book of one shots

By ultimatelytired

603 29 24

just... just a book of one shots ๐Ÿ‘ More

fnaf security breach: mechanical
fnaf security breach: helper
mcyt: soulmates
mcyt: loyalty
mcyt: loyalty pt. 2
mcyt: phoenix
mcyt: visit

mcyt: savory

48 2 1
By ultimatelytired

word count: 7225

Fandom: IRL!MCYT
Pairing: Quackity x Male!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Romantic
Occupation: Baker
Ability: N/A


[M/N]: Male Name
[H/C]: Hair Color
[E/C]: Eye Color
[D/N]: Dog Name

Warnings: cringey

I like making my oc's and even readers really tall, fight me.

this is hella gay and it hurts my brain because I rushed it.

that is all.


That was the only thought going throughout Quackity's mind as he ran along the streets, why you may ask. Simple really, it's because he lost his gorgeous pet cat, Tiger. Sure, he knew that Tiger was quite adventurous and most certainly feisty, but never would have thought that Tiger would run off so suddenly as he did, he immediately sprung into action and fled his house in search of his dear sweet pet cat.

"Tiger! Oh please, where did you go? Tiger!" he called out rather frantically, soon enough, worry started to arise when countless scenarios started playing throughout his head. What if Tiger got hit by a car? What if Tiger got mauled by another animal? What if someone took his cat?! Now the panic was starting to kick in and he was searching in a more frantic manner, running up and down the footpath while continuously calling out his cat's name. When everything seemed dire, he heard the sound of soft laughter, he turned his head and he couldn't help but freeze up at the sight before.

He wasn't really one to act as flustered as he did at the very moment with his outgoing and flamboyant personality, but he really couldn't help it at what was before him. He also had to agree that George had the pretty privilege and was most certainly gorgeous, but this guy took the cake. Short/Long [H/C] hair with strikingly bold [E/C] eyes, even from a fair he could tell that this rather attractive male had quite a broad and muscular body and that smile that graced his face that caused a slight tint of red to dust his cheeks as he played with a cat. Wait-- cat? He took a closer look and his eyes widened in a mixture of relief and shock at the sight of Tiger curled up beneath this man, showing his underside so he could scratch his belly.

"Hey! That's my cat!" he shouts as he rushes over, this sudden commotion caused the man to stop petting Tiger and raise his head to turn over to where Quackity was currently rushing over, he nearly stumbled over his own footing when his [E/C]'s landed on him.

"Oh? I'm sorry." he apologized, he tried standing to his feet but laughed when Tiger launched himself forward and clung onto the shirt of the stranger, who laugh as he held Tiger close so he couldn't fall, laughing even more when the cat curled up in his arms and started purring when he started scratching under his chin "I didn't know he was yours, kind of distracted me when he was sprawled all over the footpath." Quackity returned the kind smile with a rather nervous one, rubbing the back of his neck when he realized just how tall the man in front of him was, probably about 6″3-4ft tall.

"It's no problem. Thought I lost him, I'm just glad he's alright." the stranger nods his head and watched as the shorter one of the two reached forward to take his cat back, now it was Quackity's turn to laugh when he saw how much trouble the stranger was having giving his cat back. When Tiger felt the man was no longer going to hold him, he started letting out meows while clinging onto his shirt, crying out louder when Quackity tried taking him back "I am so sorry." the stranger just shakes his head.

"Oh, not at all. For some reason, animals tend to love me. I grew up with a lot of pets and my folks call me the animal whisperer with how much our pets loved me." a couple minutes went by and Quackity wasn't able to get Tiger to let go of the attractive stranger so he let out a sigh, hands pressing against the lower side of his back as he stared at his cat that soon climbed out of his arms and was now resting on his shoulders.

"I really am sorry about him, he's not usually like this." he only hummed, reaching up and scratching under his chin once more.

"He's a real cutie he is." he then offers his hand to the shorter man, polite smile on his face "I'm [M/N] by the way, thought you'd want to know." Quackity's eyes perked up at that and took his hand.

"Um, my name is Alexis! But people call me Alex." he nods his head before pointing at the cat "Oh, his name is Tiger." [M/N]'s eyes lit up at what he said.

