Monster Marks

By inspired2fly

538K 19.1K 2K

I was taken away from the only place I called home. I was used as a blood-bag to those filthy creatures with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 18

8.4K 421 33
By inspired2fly

Song=Monster: Imagine Dragons

"Are you ready to meet my sister?" Jen's voice could be heard all the way from inside the shower.

I didn't get much sleep last night thinking about today. I was being sent back already. Trent was more aggressive this time. He killed his own guards just to find me. The thought made my wrist started to throb more. Like it knew we were going to be with our beloved soon. I already checked to see if Jen had the marking of a beloved on her wrist last night, but she didn't. Finn must have been so engrossed on keeping her alive that he forgot to mark her. So she wasn't connected to him like I was to Trent. She doesn't feel the strong pull like I do.

I jumped out of the shower once the shampoo was completely rinsed out and put on the knee length light blue dress that I wore with grey leggings that had tribal prints on them, and were complemented with small grey boots. Jen had laid out this outfit before I jumped into the shower. She had given me a time limit of how long I could take, but I clearly passed that from how much she was screaming at me to get my butt out the door.

Deciding to let my hair air-dry I grabbed the long off-white coat. The color was also in some parts of the legging so I though it went well together.

Jen wants me to stand out when I reach the castle steps. Her plan is for me to caught by the castle guards and be brought to Trent. There will be a bunch of other guards that have found other girls that they think are me. So I would arrive with all of these other girls. Then Jen described to me how I shouldn't get comfortable with those girls because Trent would kill them. He was only looking for one person, and when he found that person he would dispose of the rest. And I couldn't do anything about it; his mind would already be made up.

"And this is Chloe." Jen introduced me to the girl that was standing beside her.

"I'm so sorry we only have this small time to meet, but I am Rose" The woman held out her hand for me to shake and when I reached out and put my hand in hers she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you for saving my sister."

"She did it all on her own, I was no part of her plan." I stated.

"But you helped her get food and stay safe before her escape, I couldn't have asked for more from you, but you are about to kill Trent and get my parents back, so there is that other favor you are doing all of us." Rose stepped back into the man's arms behind her. That was most likely her husband.

A hand grabbed mine and started dragging me to the tree that I entered this place from. "Now Chloe, there is one more thing I need to tell you before you leave. One of the main reasons why Trent is killing so much is because you are a newly turned vampire, and his beloved," Jen said, turning me around to look at her. We were now standing in front of the familiar tree.

"You are Finn's beloved, so wouldn't he be doing the same thing?" Her facial features dropped.

"You will not mention his name again, and no he would not act the same way because he didn't mark me. Trent marked you."

"And how does that have to do with anything?" I asked, still wondering why saying Finn's name out loud was such a bad thing.

"You're a vampire now, and he marked you as his with his fangs. Now that you're a vampire he expects you to-"

"Mark him as mine with my fangs." I concluded.

"That's correct. And that's why he's been acting so enraged; it seems to be because you weren't there to mark him back. It's like a rejection to him, and the fact that you aren't around also makes it worse. Vampires also have certain scents; a beloved's scent is just stronger than the rest. When Kyle got you out of the bedroom and brought you here he also left part of his scent in the room. So Trent also thinks you were kidnapped. "

"Why is he killing so many innocent people? He would just have to see if they had the mark on their wrist and if they didn't he could just send them home."

"That's where you are wrong. Most of the people that Trent is bringing in are vampires, so some might have a mark and some might not, either way it doesn't matter. When he doesn't smell your scent he gets angry and kills. I would be fine with him just killing vampires, but it didn't talk long for the guards to start bringing him humans too, and that's where we had to draw the line."

I tried processing the information. If someone told me when I was still with my family, or stuck with Greg that the vampire prince was killing his own kind. I would have laughed and said they deserved it, that the fanged people got everything they deserved for doing such horrible things, but after being turned into one of them myself I started to think about all the other humans that were turned into these creatures. Not all of them wanted to be this way, which made not all of them bad people. So why did women that didn't look like me have to die? They didn't have a choice in the matter, yet Jen would have let it continue, it didn't matter to her. Maybe I just felt more responsible for this because it was my absence from the castle that started the killings.

"So I might have not thought the whole plan through, not thinking about how Trent would react, but because of my fast thinking we both got our lucky chance to escape."

"Except, I didn't really escape, I'm being sent back in." I stared around at all the trees around us, I had only arrived yesterday.

