Glass - Power Rangers Megafor...

By AlexNeko_990

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Glass (Completed)πŸ’Ž -Book One of the Fragile Duology- --- Our world was once a safe and happy place until evi... More

Meet Jaxson "Jax" Moran
Chapter One: Mega Mission
Chapter Two: He Blasted Me With Science
Chapter Three: Going Viral
Chapter Four: Stranger Ranger
Chapter Five: United We Stand
Chapter Six: Harmony and Dizchord
Chapter Seven: Who's Crying Now?
Chapter Eight: Robo Knight
Chapter Nine: Prince Takes Knight
Chapter Ten: Man and Machine
Chapter Eleven: Ultra Power
Chapter Twelve: Dream Snatcher
Chapter Thirteen: Gosei Ultimate
Chapter Fourteen: The Human Factor
Chapter Fifteen: Staying on Track
Chapter Sixteen: The Human Condition
Chapter Seventeen: The Messenger
Bonus Chapter: Under The Fireworks
Go Check Out Book 2 - Prism

Chapter Eighteen: End Game

800 20 1
By AlexNeko_990


All of us rushed to where Troy is. Troy was shirtless, if I wasn't too worried about the attack, I would be blushing, right now. "We just got word! There's a new attack a big one!" I said. "We knew this was coming, this is it than. Let's go!" Troy said, as he puts on his shirt. All of us rushed toward the location.


All of us rushed toward the location.

The robots begin firing at us.

"There's so many of them!" Emma said.

"Where did they come from?" Jake asked.

"Metal Alice, must've reached mass destruction level, but I can't still believe how many!" Noah said.

"Something's definitely going on!" I said.

"We'll be ready for anything!" Troy said.

"Than what are we waiting for?" Gia said.

"Right!" Noah said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"Megaforce Red!"

"Megaforce Gold!"

"Megaforce Yellow!"

"Megaforce Black!"

"Megaforce Pink!"

"Megaforce Blue!"

All of us got out our weapons, and begin fighting the Loogies.

"This massive robot attack, must be what Vrak was planning!" Gia said.

"He's throwing Loogies, at us to slow us down!" Jake said.

"We got to take out these Loogies, and take out those robots ASAP!" Troy said.

"Agree!" I said.

"There must be hundreds of them! Keep it up!" Jake said.

"Shark Bowgun!" Noah shouted.

"Phoenix Shot!" Emma shouted.

The both of them attacked the Loogies.

All of us were still fighting the Loogies.

"Leviathan Scythe!" I shouted, as I attacked the Loogies.

"Time to try out, my new move!" I said.

I threw my Leviathan Scythe, and it acts like a boomerang, it attacks the Loogies, and return back to me.

"I call that the, Leviathan Scythe: Boomerang Twister!" I said.

Robo Knight appeared, and attacked the Loogies.

All of us regrouped.

"Good job, Robo Knight! Now to take out, those robots!" Troy said.

"Sky Dynamic!"

"Land-Sea Dynamic!"

"Knight Dynamic!"

All of us shouted, as we destroyed the robots.

"Got them!" Emma said.

"Is that all of them?" Noah asked.

"Look out!" Robo Knight said.

"Defenstream!" Me, and Noah shouted, as we blocked the incoming attack.

"Look, we have a new visitor!" I said.

"It's Vrak!" Emma said.

"I was gonna let you witness the destruction of Earth, first-hand! But since you're such pests, it's time to exterminate you!" Vrak said.

"Think again! Today is your last, cyborg! Today, we will get rid of him for good!" Troy said.

"Right!" All of us said.

"Ultra Mode Activate!" All of us shouted, as we got into Ultra Mode.

"Ultra Mode Morph!"

"Let's battle one last time!" Vrak said.

All of us begin fighting.

"Where's Metal Alice?" I said.

"Is she too afraid to face us?" Troy said.

"Today is a special day! It's your last!" Vrak said.

