put both arms around her.

"Jin-ah... Can I tell you something? I've been trying to tell your brother all this time, but he keeps blocking.", you finally wanted to talk to someone about it. You don't even notice how the shadow was watching you from Jin-Woo, understanding everything his master was doing as he now sat on the park bench, escaping the paparazzi. Cha-Hae had to do something as vice guild leader, which is why he was alone.

Frustrated, Jin-Woo grabbed his head. He had completely forgotten about you, and only when he read your message did he know what day it was. Your anniversary. Just as he was about to leave, he paused when he caught the interaction of you and Jin-Ah.

"Of course Shin-He." she smiled and you grinned slightly.

"I can remember everything again.", you said and the black-eyed one widened her eyes in amazement and delight.

"Really?!" she beamed delightedly, which made you smile.

"Yes... But I can't tell you everything, that's what I wanted to talk to Jin-Woo about, but he doesn't have time and prefers to spend his time with another girl. I can understand him. Cha-Hae is beautiful and strong... and a Hunter," your gaze clouded again.

"Sure he wants someone by his side who isn't useless and weak. You must have noticed that there is a big distance between me and your brother," you said softly and Jin-Ah lowered her head sadly.

"Yes, unfortunately... and I hate that... you are the only woman by his side I would ever accept and the way Oppa treats you is beneath contempt!" she complained, which made you giggle.

"Don't judge him. It's my own fault for rejecting him whenever things got more between us. Jin-Ah, even though you're younger, you're not just a sister to me, you're also my best friend. And you should know the truth. Unfortunately, for reasons that are painful for me, I can't tell you everything... but I can tell you that I don't belong here," she looked at you confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked softly, looking at her with pity.

"I guess it's fate that Jin-Woo is losing interest in me. I'm just a normal person, I probably won't matter to him anymore. Yes, maybe he still likes me, but not in the way he once did. I liked... Jin-Woo, when he was the E-Hunter, much more. To me, even though he was considered the weakest Hunter, he was the strongest...", you smile slightly.

"But it's fate... And I guess I have to accept that. I know I bear most of the blame for turning him away when we wanted to go further.... But there are reasons for that too. You know Jin-ah... when I woke up here in the home and lived without memories, the Park family adopted me and gave me my name. My parents were very familiar with your parents. That's how I got to know you guys... but you know when they died a few months ago, a world collapsed for me, at the same time I got my memories back there too. But unfortunately, it was already to the point where Jin-Woo and I grew apart. I thought if he knew the truth, he would understand me.... but he ignored me and at night when he came back, I didn't want to bother him with my problems. And once he was off work and I wanted to call him on it, he blocked me that he didn't have time. No matter what I tried to get his attention, it was no use. That made me let it go... But I can't keep it to myself anymore. At least you should know...", Jin-Ah frowned and Jin-Woo listened carefully.

He felt a little twinge in his heart, but he didn't really get angry about it. He knew it, his feelings towards you weakened. He didn't even know why. Whether it was because of the system, the higher he leveled, the less emotions he got, or not, he couldn't say. But he knew he had an affection for In Cha-Hae. She was strong and beautiful.

Jin-Woo's eyes widened when he heard you say you were from another world.

"My real name is Y/n /L/n and I am from Germany. From another world. In my world, you are fictional characters belonging to the Webtoon. The name of your work is Solo Leveling. I'm afraid I can't give you any details, but I can tell you that before I came here, I lived there," you admitted quietly, and Jin-ah looks at you with wide eyes.

"W-What do you mean? From another world? Or... we're fictional?" she whispered, startled.

"You know anime, right?" she nodded. "You know Japanese manga?", she gave you a pouty look.

"Of course!", you laugh.

"That's how your books are in our world. No anime exists of you, but the manhwa does. That's why Jin-ah... I want to go back to my world where I belong. I spent 21 years here... in my world, before I came here, I was already 25 and when I woke up here at the age of four, I couldn't remember anything. I remember how it happened, but I don't know why," you move away from Jin-Ah and stand up as she got tears in her eyes.