"Tiger? Aw, such a cute name." he cooed.

"Do you have any pets?" his eyes lit up once more.

"Of course." he then turned his head, raising his hand and bringing his fingers to his lips before letting out a sharp whistle "[D/N], come!" he shouts, Quackity turned his head to where [M/N] was looking at was startled at the sight of a merle great dane barreling over to where they were standing. [M/N] laughs as he grabs Tiger and raises him above his head when his dog tackled him to the ground, he let out an oof as his body landed on the ground with a thud but he still continued to hold Tiger above him so he wouldn't get trampled by his dog

"This is my great dane [D/N]!"

"He's quite big." [M/N] rolls his eyes as Quackity took his chance to finally take Tiger out of [M/N]'s hands without him fighting back.

"Of course he's big, he's a great dane my guy!" he exclaimed, Quackity knelt down and set Tiger down and he was rather thankful that his little furry companion decided to loiter around him, he laughed when [M/N]'s dog started licking his face but he managed to push his face away to get a breather "See? Animals love me." he nods.

"Sure, I'll believe that when I see you start talking to birds." he pursed his lips at the thought.

"Don't tempt me." when his great dane managed to settle down, he rolled his neck and rubbed his back after taking the full impact of his weight and his dog's, he then noticed [D/N] nuzzling his snout into Quackity's thigh and he hummed softly "He likes you."

"Eh? Really?" Quackity's face flushes once more when [M/N] gave him a gentle smile as he nodded his head, scratching his dog behind the ears.

"What's unique is that [D/N] is usually so defensive around strangers, but he's taken a liking to you."

"R-Right." the two of them continued to chatter, though they moved locations to a nearby bench so that they weren't sitting in the middle of the footpath and out of the way of walking pedestrians, and they were overall enjoying each other's company. [D/N]'s head was resting on [M/N]'s thigh as he nuzzled close into his owner's side while Tiger nestled silently in Quackity's lap, the latter calmly patting his cat as it slept. The two of them hadn't even realized how long they were talking for until they saw the street lights beginning to turn on as the day turned into night, [M/N] gave Quackity an apologetic look as he stood to his feet, gently patting his dog's head after the abrupt action.

"Oh! I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time." now it was Quackity's turn to stand up, being more careful as he held Tiger in his arms.

"No, no! Not at all, I actually enjoyed this afternoon." he then looks to the side, his nervousness beginning to crawl up the back of his neck "I was also kind of hoping we could talk again." [M/N] blinked at the request before smiling softly, he pulled out a pen from his wallet to pull out an old receipt and scribbled something down on the back of it, he tore off the needed part before scrunching up the waste and handing the other part to him.

"Call me when you're free, yeah? Then I'll know when I'm not taking up your time when you're busy." he then waves his hand to bid the other goodbye before walking off with [D/N] by his side, yipping and barking while jumping side to side then following his owner home. Quackity continued to stand there like a fool before letting out a long groan, the soft blush on his cheeks continuing to grow as his hand tightened into a fist, accidentally crumbling [M/N]'s phone number.


Quackity was soon looking forward to having conversations with [M/N], he most certainly had the best humor when it came to the entire Dream SMP, but [M/N] was just so goddamn comedic there would be hours where the two of them are just talking while making jokes. It soon became a competition between the two of them to see who could make the other laugh first or the most, so far Quackity was the reigning champion between them but [M/N] wasn't too far behind. Currently, Quackity was laying in his bed with his phone beside his head and there he was chuckling softly at the sound of [M/N]'s boisterous laughter sounding from his phone's speaker.

"Come on, that joke was funny!" [M/N] cried out, he snorted to himself when he could tell that [M/N] was clutching his stomach as he continued to laugh, to which he only shook his head.

"I see that I am the ultimate victor when it comes to comedy since now you've resorted to dad jokes and puns in order to get me to laugh." the latter snorts, wiping away a tear that shed.

"Dad jokes and puns are funny." Quackity rolls his eyes, rolling onto his side so that he was facing his phone, smiling softly as [M/N]'s icon shun whenever he spoke, the light illuminating his darkroom.

"It depends on what joke."

