book of one shots

By ultimatelytired

616 29 24

just... just a book of one shots 👍 More

fnaf security breach: helper
mcyt: soulmates
mcyt: savory
mcyt: loyalty
mcyt: loyalty pt. 2
mcyt: phoenix
mcyt: visit

fnaf security breach: mechanical

96 4 0
By ultimatelytired

word count: 4923

Fandom: FNAF Security Breach
Pairing: N/A
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Platonic
Occupation: Drummer/Mechanic
Ability: Animatronic Octopus

The character was modeled after a blue ringed octopus, so they are a oceanic type animatronic with an oceanic themed area within the pizza plex. The appearance they adorn is that of a human like face while their hair is their eight tentacles that are also capable of extending out to three meters long and a special function that allows them to stick to walls but also pick things up. The rings of the blue ringed octopus are seen on their body and act as speakers for music to play but for their voice to be louder.


[M/N]: Male Name
[B/C]: Base Color
[S/C]: Secondary Color
[F/C]: Favorite Color
[E/C]: Eye Color

Warnings: spoilers to those who haven't watched fnaf sb.

might make various drabbles to this involving this reader.

that is all.

[M/N] the Octopus; that is what they called him. Quite a boring name in comparison to the spectacular Glamrock Freddy or even Montgomery Gator, but it was the literal definition of his model. Unlike the other animatronics, he was a unique octopus type animatronic with eight tentacles for hair that were capable of doing any task. His model had dozens of mechanical software uploaded into his AI so that if anything were to be broken or malfunctioning, he would be the go to guy to fix anything back into prestige condition. He was well liked by the few human staff that were employed to the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizza Plex and many children adored him, not as much as they loved Freddy of course, but at least he was well liked.

He was also the main drummer of Freddy's band, I mean, of course he was. There was Freddy, the main vocalist, Roxanne Wolf who played the Keytar, Chica who played as the main Guitarist and Montgomery Gator who played the Bass. A band was never complete without the Drummer who provided the beat to their songs, and [M/N] was the master when it came down to making any beat to whatever song Freddy sang. He was a fan favorite to the audience too, second to Freddy of course who was the main star and face to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, because of his unique model design. His body was a shade of [B/C] while the rings around his body were [F/C], the underside of his palms and tentacles were [S/C] as he his model was shirtless while he had painted on colorful 80′s track pants, green and pink nail polish along with peach to pink shield sunglasses that hid his [E/C] eyes.

Today was any other day at the Pizza Plex, fix anything that needed fixing before the Pizzeria opened, greet the staff that arrive, greet the young children and adults who decided to spend a day at his area of the Mega Pizza Plex, which was a oceanic themed area were the children were able to swim but also observe and learn about oceanic creatures through digital reality or holograms that swam about in the air above them. When the time came for him to return to his room to prepare for tonight's show, he spoke through his built in mic and his voice transmitted through his built in speakers to signal the children and others that Freddy's show was going to begin.

"You ready, Freddy?" [M/N] spoke, spinning his drumsticks around his fingers as he looked Freddy up and down "Tonight's the big show." the main star for that night let out a chuckle as his hand came down to pat [M/N] on the back, giving his friend a soft smile.

"Of course friend, tonight will be like every other night. Perfect." [M/N] deadpanned when Roxanne shoved past them, pressing her fingers into the keys of her keytar.

"Of course it will be perfect since I will be there."

"Right, try not to mess up, Roxy." Freddy let out a sigh as Roxanne glared up at [M/N], said machine let out his own snarl as his tentacles raise up slightly and curled up in a way they were ready to punch her.

"Please stop this, we can't afford another quarrel before a show again." [M/N] scoffs, crossing his arms as his robotic tentacles lowered to the ground.

"She starts it."

"I do not!" Chica and Monty arrived behind stage and were as annoyed as Freddy when the two started bickering once more, [M/N] being more monotone and stern while Roxy was more vocal and aggressive. Freddy sighs before looking at Monty, he clears his throat to gain the alligators attention and when he succeeded, he nudged his head in the direct the two were, said machine let out a groan before going over to them. [M/N] lets out a grunt when he felt one of his tentacles be grabbed and yanked back, the same with Roxy but with her tail.

"Stop acting like idiots and get your acts together." he growls at the both of them, [M/N] snatches his tentacle back as he straightens the top of his hair/tentacles out.

"I'm only stating the truth." before Roxy could fire anything back, Chica grabbed her by the biceps and pulled her back.

"Whoa there girl, calm yourself."