"In my world Jin-Ah, I died. I suffered from a disease called leukemia. In my apartment, I lost my balance and hit my head on the edge of the table. I heard strange voice in my head asking if I wanted a second chance. I thought I was dreaming, but apparently not, because I woke up here to my old, four-year-old self. Whoever was responsible for me waking up here, I need to find so I can get back. I don't belong here. And now that I know who I am... I want to go back to my family... But, uh... I died... so I guess in my world I can just have my eternal rest. I grew up here for 21 years. I love Korea, I love you guys, but I also love my family.... And I don't want to be hurt further, to see Jin-Woo happy with someone other than with me. So I just want to forget about it and after Cha-Hae threatened me, anyway...", you immediately slapped your hand over your mouth as Jin-Ah widened her eyes and Jin-Woo slightly wrenched his.

"What, wait... what did she do? And I understand... Your family... But... is that true?" looking aside.

"I had been out the other day, she came to meet me and threatened to keep me away from Jin-Woo. I have no business being with him. I'm just weak and useless. No help and would only stand him in the way. I contradicted her... but she slapped me and warned me once again to keep my distance.... and she is right... I am useless and weak. I can't do anything to help Jin-Woo in any way.... maybe it's weak... but I just don't want to be here anymore. That's why today I'm going to ge-", Jin Woo suddenly appeared in front of you. His gaze was directed at you angrily, which made you gulp a little.

"Oppa!", Jin-Ah shouted in surprise, while you were looking at him and about to say something.

"Shut up! Are you so eager to get my attention that you're telling these lies?! Other world, Miss Cha-Hae is beating you! Are you even listening to yourself? Jin-Ah, don't believe her! She just wants attention!", he told you directly and pulled Jin-Ah to him. You got tears in your eyes again.

"That's the truth! I was going to tell you that-" you started, but he harshly interrupted you and came towards you.

"Stop talking like that! Especially about Cha-Hae! Do you have any proof?", you smile slightly and lower your head.

>>Cha-Hae... that's it.<<

"You can believe what you want, Jin-Woo...", you close your golden eyes and then look at him gently.

"It's normal. But in the end, it's up to you whether you believe it or not. But you know? I don't care anymore... I don't blame only you.... But my heart is broken. Again. So I don't care anymore if you keep stomping on my feelings or not. You can grovel to the hypocrite who only likes you because you're strong and good looking and don't stink, but leave me alone.", your gaze became serious and your voice took on a coldness that surprised him briefly, but he quickly caught himself.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!" he hissed.

"Oppa!" exclaimed Jin-Ah, trying to get between you-.

"What, it's the truth. She's just a stupid hypocrite! Without her powers, she'd be nothing! Just like you! So don't be arrogant like you're something better!", Jin-Woo's gaze darkened and his eyes lit up purple. Something you see for the first time he shows you.

"My king...", Beru's voice rang out and he appeared. Beru adored you and he loved how you two watched Korean dramas all the time. To him, you were his queen.

"Get out of here!" he growled, and Beru obeyed, looking pityingly at you. You just smiled softly and stroked him once more over the head before he disappeared.

"You're jealous and you'll think of something! Cha-Hae likes me the way I am!" he said seriously.

"Oh, and my feelings for you were just superficial? I didn't like you or what?! Damn it! I loved you before you became such an arrogant bastard! Okay, bastard is too much, you're not, but an arrogant piece of shit!", Jin-Ah held a hand in front of her mouth and Jin-Woo's look got even darker, which you could never imagine.

"Jealousy? Maybe I am jealous. But who wouldn't be, if your own boyfriend, spends more time with another woman? Still, I'm nowhere near having to make anything up for it! She is and remains in my eyes a Misststück, which takes advantage of you! A hypocrite-", you and Jin-ah's eyes widened in fright, while Jin-woo's eyes also widened slightly and he looked at his flat hand and then at your head turned to the side.

"Shin-he I..." he began, surprised himself. You held your cheek and look to him in shock for a moment, while Jin-ah was rigid with shock.

