The Midnight Cop

By deyoungprof

410 264 38


Prologue : The National Police Department
Chapter 2: Promoted To Jail
Chapter 3: The Cunning Doctor
Chapter 4: Sentence To Jail
Chapter 5: A Cop In Torment
Chapter 6 : Once Bitten Twice Shy
Chapter 7: The Return Of A Wounded Tiger
Chapter 8: Detective Kiara
Chapter 9 : Mendy's Forfeiture
Chapter 10: Who is Stephen Archer?
Chapter 11: Things Fall Apart
Chapter 12: Paternity 1
Chapter 13: Mentally and Physically Hospitalized
Chapter 14: Skeletons In The Black Box
Chapter 15: Truth Revealed
Chapter 16: D'Abductions

Chapter 1 : A Cop Behind Bars

45 28 4
By deyoungprof

This is the Happy New Year version. I wish friends, family and fans a blissful New Year.
Enjoy the Chapter 2 of this great story and feel free to comment and/or inbox me for corrections and/or suggestions.
Love you all😍😍😍😍

Archer had started to sweat. How would he be accused so easily?

"Oh, you want to beat me, kill me like you did to Amanda?" Collins exclaimed. "Sure, go on and kill me then rot in jail" Collins said as he made his way out of the office.

Looking around, Archer realised that everyone had started to leave, except for Hailey, Mr. Andy and himself.

"Archer" he started "you don't have to stress yourself too much, quickly get your jacket and prove them all wrong". He sucked a breath. "But the way you're reacting, it looks like you're afraid" Mr. Andy concluded, patting his shoulders and going out too.

"Archer, you have to take things easy, okay??" Hailey said on her way out.

"Is this how things fall apart? How can Mr. Andy not believe me? I have to bring my jacket firsthand and disgrace them" Archer soliloquizes and decides to go home to get his jacket.


On getting home, he saw his door wide open, he brought out his gun, he got in to see his house in turmoil, everything had been scattered. He swiftly opened his wardrobe, only to find his jacket missing. "Arghh" he shouted in agony, "what am I to do?" he said as his voice starts to fade". How will I prove it that I'm not the murderer?".


At the NPD.

"We've all been waiting 30 minutes now, and he's not here yet". Veronica said as all officers except Archer sat round.

"We've had enough". Collins added. "I told you earlier, he's the murderer, there's no cause for doubt".

"Sir, you're not talking at all, your silence is awkward" Jude said in response to Mr. Andy's silence.

"I don't think it's Archer, he's a patriotic officer" Mr. Andy while smoking profusely finally added to the discussion.

"It's getting solved, the puzzle is getting solved, he found the newspaper, he found the cigarettes" Lily said.

"He doesn't do cigarettes, so I don't know how you can relate him to someone who smokes" Hailey cuts in.

"You've not confessed to the team what's between the both of you, that made you see the truth but yet decide not to say it" Lily said.

Hailey could only keep quiet, or she'd be the next in line for crucifixion. The next minute had a rough looking Archer in hand cuffs, entering with two hefty constables dragging him in. The drama got Mr. Andy on his feet.

"Shane" mentioning one of the officers' name, "who gave you this order?" He asked.

"Mr. Mendy did give us the order, he called us ten minutes ago and knowing that he's second to you in command, we assumed it was your wish as well". Shane explained.

"So you made an arrest without a warrant?" Hailey asked.

"Ok, Mr. Archer, the all righteous cop, tell us you're not the murderer and where your jacket is" Collins said.

"We met his house in a mess, it was as if he was searching for something, his house was scattered" Shane explained.

"So, your excuse is that your jacket flew away, like out of the country" Collins said laughing cynically and points his hands up to the sky.

"What is happening? Where did it all go wrong?" Archer thought as all his belongings were collected and he was being taken behind bars".

"Stop it there!!!, Don't take him!!!" Hailey cried.

"You're crying so hard for him awww, are you carrying his child already?" Collins laughed as he got up and walked out of the office.

"Mendy, why did you do this? Are you thinking at all?" Mr. Andy said angrily.

"Joshua" he called him by his name "we are of the same ranks, just because you are made the boss Detective does not make you superior to me" Mr. Mendy replied.

"Did you hear what you're saying at all?. You called me Joshua" Mr. Andy said. "You've put mud on the face of the team, do you know that?. The press had started to interfere". Mr Andy said.

"I've made my decision then, you should try to change it, I know people too" Mr. Mendy said.

Other officers made their way out, leaving Mr. Andy and Hailey to their thoughts.

"Where do you think it all went wrong?" Mr. Andy asked, lighting a replacement to the cigarette he exhausted.

"This is conspiracy sir, Archer will never do such" Hailey said.

"You'll have a lot of work to do if you want him to survive this" said Mr. Andy, "visit Damien and get samples from the knife, jacket, apple, business card and handprints on the victim" he concluded.

"We'll do that sir, the righteous must not be punished" Hailey said and left the office.