"Alright, I have another one for you!" Quackity shook his head once more, resting his cheek onto his closed fist as he closed his eyes, waiting for [M/N] to tell his terrible joke "Why couldn't the pirate finish the alphabet?" he hummed, genuinely trying to answer the joke but his mind came to a blank, maybe because it was the sound of [M/N] trying to stifle his laughter at the terrible joke.

"I don't know, why?"

"Be... because he got lost at C!" it wasn't the fact that it was the joke that made him laugh, it was the sound of [M/N]'s laughter that made him smile, maybe also the sound of a thud coming from his side of the line, he probably fell off wherever he was sitting because of how hard he was laughing "It's such a terrible joke but it's just so funny!" he exclaims, sniffling a little before taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"You have such terrible humor."

"I do not!" they then both started laughing, soon the laughter died down and the two of them sat in their respective rooms in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was rather comfortable and the two of them basked in the silence as they listened to the sound of each other breathing softly. [M/N] closed his eyes as he leaned back in the chair he was resting on, he glanced at the time and noticed that it was already past midnight, he grimaced to himself and leans forward to apologize to Quackity but paused when he heard the soft sound of his snoring. His gaze softened a little as he stared down at his phone, he then chuckled softly as he picked up his phone and raised it to his lips "Sweet dreams, Alexis."

[time skip: a few days later]

Quackity had gotten rather busy lately, with all his assignments from school and late-night streaming, he hadn't really been able to converse with [M/N] overcall but rather having a few short conversations through text, but that was that. [M/N] also had his own things he had to take care of so he wasn't necessarily that distraught when he would politely decline hanging out, a man's gotta do to live, you know? He was now walking down the busy streets of California with no clear destination in mind, just a simple stroll and stopping here and there while casually listening to music blaring through his earphones.

'Hmm, I could really go for something sweet right now.' he thought to himself, pursing his lips before taking a seat on a nearby bench, pulling his phone out, and thinking about [M/N] 'He did mention that he was in the food industry, maybe he might know a place or two.' he shrugs his shoulders before scrolling through his contacts, pressing on [M/N]'s icon before letting it ring.



"Hello? [M/N] speaking, to whom am I speaking with?" he chuckled softly at the sing-song voice [M/N] used as he answered the phone, already knowing that the man on the other side of the phone knew exactly who it was.

"It's the one and only." the man on the other line perked up immediately at the sound of his voice.

"Alexis! Haha, what can I do for you? And not to be rude, I hope you can be a little quick, I'm kind of in the middle of work." Quackity immediately felt bad for calling now knowing that his friend was in the middle of something.

"Oh, I am so sorry! I can call ba--"

"No, it's fine, really!" [M/N]'s voice was sincere as he spoke, he couldn't help but be a little flustered that he would take up his time just to talk to him over something so small, god, he felt embarrassed right now "Now why did you call me? Is something the matter?" yeah, he was feeling really embarrassed now, he pressed a hand onto his face before looking to the side.

"No, it's nothing major." he groans to himself, throwing his head back "I was just feeling like eating something sweet right now and thought you could recommend someplace to eat." his face flushed a shade of red when all he earned from the other male was silence.

"... hmm, where are you right now? Are you at home?" he shakes his head, before he could answer he heard [M/N] let out an oh "Hold that thought." he furrows his brows when he hung up, he let out a huff.

"Wow, rude much." he sat there for a minute or two then perked up when he heard his phone ping, pulling it out, he saw that it was from him.

From: [M/N] To: Alexis

look up.

"Look up?" he then heard tapping so he raised his head before jumping on the spot at the sight of [M/N], when he finally spotted him, he smiled softly and waved his hand to greet him. Before [M/N] ended the call, he looked at the window of the building he was in, and to his surprise, he saw Quackity sitting on the bench outside, quite the coincidence. He soon waved his hand to gesture for him to enter, and how could he refuse the opportunity to see his friend. He soon realized that the building he entered was a bakery of sorts that also served as a café, it felt very homey and it put his mind to ease, he then looked over the counter and saw his friend waving at him with a bright smile.

"Hello, I humbly welcome you to my café that produces baked goods of all kinds. Whether they're the generic cupcake or brownies, or French pastries like Canelé or Crème Brûlée. You'll find what you want here."