"I see..." you said softly. "Well Jin-woo... I guess that's it.", you smile softly and walk past him, to Jin-Ah and hug her once pretty hard, which she allowed in shock. You go into Jin-Woo room and grabbed your packed backpack, where you had some change of clothes and important things in it. You also took a small gift that you had for Jin-Woo and went out the door. Both of them looked at you startled when they saw you with the backpack. You walk up to Jin-Woo and took his hand and put the medium sized package on his hand and pull off the ring he had once given you.

"Happy anniversary. I hope you will be happy. Don't worry, you won't see me again. It was planned, if you don't show up today, I guess you never cared about me.... at least not now.", your eyes had lost their shine before you were embraced by Jin-Ah.

"Jinwoo, that hypocrite Cha-Hai In only likes you because you are good looking, don't stink and are strong. Because you saved her several times. If you were still the same, weak E-Hunter, she wouldn't give a shit about you, let alone know of your existence! But you don't seem to understand that she likes you now, but didn't care about you before! Ju-Hee and I liked you from the beginning, before you became an arrogant bastard! I'm done with this then."

"Shin-he! Don't go!", she cried and you smile softly rather hugging her once more and then detaching yourself from her.

"Take good care of yourself and your brother.", you walk to the door, but stop for a moment again. Without turning around, you said:

"Jin-Woo... become even stronger. Soon a battle will begin for you, against the other monarchs. The Beast Monarch, the Frost Monarch, and another Monarch will soon appear for you to fight. Your... Your father will save you, though. Order your mother a nice greeting." with that you walked out the door and as soon as you turned the corner you started crying. You kept running and running until you reached the park and pulled out your cell phone and dialed a number.

"Is it time?" you heard it say softly from the other line, not receiving a hello.

"Yes... pick me up please...", you whisper and nod when he told you he'd be there in ten minutes. So you made your way to the end of the park.

And not even five minutes after that, there was a bigger black car where a red-haired guildmaster got out and looked at you calmly. You smile slightly and he held the door open for you where you got in. Shortly after, he sat down next to you.

"Shin-He..." he whispered as they drove off.

"Can you take us somewhere quiet?" you said, not even looking at him.

"Of course.", it was silent between you and he looked at you every now and then as you both sat in the back seat. He saw your red cheek while the other was normal. Your dark blue, almost black hair slightly hiding your soft features. Choi Jong-In could only say how beautiful you look.

"He doesn't deserve you..." he said unconsciously, which you heard but didn't say anything back.


After twenty minutes you arrived at a quiet place by the lake, where Baek Yoon-Ho was already standing. Gently you smile. These two dropped their duties as guild masters to help you You never knew why, but you met them both by chance and you hit it off. You became very good friends, something you never expected. But most of all, it was because of your incredible strategies that often bailed out both Choi's and Baek's guilds. You were an incredible strategist. But except for those two, no one knew about it. You appreciated each other. After the car stopped, you unbuckled your seatbelt and ran out of the car, hugging Baek. Choi Jong-in also came to you, so you immediately pulled him to you as well. Both of you ignored the fact that he was now also too close to Baek, because her best friend was obviously in more than bad shape.

Several minutes passed while you cried on their shoulders and could only slowly calm down. Apologizing, you looked at them and went closer to the rope that was completely empty. You read yourself fall in the sand and tighten your legs. The two of them sat down next to you. Silently they were, while you watched the shining sky, until you started to tell from you. You told them that you were from another world and even told them things that were not on the surface. You also told them something about the future. But unlike Jin-Woo, they believed you.

"Shin-he... no Y/n... if you regret it, why didn't you let it happen?", surprisingly, Choi asked seriously and you knew what he meant.

"Why we didn't have sex?" you smirk and were direct. He cleared his throat and turned his face away in embarrassment while Baek laughed at him. He knew his feelings towards you, which is why Baek often teased him about it. You also chuckle softly and look forward thoughtfully, wondering if you should tell them....

