Diary of Bella Tiny

By dotandtittle

19 0 6

Bella is a tiny person, just 154 mm tall, but if she is on tippy-toes, she is almost as tall as her cousin Fl... More

#2ndEntry Diary of Bella Tiny - Waxing! 24th Lunar (terrible day!) I was asleep

Full Lunar 24th moon! My birthday

14 0 6
By dotandtittle


***Diary of Bella Tiny***

**Full lunar - 24th moon**

Hi there, I'm not very good at these things and I don't want anyone to read this... at all!
Anyway, this is my new diary... Yay! I got it for my 24th moon yesterday, and I have soo much to tell you diary, I hope. you stick with me and that I never loose you and that no one ever reads you because, It's private! - Noo Peeking you annoying little brother Carn! KEEP YOUR EYES AND BIG NOSE OUT OF HERE!
If you do! Then I will tie you to the tree at the top of the valley and leave you there for the rats and stoats to EAT YOU!
I feel much better now that I have got that off my chest!
So, I am Bella, short for bluebell, the flower. I know, who names their kid after a flower right? Well, we all are, that's the tiny's ways. Dad is named Sage, mum is called Tulip, my little bother is Carn, short for carnation, and his twin, my little blister, is Lily. She is so much more bearable than Carn! Even our pet numbat is called Poppy, (obviously from Poppy's, duuur! ). Grandma was also called Poppy, and my uncle Hyby, after a hibiscus... and Aunty... get this... Rose! Wow! Soo boring, right? Sorry diary, it's just the way it is around here. Then there's my cousin Gerbera (he's only 3 moons older than me and cute!), and his sister Florintine, about my age, less than a moon younger actually and she's very pretty, not like me. She has long ebony flaxen hair, straight and smooth and mine is just all kinky and blonde and it always looks dirty and knotted. But I swear, I am forever washing and brushing it! Florintine is also ever so slightly taller than me too, which is stink! I think she is 154 mm and I'm only sneaking up to 153 mm, but I can add more than another mm to that if I tippy-toe and stretch! And I can jump higher than her! I can jump nearly three times our own heights so I can get into the trees better than her! Or, across the river!
So, I have big blue eyes, and pointed ears, we all have big eyes so we can see better at night and through the darkness of the forest where we live. And our pointy ears are as fine as any cats, or eagles, probably better actually!
Our pupils can dilate to fill almost our entire eyeball, gross eh! Talk about BLACK Eyes! All black, no blue showing.
Humans, I've heard, think big eyes are cute... Don't call us cute! That is not nice! I don't know what they think about our pointy ears though. Anyway, we always cover them if we are ever venturing into their giant, smelly, disgusting world...
Tonight, being a full moon means that if someone is going to be born, then this night, or very close to this night, either side by a couple of days, will be the night! And it was!! The Paul's family had a baby girl! And I went over to help with the birthing, well, training to help with it anyway. Mum is our communities main mid-wife. Our other one had to leave about 2 moons back and we haven't heard from her since. I think she had to go to another community because their mid-wife had died. A gin trap had got her and sliced her right in half. It was horrible. Those humans are horrible! The men in the community, vowed to uproot any gin traps they ever saw and would turf them into the river and let them rust! Hunters were the culprits of these traps! Hunters were bad!
Anyway, the Paul's birthing was scary for me because I never knew how it all happened, not really anyway. I knew enough but to see it happening, and hear poor Mrs Paul crying out, has put me off ever having a baby! Na ah! No way am I having one of those cute little things! Mum reckons I'd make a great mum one day and that the pain of birthing, is nothing compared to the happiness and love these little obstacles generate. I don't think so!
Mum said I was terrific help and I even caught the tiny little baby as she came out! Mr Paul was NOT allowed in the home trunk at all, he had to stay outside on guard from any dangers that could be a threat. This was womens work! But I don't think that is right. Why can't some other men stand guard and let the dad be there for his wife and new baby?
Anyway. it's real late now, the moon is on it's downward journey already and I'm too tired to write anymore. Kiss kiss diary!

*Copyright - Ian King 2021 (I shouldn't have to do that, but we live in a world of lazy people who cannot create for themselves, and I know 'that is not you'!)*
I am teaching Creative Writing and Audiobook Narration an dif you would like to learn, or know someone else who would then I'd love for you to join my group on MeWe.com... Follow link and sign up for a free account if you haven't already! #thewritestuff

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