"Wow, really? You own this place?" [M/N] huffs.

"Did you really just ignore everything I just said?" Quackity raises his hand, snorting a little at the offended look [M/N] was giving him.

"Well, what kind of reaction do you want me to give you? Do you want me to say "oh my god! You see all sorts of desserts for my fatass to eat? Wow, you're a life savior!" no, but it is pretty cool." he starts to laugh when [M/N] has him an unamused.

"Damn, alright." he waves at his employees to take care of the other customers while he personally dealt with Quackity, he leaned against the glass case and smiled softly at him "Well, what can I get you sir? Is there anything appealing that you want?" he looks at the assortment of desserts before raising his head to look at [M/N], he thought for a minute before a devious smirk worked its way to his face.

"These all look certainly appealing, but," [M/N] raised a brow in question when Quackity snapped his fingers then winked at him "the most delectable one I see is you." [M/N]'s eyes widened slightly at the poor pick-up line, but that didn't stop the slight pink flushing to the tips of his ears, Quackity thought he got him until he gave an answer.

"Unfortunately for you sir, I am not on the menu." he gives a smirk of his own, leaning forward so that he was a few inches away from his face "I am a delicacy few can afford, so it'd be smart of you to choose wisely sir." he giggles to himself when it was Quackity's turn to be flustered, pursing his lips and turning his head away to hide the blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Okay... that was smooth." he grins.

"Thank you. Now seriously, what do you want?" he went for the safe route and went for a Mexican Pan Dulce, one that would hit home, he had been missing Mexican cuisine so eating it again would definitely be nice. [M/N] shows him to a seat then sits with him, he stated he was on break so it should be fine to catch up a little "So how have you been? We haven't been able to talk as of lately because we've both been busy, how's your streaming been?" Quackity told him about his Twitch and YouTube channel a few weeks into their friendship and told him he could call him by his channel name but the latter was quite insistent on just calling him Alexis, saying that if he didn't have a cool name to go by, they'll both be addressed by their boring names.

"Well, walking into your café just reminded me what I wanted to do for a new video." he quirked a brow, raising his cup of coffee to his lips, waiting for him to lay his new content idea on him "I wanted to do a cooking stream." [M/N] claps his hands.

"How delightful, I'll make sure to watch and make small comments on what you're doing." Quackity pursed his lips at the way he said it, he didn't know if he was saying that to be nice or to poke fun at him.

"Well, since I now know your knowledge of cooking is quite out there, I was wondering if you would like to be a special guest on my cooking stream?" his eyes widened slightly once more at the suggestion, he then furrows his brows slightly.

"Alexis, cooking, and baking are two completely different things. To simplify, cooking is the broader category of food preparation methods, while baking is one of those methods. Cooking can be done a number of ways, while baking requires the use of indirect, dry heat from an oven to prepare food for eating." he pulled a face when he knew Quackity wasn't listening to his explanation.

"... then it'll be a baking stream!" [M/N] only shook his head with a sigh, but he laughed nonetheless "You don't have to agree if you don't want to, but we both know that I'll fuck up everything without the proper supervision." he watched as the [H/C] male lean back in his seat, rolling his fingers against the tabletop before shrugging his shoulders.

"Meh, sure, why not?" Quackity cheers "But it'll cost yah." he deflates.

"What?!" he then snorts.

"I'm pulling your leg." they both hear a whistle so [M/N] glances over and saw one of his employees, they gesture to the clock so he glances down at his watch and pouts "Pity, it seems my break is already over. I was hoping to talk a bit more with you, but alas."

"I'll tell you when I'm planning on having my stream." he nods.

"I'll see you then, Alexis." he winks before leaving to get back to work, he hums to himself, leaning back in his seat before munching on the pan dulce, now beginning to look forward to his next stream."

[day of the stream]

"Pizza? I thought we were baking." [M/N] said softly, putting down his bag and gently greeting Tiger as he entered Quackity's humble abode, he also brought [D/N] and promised that his dog wouldn't be too much trouble. He pursed his lips as he watched Quackity sit up in his kitchen before turning around to face him, tutting his finger.

