A Stupid Fool

By Bloomsparks123241

408 2 0

A stupid fool day and so funny and Winx and specialist is living in a big house And there is also a very beau... More

Winx indroduction
specialist introduction
stupid bloom

stupid bloom (part 2)

36 0 0
By Bloomsparks123241


At morning 8 a.m

I was sleeping but my phone rang very loudly, this alarm would have triggered my heart attack. The songs of fire (bts) started ringing in my phone.
Me :- (scared) FIREEEEE (And I sat down in fear and turned off my phone alarm) Who did this work, I never sleep with alarm Whoever did this work, if I came to know, I will pick up the shoe and hit it on his face 😠

I got up and went outside and everyone was talking

Stella :- hey bloom is wake up early morning again wow is so good

Me :- ughhh SHUT UPP STELLA 😡

Stella :- ☹️ok
Me- And yes, I have to ask you who put a scary song in my phone, tell me, or else you will beat a lot.😡
Everyone :- bloom what r u talking about we didn't touch your phone
Me :- really 😒 ok leave it all 😊

Then I got fresh and cleaned my teeth and i ate Today Flora made sandwiches it was so much fun

At 10:00 a.m.

Sky:- ok who go bathing first but i am not
Stella:- me too sky Because yesterday what happened to both of us
Musa :- i don't know what heppend to yesterday??😐

So, sky going to bathroom first Then later Stella went to the bathroom then later i went to bath

After bathing

I comb my hair and i ready but where i am go 🤣 i didn't go anyway i just eating drinking and running on phone i am so very very veryyyyyy lazy girl

So, flora is come on my room oh man what do she want

Me :- flora what heppend
Flora :- bloom u didn't want eating food ???????*confuse*
Me:- oh flora what do we eat food 😅
Flora :- oh stupid why r u sooo stupid if u don't eat food so u will dizzy and one week later u will die stupid 😤
Me :- ok ok i am coming calm down flora😅

I was coming in downstairs and sitting for eating food and everyone was sitting

Stella :- where is my food i am so hungry ☹️

Musa :- Hey flora is bringing food, have some patience🙄

Riven :- *yawn* please stop fighting kiwi and donkey

When Riven said to musa kiwi and stella donkey to i laugh aloud

Musa and stella :- stop it crow ( Riven) otherwise i kill u 😡😡

I laughed louder then everyone started looking at me

Stella :- O chicken🐔 keep quiet or else you will get beaten up by me

Me :- seriously stella 😒

Tecna :- stella Have you ever named her a chicken? i call her buffalo

Flora :- guys food is ready then stop fighting and eat food or else i will break your face 😡

Me :- okay rat

When we start eating food So, this food is so tasty 😋 i know flora cook very good 😊 today she made veg noodles i like veg food

Stella :- oh wow rat your food is so tasty

Flora :- thank u donkey 🐴

Me:- yeah your food is so tasty yumm 😋

Flora :- yeah thanks girraff🦒

Me:- huh? Am i look like girrafff and u rat

*Everyone laugh*

Flora:- one day before than u were eat। and act like girrafff  and why are u calling me rat😒😒😒

Me:-  because u talk like rat first your voice so low turtle can't hear it and nobody hear that what are u say 😑

*Everyone clapped and laugh*

Timmy:-  wah wah wah wah what a joke bloom

Riven :-  yee ur right bloom your joking no 1

Brandon:- hahahahaha bloom is winner 😂😂😂😂

* Bloom beat Timmy Riven Brandon*

Timmy:- oouchh stop bloom i am a soft boy

Me:- ok i am done now😑

*After launch*

I took the bucket and the glue, then I put a lot of glue in the bucket and put it on the door.When Riven open the door so this glue bucket fall into him 😂🤣

Riven :- aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WHAT IS THAAAATTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!😫😫😫😫😫

*everyone come*

Musa :-  oh no my honey what heppend

Riven:- musaaaa a glue bucket is fall oh me

Stela :- so starnge from 2 days

Me :- yes donkey is right u didn't know what heppend to me in today morning

Flora :+   ohhhhhh calm down guys we are done now. Now Riven go and bath okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuyuyuyyyyyyyyyyy

*Everyone went in our room and Riven went in bathroom *

*In flora's room*

Helia :- hey flora i have a gift for u

Flora:- awwww oh helia i love u so much *kiss him*

Helia :-  *kiss her* i love u too flora first close your eyes 😊

Flora:- okay *close eyes। and excited*

Helia :-  1......2.......3 open your eyes

Flora :- what?!?!? *See that photo which bloom had edit* heliaaa what is that am i horse *slap him*

Helia :- *see that photo* 😳what is this wait flora someone edit it

Flora :- yeah i trust u helia u can't do this but NVM(never mind) i forgive u helia

Helia ;-  phew thx flora

*I went on my room so i laugh aloud to see helia and flora so i pick up my mobile so in my mobile I am going live of BTS so I started playing it to see what is in live*

*I saw jungkook he is so cute awwww so i comment it*

Me :- *comment in live for jungkook* merry me jungkook 💜💌🐛🐪🐖🎀🎀🎁🎁

And i post it wait a minute is something wrong???WHAT TH- WHAT IS THIS I PUT THIS merry me?? This capterpillar,camel and pig???? Oh shit i waana say marry me jungkook 💍💍💖💖😍😍ok it's ok 😅 i never do this again by again

3hours later 🐛🐪🐖

Ahh my live is finish. had a lot of fun today so i think about musa what i prank her mnh.... Break her gitur? No no no mmh...Riven is talk to someone girl? No no no aahhhh idea *make a smirk*

*Phone start ringing* uhh who is that oh it's iris well she is my twin sister her eyes is cayn like me her hair color and shape is like me and her body color and shape like me and her face color and shape is like me and her eyes size is like me and her voice and my voice is very same  and we birth same in domino she adopted in emphiria and i in eath gardenia *pick up the phone*

Me:- hello

Iris:- hey twiny

*we talked for a long time*

At evening/night🐛🐪🐖

We finish our dinner and talk like crazy again

Stella :-*yawn* i feel so sleepy hoe i am going to sleep

Me :- me too *fake yawn*

Musa :- i am going to take bath

Everyone going to our bed Riven was'nt here so i have sticker of cockroach so i put in musa's lamp 🛋️ and i went in our room secret🤐

Now musa enter our room and laying in her bed and She was about to turn off the light but she saw the cockroach behind the lamp and she started screaming.

Flora: oh no musa what happened *worried*

Musa :- aahhh a cockroach *scared*

Later then they move lamp so cockroach didn't move so they realise this is sticker

Musa :- whose have animal sticker 😡😡

Flora:- bloom

Musa :- i need to talk to her right now 😡

Flora :- no wait musa we'll talk to her tommow

So guys i think this story is not interested because i am not interested too i am so lazy to edit the story i wish u likr it and if it's mistake so come and tell me in comment and thank u we will see ya in next episode ok bye take care

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