Only time will tell

By BeBe1918

50.7K 1.5K 173

"If you do that again, I'll throw you off this bloody tower you - what on earth are you doing?" "Checking how... More

Tell Me About Tomorrow
Playlist/ Aesthetics
Chapter one - How to run from the mess you made
Chapter two - I Call Shotgun (Said the Dead Man)
Chapter three - The Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface & Go Fuck Yourself
Chapter four - Laughter in the tombs
Chapter Five - Our Old Friend Death
Chapter six - Emotions are for children
Chapter seven - Things Go Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly wrong)
Chapter eight - Words To Live By
Chapter nine - 100 Times a Therapist was Needed
Chapter Ten - 50 shades of your blood
Chapter eleven - Today on Dr Phill - A Traitor
Chapter Twelve - Possession or Obsession ?
Chapter thirteen - The Good, The Bad and The Okay I Guess

Chapter Fourteen - The Truth Doesn't Change The Way You Lie

1.1K 39 18
By BeBe1918

I am sorry for such a late update. I haven't really had any inspiration.

"Good morning, Florence."


"I believe the proper response is good morning."


"Yes, but -"


"Florence don't be unreasonable."

"But it's so earlyyyy."

"We have a serious matter on our hands right now."

"What are you talking about?"

"I am about to meet the man who raised you. How can you be so calm? What if he hates me? What if he tries to kill me?" Tom said as he paced the pavement. This way crazy. I couldn't believe that the 'He who must not be named' was scared to meet Tony. This has to be joke. 

"Are you ...- nervous Dad ?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Why on earth would I be nervous?"

"Right, my bad."

"No but seriously what am I going to do?"

"Don't be scared. Tony's great. I'm sure you two will get along swimmingly."


"Yeah of course. Bucky on the other hand. You might want to reduce the whole Lord Voldemort thing." 

"I have no clue how to do that."

"Jesus Dad, just breathe and don't talk about world domination."

We sat there in silence after that. Him, I'm sure contemplating what's going to happen and me, trying to figure how I'm going to persuade Dad - I mean Tony (I'm going to have to try and work that out later) to help us. 

"I'm going to talk to Bellatrix. I need to gather my thoughts."

And with that he was off. 

I guess I should go and find those soulmates of mine.  It had been to silent for too long and although I trusted Remus to make sure Sirius didn't wreck havoc I was still worried as to what they might be up too.

And god after that kiss with Remus all I can think about is when we will do it again. I mean I didn't even realize guys could kiss that well. It was fucking amazing and trust me I had been thinking about it ever since. I mean who knew that skinny werewolf with beautiful brown eyes and a cruel mouth could make my skin tingle like that.

It was fucking stunning. 

What I hadn't expected to see when I walked into the main body of the jet was all three boys snuggled up together. Remus and Sirius were entwined together holding hands while James had been flopped over the other two. I couldn't help but wonder what might be going on between the two. I had noticed the tension which let me tell you could be cut with a bloody knife and the longing stares. Jesus motherfucking Christ.

------------------------------ Time Skip ------------------------------

"This is so fucking cool." Sirius basically squealed with excitement when he saw Stark Tower, I forgot that he wasn't use to muggle things.

We had just entered to elevator and while Remus and Tom looked like they might shit themself from fear, James and Sirius were bouncing of the walls.

"Are you sure this is safe angel?" Remus questioned as he clung to the side to the railing.

"My dads a genius trust me he can build a basic lift. Wait, don't tell him I said that. He already has a huge ego."

"A couple of things before we get up there, Tom you might want to loose the wand. It's kinda creepy how you just standing there with it in your hand. And Sirius behave. I'm watching you alright. Do not touch anything. My dad gets very protective over his suits."

And before they could say anything, the lift pinged and we were at the top floor. I quickly grabbed James's hand. However, I was not expecting to see everyone if the lounge screaming at each other. 

"James Buchanan Barnes, you cannot just randomly hit people who annoy you." Steve shouted at Bucky.

"Why not? He was in my way, I asked him to move and he said no. So I moved him myself."

"That's not how it works Bucky."

"Florence told me that if someone was being a bitch then you should beat them up. You told me to listen to Florence."

"First thing, language. Second, Florence is what sixteen why would I tell you to listen to her. She can barely even use the toaster."

What a wanker? It was one time. I didn't realize I was heating the damn machine with my powers.

"Jeezzzzz thanks Steve."


"The one and only."

It was funny to watch as Bucky ran over and picked me up, spinning me around in his arms. 