"Freddy!" they all turn their heads and see one of the workers approaching them "You're about to go on in five minutes." he gives the worker a bright smile along with a thumbs up.

"Thank you for the heads up." they nod their head before walking away, he claps his paws before looking at the other four "It's party time." to [M/N], everything was going as it should be. The performance was great, the children and even the adults were loving the show. A warm smile graced his mechanical lips as he watched Freddy perform to his utmost best, stealing the show with little to no effort and making the crowd roar for more. There shouldn't have been any problems, everything was flawless, that was until he noticed Freddy's movements sputter and twitch before freezing up. He was still drumming when his AI caught something, his eyes looked over at Freddy and a red outline covered his body and there he saw multiple issues erupting from his body. He couldn't do anything as he watched sparks fly out of his body before he eventually collapsed to the ground, Chica was the first to approach him as the crowd gasped in shock.

"Freddy!" [M/N] shouts out in concern, standing up from where he was as he rushed over to him, he raised his head when he saw looks of confusion cross the faces of the people in the crowd before communicating with the main crew "Lower the stage and get us out of here." he said through his communicator.

"We're already on it." the crowd was left in confusion as to why the show ended so strangely and early but the animatronic could careless, he was more concerned as to why Freddy had such a malfunction despite the condition he was in. [M/N] used his tentacles to pick Freddy up and brought him to Parts and Services while the other three returned to their rooms, his eyes were in the midst of doing a full body scan while his tentacles were doing other check ups on his body and fixing any damage that happened to him when he collapsed when the night guard entered the room.

"What happened out there?!" she shouts, he turned to face her with an equally confused look on his face.

"I don't know, he was in tip top condition the last time I did an examination. I don't know what caused his system to crash and for him to shut down the way he did." he answers before returning his eyes down to continue examining his body.

"Well tonight was a disaster!" she lets out a groan, taking her cap off to tousle with her hair "I've been told that he needs to be put on reduced power, they said that it is a safety precaution so that something like what happened on stage won't happen again." he nods his head.

"If that is the correct action, then I will do so, Officer Vanessa." she huffs as she watches him do his magic from outside the protective cylinder, watching as he pushed buttons, disconnecting and reconnecting wires before finishing and exiting out of the cylinder "I have finished, his power should deplete each time he is moving around for too long and he should shut down if he doesn't power up in a recharge station." she nods her head.

"Good, take him back to his room then go back to your own, got it?"

"Got it." she nods once more before leaving Parts and Services, he rubs his face as he stared down at the main face of the Fazebear Industry before shaking his head and picking him up once more to return him to his room. He places Freddy in the charging station within his room, staring at his resting face through the window of the station before turning and leaving for his own room. He used his tentacles to as a seat as Freddy's diagnostics displayed themselves within [M/N]'s eyes, he was looking through all the data to see what was wrong with his friend and caused him to shut down in the middle of a show. He was perplexed as to how it happened because he was completely fine before the show, he showed no signs of a malfunction or anything of the sort, so he just didn't understand as to why it happened.

His eyes perked up slightly when something popped up in the corner of his eye, he waved his hand to dismiss the other things as he enhanced the anomaly. He was watching through the perspective of what Freddy saw through his eyes and there his face dawned a look of horror when he noticed that Freddy detected a threat within the crowd, but that wasn't the threat that caused him to react the way he did, it was the fact that someone was trying to hack through Freddy's AI, which was supposed to be impossible. He himself, along with the other three, were made so that it was not possible for anyone to hack through their system, but someone managed to get past their firewall.

"This is bad. This is very, very bad! I need to tell Vane--" he was cut off when he started to glitch out, his own AI was strong enough to resist the intruders hack but forced his system to shut down for it to be possible. His heavy body collapsed to the ground but as his vision started to fade, he saw the door from Parts and Services that led to his room opened up and someone come walking out, or more like hope out.

"Now, now. We can't have our fun be spoiled before it even begins, now can we?" there, he saw a woman wearing a bunny outfit but the most disturbing part about it was the way the mask was made to look. A creepy smile stitched onto it as its eyes were a deep shade of red with dotted eyes, the woman beneath the mask giggled "Nighty night, octoman."





