#2ndEntry Diary of Bella Tiny - Waxing! 24th Lunar (terrible day!) I was asleep

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I was asleep and Lily was digging her anoying little fist's into my side and woke me up!
"Bella, wake up! I heard something outside!"
"Go back to sleep Lily!" I hate sharing a bed with her. When can I ever get any privacy! I'm 24 moons old for the rivers sake! Gahh!
"Look Bella out there!" And she was peaking through the knot hole in our tree trunk wall. "It's that awful black feral cat again!"

So, this is how today started, and it went from bad to worse and I am absolutely exhausted! So is Lily... I am too tired to tell you all the nitty grittys of the day but it went basically like this...
The ferral cat tried to break in, that progressed to no more sleeping (like for the whole day and night maybe!) because it was too hot, then we went to Mrs Paul's tree because we were bored and thought it might be nice to see the new baby, dad suggested we go to her so I should have known better than to listen to him. Anyway we went there, she was stressed, the baby was stressed, her husband Mr Paul, was gone! And so we ended up spending the whole day there, when we should have been sleeping and most of the night, helping Mrs Paul with the baby (she's so gorgeous, by the way... she has fine, dark hair and the cutest toes and fingers I've ever seen. I haven't figured out what colour her eyes are yet but Mrs Paul says it can take a week to really know and even then they could change colour when they're older, and she has the cutest smell, except when she's stinky!).
Well, we are still there and I just want to try and get some sleep! Lily has already found a place to curl up and so I won't have to share a bed with her! Yay!
I promise I'll fill you in tomorrow diary, ok? I think I'm going to have to give you a name... ahh boy, another thing to think about. Kiss kiss diary!

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