"Enough!" Robo Knight said.

"Yes, enough of you!" Vrak said.

The both of them begin fighting.

"Nice try, but my superior technology, will beat you!" Vrak said.

All of us grouped up.

"Cyber-rangs!" Vrak shouted, as he attacked us.

"Direct hit! Chest Grenades! Fire!" Vrak shouted, as he attacked us again.

"We really need to up our game!" Jake said.

"You must all access your Ultra Power! Or Earth will be lost! Blue Ranger, Gold Ranger, with me!" Robo Knight said.

"Seashower Activate!" The three of us shouted, as we attacked Vrak.

"Rockrush Activate!" Jake, and Gia shouted.

"Twistornado Activate!" Troy, and Emma shouted.

They attacked Vrak as well.

"Nice job!" Gia said.

"After that, he won't be getting up!" Jake said.

"That was a hard fall!" Gia said.

"You got what you deserved!" Emma said.

"I'm not sure, he's finished! Cyborgs can repair themselves pretty quickly!" Noah said.

"Noah's right!" I said.

"Look! He's already getting up! Full Power, Rangers!" Troy said.

"Morpher, set! Ultra Mega Power Activate!" All of us shouted.

"Vulcan Cannon Activate!" Robo Knight shouted.

"Summon Vulcan Cannon!"

"Vulcan Cannon Set!" Robo Knight shouted.

"Ultra Mega Power Ready!" All of us shouted.

"Together, we will make the Earth safe again!" Robo Knight said.

"Ultra Power Dynamic Strike!" All of us shouted, as we fired at Vrak.

"Knight Dynamic!"

"Knight Dynamic Fire!" Robo Knight shouted, as he fired at Vrak.

Vrak blocked our attacks, and attacked us.

"He absorbed the energy of our attacks, and threw it back at us!" Robo Knight said.

We fell.

"His circuits must be fried after that move!" Noah said.

Our Ultra Mode disappeared.

"Oh no! We're losing our Ultra Mode!" I said.

"The Morpher! No!" Troy said.

Our Morphers were burnt.

"Look at them!" I said.

"They're burned?" Emma said.

"This can't be! Megaquake Activate!" Jake said, trying to use it.

"Nothing!" Jake said, as nothing happened.

"He sucked all of the power from our Morphers!" I said.

"There's no energy left in them!" Troy said.

"I knew that my plan, will render you useless!" Vrak said.

The Messenger appeared.

"How could you pathetic Rangers, even think about defeating Vrak!" The Messenger said.

"It's him again!" Troy said.

"The Messenger!" I said.

"No!" Noah, and Jake said.

"Well done, your highness!" The Messenger said.

"Huh?" Emma said.

"Your highness?" Me, and Troy said.

"Correct! You didn't know? Vrak is the prince's brother, the second in-line to the throne!" The Messenger said.

"Prince?" Emma said.

"It has been an honor to serve you! Do not worry about the, Rangers! I will handle them for you, your highness!" The Messenger said.

"We'll serve no rulers!" Jake said.

"That's because you don't know, who is coming!" The Messenger said.

"No! This planet is ours, and no one is taking it from us!" Emma said.

"When your power's gone, what you think is irrelevant! Now, I will do my duty, protect my royal leader, and finish what lord Vrak started! The task of eliminating you!" The Messenger said, as he attacked us.

We fell to the ground.

He attacked us again, and we fell again.

"We bow down to no one!" Troy said, as he grabbed his Mega Blaster, and fired at The Messenger.

"Come on, we gotta back Troy up!" I said.

"Right!" They said.

All of us begin fighting The Messenger.

"Do you not see, that this is merely survival of the fittest?" The Messenger said.

All of us regrouped.

"You humans are too weak, and worthless to survive!" The Messenger said, as he attacked us.

All of us fell to the ground.

Robo Knight begin fighting The Messenger.

