Glass - Power Rangers Megafor...

By AlexNeko_990

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Glass (Completed)πŸ’Ž -Book One of the Fragile Duology- --- Our world was once a safe and happy place until evi... More

Meet Jaxson "Jax" Moran
Chapter One: Mega Mission
Chapter Two: He Blasted Me With Science
Chapter Three: Going Viral
Chapter Four: Stranger Ranger
Chapter Five: United We Stand
Chapter Six: Harmony and Dizchord
Chapter Seven: Who's Crying Now?
Chapter Eight: Robo Knight
Chapter Nine: Prince Takes Knight
Chapter Ten: Man and Machine
Chapter Eleven: Ultra Power
Chapter Twelve: Dream Snatcher
Chapter Thirteen: Gosei Ultimate
Chapter Fourteen: The Human Factor
Chapter Fifteen: Staying on Track
Chapter Sixteen: The Human Condition
Chapter Eighteen: End Game
Bonus Chapter: Under The Fireworks
Go Check Out Book 2 - Prism

Chapter Seventeen: The Messenger

670 20 0
By AlexNeko_990


All of us are at the base. We toast with drinks in our hands, and confetti surround us. "Cheers, everybody." Gia said. "Ah, it feels good, to know that it's finally over." Jake said. "I never thought this victory day would come. But we worked together, and took them all down." Emma said.

"Yeah!" Jake said. All of us laughed. "Hey, you guys remember, Creepox?" Jake said. "Oh, and Virox, and Hisser?" Emma said. "Bigs, and Bluefur?" Noah said. "Oh yeah, Bluefur." Emma said. "Yeah." Tensou said. "And now, Malkor, and Vrak." Jake said.

"Don't forget the other bad guys, along the way." Gia said. "This is for Robo Knight, without him, we couldn't have done it." I said. Everyone agreed, and we toasted our drinks again. "Congratulations." Tensou said.

Jake pretend to offer his drink to Tensou, than pulled it back. "Haha, just kidding." Jake said. "Hey, cut it out." Tensou said. "Come on, loosen up, Tensou. It's a celebration." Jake said. "You should've given him some, motor oil." Noah said.

Troy puts his drink down, and went over to the Ranger figures. I put my drinks down, and follow him.

"We're forgetting, Metal Alice. We didn't destroy her." Noah said. "I don't think, she's coming back. She's like a robot without a boss, like a soldier no orders." Emma said. "Yeah, I mean Vrak created her, and now he's gone. She has no purpose." Jake said.


"Aren't you two in the mood for party?" Gia asked. "Hmm. I just feel like something's unresolved." Troy said. "Same, I feel like we're forgetting something." I said.

"Jax, Troy, come on, we won, they lost, it's over. You're just so use to fighting, you don't know when to let go." Gia said. We look over to the others, and they were cheering.

"Come on, Jax, Troy, celebrate with us." Gia said. "Yeah, come on, Jax, and Troy, join the party." Jake said. "Okay." Troy said. "Alright." I said. "Yeah!" Jake said.

"This can't be! I'm sensing trouble! Something has appeared in the city's stadium!" Tensou said. "No, no, no, no, no way." Jake said. "You two called it." Gia said. "Rangers, Tensou is right, this needs to be checked out, immediately." Gosei said. "Let's go." Me, and Troy said. All of us left the base.


We arrived at the location.

A bunch of Loogies appeared.

"They look like, they've been waiting for us!" Jake said.

"Than, let's not disappoint them!" Troy said.

"Let's do this!" I said.

All of us begin fighting the Loogies.

I kicked some Loogies, and used some nearby structure to do some acrbatics, nd kicked the Loogies again.

All of us regrouped.

"I think this is the last of them!" Jake said.

"Leftovers or not!" I started.

"Let's finish them off!" Troy finished.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, and we Morphed.

"Megaforce Pink!

"Megaforce Blue!

"Megaforce Yellow!"

"Megaforce Black!"

"Megaforce Gold!"

"Megaforce Red!"

"Earth's Defenders, Never Surrender!" All of us shouted, as we fired at the Loogies, using our Mega Blasters.

All of us continue fighting the Loogies.

We regrouped, with our weapons in our hands.

The Loogies fired at us, and we fell.

Robo Knight fired at the Loogies.

"Thanks, Robo Knight!" Gia said.

"Loogies, endangered the Earth, they have to be neutralized!" Robo Knight said.

"Okay, but they were the last of these creepy enemies right?" Jake said.

Metal Alice appeared.

"Wrong! I have been waiting for all of you, to show up here!" Metal Alice said.

"Metal Alice, you have no more purpose here!" Robo Knight said.

