[DISCONTINUED] |Smug Smirk| ~...

By skylitdreamer

2.1K 125 189

Lyn Bonita had been excited to spend a year at their aunt's in Colombia ever since they found out they were g... More

~|Chapter 2|~ A New Gift
~|Chapter 3|~ Something's Wrong
~|Chapter 4|~ Odd Dinner

~|Chapter 1|~ Welcome to Colombia

493 29 38
By skylitdreamer

It was finally time to go visit my Tía María in Colombia. I lived in Texas for most of my life, although my mama and papa met here. I supposed they decided that living in the states would be best for me and my siblings, but I'd much rather the culture in Colombia. 

Thankfully, my parents allowed me to come here by myself. Without the stress of my siblings I can relax and enjoy my year here. 

I eagerly looked around out the windows as we entered the town my Tía lived in. Encanto, it meant charm. And boy, this town sure was charming. The smiles and waves of the few townspeople outside at the late hour as we made out way to Tía María's house was welcoming and increased my excitement.

Soon enough we arrived and I jumped out of the car as soon as we parked

"Tía María!" I said, running into her arms as she welcomes us

"Lyn! It's great to see you, mi amor. You've grown so much!" She squeezes me tight

My papa closes his car door and walks over to us

"Good to see you, hermana" He says as we break our embrace 

"You too, hermano" The siblings embrace as I standby with a smile

When they part, my papa looks at me with a smile and walks over to me to hug me as well

"Behave, Lyn. I don't want you giving your Tía any trouble, understand?" He says, holding into my shoulders and looking me in the eyes

"Yes yes, papa! I won't be any trouble, I swear" I slightly lie, knowing that I'd at least get into something within the year of staying here

He ruffles my red dyed short hair "Don't be afraid to be yourself. If anyone gives you trouble about your pronouns, what do we say?"

"You're just annoyed by my pronouns because your attracted to me and can't decide if that's gay or not-" I start before getting cut off

"Lynnnn" My dad corrects

"Fineeeee, I say that at least I'm proud enough to show who I am, your opinion doesn't matter"

"That's my kid" My dad smiles

He embraces me once more, this time with a stronger grip "I love you, I can't believe I won't see you for a whole year"

"I love you too, papa. Don't worry about me"

"You'll be in good hands, my hermona isn't the worst" He teases

We all give a small chuckle

"Well, I best be off. I have work tomorrow and by the time I get back I'll need to sleep. Adios, mi rayo de sol" He places a soft kiss on my forehead

"Adios, papa. Safe travels home" I say before getting all of my stuff from out of the car

We watch as he leaves and before we know it, he was complete gone and out of sight

"So, you excited?" Tía María asks, turning to me with a grin

"Saying I'm excited would be an understatement" I smile, practically bouncing with joy

She giggles "Well lets get you settled in then, yeah?"


Sprawled out along the bed I'd be sleeping in for the next year was all kinds of clothes. Button up shirts, long layered skirts, linen pants, dresses, ruanas. I appreciated how my Tía got me both feminine and masculine clothing, as to fit my gender neutral identity. I smiled as I thought about all of the possible outfits to make. 

"All of this is yours, you can even take it when you go back to your casa" She places a hand on my shoulder

"Thank you so much, Tía María" I hug her

"Of course, mi casa es tu casa. Now go get ready for bed, it's late and I'm sure you're exhausted"

"Alright, gracias Tía, buenas noches" I say as she begins exiting the room

"Buenas noches, let me know if you need anything" 

I smile and close the door behind me before going through the clothes along my bed. I grab a gown looking comfortable to wear to bed. I brush my teeth and do my night time necessities. 

Getting comfortable underneath the covers, I look over at the window to my left. There weren't many clouds in the sky, always something I preferred when it was night time. I would stare at the constellations for hours if I could. However, my eyes grew heavy, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. 


"Lyn! Hora de despertar!" My Tía calls, seemingly from the kitchen, causing me to groggily open my eyes

As I realize that I was no longer in Texas, I shot up in excitement of the day. I stretch and slightly fix my hair. I look amongst the clothes gifted to me. I grab a white button up shirt, a dark red ruana, a dark blue bandana, and dark gray linen pants. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. The blue complimented my hair color well and it all fell together, unexpectedly so.

I made my way downstairs to be met with the smell of a Calentado breakfast filling my senses.

One of the things I was especially looking forward to while here, the food

"Buenos días, sleepyhead! Did you sleep well?" 

"Sí! And breakfast smells great, gracias" I sit down in a chair at the small table

"Good, good!" She says, placing all of the food on the table on front of me for us to eat

As we dig in, I decide to ask the question that's been on my mind ever since I woke up "Sooo, what're we doing today?"