"Move over Manchurian Candidate that's my daughter your holding."

Tony pushed Bucky over and captured me a hug. He was my comfort in all of this chaos. He was home in the end.

"Hey flower, how you been doing? I am so fucking sorry for lying to you. Adopted or not you are my daughter and I love you so much. I should have told you earlier on but I didn't want to ruin everything and then it all happened and I just thought you would be better of not knowing. I was wrong,"


"Shut the fuck up Romanoff. Please forgive me kid. I'm sorry. I'll do anything."


"Well, I have been wanting a new suit for a while."


"I'm just joking Dad. The boys helped me realize that you were just doing this to protect me. Even if it was kinda fucked. Love you Dad."

"Lov...." Just as Tony was about to speak, Sam shouts over him.

"Who the fuck is that?"

There standing in the middle of the room was Tom Riddle with a look of slight disgust and envy on his face as he watched the interaction between Tony and I. He had not listened to me and instead of putting his wand away he was now standing with it out and Nagini had also decided to show up.


The look on Tony's face told me he knew exactly who this was. 

"You piece of fucking shit, get out of my tower before I blast all the way to fucking space." His suit was already on and Thor was having to hold him back.

"Mr Stark, please, I must explain."

"Pointbreak let go of me right now so that I blast that smug look of the prick."

"Mr Stark, you have been told lies about me. I promise."

"Don't make me fucking laugh."

I jump into action going over to Tony to try and calm him down.

"Dad, he's telling the truth. He explained what had happened. I believe him. Just give him a chance. For me. Please."

"How do I know he's not performing some of that witchy shit on you."

"You have to trust me on this Dad. Just hear him out."

He looked so pissed of. I didn't want Tony to be upset with me but we needed him. This had to work.

"Fucking hell, fine. Let go of me Pointbreak. You have ten minutes to explain before I get Reindeer Games over here to kill you."

With that he went over to the couch, sulking in the corner.

------------------------ Time Skip --------------------------

"So your telling me I've been getting fucked over by a this fucking whore for the last sixteen years, and that your innocent and that he is fooling the whole world into thinking he's some kind of saint while he gets children to do his dirty work. What the fuck is this school? Florence I'm pulling you out." 

Tony was pissed. In fact I'm pretty sure pissed is an understatement, he looked like he was about to blow a blood vessel. Not that I could really blame him.

"That is correct Mr Stark. And now I need your help to kill the bitch and clear my name."

"This is a lot to take in MouldyMort -"


"Alright. Alright. Your school is fucking weird."

There was silence for a while. Tony seemed to be in deep thought about what he was going to do. James sat next me, me fiddling with my dagger, while he stroked his hands down my spine but just as he got the bottom he would stop and go back to the top.

It felt fucking amazing and was pissing me of because I couldn't exactly go and kiss him. He fucking knew what he was doing to.

Fucking tease.

"We have two options either Florence and the boys go back to school and work on the students while Riddle over here helps me find some kind of evidence to take the fucker down or we can kill him."

"We can't just kill him. Everyone will know and then we will go to Azkaban."

"Well the I guess were going with option one. You guys can stay the night but then you need to get back to school before someone becomes suspicious. In the meantime Riddle will be staying with us. Florence can I talk to you in the hallway."

Oh shit. I think I might be in trouble. 

I go to give James a small peck on the check as I let go of his hand but he turns his head so that my lips land of his. 

Holy Fuck.

I'm kissing James Potter. 

God I didn't think this would ever happen. 

My hands slipped into his hair as he claims my mouth. His lips were so soft but his attack was brutal as he bit my bottom lip, capturing it until blood is drawn, causing me to gasp. Letting him dominate the kiss and his tongue slipping into my mouth. My whole body tingled. He tasted like butterbeer and our tongues danced together. 

Cough. Cough.

Fuck. I forgot there were people were around.

"Glasses get the fuck of my daughter before I get Romanoff to castrate you."

James look fucking terrified. His forehead rested on mine for a minute while we both panted trying to get our breath back.

"Protect me angel. He can't chop of my dick I need it."

My cheeks flushed bright red causing James to smirk. Slowly, I turned around to face everyone. 

"You alright there princess?" Sirius shouted with a smug look on his face while Remus just laughed at little, pushing his glasses up his face.

"Fuck off Sirius," I said as I flipped him my middle finger while following dad out the room. 

"I need to talk you Florence."

Fuck the full name. 

"I gathered that much."

"Don't get smart with me you little shit. I have something to tell you."