Jin-Woo, on the other hand, was angry with you and disappeared back to his room and saw all your things that were important missing. He looked at the gift he threw on his bed. How dare you judge him and Cha-Hae like that, and say that you are from another world! He gasped and looked at the ring as well. He remembered back to when he gave it to you. Before he had left for the Double Dungeon, he had proposed to you as soon as he was well financially and would marry you, and you had started crying with joy, saying that you could also take your time as you needed until his mother was well too. He thanked her for your understanding.

"Well... our relationship wouldn't have any sense anymore anyway..." he said and lay down on his bed and closed his eyes. He looked to see if his mother was okay and smiled gently. After that, he looked at Cha-Hae and frowned. She was standing in her apartment with another guy and laughing.

"Is that true? You saw that woman running out of Jin-Woo's house crying?" she looked amused.

"Yes. It was funny. She had packed her things too, so I guess it means it's over and you're home free, sister.", the man laughed and Jin-Woo widened his eyes slightly.

"I saw her leaving in the car with your guild master, probably he knew something. After all, he and she are very good friends. But I guess it all went according to your plan. But the fact that your intimidation hadn't helped was amazing. Normally everyone respects you, even the women. Especially when you look angry. And I mean, you didn't just threaten her once to stay away from your Jin-Woo," he said casually. Jin-woo turned a little pale as he heard Cha-hae's laughter.

"Even after I slapped her to stay away from Jin-Woo, she still defiantly countered me, saying that she wouldn't give up. And you know what else she said? The pain in her cheek that I caused is no comparison to the pain she had experienced. After that, she laughed dirty. She even said that he had proposed to her. I was so angry, but I had to control myself. So I made sure he spent more time with me. And it worked. He had ignored her messages and calls.", she giggled happily. Jin-Woo gulped and sat up while Beru looked furious beside him.

"By the way... I found a picture of Jin-Woo. He really looked like a milquetoast kid when he was E-Hunter! And he was considered the weakest Hunter in the world. He was even below average as an E-Hunter," the brother laughed and pulled out a file with a picture of Jin-Woo when he was an E-Hunter. She looked at the file in disbelief.

"Well, cute, but not my type. He looks like he still lives with mom and dad. That picture is certainly a few years old. Thank goodness he looks so good now and not like he did in the picture then. He wouldn't be for me at all. I wouldn't even know him, let alone know of his existence. If he had met me like this, I would walk past him. But now... Now he smells so good and looks so good and is strong! I'm so happy and now that this weak and useless piece of shit is gone, Jin-Woo will finally fall in love with me! We will become the strongest couple and that bitch will suffer. I look forward to seeing her face when she sees it on the news someday. Especially what was funny when Jin-Woo told me that his girlfriend probably wants to say something but doesn't dare. How weak is she, please? Well, I'm going to freshen up, I want to ask Jin-Woo to go on a date with me..." she cleared her throat a bit and blushed. She said something like that yet he wouldn't refuse. Her brother wished her a good time while Jin-Woo cut the connection with his shadow and sat on his bed with his eyes wide open.

>>She was telling the truth... All along...<<, he thought, feeling more than just guilty.

"My king... I know what I have said is trivial... but I like my Queen Shin-He. I do not like Miss Cha-Hae. Please talk to Shin-He again.", Beru whispered and pulled back again. Jin-Woo closed his eyes once more and felt you up. You had tears in your eyes while Choi and Baek had a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.

"You can tell us everything..." whispered Choi and you nodded.

"In my world... when I turned six years old...", you started and swallowed hard while you started shaking at the same time. Jin-Woo watched you together with Beru and bit his lips. He would so much like to see you now, but he knew he was the last person you would want to see.


"...I had been out with my cousins. They were both older than me. One 17 the other 15. They were sisters and we got along very, very well. They were spending my sixth birthday with me because unfortunately my parents got caught in a snowstorm after they were about to return from their business trip. So my two cousins did something with me, like almost every day.", you smile softly, which quickly fades. You rest your head on your folded arms over your legs as you look sad.