[time skip: nearing 3:00AM]









[M/N]'s systems started turning on, his eyes blinking before a light emitting from them to indicate that he was functional and operating once more. When his optical sensors were in working order, he looked side to side and was left in confusion when he saw that he was somewhere in Parts and Services, what confused him even more was the fact that it was nearly 3:00AM. He was sure that the last time he glanced at the time was when it was nearly midnight, his system had shut down for nearly three hours? Something like that would only happen when someone was trying to hack his mainframe, he was a very valuable animatronic due to the fact that he had the blueprints to the entire restaurant downloaded to his database along with the other animatronics, including ways to improve their AI's and whatnots, so the fact that his system had forcibly shut down meant that someone was messing around with the animatronics mainframe.

"This isn't good." he whispered to himself, pushing himself to his feet as he scanned the area before speed walking down the hall "This is bad. This is really, really bad. I need to inform Officer Vanessa right away." he was startled to see the amount of security bots roaming the halls, even more grossed out when he saw a couple endoskeletons were moving. Whatever happened in the past few hours must be due to the hacker who managed to bypass his firewalls and force him to shut down. He paused, however, when his eyes detected movement that wasn't that of the security bots nor the endoskeletons, using his eyes to scan the entire hallway, he was surprised to see the information of a young child pop up.

What on earth was a child doing down in Parts and Service? Much less at three in the morning, why are they still at the pizzeria? He shook his head as he approached where the child was, he was being mindful of his steps because he didn't want to frighten the already terrified young boy. He soon noticed that the boy was surrounded by multiple endoskeletons and a security bot was approaching him fast, he didn't know what would happen if he were to get caught so he used his tentacles and moved them so they were attached to the ceiling above him, lifting his body off the ground and keeping him out of sight from the other bots. The young boy, Gregory, was taking deep breaths as he was trying to time each time the security bot would circle back to where he was hiding while also trying to keep an eye on the endoskeletons.

'This sucks. I just need to get back to where Freddy is and I can get the heck out of this spooky place.' he shuddered when he had to briefly look away from the endoskeletons to see where the security bots were and when he glanced back, they moved a couple inches towards him 'Just one more time, then I can--' his thoughts were cut off when he felt something grab him from above before yanking him up, he tries to let out a cry but was stopped when a hand was pressed to his mouth. Looking up, he was startled to see the face of [M/N] the Octopus holding him within his arms as his tentacle like hair held him above the ground and out of sight.

"What on earth is going on?" he muttered to himself, eyes locked onto the endoskeletons that were now frozen in place after loosing sight of the child. [M/N] let out a sigh before glancing down at the boy, he flinched when he noticed the terrified look on his face as he gripped onto [M/N]'s wrist tightly, tears threatening to fall down his face "Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no. Please don't cry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you." he said, voice hushed yet a bit loud from the panic of making the child tear up, he immediately took his hand away from his mouth as he held the boy in both arms, on wrapped under him while his other hand was pressed against his back.

"P-Please... I don't want to die." he whimpered out, [M/N] gasped once more as the tentacles that weren't holding him up came forward to gently wipe away his tears.

"No, no! I'm not going to kill you. We animatronics are not programmed to harm a guest, much less a young child." he reassured, he frowned when that didn't calm him down. He looked around and once he spotted a room his tentacles moved so that he was by the door, they lowered him to the ground so he could enter it. Gregory looked up at [M/N] and noticed that he sat on the ground and had a soft melody play from out of his speakers, it was quiet enough that it wouldn't attract attention from any wandering bots and soothing enough to calm his nerves "Have you calmed down now?" Gregory couldn't help but giggle softly when he noticed that [M/N]'s tentacles rose up and acted as snakes, looking at him and waiting for a response.

"Y-Yeah, yeah I have." [M/N] nods and gently rubs his back.

"I'm glad, but kid, what are you doing here so late? Where are your parents?" he noticed the boy flinch before shaking his parents.

"It doesn't matter, I'm locked in here till 6:00AM and everything here is out to get me." [M/N] raised an arm and pressed it against his metal chest plate.

"I'm not, I'm here to help you." [M/N] noticed that the boy was skeptical, but he wasn't completely wary of [M/N], he did save him the hassle of getting past the endoskeletons and security bots and he hadn't killed him yet, just like Freddy "You might already know who I am, but I'm [M/N] the Octopus. Can I know your name?" he was still a little nervous, he sniffles as he wipes his face.

"My name is... Gregory." [M/N] smiles softly as he nods his head.

"Gregory, what a wonderful name." [M/N] nods his head once more before standing to his feet, continuing on holding Gregory in his arms "I don't understand what's going on, but I'll make sure to get you wherever you need to go and make sure no harm comes your way. I promise you." Gregory hesitantly nods his head, raising his arms to wrap around his neck.

"Okay, I trust you."