"You got Pepper pregnant."

"Wait how did you know?"

"What are talking about? I was joking."

"Well I guess the cat's out the bag. Pepper is pregnant. Your going to be a big sister."

"Your kidding."


What in the ever loving fuck is going on? He's joking right.

"Florence are you alright flower."

I mean me. A sister. Of a small child. Holy shit.


That means I have to be responsible.

"Hellooooo Florence are you there?" He said waving his hand in my face.

"Holy shit. This amazing." I was so happy and quickly pulled him into a hug. I knew that Pepper had always wanted more children I just never thought it was going to happen. I poked my head around the corner. "Guys I going to be sister!"

"So your happy flower?" 

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm going to be a big sister. I can teach it how to prank and make pancakes and we can go to concerts and-"

"Slow your roll Flo. We've got another nine months before the thing is born. But I'm glad your alright with this Flo."

"Of course I am. I'm so happy for you and Pepper."

"Thanks Flo."

We stood there for a few minutes in silence and just as he goes to walk away I shout "$10 says its a girl."

"Your on. However, $1000 plus my mustang says it's twins. One boy and one girl."

"Your on dad."

--------------------------- Time Skip -----------------------

It was later that night when I was sitting in my room reading Little Women when I heard a knock of my door.

"It's Bucky Flo. Can I come in. I've got snacks."


"Hey ангел (angel), I come bearing gifts," he says as he dumps a tub of chocolate brownies ice cream in my lap with a spoon while he settle in next to me. Pulling me under his arm while grabbing his own spoon to dig in. 

"Hey Buck, I've missed you. I'm sorry about the way we left things last time."

"It's alright ангел. I should have told you earlier."

"Nah, I was just being dramatic."

"Well that's new isn't it," he replies sarcastically.

I punch him in the gut while saying "Fuck off."

"That's not nice."

"I have never said I was nice, did I?" I say as I arch a brow. Motherfucker thought I was going to let him of for not telling me.

"How's it going with those shit heads? Do you need me to make the disappear?"

I groan while sinking into the bed, my spoon still in my mouth. The metal fucker just laughs at me. 

"I don't know what's going on Buck. On one hand, there my soulmates and they have apologized. They are making it up to me. Like Remus took me on a date recently. It was amazing and even when I had a panic attack he was so sweet and he made me the most amazing present. And James, it so cute with those little dimples in his face and soft curly hair. Plus Sirius, is always making me laugh and his date is next."


Somehow Bucky always knew what I was thinking. We had been stuck in that shit hole together and it was like now we didn't even have to speak to communicate. He was the only one that truly understands what happened. Sure, I told the others but they didn't get it. They weren't there.

"But I can't forget what they did to me. It's like every time we make progress my brain decides it doesn't fucking give a shit if I'm happy and I freak out."

"Florence you have to go with heart on this one. Although I hate to admit those boys seem to really like and I think maybe you sure try to give them a proper chance. And if they break your heart then I will break there necks. So it's win-win situation either way." 

I giggled at that while cuddling into his chest. He had put the ice cream to the side and was playing with the my hair. 

"I don't wanna even think about this anymore. What about you cyborg? Any crushes?"

I was met with complete silence. Wait.

"No way. Oh my god. You have a crush. Who is it? Tell me everything?"

Now he was the one to blush and hide his head in the pillow groaning.

"I hate you sometimes. You know that right."

"No you don't."





"Stop trying to get away from the subject others I will steal the metal arm tonight and hide it."

"Fine you bitch. I have a crush. трахать (fuck). It's Steve. I think I might like him but I'm not sure. And anyway I pretty sure there's something going on with Nat."

"Bucky you idiot you have to talk to him."


"Why not? You won't know if he likes you if don't talk."

"Hypocrite," he coughs at me.

"What was that?"


"Pleaseeee Bucky. Entertain me with your love life while mine is a mess," I said with puppy dog eyes. 

"That won't work......Fucking hell. Fine. Just stop looking at me like that."


For the rest of the night we sit there talking about everything that had happened so far this term. I told him about Regulus and my friends. He told me about his missions. And it wasn't till the early hours that we both finally went to sleep supported by the comfort of each other.

Finally after weeks of nervousness and panic I felt home.


Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to comment and vote.

Side Note:

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in ages I honestly I have had no inspiration and then had mocks and now I have me exams. I don't particularly love this chapter but I wanted to put something out for people to read. If you have any ideas that would be amazing. Also what gender do we want the baby to be?

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