"I can't remember exactly how, since if you want to look at it that way, it was already almost 50 years ago, if you calculate my age in my time, and this time here.... But I remembered that the three of us became unconscious.", you grip your arms tightly, which started to bleed in response, but were stopped when the two of them laid their hands on yours. You calm down slightly.

"After quite a few hours, I woke up. Naked, I was hanging from the chains that were around my wrists,ankles, while floating about a meter and a half above the ground as a result....," you whisper as all four, Jin-Woo, Beru, Choi, and Baek widened their eyes.

"...It was dark, with only a few candles illuminating the room when I awoke.... I was shaking, screaming for help, started crying until the door was opened.... Oh yes... I remember all that too well...", you laugh darkly and dryly.

"Men came in... laughed at me, mocked me, and touched me...", you put your hand over your mouth in disgust. You feel the two next to you tense up and get angry.

"...They hit me when I wouldn't stop crying. My face hurt while I had several bruises and contusions on my body. That was the first and also the last time they hit me in the face.... I was just silent and listened to them talking and laughing, not saying anything and just watching them. They had shown me that as soon as I would talk, they would hit me, so I stayed silent and cried softly...", you look thoughtfully at the sea and were silent for a few minutes.

"A few weeks passed, I had barely spoken, was given something to drink twice a day and something to eat every two or three weeks. They wore me down psychologically and yet.... I fought and was punished every time. They beat my body, whipped my back while I screamed and cried until at some point they fell silent because I no longer had a voice. And yet I asked where my cousins were, but each time they laughed dirty until one said to me that they had sold me for their lives...", again you laughed dryly and they all looked at you with widened eyes as they tensed.

"I didn't know then... what they meant by that. 'They sold me out,' but I knew what freedom was. So I took it that way... I figured - at least they were safe and could get help...", your gaze darkened as your golden eyes sparkled angrily.

"...However, I gave it up when after another few weeks - or so I suspected, nothing happened. I was weak, hungry and tired. I only ever had four to six hours of sleep," you laugh dryly.

"Men came in... laughed at me, mocked me and touched me..." you put your hand over your mouth in disgust. You feel the two next to you tense up and get angry.

"...They hit me when I wouldn't stop crying. My face hurt while I had several bruises and contusions on my body. That was the first and also the last time they hit me in the face.... I was just quiet and listened to them talking and laughing, not saying anything and just watching them. They had shown me that as soon as I would talk, they would hit me, so I stayed silent and cried softly...", you look thoughtfully at the sea and were silent for a few minutes.

"A few weeks passed, I had barely spoken, was given something to drink twice a day and something to eat every two or three weeks. They wore me down psychologically and yet.... I fought and was punished every time. They beat my body, whipped my back while I screamed and cried until at some point they fell silent because I no longer had a voice. And yet I asked where my cousins were, but each time they laughed dirty until one said to me that they had sold me for their lives...", again you laughed dryly and they all looked at you with widened eyes as they tensed.

"I didn't know then... what they meant by that. 'They sold me out,' but I knew what freedom was. So I took it that way... I figured - at least they were safe and could get help...", your gaze darkened as your golden eyes sparkled angrily.

"...However, I gave it up when after another few weeks - or so I suspected, nothing happened. I was weak, hungry and tired. I only ever had four to six hours of sleep," you laugh dryly.

"They even brought me teachers who also belonged to them. They taught me reading, writing, arithmetic.... even foreign languages. Among others, Korean, English, Japanese, Mandarin, and French.... And for every mistake I made, I was punished. They beat me again, squeezed the cigarettes out of my body while my bones ached. Not a day went by when I wasn't beaten, unless I was sick and had a fever. They even had a doctor who treated me. Also my wounds, that the scars would not become so deep.... But it was of limited use, because my wounds were reopened every time...", you shake all over your body and try to stand up. You unbutton your blouse and turn your back to the two guys. They blushed, but at the same time they opened their eyes when they saw your back, which was full of scars. Small scars, big scars, long scars. You put your blouse back on.