"Good, good! Okay then, let's go." [M/N] offers him one last smile before turning towards the door, he peeks his head outside and noticed a couple endoskeletons down the hall that led to the main part of the Parts and Service area where the animatronics would be repaired or upgraded, he glanced down and noticed that that was the way that he needed to go, so he proceeded. Gregory let out a whoa when [M/N]'s tentacles lifted him off the ground once more and so they both avoided the unwanted attention, sure [M/N]'s body was pretty large and broad, but he was able to swerve around the bots easily but also pull Gregory close to his chest and his tentacles would pull him up so that his back was pressed against the ceiling when bots got a little to close to them.

"You make travelling much easier." Gregory muttered, watching as [M/N] easily cut down the distance in comparison to Freddy "It's much better than walking, honestly." this caused the aquatic animatronic to chuckle.

"Is that so?" Gregory nods.

"Yeah. Freddy usually has me hide in his chest cavity, it's pretty convenient, but this is much better." this caused [M/N] to briefly sputter in his movements, he then looked down at him in confusion.

"He has you what?" he narrows his eyes when Gregory falls silent, glancing away and looking at everything but [M/N]'s eyes "Freddy is the last thing I would expect would do something so irresponsible, that compartment is only meant for oversized birthday cakes and piñatas. I'm surprised a young child can fit in there."

"Well, I'm small." [M/N] shook his head, one of his tentacles reaching down and poking at the side of his stomach.

"A little TOO small, for my liking." Gregory only let out a nervous chuckle before falling silent, they soon travelled in a comfortable silence, avoiding all the bots roaming the halls before finally making it to their destination, but [M/N] was shocked once more at the sight "Freddy? Freddy!" he shouts out, he gently tosses Gregory up and has one of his tentacles wrap around the boy and hold him up as he rushed towards the protective cylinder.

"[M/N]? Is that you?" [M/N] gasped, hands pressed against the glass and saw that Freddy's head was disconnected from his neck and the only thing keeping him from being decommissioned were the wires "Oh, thank heavens. I was wondering what happened to you, friend." [M/N] shook his head.

"What happened to me doesn't matter, what happened to you while I was shut down? And why the heck is there a kid here so late at night?" Freddy managed to move his eyes and let out a breath of relief at the sight of Gregory being held safely in one of [M/N]'s tentacles.

"Gregory! I am so glad that you are here, and alive!"

"You're ignoring my question, Freddy." the bear let out a chuckle.

"I will gladly answer you, but I would most appreciate it if you would reattach my head." [M/N] sighs once more, setting Gregory down before going over to the console and pressing buttons.

"Right." Gregory knew that [M/N] was designed to fix anything that's been broken, but it was still very cool to watch him continue to talk with Freddy, not even glancing down at the console as his fingers danced across screen "The only thing that I know is that someone was trying to hack my mainframe, which caused my system to shut down. We must Vanessa of the intruder immediately." he let out a grunt when Gregory grabbed one of his tentacles and yanked him backwards.

"No! We can't tell her anything!" he sputters as he looked down at her.

"Why not? I assure you, she most definitely will help us." he shakes his head once more.

"No! I don't trust her, she's out to get me like everyone else." [M/N] sputtered when Gregory looked up at him, puppy dog eyes glistening with tears as his lip trembled "Please, don't tell her." Freddy looked over and saw [M/N]'s body trembling before he let out a deep exhale, shoulders slumping forward.

"Well, alright. I'll trust your intuition, child." Gregory gave him a tearful smile before jumping forward and embracing his leg, this caused both animatronics to smile fondly at Gregory. Said boy continued to hug his leg, one of his tentacles pressed against his back and soothingly rubbing it as [M/N] continued to work on Freddy. His tentacles held Gregory close as [M/N] entered the protective cylinder, making mistakes was not in his programming, but now he really must not make a mistake with Gregory at his side and the young boy refusing to leave his side out of fear.

"I don't quite feel like myself, [M/N]."

"You're fine." [M/N] starts, pressing at the flashing buttons in the correct sequence when they lit up, allow them to reconnect the wires to Freddy's head, he then takes a step back for the testing console to approach him to run diagnostics "I'll have you feeling better in no time."

"I'm glad." once he was finished running diagnostics, he exited the protective cylinder and looked over the console that was outside of the cylinder.

"Okay, buddy. How's about you finish it off?" [M/N] offered, holding Gregory up so he could see the console screen.

"Um, it looks a little complicated." he shook his head.