"Pizza is a type of bread so bake is the correct term, however, you look at it." he laughs when he saw the other roll his eyes, continuing to pet Tiger.

"Well, I'm sorry. I'm just used to baking sweet things, not savory, but I do know how to make a pizza." he hums to himself when Quackity clapped his hands, a bright smile on his face. [M/N] watched silently as Quackity set up his PC and the camera, directing it to where they would be baking the pizza, he brought an extra pair of clothes just in case things got messy, he had watched a couple of Quackity's videos and saw just how chaotic he was, but he was hilarious nonetheless.

"I'm almost ready setting up, oh! Here's an apron." [M/N] let out a laugh when he chucked it at him, he pulled it off his face before standing up and putting it on, tying the laces around his waist before pulling his hair back, making sure that flour wouldn't be able to get in his hair.

"Is there anything you want me to do specifically, or no?" he hums at the question before shaking his head, giving him a smile and a thumbs up.

"Just be yourself." he hummed at that, Quackity did tell him to wait, he was going to start his stream and greet his chat first before introducing them to his guest. Watching him was quite entertaining, seeing how he was able to hype his chat up to what he had in store for them, snorting to himself when he heard him claim how he was a "professional chef", he shook his head at that. Quackity noticed this and spared him a knowing glance before looking back towards the camera, he rambled for a couple more minutes before clapping his hands "As you've already read in the title of the stream, we have a special guest that will be joining us today and helping us! Isn't that exciting?" he glances at his PC to see the chat going crazy.

"Who is it?"

"Did you meet up with someone?"


"A guest!"

"Alright, alright, calm down. He's a friend of mine and he isn't really a streamer or content creator, just your average joe." [M/N] looked at him.

"Hey!" he shouts, this caused Quackity to throw his head back while laughing, he pats his chest to calm himself before throwing his arm out in the direction where [M/N] was sitting.

"Come on in, my friend! Come and introduce yourself to the chat." he shook his head before getting up from where he saw sitting and walking into the camera shot, having to bend down slightly because the camera was pointing down at an angle that could fit Quackity and not himself.

"Hello~ I am the guest, my name is [M/N]. Nice to meet you all." both himself and Quackity were blown away at how fast the chat was spamming messages and even donations, [M/N]'s eyes scanning them as fast as he could to read what they were saying.


"Sexy voice!"


"Tall hunk!"

"Wow, I believe your chat likes me." he mumbles to himself, a soft blush rising to his cheeks as he continued to read the continuous compliments coming from the dozens of viewers, he then perked up when someone sent a donation.

ur_mom donated $5

Damn quackity, your friend lookin hella fine, if you know what I mean? he single?

"Um, yes? I am single, but I'm not exactly looking for a relationship with a minor, please and thank you." now the chat was roasting the hell out of the person who sent the dono, he laughs once more before glancing down at Quackity who had an offended look "Oh, come on now, don't tell me you're jealous that your viewers find me more attractive than you?" he scoffs, pushing him back with a laugh.

"Hell no! Looks isn't everything, skill is key and I'll demonstrate that through our cooking stream!" [M/N] pulls a face, placing a hand on his hip and leaning on his side.

"I literally own a bakery, I bake for a living. That's the whole reason you invited me, remember?" they stood in silence for a couple seconds before Quackity pushes [M/N] away by his face and faces the camera once more.

"Today we will be making a pizza!" the chat begin to laugh when [M/N] swatted his hand away and gave him an offended look.

"Oi!" for the first half of the stream, [M/N] was practically stopping Quackity from harming himself, being floored when the man literally put his finger into boiling water to check if it was warm enough, he was surprised he hadn't burned down his kitchen for how reckless he was.

"Alexis, I'm literally getting a headache with what you're doing." he says as he watched him mix the two cups of water and the yeast with a spatula all because he didn't have a mixer, he slaps a hand onto his forehead when he then saw him pick it up and sniff the mix before coughing and gagging at the smell "I'm going to smack the shit outta you if you don't stop that nonsense, boy." Quackity laughs as he looks up at him.

"I know what you're doing!"

"Mm hmm." he then taps his shoulder.