"You're wrong, Robo Knight! I design robots, I like to introduce to you, my latest project, it's my greatest creation yet. My master was brilliant, but share your greatest weakness. Flesh. That is no longer a problem!" Metal Alice said.

"No way!" Gia said.

"You mean, he's a machine?" Emma said.

"Quite, a mega transformation, isn't it?" Metal Alice asked.

"It can't be, we destroyed him! Can that really be Vrak?" Gia said.

"No way!" Noah said.

"He blew up, with the ship!" Jake said.

"Wat has she done to him?" Troy asked.

"Don't know, but it's not good!" I said.

"It's an alien, and machine, merged into one!" Robo Knight said.

"So, he's a robot?" Emma asked.

"I am not a robot! I am Vrak!" Vrak said.

"A cyborg!" Noah said.

"How did she do it?" Gia questioned.

"Looks like, he's been rebooted!" Jake said.

"Metal Alice, this is crazy!" I said.

"The war was over! You don't know, what you've done!" Troy said.

"What you should be asking yourself, is what did you do? I found him, in the wreckage of Malkor's ship! His mortal body was injured, beyond repaired! But I realized, my master's mind could be salvaged!" Metal Alice said.

"I had restored his mighty body, now Vrak is back, his mind is still adjusting to his new configuration, and his memory has not fully returned, but Vrak know who his enemies are!" Metal Alice said.

"Master, you remember them! They're the ones, who try to repeatedly annihilate you!" Metal Alice said.

"He knows who we are!" Jake said.

"No! His mind is clouded!" Robo Knight said.

"Vrak!" Metal Alice said.

"Enemy, destroy!" Vrak said, and he attacked us.

All of us fell to the ground.

"He's stronger than before!" Troy said.

"This isn't good!" I said.

"Destroy!" Vrak said.

"But, he's not like his old self!" Emma said.

"Yeah, he's acting weird!" Gia said.

"His voice sounds more robotic, than alien!" Noah said.

"Destroy!" Vrak said.

"What kind of robot is he?" Jake asked.

"Not a good one!" Me, and Troy said.

"You are exactly, right! When I reconfigure him, I eliminated some of his less rational thinking! You could say, I deleted his humanity! He's even more cold-blooded than before!" Metal Alice said.

"Destroy!" Vrak said.

"I'll still stop him!" Troy said.

"Ultra Mode Activate!" Troy shouted, as he got into Ultra Mode.

"Ultra Mode Morph!"

"You guys, get your strength back! I can take him down!" Troy said.

"Ultra Sword!" Troy shouted.

"Repel incoming attack!" Vrak said.

They begin fighting.


We arrived to where Troy, and Vrak are.

"Troy! We can't let you do this alone!" I said.

"Rangers! Ultra Mode, now!" Robo Knight said.

"Right! Ultra Mode Activate!" All of us shouted, as we got into Ultra Mode.

"Ultra Mode Morph!"

"Vulcan Cannon Activate!" Robo Knight shouted.

"Summon Vulcan Cannon!"

"Vulcan Cannon Set!" Robo Knight said.

"What?" Vrak said.

"Ultra Power!" I shouted.

"Dynamic Strike!" All of us shouted, as we attacked Vrak.

"Dragon Strike!" Troy shouted, as he attacked Vrak.

"Must avoid, system failure!" Vrak said.

"Watch out, guys! Metal Alice has rigged him of all kinds of weapons!" Troy said.

"Than we better destroy him, before he has a chance to recover!" Noah said.

"You're right! Let's keep going!" Gia said.

"Cyber Blast!" Vrak shouted, as he attacked us, and we fell.

All of us de-morphed, and fell to the ground.

"Where's the cyborg?" Robo Knight asked.

"Yeah, where'd he go?" Jake asked.

"He's with me! I will never let my master be defeated! His machine hands will wrap their grip around humanity, until it is extinct!" Metal Alice said.

"We need to get Vrak, while he's still groggy!" Gia said.

"Humans, can't you see, when you're beat? We will have to make it, abundantly clear! Master, it's really time to make our point!" Metal Alice said.

A missile appeared.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Metal Alice said.

"Whoa!" Robo Knight said.

"Get ready!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, and we Morphed again.


"You can use as big of a machine as you want! We'll stop them all!" Troy said.

"Vrak needs time to recover! And if you interfere, our missile will turn that skyscraper full of people, into dust!" Metal Alice said.

"I don't think, she's bluffing guys!" Noah said.

"But, we can't stand by, while Vrak becomes fully functional!" Emma said.

"True! But with that missile so close, how can we stop it, before it hits that building?" Noah said.

"You can't! So, don't even try! Soon, Vrak's memory will be completely recovered!" Metal Alice said.

Robo Knight tried to go after them, but stopped.

"It's no use, trying to be a hero, Robo Knight! Your defeat is in hand!" Metal Alice said.

"Stand back, or else, that building's history!" Vrak said, as he held the remote.

"No!" Noah, and Emma said.

"How fascinating it is, to watch you all hand on, Vrak's every word! You were so sure, you defeated him, but it all gone full circle, hasn't it? Now it appears though, you are the one to be blown into oblivion! Doesn't it?" Metal Alice said.

"Your kind of evil, will never win!" Gia said.

"I don't know, if I were you, I wouldn't be so sure!" Metal Alice said.

Vrak was about to press the button.

"No! Don't! Stop!" Troy said.

Vrak pressed it.

"Disarm the missile!" Robo Knight said.

"We gotta stop it!" Noah said.

"Not before, I stop you!" Vrak said.

"Wait, my systems are unstable! Take me back to the base! I need more repairs!" Vrak said.

"As you wish, master! And not before I leave a parting gift, for our friends here!" Metal Alice said, as the both of them teleported away.

"They got away!" Jake said.

"But, now we need to deal with that missile!" I said.

"Change Card Activate!" Robo Knight shouted, as he turned into a Mechazord.

"Lion Zord Morph!"

We got onto Robo Knight.

"Hey, it's launching!" Noah said.

"Quickly, guys! Megaforce Blaster!" Troy said.

"Dynamic Victory Charge!" All of us shouted, as we destroyed at the missile.

All of us landed on the ground.

"That was a close call!" Jake said.

"Yeah, a little way too close!" Troy said.


All of us are Morphed, and in our Ultra Mode.

All of us rushed toward the location.

"This is the right area, but they could be in any of these buildings!" Emma said.

"Be sharp! We beat them before, but don't underestimate them!" Troy said.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Right!" Gia said.

"I hope this is the last time, we have to fight them!" Jake said.

"It will be! Master, it is your moment of vengeance, and glory! I await your command!" Metal Alice said.

Another enemy appeared.

"Allow me, to fight them for you!" The Messenger said.

"Who's this guy?" Troy said.

"Tell them!" Metal Alice said.

"I am a small preview, of what's to come!" The Messenger said.

"Let's get them!" I said.

All of us begin fighting.

Troy was fighting The Messenger.

Robo Knight was fighting Metal Alice.

The rest of us were fighting Vrak.

"I sure hope, Troy's doing alright!" I said.

"Cyber-rangs!" Vrak said, as he attack us.

"We're being targeted!" Gia said.

All of us begin dodging the attack.

"Annihilate!" Vrak shouted, as he attacked us.

We went after Vrak.

We attacked Vrak.

Troy blew out of the building.

We went to him.

"Troy!" Noah called.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Are you damaged?" Metal Allice asked.

"I'm fine! Retreat!" The Messenger said, and they teleported away.


All of us arrived, Morphed.

"Vrak!" All of us said.

"Now, that my memory is fully restored! I will not fail my mission, again! This will be our final duel, and the end of Earth's existence!" Vrak said.

"Good will always overcome evil! Earth's Defenders, Never Surrender!" All of us shouted.

"Your threat will be neutralized! I am Robo Knight, protector of the environment! Guardian of the Earth!" Robo Knight said.

"So much, for your hollow boast!" Vrak said.

"We don't boast! Rockcrush Activate!" Jake shouted, as he attack Vrak, but Vrak blocked it.

"Megaquake! Gia shouted.

"Seashower!" Noah shouted.

"Twistornado!" Emma shouted.

"Tri-fusion!" They shouted as they attack Vrak, but he blocked it.

"Pathetic!" Vrak said.

"We will beat you!" Jake said.

"Red Ranger, Gold Ranger, it is your turn!" Robo Knight said.

"Dragon Sword!" Troy shouted.

"Leviathan Scythe!" I shouted.

The both of us begin attacking Vrak.

"Your skills has improved significantly, but they are nothin compare to mine!" Vrak said.

Vrak blocked our attack, and pushed us.

"Can't you see, that I'm just toying with you? And all of your resistance, is just a waste of energy?" Vrak said.

Vrak attacked us, and we fell to the ground.

"Jax! Troy! How did you two survive that?" Emma asked.

"Because, I allow them to!" Vrak said.

"What?" Gia, and Emma said.

"With my new strength, it will be child's play to vanquish all of you! But than, your pain, will be over! Instead, I have decided to keep all of you alive, so you can witness the destruction of your beloved Earth! That anguish will finally snapped out, your pathetic human spirit!" Vrak said.

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