All of us continue fighting The Messenger, and we regrouped.

"Jax! Troy!" Emma called.

"We have to find a way to stop him!" I said.

"Together!" Troy said.

"This is too easy, they're charging head first towards their destruction!" The Messenger said, as he attacked us.

All of us fell to the ground, and de-morphed.

"He's taking us down, one notch at a time!" Emma said.

"We can't morph back, anymore!" Noah said.

"We gotta keep fighting!" Me, and Troy said.

"I admire your will-power, this planet must mean a lot to you! Unfortunately, we are taking it from you! And now, a new Era is about too begin, it's a shame you will not be her, to see it coming! I must get ready, for the prince's arrival, so this is where we say goodbye to each other, farewell, Rangers!" The Messenger said, as he prepare to attack us.

"Guys, we don't give up, right?" Troy said.

"Never!" I said.

"Not a chance!" Gia said.

"I was just resting a little!" Jake said.

"Me too! Just letting him, catch up to us!" Noah said.

"Where are you finding the will to get up? Well, no matter! It's time to disintegrate all of you!" The Messenger said.

"For our Earth!" Troy shouted, as we run toward The Messenger.

Robo Knight stopped us.

"Stop! Stand back! This is my duty! Tri-fusion Activate! Knight Power Energize!" Robo Knight shouted, as he blocked The Messenger attack.

"Amazing! His Morpher is working!" Noah said.

"How? Your Morpher was completely dead!" The Messenger said.

"Wait! What is happening?" The Messenger said.

Robo Knight stopped the attack.

"How was that possible?" The Messenger said,.

Robo Knight began to fall.

All of us went to him.

"Robo Knight! Are you okay?" Emma asked.

"How?" Gia said.

"I was able to divert all of my internal energy, to recharge my Morpher! And open my Tri-fusion portal, that drained all of The Messenger's energy from him! He is currently incapacitated, but I  don't know for how long! Time is of the essence! Quickly, get out your Morphers, while there is still time!" Robo Knight said.

We got out our Morphers.

"I absorbed his attack energy, so I can pass it onto you! I can only hold it, for a short time!" Robo Knight said, as he begins transferring energy to our Morphers.

Our Morphers turned back to normal.

Robo Knight fell.

"Robo Knight!" Emma exclaimed.

"No! Mega Rangers, I sued the last of my energy to recharge your Morphers, so you will have to complete this mission without my assistance! The Messenger is regaining his strength, take this!" Robo Knight said, as he handed Troy his Robo Blaster.

"It will give you the energy you need!" Robo Knight said.

"I'll bring it back." Troy said.

"The Messenger has revived! You must go, and destroy him! once, and for all! Now!" Robo Knight said.

"I'm at full power again! Time to finish them!" The Messenger said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we rushed toward The Messenger, while Morphing.

"Ultra Mode Morph!"

All of us got into Ultra Mode.

All of us begin fighting The Messenger.

"Now that we got our power back!" I started.

"It's time to cut to the chase!" Troy finished.

We slashed him.

"Our turn!" Noah, and Emma said, as they attacked The Messenger.

"Lemme at him!" Jake said.

"Me too!" Gia said.

The both of them attacked The Messenger.




"Activate!" All of us shouted.

"No!" The Messenger said, as he tried to attack us.

"Stay strong, guys!" I said.

"Now, back at him!" Troy said.

We attacked The Messenger.

"What?" Gia said.

"He absorbed all of that power?" Jake said.

"We need to use all of our Ultra Power to take down this guy!" I said.

"Together! Give it all you got!" Troy said.

"Bring it on! You're powerless to stop me!" The Messenger said.

"Ultra Power! Dynamic Strike!" All of us shouted, as we fired at him.

He blocked our attacks.

"Why isn't this working?" I said.

"We for got to combine our power, with Robo Knight's power!" Troy said, as he placed his Ultra Sword down, and got out Robo Knight's Blaster.

