~|Chapter 1|~ Welcome to Colombia

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It was finally time to go visit my Tía María in Colombia. I lived in Texas for most of my life, although my mama and papa met here. I supposed they decided that living in the states would be best for me and my siblings, but I'd much rather the culture in Colombia. 

Thankfully, my parents allowed me to come here by myself. Without the stress of my siblings I can relax and enjoy my year here. 

I eagerly looked around out the windows as we entered the town my Tía lived in. Encanto, it meant charm. And boy, this town sure was charming. The smiles and waves of the few townspeople outside at the late hour as we made out way to Tía María's house was welcoming and increased my excitement.

Soon enough we arrived and I jumped out of the car as soon as we parked

"Tía María!" I said, running into her arms as she welcomes us

"Lyn! It's great to see you, mi amor. You've grown so much!" She squeezes me tight

My papa closes his car door and walks over to us

"Good to see you, hermana" He says as we break our embrace 

"You too, hermano" The siblings embrace as I standby with a smile

When they part, my papa looks at me with a smile and walks over to me to hug me as well

"Behave, Lyn. I don't want you giving your Tía any trouble, understand?" He says, holding into my shoulders and looking me in the eyes

"Yes yes, papa! I won't be any trouble, I swear" I slightly lie, knowing that I'd at least get into something within the year of staying here

He ruffles my red dyed short hair "Don't be afraid to be yourself. If anyone gives you trouble about your pronouns, what do we say?"

"You're just annoyed by my pronouns because your attracted to me and can't decide if that's gay or not-" I start before getting cut off

"Lynnnn" My dad corrects

"Fineeeee, I say that at least I'm proud enough to show who I am, your opinion doesn't matter"

"That's my kid" My dad smiles

He embraces me once more, this time with a stronger grip "I love you, I can't believe I won't see you for a whole year"

"I love you too, papa. Don't worry about me"

"You'll be in good hands, my hermona isn't the worst" He teases

We all give a small chuckle

"Well, I best be off. I have work tomorrow and by the time I get back I'll need to sleep. Adios, mi rayo de sol" He places a soft kiss on my forehead

"Adios, papa. Safe travels home" I say before getting all of my stuff from out of the car

We watch as he leaves and before we know it, he was complete gone and out of sight

"So, you excited?" Tía María asks, turning to me with a grin

"Saying I'm excited would be an understatement" I smile, practically bouncing with joy

She giggles "Well lets get you settled in then, yeah?"


Sprawled out along the bed I'd be sleeping in for the next year was all kinds of clothes. Button up shirts, long layered skirts, linen pants, dresses, ruanas. I appreciated how my Tía got me both feminine and masculine clothing, as to fit my gender neutral identity. I smiled as I thought about all of the possible outfits to make. 

[DISCONTINUED] |Smug Smirk| ~(Camilo Madrigal x Gender Neutral OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt