Bad Choices ⚘ Benny Weir

נכתב על ידי bluewintermulti

5.4K 151 6

After learning that the supernatural exists in Whitechapel Ivy, Benny and Ethan are trying to live a normal t... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

211 7 0
נכתב על ידי bluewintermulti

"Do I want to know why you two are wearing ties?" Ivy said as she walked up to Ethan and Benny.

"We are going to try to convince the yearbook nerds to let us use our avatars as our photos." Benny muttered.

"Wanna help?" Ethan asked as she fixed Benny's tie.

"Intriguing offer but I have to meet Sarah, apparently Erica's in a mood."

"And that's unusual?" Benny asked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes then walked down the hall looking for her two vampire best friends.

She spotted Sarah and rushed over. "Hey, where's E?"

The vampire sighed, "I don't know.."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm so sick of drinking out of juice boxes." The vampire groaned and shut her locker.

"Maybe I can ask Benny-"

"Forget it.. I have to get to class." She walked away, leaving Ivy at her locker concerned.

* * *

"How'd the meeting go?" Ivy asked Ethan.

"They shot us down.. maybe next year." He mumbled.

She sighed and patted his back, "You know, it's for the best anyway. You don't need any more wedgies.

"Want me to take them out? Maybe eat their families?" Rory asked from behind them.

"No!" Ethan and Ivy shouted.

The blonde vampire laughed, "Just kidding guys, you looked all "oh no, Rory's a maniac!" That was great."

"Don't joke about that, okay?" Ivy said, patting his arm.

"Sometimes I wonder what you do at night." Ethan said while crossing his arms.

"Oh, it's pretty nuts. The less you know, the better." He stared at the ceiling for a second.

"Anyway, what do the yearbook nerds want to do?" Ivy said, adjusting her backpack straps.

"Hannah Price wants to use some lame old camera for the photos.. She probably doesn't even know she has to develop the old film." Ethan went on.

Ivy starts to shake him when she saw that Hannah was coming up behind them.

"She's probably still staring at the back of the camera right now, wondering why the screen isn't working. She is standing right behind me now isn't she?"

"Later." Rory shrugged and walked away.

Ivy sighed, "I should go too, I have Chemistry.."

* * *

"So this morning, Hannah was really nice to me and asked if she could.. Confide in me." Ethan explained to Ivy and Benny.

"Dude, it's a trap." Benny muttered.

Ivy smacked his arm, "Shut up."

"I knew it! The next time I saw her, she swore like my dad in traffic."

"Ethan, calm down and don't listen to Benny. She's just playing around with you because she likes you."

"There are two sides to every girl. Like a coin. Heads, she's crazy. Tails, same as heads." Benny went on.

Ivy rolled her eyes, "Why do I even bother."

Hannah suddenly appeared in the hallway and said she liked someone's skirt.

"Heads." Benny whispered.

A second later, she was on the other side and smacked someone's books out of their hands and walked away laughing.

"Tails, good luck with that."

Ivy leaned over his desk, "Seriously? A coin?"

"What, it's true. I can't say that you're not crazy." Benny smirked slightly and she groaned.

"Like you know about girls, they only talk to you when they're slapping you or flipping you off." Ivy muttered.

He frowned and slumped in his chair.

Ethan cleared his throat, "Anyway, what do I do?" He looked mainly at Ivy.

"Just be nice." She smiled slightly.

"That's it? I was nice to her before and she blew up at me.." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ethan, just be nice to her. That's all you can do."

* * *

Ivy walked over to Ethan and Benny at a lunch table. Benny has been avoiding her since chemistry class.

"Hey E, how'd it go with Hannah?"

He sighed, "Honestly, I don't know."

Rory started walking over and Hannah threw a bottle at his face and laughed.

"Ow!" He shouted before sitting down.

"If she asks you out, you better say yes." Benny said to Ethan in a quiet voice.

Hannah smirked and walked over.

"Oh she saw us. What do we do?" Ethan muttered.

"Just.. act natural." Benny whispered back.

"Why are you two so scared of this girl?" Ivy chuckled.

She glared at Benny, "Baby crying because he can't be Superman in the yearbook?"

Benny leaned forwards, "Superman? Please, he's a bit too retro, a little too old school."

Hannah scoffed and dumped Benny's lunch tray onto his shirt. Ivy gritted her teeth.

"Aw, and it was such a nice nerd shirt.." She laughed begore walking away.

Benny's hands turned into fists, "I don't care how much of a crush she has on you, she just made Benny's list."

Ivy nodded and leaned back, "Mine too.."

Ethan groaned, "I'm supposed to talk to this girl?"

Ivy smiled and patted his arm, "Good luck. If she hurts you, I'll tell Erica to kick her ass for you."

* * *

Ivy jumped as her locker slammed shut and Benny was on the other side, an unfamiliar smirk on his face.

"Hey Benny, you're talking to me now." She raised an eyebrow and looked down at the jacket he had on.

"Of course, I was being stupid." His smirk grew wider and she sighed.

"Look, I gotta get to class-"

"No, I want to talk to you." He held his hand out for her to take and she stared at it.

"Are you okay...?" The ginger questioned.

"Yeah, I'm perfect. Come on." Benny grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall.

"Where are we going?"

They walked into an empty classroom.

"We found out what's wrong with Hannah." He said as he shut the door.

"What do you mean?"

Benny turned to her and sighed, "Apparently there's a virus going around, it makes you angry. Ethan found an antidote in my book."

Ivy furrowed her eyebrows, "Why didn't he tell me? We saw each other last class."

"He doesn't want you to help. Neither do I." Benny said as his smile faded.

She crossed her arms, "Benny, what the hell are you talking about?"

"We don't need your help."

Ivy was confused. First of all, the guy she has liked for years was acting like a complete ass hole and Ethan's also mad at her? What was going on?

"Um, I should go talk to him.." She started to walk over to the door and he slid in front of her.

"Just stay out of this." He suddenly got angry. She took a step back and glared at him.

"Benny, I want to help."

"No." The brunette spit back and started to open the door.

"Why are you acting like an ass hole?" Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Just stay out of the way!" He yelled before storming off and leaving her in the classroom alone.

Ivy stood in the same place for a few seconds before running out of the room and rushed over to her locker.

"Hey, Ivy? You know we have class right?" She heard Erica say from behind her.

She didn't answer and kept her face hidden in the door of the locker. Erica slammed it shut, she jumped back.

"Why are you crying?" She hissed.

"Benny.. he-" Before she could finish the vampire sped down the hall, whipping her hair.

"Erica don't!" She shouted, it was too late.

Sarah came rushing over next, "What happened?"

Ivy sighed, "I just got into an argument with Benny.."

Sarah furrowed her eyebrows, "That doesn't sound like you guys? Wait- are you sure it was Benny, Benny?"

Ivy crossed her arms, "What?"

"It's a long story, Hannah and Benny have evil twins. Are you sure that was Benny?"

Ivy looked down at the floor and shrugged, "It seemed like him.. but he had a weird jacket on-"

"That wasn't Benny." Sarah interrupted.

"Oh no.." She said, looking up. "Erica just saw that I was crying and.. let's just say Benny is her target."

Sarah groaned, "Great."

She grabbed on to Sarah's arm and they vampire-sped down the hall in the direction Erica went.

They stopped when Ivy spotted Erica pinning Benny against the wall with her fangs out. He had his hands up in the air defensively.

"Woah, woah, what did I do?" He asked, frightened.

Ivy walked over and squinted, "Blue shirt.. Erica, drop him, it's okay.."

"No it's not, he made you cry!" She snapped her fangs at him and hissed.

"What? No I didn't.. did I?" He said, turning to Ivy.

"No it wasn't you, it was your twin."

Erica let go of him and crossed her arms, "Benny has a twin? Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"It's a long story, Sarah can catch you up." She shoved Erica over to Sarah and sighed.

"What did he do to you...?" Benny asked, clenching his jaw and staring down at her worriedly.

"Nothing, we just got into a fight. I thought it was you.." The ginger rubbed the back of her neck anxiously.

Benny shook his head, "We'll get rid of him. Hopefully soon."

Ivy chuckled slightly and grabbed his hand, "I should've known it wasn't you.. I'm sorry."

He furrowed his eyebrows and squeezed her hand, "Iv, You have nothing to be sorry about. I should have told you sooner about the evil twins but I couldn't find you.."

"I usually hate dorky couples but you two make it work" Erica said from behind them.

They backed away from each other and turned red.

"W-We're not together." Ivy stuttered.

"Really? Oh." The blonde said, grinning slightly. She vampire-sped down the hall.

Ethan walked over and sighed, "I'm guessing you know what's going on now." He looked at Ivy who nodded.

"Alright uh, you two find Benny," He pointed to Benny and Sarah. "Ivy and I will find Hannah."

Benny tapped the locker and turned to Sarah, "You heard the man, let's go!"

* * *

"I don't see her anywhere?" Ivy said as they walked through the hall.

"Me either, I don't see anyone." Ethan muttered.

They walked up to Mr. G who was setting up a camera in the hallway.

"Mr G?" Ethan questioned.

"Okay, happy time."

"I thought Hannah was taking the photos?" Ivy asked.

"Oh, Hannah was making the other students cry.. so I went ahead and took over." Coach replied.

"Where did she go?"

Coach pointed down the hall, "She went into the dark room I guess she was in a hurry to get that class photo that she made, developed."

Ethan laughed nervously, "Class photo?"

"Oh yeah, she must've got a hundred students in there. I just wish sh-she.. didn't have to threaten their lives so many times." Coach added.

Ivy grabbed his arm and pulled the brunette towards the dark room.

"This is bad." She mumbled.

"I know." Ethan pushed open the door and Hannah shouted his name.


She was tied to a chair. "She was.. and then she was.." The dark-haired girl stuttered.

Ivy crossed her arms, "Huh."

"It's okay, I'm here to help you." Ethan went on. "Where are the negatives to your camera, we have to destroy them."

The door opener and Ivy spun around.

"Ethan, don't untie her. She's evil." The other Hannah said to him.

"She's lying! I'm Hannah. Destroy the negatives quick, they're in that case."

Ivy started to walk over to it and evil Hannah grabbed her arm. "Not so fast."

Just then, the door swung open and Erica walked in.

"Hannah! This is for ruining my yearbook photo." The vampire slapped her and she let go of Ivy.

"Here!" The ginger tossed the case over to Ethan while evil Hannah and Erica fought each other.

"Use the acid!" Hannah shouted to Ethan. He grabbed it and poured it into the case.

"No!" Evil Hannah yelled before vanishing.

"How did you know that one was the evil twin?" Ethan asked Erica who was panting.

"Evil twin? Really? I just came in here to eat- uh, slap her around a bit." The blonde vampire walked out fast.

"Hannah, are you ok?" Ethan asked as he walked over and started to untie her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's happening?"

"It's all over, I destroyed all the negatives."

The door opened and evil Benny walked in. Ivy backed up into the wall and clenched her jaw.

"Not quite, you missed one." He pulled a paper out of his pocket. "Or two."

"You know, I think "evil benny" needs a worse girlfriend. Say.. oh no!" He picked up the camera and snapped a photo of Ivy before running out.

"No! Stop!" Ethan yelled and ran to the door. Hannah joined him.

"It's no use, he locked it.." Ivy muttered.

They continued to bang on the door. Ivy just watched with her arms crossed.

Suddenly Sarah yanked open the door. Ivy pushed past her and rushed down the hall looking for Benny.

She stopped outside of the boys bathroom and made a face. "Is it worth it...?"

There was a bang then Benny laughed, "You dropped something!"

Ivy hesitated for a second then pushed the door open.

Evil Benny had his hand around Benny's ankle, trying to pull him down.

"Times up sweetness!" She yelled, kicking him in the stomach as hard as she could.

He let go and Benny flushed the negatives down the toilet. Evil Benny disappeared and they both sighed.

The brunette came out of the stall.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"I just flushed myself down the toilet. I'm gonna need some time.."

* * *

"Is that Ethan?" Ivy pointed to the brunette boy walking with Hannah Price.

"Yes it is." Benny said with a proud smile.

They started walking over and heard Hannah say, "My boyfriend loves movies!"

Benny looked down at Ivy and made a face and shifted the camera he was holding onto tightly.

"Boyfriend? That rots dude.." He said as Ethan turned to us and sighed.

"At least I got my camera back, means grandma won't spank me.. With lightning.." Benny chuckled nervously and hurried away.

Ivy shook her head and smiled.

"So Hannah never liked me. She was just really nice?" Ethan said, turning to Ivy.

"Yeah.. that can happen too." The ginger muttered and patted his shoulder.

"So, you're saying a girl can be mean when she likes you or maybe she doesn't like you, and she's just really nice?" Ethan questioned.

"Yeah, basically."

"Girls are so confusing."

Benny suddenly ran over with wide eyes. "Ethan! Evil Benny rented a go-cart!"

"I'm over it!" The brunette said, spinning around.

"Come on!" Benny shouted, dragging Ethan with him.

"You're welcome?" Ivy muttered as they drove away.


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