"My chest area doesn't look any better," you sit down between them again.

"Every time Jin-Woo touched me, I would unconsciously panic and push him off me. Also because of my scars. I just didn't want him to see them... the sight is ugly and horrible... even though I tried to talk to him.... I couldn't.", you shake your head and look at the sea again.

"Water... more months passed while I watched and learned my torturers. They had set up a small parlor in my torture room, as I christened it, a few meters away. There they watched on a television again and again fight films. Either from Bruce Lee or other fighters. I had watched each time excitedly, if the strips ran in the evening, since I had a direct view and they were with the back to me. I memorized everything there was to memorize because I thought maybe I could use it someday. I was so fascinated by how they fought and then fell asleep while dreaming of breaking free, but unfortunately was harshly jolted back to reality when I woke up and I was still in chains.", you look up at the sky and sigh.

"...And then...I suddenly knew what my tormentors meant by, 'I was sold.' My 'teacher' taught me many things, including the definition of buying and selling. Inside, I understood it immediately. My cousins sold me for their lives so that they would not have to endure what was happening to me. They only asked that I not be killed and that my face not be hurt in exchange for doing anything else to me, but I found that out much, much later...", you look at the water.

"...So it went on for two years and on my eighth birthday, I was surprised when suddenly my two cousins, tied up, landed in front of me. They looked at me and opened their eyes. Probably by the sight of me, when they saw my emaciated body, which was covered with wounds. They were as surprised as I was. They called my name in surprise, rather my older cousin was forcibly pushed to the ground. The words from the one tormentor were: 'Y/n my sweet, your two cousins thought to blackmail us, if we didn't give them more money they would report us - don't you think they deserve a lesson?' with that he took an axe and cut my cousin's arm who was screaming loudly and I too. I was shaking and crying while my other cousin was also grabbed and had her clothes torn off her body. She cried while all I could do was watch...as she was raped by several men.... My other cousin, after having her wound emergency treated, was also raped..." you shiver and start crying as the images came back in your head. You have gasps of breath as they both soothed you.

"Shhhh, calm down. Nothing will ever happen to you again, I promise! You don't have to keep talking...", Choi whispered and pulled you in his arms, immediately you clutched onto his shirt and cried against his chest while Baek stroked your back reassuringly, feeling the slight bulges of your scars. His eyes lit up yellow as he tried to suppress his anger.

"N-no... I want to finally... get rid of it..." you cried, not even noticing how Jin-Woo looked furious and wished your tormentor the cruelest death. When he saw your scars just now, his heart slipped, even more so when he continued to listen to your past. Beru's aura, on the other hand, became fierce and he wants to kill these people.

You sniffle and move away from him a bit, taking shaky breaths in and out.

"...Hours... S- hours they raped them in front of me. I heard their screams as they begged for them to stop, but they kept going while I was forced to watch it all. They had pulled my songs tight and held my head. So I could neither look away... nor turn my head away...", you held your head and grabbed your hair tightly. You started crying more again while your heart was beating way too fast.

"...By moment I realized... that I might be next.... If they did the same thing to me. But fortunately for me, they hadn't done that at the time. But... I only saw my two cousins once more, and then never again. And the last time was only what was left of them. Both of them were missing an eye, their limbs had been cut off and taken care of, while they lay like sacks in the corner...", at the sight you got goosebumps, while Jin-Woo now understood why you were never afraid of horror movies or the monsters in the dungeon when he told about them. It was nothing with the sight of what happened to you.