"Then, I'll leave this to you while I go prepare the flour." he only sighs in response to that, taking the measuring cup of water and yeast and stirring it with a whisk instead, gagging himself at that smell that was coming from it "Where's the bowl? Who the fuck stole my bowl?!" [M/N] only sighed as he shook his head, glancing over his shoulder.

"Look in your cupboards, Alexis, you didn't pull any other bowls out." he lets out an ah at that before crouching down and rummaging through his cupboards to look for a bowl, [M/N] squints at the abomination he was mixing, adding some more yeast in it just as Quackity returned with a bowl.

"Alright, we got the bow here." he glances down at it and sighs, he changes his gaze to Quackity.

"That's a strainer, not a bowl, keep looking." he looks down at it before laughing, throwing it away and searching for a bowl once more, when he couldn't find one he left the room calling for his mother and asking her where a bowl was, only later to return with one in hand.

"Ah! It was right in front of me." he cheered, he then leaves once more to grab flour, showing it to the camera "Gluten free flour!"

"Gluten free? Damn." Quackity smacks him in the arm before proceeding to look into the packet, opening it up and attempting to pour it into the bowl, [M/N] then looks up in thought before putting the measuring bowl to the side.

"What kind of yeast did you use again?" he asked, taking the box of yeast and reading through it.

"Vegan yeast." he grimaces once more as he reads through it, he then glanced back at him.

"You do know that nutritional yeast is deactivated and will not rise, right?" just as he said that, a dono saying what he saw popped up.



"Anyways-" [M/N] closed his eyes, Quackity only laughed at his response before resuming the stream. Most of the time it'd be [M/N] pointing things out and giving detailed instructions on how to properly make the pizza, he had to admit, he knew he was nitpicking everything Quackity was doing, but he genuinely couldn't help it when his main profession involved baking, but the latter didn't mind whatsoever.

kazterboro cheered! x500

Can we get one flour handprint on that crisp black shirt?

"Goodness gracious." [M/N] murmured softly, he eyed Quackity and grimaced slightly when he noticed that he was genuinely considering it.

"I'll think about it."

"Don't think about it, flour is a hassle to get out of clothes until they are washed, I would know from experience, Alexis." this only earned him a roll of the eyes as he mixed the flour with salt and yeast as he removed any cooking equipment from the counter that they won't be needing anymore into the sink when the mixture turned into a dough and they were in the process of kneading it into its shape. [M/N] didn't think much time went by when he turned away but by the time he returned, he saw Quackity had two flour handprints on his chest and they weren't going away "... you better wash your hands with soap before you touch that dough." he sulks but nods his head.

"Right." he sighs with a laugh before rolling his sleeves up.

"I'll knead the dough until you've finished, yeah? Shouldn't take me too long."

"Right, but I want to knead it too." he nods before getting to work, Quackity was surprised because by the time he turned back around he saw that [M/N] had already kneaded the dough enough to the point he was able to spin it around on one hand while tossing it into the air before catching it spinning it around in one hand once more "What the hell? Barely a minute has passed and you're already doing that?" [M/N] grins.

"My skill never fails to bring out the best in what I make." Quackity continued to stare at him before reaching forward.

"Gimme a try." he raised a brow.

"Sure you're up for the task?" he waves his hand.

"Psh, how hard can it be?" this only earned him a quirked brow before [M/N] handed him the dough, five seconds later the dough he threw up and landed on his head. The two of them stood in silence before [M/N] burst out into laughter at how funny that was, he wiped away a tear before reaching forward and grabbing the edges of the dough, and lifting it up to take a peek at Quackity. There, he saw his face was a slight shade of red due to the fact that he made himself look even more foolish and he was avoiding his gaze.

"Now that was funny." he says, he removes the dough from off of his head and chuckled when he noticed that his face was covered in flour "Perhaps you should leave this to me, huh?" Quackity did not like the mocking tone [M/N] was giving him so he removed his headphones off his head and let them hang on the microphone, he then took the dough from him and placed it down before grabbing a fistful of flour. He let out a gasp when Quackity threw the flour at his face, [M/N] coughed when he inhaled it before sneezing and waving his hand in the air to clear his vision.

