FLUTTER | Taekook

By jinxed_jin

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(ON HOLD) Where Jungkook meets a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. - TAEKOOK FAIRY FANFICTION Top KTH Bo... More

0 : [prologue]


170 18 23
By jinxed_jin

Third person POV

"Taehyung?" Jungkook repeated, letting the word comfortably slide off his tongue.

The fruit fairy smiled arrogantly, and nodded his head.

"Alright then, Taehyung," Jungkook began, not feeling satisfied with so little information about the other, "what are you doing down here?"

He shrugged, and smirked playfully, "I just went for a little swim."

"A swim?" Jungkook repeated, looking at the other in shock hoping maybe he had misheard him.

But now that he really looked, Taehyung did seem to have slightly damp hair.

"Yeah," the strawberry fairy nodded, shaking his hair around, a couple of water drops flying off, "see?"

"Fairies don't swim," Jungkook scowled, beginning to take a step forward away from Taehyung, the fairy's presence beginning to get on his nerves.

Taehyung winked, "this one does," he stated and began to quickly jog to catch up to the younger fairy.

"You do know that can ruin your wings, right?" He asked carefully, Taehyung following rather closely behind him.

The other scoffed, "oh, you're one of those fairies, huh."

Jungkook looked over to him in confusion, "what are you talking about?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow up playfully, and snickered, "you know, a bummer."

"I'm not a bummer," Jungkook quickly bit back, now hovering over the ground lightly, "I'm just factual."

"Total bummer," Taehyung repeated, and jumped from rock to rock, not making eye contact with the boy in the air.

Jungkook groaned internally, but quickly changed the topic.

"You coming?"

Taehyung tsked, shaking his head and pointed at his back with his thumb, "wet wings, remember?"

"Right..." he trialed off, gnawing on his bottom lip a little, thinking in what to say next, "do you need help?"

Taehyung stretched his arms over his head and began to walk the opposite direction, "nah, I'll just go lay in the sun for a few and they'll be fine."

"Okay," Jungkook mumbled under his breath, feeling a little annoyed once again.

"Come by again tomorrow, yeah?" Taehyung smiled, turning around, "you could be fun."

"I don't think I can, I have a busy schedule with planting, and blossoming some flowers," he began to list, "and then I have to check the baby district, that's a daily thing, and then—"

"All I can here is you agreeing with me," Taehyung cut him off, clicking his tongue.

Jungkook huffed, glaring at the boy a little, giving in a little, "we'll see."

"Wonderful," Taehyung smiled in victory, "I'll see you tomorrow then, flower."

"You know, you do know my name," Jungkook cocked an eyebrow up at the nickname.

He heard Taehyung hum as he began to walk away once again, "flower is cuter."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and began to fly away, making his way back to the oak tree, trying his best not to drop any of the buds he hugged in his arms.

Once he landed at the oak tree, he placed the couple of buds on the seed pile, and dusted off his hands.

He glanced around and gasped when he saw his friends in the corner of his eyes.

He quickly flew over to them, greeting them with a nice smile plastered across his face.

"Hey guys!" He gleamed brightly.

One of the boys standing next to him was named Namjoon. Jungkook and him had known each other since their training days.

Next to him was Seokjin, who he hadn't known as long, but had met through Namjoon.

Namjoon was a water fairy, which was really helpful for quick and easy plant watering, and to avoid getting wet.

Seokjin on the other hand was a fruit fairy. His main berry was cherries, so he had a couple cherry stems to hold up his outfit, one even tied around his waist as a belt, then also a bunch of cherries plastered across his outfit.

"Hey Jungkook," Namjoon greeted, "what have you been up to?"

Jungkook placed his hands roughly onto his hips, huffing.

"It's been a busy day, first I had to train some new flower fairy, and then next, sir Jung requested me to go out and bud a plant," he began to list in his fingers, "and while I was out, I got put into a troubled situation with this strawberry fairy— which I've never seen around before— swimming, and now—"

Before Jungkook could continue Seokjin suddenly cut him off.

"Strawberry fairy?" He asked quickly, a confused look plastered across his face.

"Oh yes hyung!" He gleamed, "you're a berry fairy, you must know who he is."

Seokjin's stance went into a bit of an uncomfortable sort of look as he glanced as Namjoon a little.