"This is for you, Robo Knight!" Troy said.

"Vulcan Cannon Activate!" Troy shouted.

"Summon Vulcan Cannon!"

"Vulcan Cannon Set!" Troy shouted.

"Get ready! All seven of us! Rangers, together as one!" Troy shouted.

"Ultra Power! Knight Dynamic Strike!" All of us shouted, as we fired at him, and destroyed him.

"We sent that robot to the scrappy!" Emma said.

"We did it!" Jake said.

"I really wasn't sure, we were gonna pull that off!" Noah said.

"We did it!" Emma said.

"Yeah, finally!" Gia said.

"Hey, Troy! How about that? Be proud, we got The Messenger!" I said.

"That we did, huh?" Troy said.

We saw Vrak.

"It's Vrak!" Troy said.

"You haven't won yet!" Vrak said.

Metal Alice appeared.

"Metal Alice!" Vrak said.

"You are too injured to fight them! Forgive me, master!" Metal Alice said, as she pushed him away.

"I waited for you to summon me, but you never did! I've been holding back, until now! Time for you to witness, what a real robot can do!" Metal Alice said.

"I had enough of all of you! None of us, is leaving this place today!" Metal Alice said.

All of us begin fighting Metal Alice.

"Even if you have a hundred more, Rangers beside you, you couldn't stop me!" Metal Alice said.

"You wanna bet?" Me, and Troy said, as we attacked her.

"She's about to implode!" Troy said, as he grabbed me away from it.

"No! I'm malfunctioning! This cannot be happening! I did all I could master! Forgive me!" Metal Alice said, as she imploded.

All of us ducked.

"I never realized she was so devoted to Vrak!" Jake said.

"So devoted, she was willing to sacrifice everything!" Emma said.

"It's sad though! All of her loyalty wasted on hatred and conquest!" I said.

All of us saw Vrak leaving.

"Huh? Where's he going? What's Vrak gonna do now?" Gia asked.

Vrak went over to The Messenger, than went over to Metal Alice.

"I am sorry!" Metal Alice said.

"I thank you, Metal Alice for being a loyal robot! But now you have been reduced to nothing but a casualty of battle!" Vrak said.

"Is this the end?" Metal Alice asked.

"You are damaged and obsolete! You failed, and logically must be discarded!" Vrak said.

"Master?" Metal Alice said.

"Now, I must go! Goodbye!" Vrak said.

"Master!" Metal Alice called, as she exploded.

"You're ruthless, Vrak!" Troy said.

"Yes! And even though, I couldn't do it myself! I take comfort knowing that you will be destroyed soon! Goodbye!" Vrak said, as he left.

All of us de-morphed.

"Everyone alright?" Emma asked.

"I think so." Jake said.

Me, and Troy look at each other.

"Robo Knight." Troy, and I said.

We went to where Robo Knight was, but found nothing.

"He's gone!" Gia said.

"It looks like he dragged himself off." Noah said.

"But where?" I said.

"Gosei, Metal Alice, and The Messenger, are destroyed. But Vrak got away, but Robo Knight is missing, and injured. Do you read?" Troy asked.

"Rangers, Morph now!" Gosei said.

"What? Why?" Troy asked.

"Morph! Morph! Morph!" Gosei said.

"You heard him! It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

All of us Morphed.

"The Invasion, it started!" Troy said, as we saw a bunch of spaceships.

We were being attacked.

"Watch out!" Troy said.

All of us begin dodging the attack.

We hid behind some trees.

"Gosei, do you read me? Gosei!" Troy said.

"No answer at all?" Noah asked.

"Nothing!" I said.

"I got to find Robo Knight!" Troy said.

"I'll go with you!" I said.

The both of us went out.

"Wait, no! Jax! Troy!" Noah called.

"Jax!" Gia called.

"Troy!" Noah called.

Me, and Troy rushed out.


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