"There's more to this, if not Archer, who could it be?, Collins?" he soliloquizes as he let out the hot smoke from the cigarette.


In Jail

"It is said to make hay while the sunshine. I've let my guard down, this is a battle of the powerful. 9 officers against me". He brooded over the situation.

"You have a visitor" a constable's voice brought him back from the land of thoughts.

He looked forward and saw Hailey carrying a lunch box.

"I barely feel it that I've not been given food since being here yesterday, and to God be the glory, he sent me my daily bread" he thought.

"Good morning" her voice said softly.

"Good morning" he replied as fast as he could, as the worms in him were demanding.

"How have you been? Hope you were not tortured? I thought you must be famished, hence I brought this along" she said putting the box on front of him through the jail holes. "Archer" her voice brought me back from my thoughts "I was talking to you" she said.

"Am I just realizing this?, or this is because she brought me breakfast?, I never knew she was this beautiful, she's glowing, no doubt, and the pyjamas fits her so well" Archer thought.

"Archer, are you okay?" Hailey asked.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought" Archer replied.

"You should eat now" Hailey said.

"Thank you" Archer replied.

"Do not worry everything will be settled soon, I know it personally that you're not the murderer, and Mr. Andy also knows that". She said as she attended to an incoming call. "Hello, who is it?" she stood and went out speedily.

"Something is wrong" Archer thought but his hunger made him care-not, and he swiftly unpacked the dish to meet a heartwarming delicacy. He took the cutleries and started to devour like a hungry predator. Minutes became hours, Hailey did not come back, 'at least she should bid him farewell". Archer thought.


"Are you just hearing that?, It has gone viral". Two officers discussed as they pass by.

"Only God knows how Hailey will cope, I feel for her". The other officers added.

Archer moved close to the bars "what happened to Hailey?" he asked the officers.

The officers hisses "are you not the cause? After all, her house was burnt and she lost her whole family, she cooked for you and in a hurry forgot to put the gas off".

"The longer we stay here, the more bad luck he'll Infest us with", the other officers concluded as they left him to ponder on his life.

"This is my second day in here, the only person who thinks about helping me is into trouble because of me, why are things going this way?" He thought, feeling pity for Hailey, who had suffered great casualties because of helping him.


"It is your fate, you can never live a happy life" Archer's dad appeared and told him.

"You were born with a killer-star destiny, you can never be a good citizen" his mom added.

Hailey showed up "No matter how well you try, I cannot stay with a murderer".

"You should have learnt to survive the hard way to avoid this destiny" a lady in her twenties said.

"Your fate cannot be changed, learn to live with it". They all echoed.

"Noooooo" Archer shouted as he woke from his nightmare. "What sort of dream is this?" he thought, cleaning the sweat on his face, he looked up to see a feminine figure sleeping close to the the door of the jail. On looking closely, he realized that it was Hailey, looking so innocent and tired. "I feel for her, I pity her" he thought. He took off his shirt and covered her through the jail's hole, "it's a cold midnight" he thought.


"Good Morning" Archer heard a sonorous voice that woke him from sleep.

"Good morning" he replied "i'm sorry" he quickly added.

"You've heard about it? Well, it's not your fault, I caused it". Hailey replied as tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I've caused a lot already, you should just leave me alone, I appreciate you, you should go now to avoid bad luck". They both cried, with no one to console the other.

The discussion went on as Collins entered "oh, love is a beautiful thing, although it's blind enough not to see a murderer, It's deaf enough not to hear what people say, it is stupid as much as not knowing what it's doing. So you still love this criminal in jail?" He said as he held on to the bars of the jail. "You're being called by Mr. Andy" he said turning to the exit immediately.

"Please take care" Archer said holding her hands as she was about to stand up.

"I'll be fine" she said letting his hands go. She cleaned her tears.


"Surprise!!!!" Collins shouted as he crossed Hailey on the way and grabbed her shoulders "I called you, not Mr. Andy. We have something to discuss".

"So you called me here because you have something to say?" She asked with irritation and tried to walk away when Collins dragged her back.

"I told you, and I'll continue to tell you that I can offer you a lot more better than Archer, I have the money, the ranks, the looks, I have it all Hailey" he explained.

Hailey hissed and turned to see Archer who has been listening to the conversation. "Archer, it's not what you think. I thought it's really Mr. Andy who........" Archer hugged her before she could finish her explanation.

"You don't owe me an explanation" Archer said "I've been released, let's get out of here first" he said holding her hands as they walked out leaving Collins to get furious.


"As you followed Collins, Mr. Andy payed me a visit and set me free because the NPO failed to give them a warrant to arrest me, saying there's no authentic evidence" Archer explained as they enjoyed their breakfast at a restaurant.

"You're lucky to have been released, we should enforce the investigation. I have a feeling that the murderer is Collins" Hailey said.

"You should shelter at my place till you find a house" Archer said.

"No don't worry, I have an Uncle in Baldom and he owns a large house. I'll stay there" Hailey said.

"I insist you stay at my place, Baldom is far from work, it'll be a disadvantage" Archer explained.