"What did this fairy look like?" He asked cautiously, picking at his finger nail a little.

Jungkook looked up to remember the image he had of the fairy he met earlier.

"Green hair, and his outfit was made of leaves with a bunch of strawberries sprawled amongst it," he blabbered, "it was nice, really."

"Did he tell you his name?"

Jungkook smiled and quickly nodded his head, "oh yes! It was a pretty weird name I remember," he said as he began to think, "it started with a... with a T? Taeho— no no, it was Taeky— wait," he groaned trying to think, "no! It was..." he trailed off, looking at the ground now.

He gasped, "oh! I remember, it was Taehyung."

Seokjin's eyes widened, and Namjoon nervously bit his lip.

"Jungkook, you shouldn't go near him."

The younger fairy rolled his eyes, "oh Seokjin, you're hilarious," he giggled, not immediately taking the older seriously.

Namjoon budded in, "he's being serious, Taehyung is a bad influence."

Jungkook was confused, how come both his friends knew the troubles of this Taehyung character, but he didn't?

"What's wrong with him?"

Seokjin had a nervous look sprawled across his face, "just... stay away, okay?"

"Did he do something bad in the berry department?" Jungkook eagerly continued to push questions, "you're both berry fairies, tell me what you know."


"What's going on here?"

The king planted a spot right next to Namjoon, looking at all three of the fairies closely.

Namjoon nor Seokjin decided to speak up, they just shook their heads a little, lips zipped closed.

Jungkook groaned, "who's Taehyung?"

The kings eyes widened at the question, the once familiar name shocking him.

"Taehyung?" He asked, "do you know where he is?"

"Who is he? Why is he so bad?" Jungkook continued to ramble, not answering the kings question.

"Jungkook, we don't talk about Taehyung," the king began, glaring at the smaller fairy, "we don't want to put ideas into peoples heads."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, a little frustrated, "this isn't fair, how come these two get to know about him?" He yelled, shoving his arms forwards toward Seokjin and Namjoon.

"Taehyung was in my department," Seokjin began, "he bloomed the buds into fruit."

The king glared at Seokjin, immediately shutting the cherry fairy up, having him face the ground in embarrassment.

"What do you mean 'was'?"

"Jungkook," the king began, looking over at him, "that's enough questions."

"It's not fair!—"

"Jungkook!" The king angrily raised his voice, hovering over the small fairy now, causing the boy to awkwardly look up.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled embarrassed, before quickly jumping up to fly away, going to his only known safe place.

He sat on the ground and rested himself against a sun flowers long thick stem.

He had always felt safest around sun flowers. They were always his favourite to bloom.

Even though they didn't quite have a scent, they were the most beautiful, in Jungkooks opinion anyway. He could never get over how big they were.

He sat alone, legs hugged tightly to his chest as he sighed, one finger trailing in the dirt a little.

Jungkook hated when he got on the kings nerves like that. It rarely happened. He wanted to be the best fairy he could.

But... he also wanted to know more.

He was undyingly curious about Taehyung.

Who was he truly?

Why did everyone hate him?

What did he do?

Jungkook wanted answers.

He needed answers.

So he decided to get them.

He knew no one in the kingdom would tell him anything with the way they all acted from him just bringing up the fairy's name.

There was only one other who would had answers to his questions. Only one other fairy he could talk to.


Jungkook wasted no time quickly standing and flying out of the kingdom. He quickly flew down the familiar path from earlier that day.

He didn't even care that the wind was currently messing up his hair.

Once he felt the familiar humid air against his skin he stopped next to the stream, looking around quickly.

"Taehyung?!" He yelled as he placed his hands around his mouth to the echo the call, "Where are you?"

He waited in silence for a few seconds, in hopes to see if he could hear anything.

"Taehyung?" He repeated, walking around a little, kicking at a little pile of dirt on the ground.

He did the same thing for about a minute or two, and he was starting to get impatient.

Maybe Taehyung left.

He did say to meet him there tomorrow, and it's been merely less than an hour since Jungkook returned.

He huffed and dropped his arms to the side of his body, a little disappointed.

A small pouted formed on his lips as he jumped up and began to hover, upset he'd have to wait a whole other day to get answers.

"Back so soon, flower?"


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