"For the 'saving humans cause', of course." Her smile was starting to make me uneasy. She pulled a small bag of blood out of her bag. The bag was slightly open letting me smell the sweet aroma as it drifted through the air and into my nose. "Kyle told me what happened last time with your blood lust, so while you were in the shower he brought this to the cabin. I suggest you drink it all before you go."

Once in my hand I lifted it to my lips and drowned it down with one gulp, licking my lips after to make sure I didn't miss a drop. It had only been about a day of being a vampire and I had already accustomed to this lifestyle.

"Okay, now you need to go. The sun will start to burn your skin once it gets high enough in the sky. This will be your head start since the sunrise is just about starting." Grabbing the now empty bag from me she did the same pattern on the tree as Kyle did before and hit the tree bark with her fist making it open. Pushing me through she gave a wave as the bark closed.

The vampire sight helped me navigate a way to where I first entered this dark place. Finding the right tree to exit from I hit it with my hand and it raised.

The vampire sight didn't only help underneath the dirt but also above. I could see the castle way far ahead of me, but instead of running straight to the building I started sprint around trees like I didn't know where I was going.

All part of the plan.

Jen told me this would give the allusion that I was lost. I wanted the soldiers and Trent to believe I had run away from my kidnappers, and that was what I was doing.

Keeping my ears on high alert for any noise, picking up the sound of feet close behind I slowed down waiting for the impact of someone's arms to go around me and be tackled to the ground.

No sooner than the thought occurred I felt my feet be lifted off the ground and someone colliding with my hip and making me start to tumble forward like I expected, but instead of falling onto the ground my arms got pulled together behind my back and secured them together with a click: handcuffs.

Trying to see if they were semi breakable, I tried pulling my hands apart, but felt them start to burn, like how my body would react if I touched a hot plate.

"It's a mix of silver and ancient wood. They are not breakable by vampires, but try all you want. You are only going to hurt yourself more." The man gave a chuckle at the end, like it was some impossible game and he wanted to see me try just to fail, but I wasn't going to be a participant. I wasn't going to try and break the handcuffs. I wanted to be captured.

The walk to the castle was brutal. I just wanted to get there, and get it over with. I wanted the killing of the women to stop as soon as possible. The man holding my arm and pulling me along had other plans. He probably thought that I was just another girl getting prepared to die in the hands of the vampire prince. He didn't know that I actually was Trent's beloved. Only certain soldiers had seen my arrival, and only the ones in the castle knew me, not that they could have a good look at me before I was send back upstairs, but he didn't look familiar at all, a longer beard then what I usually saw. He must have been a replacement for a guard Trent killed.

"Come on, keep moving." I felt a harder pull on my arm, not realizing I had stopped.

I tried to think about what this man was thinking right now about our slow progress to the prince. He could have been thinking that taking slower to get there would help me not die so fast, but just looking at the man's face he wouldn't be that considerate. He most likely didn't want to get to the castle fast because if I wasn't the one he would have to be yelled at and sent back out to search, or worse he could be killed too. I wish I could tell the man that I was Trent's beloved and that we should get there faster, but that would ruin everything.

The castle door arrived in front of us shortly after, being opened by two men on either side. I wanted one of them to at least recognize me, put an end to this right now, but they didn't glance in my direction.

The familiar area that greeted me when I walked in was the same, but the people were not. More specifically; the women.

I saw at least four women with their hands chained behind their back like mine were. All dressed differently, but each had some type of blemish on the skin like scars and bruises or even a smudge of dirt. They looked like they had put up a fight. I must have looked ridiculous to them.

I wanted to go up and whisper in one of their ears that everything would be okay, until a loud scream tour through the space making all of the women start to shake with fear.

The basement's door was open, with a man holding it wide open. I was told by Jen that the basement was soundproof and that was because it was the torture room. The only reason she knew that was because that's also where the cells are located, where her parents are located. The man now holding the door open seemed to open it at the wrong time, letting us hear what we were about to walk into.

"Please follow me, the prince is waiting."

I updated! and guess what else, the second this chapter gets 100 votes the next one will be too! Or its just going to be posted next monday.

Thank you so much for reading and voting! And making me smile so much! As precautioned every chapter sorry about grammar and spelling mistakes.

There is one special person I want to recogonize and thats @moreofElla without her I probably wouldn't have written this chapter. She just got accepted into college! And if you could run over to her account and congradulate her or read and comment on her stories that would mean so much!

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