"Not so funny now, is it." [M/N] raised his head and stared down at him.

"Oh, it's on." the chat went wild as they watch the two grown men start throwing flour at each other and making a whole mess in the kitchen, laughing as they did and not even caring that they were going to have to clean it up in the end. They hadn't known how much time and gone but [M/N] stopped to catch his breath, maybe it was the amount of flour in the air that caused him to start coughing or how much he was laughing, he stopped paying attention really. He took a step forward but paused when his foot slipped on the pile of flour beneath his foot, he panicked and reached forward, grabbing hold of Quackity but ultimately, they both collapsed to the ground "Ah... sorry."

"No, no. We both should have seen this coming." look down, Quackity froze up when he realized just how close he was to [M/N]. Pushing himself up, he realized that his hands were on either side of [M/N]'s head and his chest was pressed against his chest and his face was ridiculously close to his, he shuddered a little when he felt [M/N]'s hands gripping his thighs a little.

"Alexis?" when he opened his eyes, they both started to blush at the awkward position they were in, even more so when [M/N] tried to lift his head but that would result in them touching noses "Uh..." they laid there for a good couple seconds, wordlessly staring into each other's eyes but they finally moved when [D/N] trotted over to them and licked Quackity's face.

'Thank you [D/N] for breaking that awkward moment!' Quackity screamed in his head before pushing himself completely off of [M/N] and waving his hand towards the camera, the chat spamming him about what happened.

"Sorry about that! Just a little mishap, that's all!" [D/N] even graced the audience with his presence by jumping up and his front paws were on the counter, Quackity continued the next part of the stream while [M/N] continued to lay on the floor, face bright red but hidden as he covered his face with his hands.

'He was too close.'

[time skip: a few hours later]

[M/N] was currently in Quackity's shower and he was having one of those deep shower thoughts running through his mind as he washed his body and hair of the flour that got on him when they had that little flour fight and when he collapsed to the grou-- he let out a silent shriek as he slapped his hands onto his face, face turning red once more as he remembered the feeling of Quackity on top of him as his hands tightly gripped his thighs... damn, his thighs were pretty thi--

"Stop!" he shouts as he slaps himself across the face, letting out a groan as he let his hands drag his face down. Quackity sat in his living room feeling refreshed by flustered himself, Tiger resting along his shoulders while [D/N] was resting his head on his lap. They finished the stream rather smoothly despite the little bit of tension in the air, but they didn't let that get in their way from creating the abomination they called a pizza, [M/N] refusing to eat it in fear of getting food poisoning from their creation. He offered to clean the kitchen while Quackity had a shower first, insisting that it would be alright for him to do so, he let his head lean back but was mindful of Tiger.

"Dammit, stupid feelings. Why the hell do I feel like a school girl in those TV shows?" he muttered to himself before throwing his head forward, inwardly apologizing when both pets pulled away at the abrupt movement. His hands were pressed against his cheeks as he remembered the feeling of his thighs in [M/N]'s hands, the feeling of his breath fanning against his face along with the way his eyes didn't seem to waver as they stared at each other "God am I gay..."

"You're what?" he shot up and whipped his head to the point he was surprised he didn't neck himself with how fast he moved, there he saw [M/N] in different clothes, towel hanging from his shoulders as his body steamed a little from the long hot shower "I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, good for you." Quackity stood to his feet, face red once again as he shook his hands and head.

"No, no, no! No, I-I'm not-- no, I don't-- dammit!" he shouts, slapping a hand to his forehead "You know how I am with the jokes, I'm was kidding... I'm no--." he lets out a groan as he sits back down, head in his hands as he tried to calm himself, god he was having such a gay panic that he wanted to die. [M/N] took a seat beside him, keeping a distance to ensure that the other was comfortable and whether or not he should touch him or not comfort him.

"I understand, I guess I just misunderstood what you were saying, there's no need to panic." they sat in a comfortable silence until Quackity raised his head, eyes hesitating to meet his.

"... are we gonna talk about what happened?" a soft blush flushed onto his cheeks.

"What do you want to talk about? Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" he shook his head.