"More years of torture passed. For my thirteenth birthday I was to receive a special surprise. I pretended to be happy because I received beatings for every ingratitude. Fortunately, I rarely hung in the air by the chains and was more chained to the wall, but I could move, which they made me do. I don't know why they taught me, or made sure I stayed sane.... I wished so often that they would just kill me.... I didn't want that anymore. And once I was free, I took advantage of it and banged my head against the wall so hard, hoping to die from it. Unfortunately, I was only unconscious for a few days, but that was more due to the weak state of my body, not my head. The doctor told me that I had to eat more, so they gave me more food and forced me to eat everything. And everything I threw up because my stomach wasn't used to the amount.... they made me lick it off the floor...", again you put your hand over your mouth. Thinking again about how you had to eat your own vomit made you gag immediately, which is why you immediately bent over in front and threw up. Immediately the two of them held your hair out of your face and stroked your back. Baek took a water bottle and gave it to you after a few minutes, when you had calmed down. Thankfully you took it and tremblingly opened the bottle and rinsed your mouth first, rather you spat it out and drank something properly. Both of them helped you up and you find another place to sit down.

"E-excuse me..." you whisper with red cheeks. However, neither of them took offense to you.

"Are you okay?", Choi asked worriedly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. You nodded and closed your eyes.

"Yeah...thanks.", you whisper and open them again.

"...Anyway... it was my thirteenth birthday.... I had been made up and dressed up. Deep down, I believed that maybe they would release me, but that was wishful thinking. They led me into another room, which was bare and sperlich furnished. There was only a table, a bathtub and a big bed in the room...", you turned pale and start shaking again.

"One of them said to me that I should take bath and yes wash thoroughly. They would be watching it. So I took off my clothes. I had nothing to be ashamed of. After all, I was naked the whole time. This was the first time in that time that I wore something to wear. Water was already in and unconsciously I enjoyed the hot bath. But unfortunately not for very long, because I was too slow for them, rather I was pushed roughly into the tub and they started washing me...", unconsciously you squeeze your legs tightly together, while the others could imagine where they had touched you.

"'To my right!" the one voice said to me, meaning that he couldn't take it anymore. Before I could ask what he meant by that, he grabbed me by my long hair, dragged me out of the tub and dumped me on the bed, rather he leaned over me and started kissing.... touched my chest, grabbed between my legs...", at the end you became quieter and quieter and reader, but everyone understood you. If you weren't sitting between the two of them, they would have beaten everything short, given free rein to their rage.

Jin-Woo, on the other hand, looked more sinister than he had in a long time, while even Beru was starting to feel afraid.

"...I think... I don't need to explain to you what had been done to me for hours.... Especially when two of them had their way with me at the same time and they all sang Happy Birthday..." you hissed in disgust.

"I-I'm disgusted with myself.... Even if they were using contraception.... it was...", you cry again and hide your head between your arms and legs, shaking like a leaf. Baek and Chou put a hand on your shoulders and at the same time felt you flinch, but immediately calmed down.

"After several hours, I was put back in chains. For the moment I was happy that they had left me alone for that day. And so the remaining three years passed. Almost every third day I was raped, beaten every day and had to study hard. I was able to speak these languages fluently during these few years, while I learned everything else as well and that to perfection, so that at least they could not beat me for it anymore. Unfortunately, however, I got worse every year and the doctor made several tests. I didn't have any STDs, but I did get leukemia. Probably from the conditions that took place here. He had given me medicines that suppressed my symptoms, but it didn't really help, because my body was already too worn out and affected by the years and I had developed a certain immunity to pills and poisons...", you sigh softly and sadly, rather lost in thought you continued.

