Why Should I Trust You? (A On...

By CatMiller_96

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Cathy is your average teenage girl, with your average teenage problems. That is until the inhumanly gorgeous... More

Chapter 5
Chapter 1:New Year
Chapter 2: Pressure
Chapter 3:New Friends
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Red Eyes
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

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By CatMiller_96

Harry's POV

Tears cascaded down her cheeks like fireworks going off on the forth of July.

"Cathy, it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you I promise" what I couldn't promise that, I could lose control for a second and hurt her beyond... No I would not do that. Cathy's blue eyes spilled over with tears. I sat on the table with her and pulled her in to a hug. She cried for about 15minutes before sitting up and apologising for the tears.

"It's fine, I have to see girls cry on a daily bases, most of the time they are happy tears" she laughed at that. Her laugh was amazing. It was light and cheerful.

"Sorry about that Harry. I really should of picked up my iron tablets when I ran out. Actually, I think I may have some in here." Cathy went to stand up and her knees buckled, again. She caught herself on the table before she hurt herself.

Cathy's POV

I managed to catch myself on the table before I fell, again. I can't believe I passed out in front of Harry Styles.

"Maybe you could tell me where they might be and I can get them?" I looked over to see Harry smiling at my attempt to stand. I could tell he was holding in a laugh.

"They should be in that cupboard over there." Harry stood up and walked over to the cupboard I'd pointed to. Now you may be wondering why I hid iron tablets in a music room cupboard. Well I basically live in music so at the start of each term I usually put a supply of iron tablets in the cupboard. I didn't bring a new supply today, I was hoping that there were some left from before the summer.

"And hey presto! One tub of iron pills for you, right where you said they would be too!" Harry turned around with a cheeky grin on his face. His eyes seemed to be glistening with pride that he'd found them, just a tad sad.

"Thanks Harry" I held my hand out for the tub but he just shook his head.

"I do believe you need water to take these."

"Ah, got me there, I have a bottle in my bag.." Before I could finish my sentence he was walking over to my bag which had been carefully dumped on the floor.

"I could have got that you know?"

"Yes, and you would have fallen again and hurt yourself, and that would have been very bad." I had to laugh at the way he said the last part.

"You may be two years older than me Mr Styles, but I'm no toddler, I can look after myself." I had to look after myself, and I couldn't even manage that, not that curly here needed to know that. Wouldn't want to worry him, worry him? I wouldn't worry him, I'm just some girl that he's met who hasn't screamed her heard off at him. Well I did scream, but not at him. I wonder what he must think of me now? Probably that I'm a nutter who needs a visit to a good psychologist.

"From what I've seen Miss... Errrr... What was your second name again?"

"Mure." I smiled

"Thanks, well from what I've seen Miss Mure, that is not the case and I request that you let me take you to the rest of your classes for today, so that no harm may befall you between hours of joyful learning." Harry gave a dramatic bow at the end of his little speech.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said before taking a gulp of water and my iron tables, instantly feeling better. "But" I said once I had swallowed. "I see one small problem in your plan." I smiled up at him. His green eyes twinkled as he leant down to bring them to my eye level. He put his hands on either side of me and looked deep into my own blue eyes.

"And what, fair maiden, might that problem be?" He was really good looking, I know that goes without saying but phow! I wasn't even that much of a fan and my heart was racing! What was with me today? I must have looked like a deer in the headlights as he took his hands away from the table and lent back, into a chair that had been sitting right behind him. Never taking his eyes off of mine.

"Well....errrrr..ummm" I tore my eyes off of his and took a deep breath. Calm, inner calm. "Well Mr Styles, this is your first day so you won't know where all the classrooms are and the probability of you being in all of the same classes as me are slim to none." Harry went into his bag and pulled out his time table.

"Ok then what did you have first today?" He was recalling asking me this? After I'd fainted? Hash.

"Errr.." I had to screw up my face to think about that. "History, with Mr Monaghan"

"One class the same, second?" Harry's smile started to grow.

"Music. With Mrs McKinley"

"Two classes. Third?"

"Geography, MsPrince.

"Three. Double?"

"English, Mrs McCabbe 5th Mrs Cuthbertson 4th"

"Four Classes, let me guess, you have maths with MrCameron last?"

"Six, you are in all of my classes. What? But no one ever takes all..that means..oh bananas." If I was in all of Harry's classes that means that all the extremist fan girls will be changing into these classes. Well they had better not take my seat in Geography, History or Music, I've been in those seats for three years now! They basically have my name on them.

"What? Not looking forwards to spending everyday for the rest of the year with me? What wrong with me then?" Harry put a fake hurt voice on, he knew why I was complaining.

Before I could say anymore, the bell went.

"Talk about saved by the bell! So is this first or second period?" I don't know how long I was out for, really should have asked that.

"Second, we have music, just down the corridor I guess?"

"Yep, this way Mr Styles." I stood up off the table, but far too quickly. I wobbled and fell, again. I though I was going to hit the floor until a set of strong arms closed round me, breaking my fall.

"Careful there Bambi, don't want to hurt yourself now do we? " Harry helped me up and took my bag for me, before helping me down into Mr McKinley's room. I'm glad we were the first ones there, well apart from Mrs McKinley that is, as I must have blushed like a stop sign.

"Which seats yours Bambi?" I have a feeling this nickname is here to stay, not that I mind, I just hope no one asks about it. Now that would be embracing! I pointed to my usual seat and before I could say anything Harry was helping me over to it. My seat was at the corner of an L shaped table in the middle of the room. Harry let me sit down and put my bag at my feet, before quickly slipping into the seat next to me.

"Hope you don't mind Bambi?"

"Oh course not, No one normally sits there so there won't be a fight with anyone." I smiled at him.

Beth was the next person in the room. Worry covered her face. It soon melted away at the sight of me sitting in my usual seat. Her face then turned to anger. Oh shoot.

"CATARINE ROSE MURE! Never ever, EVER, do that to me again! Do you know how hard it is to concentrate on Spanish when our best friend has passed out before hand and she has been left with a international pop star? I'll answer for you, VERY!"

"Won't happen again Miss" I said smiling "Beth deary you worry about me to much, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself..." Harry and Beth both shot me a 'yeah right' look "...most of the time. Anywho it wasn't that..."

"HARRY!!!" The three of us turned around to see Niall red faced and beaming ear to ear with a pearly white smile. I barely had time to duck my head before Niall's arms had engulfed Harry in a hug. While this was happening Liam had slipped into the classroom and snagged the last seat at our table, next to Beth.

"Niall mate its been an hour, not a lifetime!"

"I know Liam but I've missed him, oh LIAM!" Niall dropped Harry from the death grip and moved round the table to give Liam a death hug.

"Everyone get your butts in a chair and listen up." Niall pulled a seat up from the table behind us and sat in between Harry and Liam. Well, this was going to be a very interesting year to say the least.

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