"If you insist, but we'll have to go home early, to arrange the house" Hailey said.

"We can just rest and do all that tomorrow" Archer said, "we should leave now" Archer said as they left the restaurant".


The next day, Archer and Hailey went to the Medical Examiner's Office.

"Welcome, Mr. Archer" Ms. Damien said with a gesture for them to enter.

"Good morning" Archer and Hailey greeted.

"Good morning, and Hailey, sorry for the loss, I heard you lost your father, mother and your home" she said patting her.

"Thank you, Ms. Damien" she replied.

"I'm sure it's not Mr. Andy who sent you here" Ms. Damien added.

"Yes, I'm here personally" Archer said.

"With her?, Or she's here personally too?" Ms. Damien asked.

"I'm here ........" she didn't finish her sentence when Archer cuts in.

".....She's here with me" he said as both Archer and Hailey stared at each other for almost a minute.

She clears her throat to give a gesture to call their attention back.

"Sorry Miss, I want results of the evidence I brought" Archer said.

"Oh sure, let me give them to you" Ms Damien said going to get the samples. "Oh, did I put it somewhere else?" She pondered as she rallied around the lab.

"Are you looking for something?" Archer asked.

" I can't find the samples" Ms. Damien explained.

" What do you mean, you can't find the samples?" Hailey asked.

"Nooooo, I'm disappointed, ok what about the results" Archer asked.

"They were together" Ms. Damien answered.

Archer and Hailey left the lab with sad looks.


"What are your plans?" Hailey asked as they ate dinner.

"I don't even know, I don't understand, I can't point at what is happening, it's frustrating" he laments.

"You should have surveillance cameras in this house" Hailey said

"Wow!!!" He exclaimed as if a part of his brain was unlocked, "why did I not remember this earlier".

"Where are they" Hailey asked almost immediately.

"We really don't have at home, but Sparkling Stars (the hotel beside the house) has a CCTV camera that covers our door step". He explained.

"Let us pay them a visit then, I'm done eating" Hailey said as she cleared the table.

"Let's go now" Archer said, taking the lead.


Getting to the reception.
"I want to meet the manager" Archer said.

"Do you have an appointment with him?" the receptionist asked.

"No, but tell him Stephen Archer is here" he answered.

"OK let me put a call through" the receptionist told him as she dialled a number. "He asked that where are you from"

"I'm Stephen Archer, an NPD officer" Archer explained.

"Ok, good day, you're welcome" after terminating the call, she urged them to enter.


"Good Morning Mr. Archer, how've you been doing, I heard and read a lot of news about you Hailey" he said stealing a glance at her. "How've you been catching up?" he asked.

"Thanks for the care sir" Archer replied, "I'm here to ask for your help" Archer asked.

"How can I be of help to a police officer, a detective? You have everything at your reach" he joked, adding a short laughter that got terminated by Archer's stern look. "Ok, so what do you need, money, shelter for her, food, what exactly?" he asked.

"I need to get a footage from your CCTV" Archer said. "The police needs it for an investigation" Archer added.

"Archer, you should add reading to your habit, both of you have not seen it that you've been suspended from the police until further notice and salary withheld" he said making both in question to check their phones. "It's visible that you guys have been busier than thou, are you having a honeymoon without wedding?" He joked. "But personally, because your dad is a friend to my dad, and we've been helping you guys for a long time, I'll help you" he concluded.

"Thanks" Archer said as they left for the surveillance room.


" Can you use the system?" The manager asked.

"Is that a question or insult" Hailey said already getting irritated by the manager.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should have known not to insult him when his spouse is around, my bad, accept my apologies" before he finished chit-chatting Archer said " I'm here Hailey, please come and take a look".


In the CCTV camera.

Archer and Hailey entered into the large compound.

"I'm sorry for making us come all the way here first, I'll quickly get my ID card, so we can go to Damien's place" Archer said.

"Ok, no worries, let's do that quickly" she replied.

As they entered into the house, a man in his twenties followed.


In the CCTV room

"Someone followed us?" Hailey said.

"Look at this, it's Collins" Archer said pointing to the screen " I knew he's the culprit" Archer said.

" We all know that but now there's an evidence" Hailey added.



"Why is your jacket hung publicly this way" Hailey asked.

"My father always puts his there" Archer replied.

The two officers went out to go to Damien's lab, where Mr. Andy sent them.

After a while Collins followed.


In the CCTV room

"Are you seeing this?" Hailey asked.

"He probably wants to see us off" Archer replied.


In the CCTV

10 hefty men entered the compound, and used a sort of key to open the door, a man in his 40s dressing like a senior detective led the men.


"What??" Archer exclaimed

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Hailey asked.

"No it can not be him" Archer said.

"How will your senior detective do this to you?" The manager asked.


This too is done and dusted, watch out for Chapter 2: Promoted to Jail on Tuesday. May God bless us all. Please, do not leave without voting and sharing. Deyoungprof cares. See you next week Tuesday.

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