"My fifteenth birthday had been passing for a few days.... and they had tortured another person I had never seen before in my life in front of my eyes. But I didn't care. I had been hardened and just prayed to God that she would die quickly and without pain. Even though she was raped in front of me, I didn't care. She pleaded that they should not do it in front of me, that such a thing was not meant for my eyes, but they did not stop. In the process, however, they had also neglected me. They had not fastened my chains properly. They were loose and even I could have broken them at any time. Every time I shouted to myself that I would make it! Today would be 'the' day I escape! I was sure. And after a few hours the time had come. They all left the room because they wanted to eat big. When they took me to the other room back on my thirteenth birthday, I memorized all the entrances and doors, just like the map on the wall. I also knew that two guards were positioned outside my door if they left me alone. But only one was allowed to leave the place. So I made up my plan and waited another half hour, rather I freed myself. I called loudly for help and pretended to cry. As I thought, a person also came in and asked what is. I told him I had seen a huge rat that was near me and I was scared. He believed me and came towards me. So I took my chain and hit him in the face with it, tied his hands with it, kicked the back of his knee and then stood in front of him. Before he could insult me, I kicked and punched with all my might until my body was covered with his blood. The other chain around my joint, I wrapped around his neck.... he turned blue and then died from lack of air. The other one out there asked if everything was okay, but when his buddy didn't answer, he opened the door, but by then I had already grabbed him and pulled him down to me by the collar and slammed my knee against his jaw. As he staggered backwards, I grabbed his head and smashed him against the wall. He remained unconscious. In his pants pocket was a cell phone. I immediately dialed the police and started crying instead of explaining where I was, which startled others, but I somehow managed to get my location through by having the cell phone tracked. So I ran away with the cell phone and hid in a corner, shaking. I heard them shouting that I had escaped..." a sinister smile formed on your face as the two looked at you, including Jin-Woo.

"...I was confident...the police now knew my location, while I conveyed to them not to be able to talk now. At first they didn't believe me, but when they heard gunshots from further back, they got ready. They told me to stay where I was, which I denied because they would find me very soon and then most likely kill me."; you laugh slightly.

"Unbelievable... just because I was able to free myself, I suddenly didn't want to die anymore, even though I had begged the day before to finally be redeemed. Accordingly, I had to disappear, because I knew my tormentors better than anyone else. After all, I had been watching them all these years," but your face contorted a bit.

"Unfortunately, I got distracted once.... I saw the sun. I saw daylight and I was so glad. But I heard the footsteps and knew that it was too late to hide. I had wasted precious time. I had only one choice... I opened the window and stood on the windowsill. It was at least three floors down. I tried to close the window as fast as I could and let myself hang from the window sill, hoping I wouldn't be noticed. I looked around and spotted an old fire escape, but it was hanging at least ten feet away from me. I held the cell phone in my mouth. I tried to slowly shimmy my way to the fire escape, which was more than difficult because my body didn't have the strength and stamina. I am weak and useless...", Cha-Hae's words came back to mind. "Just like Cha-Hae said...", you mutter unconsciously and shake your head.

"Anyway... my adrenaline and obsession to get out of here kept me going. I made it to the ladder.", as if you were about to repeat the same thing, you breathe in and out heavily.

"...But unfortunately I got caught, they looked out the window and noticed me. I tried to slide down the ladder as I saw it in the movie, unfortunately it didn't look as cool on me as it did on the actors, which is why I fell down the last two meters and lost consciousness for a few seconds. At first I wanted to pretend to be dead, but they had a doctor and he would determine that everything was fine with me. So I got myself up and grabbed the cell phone and ran. Even though I was done and my lungs were screaming, I kept running and running. Stepped in broken glass, tore up the soles of my feet, fell him, hurt myself, but none of it bothered me. I ran into the thick density and saw a metal fence. Since I was crouching down, I was able to scan the fence, but I also heard them coming and shooting. They didn't hit me, though. I managed to find a hole to crawl under and suddenly heard the policeman on the line. I held the phone to my ear and hid behind an old car. I was apparently in some kind of junkyard. I told this to the policeman, who advised me to hide in a car. So I searched several cars and went along everywhere and then found a black BMW, which was open, thank God, and I could in the trunk. I told the policeman, who reassured me and said that the police would arrive any moment," you sigh in relief.

"And then I heard the sirens. And I shared that with the policemen and I coughed. My lungs hurt and I noticed my body, which seemed to slowly relax after hearing the sirens, ached. I whispered how tired I was and that everything was spinning around me. The policeman shouted that I should not fall asleep, but it was too late. The blackness took me, I just didn't hear how someone was cursing and several shots were fired.", you look again to the sky and think...


The first chapter ends here. The second one continues directly from the first one.

I hope you like it and I'm sorry if there are anymistakes. But feel free to leave me some feedback :)

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