"No! Not at all, honestly, I just wasn't expecting it." he raised his hands and pulled his beanie off his head, running a hand through his hair before messing with it "If I'm being honest, it was pretty gay." [M/N] stared at him, he snorts before bursting into laughter.

"Yeah, I guess it was pretty gay." they both share a laugh before staring at each other, Quackity gasped softly when he noticed [M/N]'s hand was slowly inching towards his, stopping just a couple inches away as he raised his gaze to look at him. He was silently asking him if it was alright, he didn't need a verbal response when he laced their fingers together before bringing their hands up so they could both see how Quackity held his much larger hand in his own. He caressed the male's hand with his thumb, reveling in the feeling of his soft/rough palm against his own.

"This is very gay." he nods.

"It is." [M/N] pulls him slightly until they were close again, not attempting to hide how flustered he was getting, he gave Quackity's hand a light squeeze as he stared at him with a soft and gentle gaze "Do you mind if I...?"

"Make it even gayer?" the latter rolled his eyes but nodded his head, Quackity didn't have the voice to answer him so he meekly nodded his head. Now that he had the go-to, [M/N] raised his other hand to gently cup his cheek, reassuringly caressing his thumb into his cheek before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. When he pulled away, he saw Quackity was shaking softly, eyes screwed shut as his face now resembled that of a tomato... hell, maybe even brighter.

"I hope this shows you how much I like you, Alexis." he said softly, to which the other hesitantly opened his eyes and saw the look of pure love swirling in his eyes, he let out a soft groan as he covered his face with his forearm and turned away.

"Dammit... stop messing with my feelings like that." [M/N] only let out a chuckle, tightening his hold on his hand when he felt him try and take it back.

"So, do you accept my feelings?" he let his eyes peek from over his forearm and saw how he was waiting for an answer like a puppy, he tried to be stern with his answer but his voice betrayed him with how nervous he was.

"Y-Yes, I do." he cursed himself that he stuttered, but the other found it quite cute as a wide smile spread across his face as he let out a cheer, throwing his arms up then wrapping them around his smaller frame and pulling him into a hug.

"You really have no idea what this means for me...!" he whispers softly, face buried deep in his shoulder. Quackity glanced up at him before slowly wrapping his arms around him to return the gesture, the heat never disappearing as the beating of his heart continued thumping aggressively against his chest. [M/N] pulled away and gave him an eager look before pulling him into a much deeper kiss this time, pouring all his heart and soul into it so Quackity can feel just how in love he was with him, he was gasping for air by the time he pulled him away as a string of saliva was what was connecting them together.

"Now that was gay..." he said softly, out of breath, [M/N] snorted at that before resting his forehead against his head.

"Yeah, but you're gay for me."


- when they start dating, [m/n] is fine that quackity doesn't want to reveal his relationship to his viewers or friends just yet, it was quite understandable and waited patiently until he was more comfortable.
- quackity usually doesn't hesitate to express how he's feeling, but he just feels so much more flustered when he's around [m/n] and he's usually the one that gets embarrassed when [m/n] showers him in love.
- [m/n] definitely bakes food and has quackity taste test them to see if they're alright or not.
bake nights. they have bake nights sometime during the week and it usually ends with them being covered in flour or some sort of batter.
- this usually ends with them showering together.
- quackity is the little spoon, without a doubt.
- he enjoys feeling [m/n]'s arms wrapped around him and keeping him close, he's actually quite warm and he enjoys the warmth coming from him to the point that he clings to him like a koala.[m/n] makes little appearances here and there during quackity's streams, his viewers have come to enjoy seeing him show up randomly during his streams.
- [m/n] also checks up on him, handing him food and water and makes sure he's alright and looking after himself. making him tea or something else warm to drink from all the screaming he's doing.
- the other twitch streamers also like [m/n] a lot, not only was his funny that he was a perfect match for quackity's comedy, he was just so goddamn gorgeous that they were jealous that quackity had a front row seat to see him.
- sometimes quackity gets jealous with how the chat keep flirting with his lover, the same going for [m/n] when they say something quite provocative.
- but nonetheless, they both know that comments like those mean nothing to them.
- their relationship was their little secret until quackity decides that this fine hunk of meat was all his, and his alone. he was yours, and you were his.

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