"No, the last bit is easy, I promise." Gregory looks at the screen and true to his word, the last part was easy, all he had to do was press >[Finish Upgrade], and it'll be done. [M/N] gave him a sheepish look when he noticed the child glance up at him, Gregory just shook his head before pressing enter.

"There's so much tech stuff in here." Gregory started, looking around in slight awe when [M/N] put him down in favor of entering the protective cylinder once more to help Freddy out "Is there anything I could use to stop the other bots?" the two animatronics look up in thought.

"Bright lights in the eyes cause us to briefly malfunction. I suppose a Fazerblaster or a Faz Cam could work." [M/N] suggested, examining Freddy once more, to which the other kept reassuring that he was fine.

"Where do I get one?" Freddy was the first to answer.

"You can win a Fazerblaster in Fazer Blast. Faz Cams are often confiscated in Monty Golf, but you will need a party pass to open one of those attractions. Chica normally gives them out for birthdays. Check her green room in Rockstar Row, you can find one there." Freddy explained, [M/N] then perked up as he pointed towards the back of the room.

"Use one of the service elevators at the back of the room. They go up to Rockstar Row. It looks like they are all out of order except for Roxy's." the two follow the young boy over to the back and watch as he looked at the doors.

"Hey Freddy, [M/N]! Check this out. Chica has some sort of special voice box, Roxy has new eyes, and Monty was given better claws. We have to get you those, Freddy! We could upgrade you!" [M/N] was slightly intrigued by the idea, but it was a little disturbing because in order to get those parts... Freddy seemed to have been reading his mind, because the way he answer.

"Gregory, those parts belong to my friends. I would never hurt them."

"I would." [M/N] said rather nonchalantly, this earned him a smack from Freddy and a laugh from Gregory, who then pouted.

"All night long, all they've done is try to hurt me." he then crosses his arms, mumbling under his breath "They get what they deserve." [M/N] takes a step backwards, watching Gregory climb into Freddy's chest cavity before they both entered the elevator.

"You are not joining us, [M/N]?" the octopus shook his head.

"No, I will remain here so I can figure out a way to stop whoever is messing with the AI's and the system, but if you call for me on your Faz Watch, I will not hesitate to come running to your aid. I will be there when you need me." Freddy nods his head.

"I will see you when I see you, friend." [M/N] nods and turns to leave but stopped when Freddy's chest cavity opened up, he saw Gregory peek his head out before extended his close fist in his direction, this caused the bot to chuckle before kneeling down and bumping his fist.

"Stay safe, little guy."

"You too."


- as stated multiple times, [m/n] was designed to fix any malfunctions that happened to any of the attractions or to the other animatronics and bots, so his model had special eyes that allowed him to scan anything and immediately find errors along with all the information.
- and since he was a oceanic type animatronics, he was also water proof because his area had a mini water park and allowed young children to swim. he acts as the life guard as well as a swimming instructor to help any of the children who were keen on learning how to swim. he was an excellent swimmer and was fast/strong enough to swim up the water slides.
- anyways- [m/n]'s role towards gregory would be similar to that of a kind older brother or responsible uncle; he'll leave the father figure for freddy.
- [m/n] stays in parts and services to look for any clues as to why what was happening was happening in the first place.
- when gregory calls for him, he would drop everything he's doing and unlike freddy, he's inconspicuous when he comes to gregory's aid because he clings to the walls before lowering down to pick him and bring him out of harms way.
- sometimes he frightens the leaving daylights out of gregory because he's so quite in his movements the young boy doesn't even hear him.
-[m/n] and freddy make it a competition to go help gregory when he calls for either of them.
- now then, back to the story plot;
- when gregory comes back to parts and services with intentions to upgrade freddy with the parts he took from chica, roxy and monty, [m/n] will feel that unease resurface when he has to be the one to put the pieces onto freddy.
- sure he didn't see eye to eye with the other animatronics, but it was kind of hard that his friends were in pieces were wandering the pizzeria in absolute despair.
- so, [m/n] brings it upon himself to leave parts and services to round up chica, roxy and monty and bring them back in order to fix them up and get rid of the thing that was corrupting their system and return them back to normal.
- now, if [m/n]'s system was corrupted, he would be a mostly roaming around his own area or parts and services were he would try to find ways to prevent gregory from progressing further by hacking the system himself and lock doors.
- his boss fight would be gregory using various consoles to hack and control [m/n]'s tentacles to eventually either pin him to the walls and have something crash into him or have them crush him to decommission him.
- the broken down version of him would be his head at the verge of snapping off his body as his tentacles were used for mobility, since from his neck down, nothing was working.

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