She looks up at me with a knowing look

"Yes, I am going introduce you to the Madrigals today" She smiles 

"Lets go!" I shoot my hands up in excitement 

"If I didn't, I think they'd murder me. Ever since I told them that you're coming, Dolores has showed you at my door to ask if you're here" She chuckles before eating a mouthful of egg

As if on cue, the door knocks, and I graciously get up to answer it

"Where are they-?" An eager voice says followed by a gasp in realization

"I'm guessing you mean me?" I say with a laugh

"Finally!! It's so good to meet you, your Tía got me so excited for your arrival" She says, giving me a big hug

"Excited to meet me? I've been bouncing up and down excited to meet the magical Madrigals!" I say with a smile

"Well then let me introduce you to us! Let's go!" She grabs my arm and leads me off before I can even say anything

"Adios, Tía!!" I yell, closing the door and following Dolores 

"So first off, I'm Dolores if you didn't already know. My gift is super hearing. I could actually hear you arrive last night, the entire house is excited to meet you"

"Really? Do you guys not get many visitors around here?" I question, surprised at their excitement

"Well your Tía is practically family to us and she talks about you all the time, so we've been begging to meet you" She explains as we walk towards her house

"All good things, I hope?" I say jokingly

"Of course! You're practically an angel in her eyes. Oh! And don't worry about your pronouns and preferred name, she already told us that you gave her permission to inform us" She chuckles

"Good to know" I smile

"Y'know, my hermono wears ruanas just like that, practically the only thing he ever wears" 

"I don't blame him, these things are freeing" I spin around and allow the ruana to flow around and we both laugh 

Soon enough we arrive at the casita, the window shutters waving at me as we start to walk in

"HEY EVERYONE, LYN IS HERE!!" Dolores yells 

I happily await tho see the family members, the first one being Aubela Alma

"Ah yes, Lyn! It's very nice to meet you, the family has been eager for your arrival" She grabs my hand and cups it with hers

"It's very nice to meet you as well! I've been just as excited" I smile

A gasp is heard to my right and I dart my head towards it. Pepa stands there with a large smile and a rainbow over her head, Felix next to her with a smile as well

"Lyn!! Ah, you're finally here! Y'know, me and your Tía are very good friends" She engulfs me into a hug and I smile into her shoulder

"Yes! Tía María talks about you all the time"

"Nice to meet you Lyn, I'm Felix" Pepa's husband introduces himself and shakes my hand 

"Ah, and this is our eldest son, Camilo" Pepa gestures towards a frizzy haired boy with a yellow ruana, similar to mine

"So this is the all mighty Lyn" He says with a smirk, Felix elbowing him in the side

"Yes, it is. You seem to have stolen my look" I tease him back 

"This has been my look since I was 5! If anyone has stolen looks, then it's you" His smirk falters

"Whatever you say, banana boy" I smile 

He gawks in shock of my teasing and I move onto the next couple of people to meet. As I talked with the family I would occasionally look over at Mr. Smug and he always had a look, like he was trying to figure me out or something. It was odd, but I ignored it.

As I met everyone, they one by one all had to leave to do their daily chores. I walk back over to Dolores, of which was helping set up for her little brother's upcoming ceremony.

"How is literally everyone in your family so pretty, my pansexual heart can't take it" I lean against the wall in surprise

She laughs "Good genes, I suppose. Although Isabel is the only one with a partner at the moment, other than our parents of course"

"Seriously? I would expect everyone to be taken by now" I look around the casita, taking in its beauty while I was inside

"Why do you think so? Got your eyes on someone in particular?" She looks at me with curiosity 

"Nope, I don't believe in love at first sight, its bullshit" I respond truthfully

"Makes sense, I wouldn't expect you to like anyone so early in knowing them. I guess only time will tell" 

In the corner of my eye, a notice a now familiar yellow ruana. Camilo was leaning against a pillar and was staring at me, but broke eye contact as I noticed him and ran off.

"Does your brother always stare at people like a stalker?" I ask with a confused look

"Who? Antonio or Camilo?"

"Camilo. I just saw him leaning against that pillar upstairs and he was staring at me" 

"Lemme see if I can here him mumbling" She cups her ears as to hear him from upstairs

"Whats he saying?" I ask when I see her laughing slightly

"He's trying to come up with a way to get back at you. He's pissed at your teasing from earlier" 

I laugh "He can try, but I never back down from a fight and I don't hold back on my insults. Mr. Banana Boy is gonna have to watch himself"

Dolores laughs as well "I think I'm gonna enjoy you being around here, Lyn"

"Y'know what..?

..Me too"

Words: 1880

Date: December 27th, 2021

(an: yooooo! first chapter, lets go. hope you guys enjoyed :] lmk if there's any feedback you have! i wanna try to improve as much as possible. i love you guys so much, take care of yourselves <33 remember you are beautiful, smart, loved, and valid :D bye bye my darlings!!)

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